Intertwined Fates

You blinked.



Your mouth dropped open slightly, and you started to process what she said.

"I think I've fallen for Jungkook."

All you could think was, why him? 

"You what?" 

"I like him. I don't know when this started but he's been caring for me so much more than compared to the first time we saw each other, sober. I just kind of developed feelings for him overtime and I just felt the need to tell you about it, because I know Jungkook means a lot to you—" 

You let out a bitter laugh, stopping what she was trying to tell you. You just felt like a pathetic joke.

You took in a deep breath, "I guess I mean nothing to him now that he has you, right?" You asked, pain evident in your eyes as you looked right into Yoona's eyes. 

"No! You got it all wrong, I don't—" 

"What did I get wrong? Enlighten me. And I really do hope I am wrong."

"No, no—"

"He was completely taken away from my life since the day I left you in his care, alright? Stop denying that fact. You don't have to rub it in my face to let me know that you have him under your possession now. You don't have to ask me for any permission to have him, he's not mine. You clearly know that he's not even spending any time with me now that you happened." 

Yoona's eyes widened. 

"I don't know if you're aware of this but we've been avoiding each other even when we were living together. We stopped everything we used to do together, we changed. Instead of the lovey dovey mornings we had together, we completely stopped having mornings together. Our movie nights changed to your movie nights with him and my clubbing, drinking till I'm drunk out of my senses so I won't go home crying when I see the both you together. His 'sweetheart' was replaced with him cursing at me now, can you see what has happened to us?" You questioned her, hoping she will truly know what is wrong.

"I wasn't sure about my feelings before, but I sure as hell know I don't like seeing Jungkook with you or any other girls for crying out loud." You paused, looking up at her, right into her eyes.

"But what can I do? He said I deserved it, and how I wish that wasn't true. I wish that I didn't just let him go without putting up a fight. I know it's too late for me to change anything so I'm not going to play this game anymore."

You swallowed hard, your lips trembling.


"You can have him. If he's willing to throw away all we had then... I don't want him anymore."


You didn't even want to hear anything from her anymore, so before she could react to your words, you just walked off with tears b in your eyes and a heavy heart.

You stumbled to your desk, bumping into a few shelves in the process as all the realization came hitting at you. Fumbling for your phone, you quickly called Taehyung, but to no avail. So you clenched your fist in panic and turned around, looking for someone, anyone that could help you. 

"Hey, Hyomin? What's with your face? You look like you just saw a ghost, are you okay?" Hyoyeon appeared from behind and asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. 

"No, I feel sick." 

"What, really? Alright, tell you what. I'll tell boss you're feeling crappy so you went home, that's settled. Can you go by yourself, or do you need Tae here?" Hyoyeon suggested, looking at you worriedly. 

You sighed. "He's not picking up."

"Take a taxi home, you have money, right?" 

You nodded, "Will do, thanks." 

"Drop by the doctor and get some meds. Then remember to eat your meds and rest, don't be an idiot." 

You quickly gathered your stuff, leaving the files behind because you knew you wouldn't be able to complete any work at home in this state of mind you were in right now. 

"Call me when you're home, okay? I guess I won't be seeing you soon, you look really sick. Be safe and get out now." 

"You're being so nice right now it's weird," You said, standing up and bidding goodbye to your friend.


Once you got out of the office building, Taehyung called you. 

"Hello? Hyomin? What's going on? Why'd you call?" He asked, sounding worried over the phone. 

You chuckled softly, "Nothing much, I'm sick and I just got out of work."

"Oh no, are you okay? I'm about 20 minutes away from you right now, you know what, I'll go get you then—" "It's fine, Tae. Stay there and do your thing, I'll go to the doctor's by taxi, I'll be alright on my own." You assured him, looking around, hoping to spot a taxi.

You heard Taehyung sigh heavily on the opposite side of the line, "Are you sure? Don't bail out on me and just faint halfway there, okay?" 

You laughed halfheartedly, "I won't, I'm fine." 

"You say that all the time, but are you really?" 

His question caught you off guard and you had to think about what to answer him. 

"I'm fine, this time." You mumbled firmly. 

"Oh, I'll try to drop by the hospital later to pick you up, wait for me."

"You don't have to, Taehyung."

"I'll definitely go, so no complaining."

"Okay, okay."

Taehyung hummed in understanding, "Stay safe, sweetheart. Love you," He said, surprising you. 

"A-Ah, yeah I will." You replied, stunned as you hung up quickly. 

Shaking that feeling off, you hailed a taxi and asked to go to the nearest hospital. 


Taehyung held his face in his hands after he hung up and placed the phone back onto his desk. Slowly, he retracted from his hands and knocked his head onto the table a few times, silently cursing to himself. 

"Damn it! I shouldn't have said that, it just slipped. Ugh- whatever, stupid, stupid! Kim Taehyung, what were you thinking!" His hands clenched into fists as he thought about that embarrassing moment earlier.  

He couldn't stop thinking of how sick you could be and that you were alone, in a car with a stranger. Yes, he thought maybe he was just being paranoid but when he turned to the flatscreen television that was on his right, a kidnap case was flashed onto the screen. 

Taehyung groaned and stood up from his seat, running a hand through his soft hair. He looked around his desk and caught sight of his car keys, wallet and phone then he made a beeline to the CEO's office. 

Without knocking, he burst into the office. 

"Dad? I'll be leaving for a while, sorry about that."

"But you need to attend the—"

Taehyung frowned as he held onto the door frame. 

"I'll try to get back quickly, but if not then I am really sorry." 

"No, wait. Son—"

Of course, being the worried Taehyung he was, he didn't bother listening to what his father had to say about that stupid dinner at night. Why would he bother to eat dinner with a bunch of old people and some person he didn't even want to know when he could spend the night being by your side, taking care of you and nursing you back to perfect health? Of course he'd pick the second option even in his next lifetime. 

"Son!" He heard his father yell from the office just before the elevator doors closed.


Bowing, you stood up and thanked the doctor then proceeded out the door. But stopped halfway and held onto the walls outside when you felt your head throb from the growing fever. Nonetheless, you just continued walking to pharmacy to get your medicines. 

You couldn't help but frown at the amount of pills you had to take, you hated eating medicines ever since you were a kid, it just irked you in a way that couldn't be described properly. 

"Hyomin!" You heard a familiar voice call out as you were making your way out of the hospital.

"Hey, Taehyung." You said, smiling faintly at him.

He looked at you intently for a few moments before he spoke, "Are you feeling okay?" 

You nodded, pulling him out of the sickly hospital. You refused to stay in there a second longer because you hated the atmosphere of it. It just made your throat dry and the hair at the back of your neck stand.

"Okay, let's get you home." He grinned and slid your hand into his, walking you to the car park to get his car. 


Taehyung pulled the covers over you and leaned in closer to touch your forehead. He bit his lip and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "You're still burning up a bit, but you just took your meds.. So I guess after a bit of rest, you'll be back in the pink of health." He smiled, looking at you dearly. 

"No worries, if Doctor Tae can't fix you, there's always Mommy Jin and Daddy Namjoon." He winked. 

You laughed lightly, humming back as a response to what he said previously. 

"I'll be heading out a while, I need to get something done at the office. You'll be okay at home alone, right?" He asked worriedly, lighting up vanilla scented candle on the bedside desk. "I'll manage, go do your thing." You said, voice raspy from the sore throat you were having. 

Taehyung looked a bit unsure, rubbing the back of his nape. "Sorry that I have to leave, but I promise I'll be back really quickly." He stated seriously, then grabbed his phone and keys. "I'll be fine, Taehyung." You reassured him.


After sleeping in for 2 hours, you got up to look for a glass of water for your dry throat but it hit you that almost half of your belongings were still at Jungkook's apartment. You looked through the carrier from the hospital and swallowed down some pills, cringing at the bitter aftertaste. 

It took you an entire 10 minutes of battling with your own willpower to pick yourself up, take a warm shower and get dressed to get your stuff back. 

After picking out a pair of black jeans and flowery black pullover, you looked into the mirror to pull your hair into a ponytail. The way you looked so sickly and pale scared you, so you decided to cover it up with some light makeup to at least look presentable in public.

You quickly grabbed your phone and wallet, not forgetting to bring along an empty duffel bag before heading out. 


Not even bothering to ring the doorbell or whatnot, you just keyed in the password to the house and pushed the door open without any hesitation. 

Or more like, you've been hurt so much you didn't really care anymore.




You froze on the spot, easily recognizing the voice that called out your name from behind. 

"Sorry, I just came back to get my stuff." You mumbled, not bothering to turn around to greet him or whatnot. You pushed the door of the guest room open and nothing really changed, it was still the room you lived in then. Everything was intact and surprisingly clean, but you didn't bother thinking much about that since he probably doesn't as well. 

You threw open the warddrobe and ripped the clothes off their hangers, folding them as best as you could before pushing them into your duffel bag. 

Within a short 10 minutes, you practically cleared out the whole of the room. 

You threw a furtive glance at the bed that you hardly slept on for the past few months. You couldn't help but let out a bitter chuckle at the memories of you sleeping on the dining table or the study desk after a all-nighter, or even the couch if you didn't make it to the bed or any other soft surface in the morning. 

But really, most of the time you spent your nights sleeping in Jungkook's protective arms, on his warm bed with him, in his embrace. 

That was something you were guilty of, and something you couldn't deny.

Silently, you mumbled a soft 'thank God' to yourself under your breath when you noticed that Yoona didn't move in with him after you moved out. 

Tossing that thought aside, you made your way out of the room and threw the bag aside on the couch as you turned around, remembering something. 

This time, you knocked and pushed open the door to Jungkook's very own room.

A manly scent of him that was laced with a hint of lavender welcomed you and nostalgia hit you hard. Your heart clenched at the flashbacks you had after glancing at every single corner of the cozy room that you used to spend so many nights in. 

Jungkook was sitting at the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands with his elbows on his knees.

"Hyomin? What do you need?" He asked softly, realizing that you were in his room.

"Hey, uhm, I just remembered I left my bracelet here." You said.

"Ah, this?" Jungkook mentioned, standing up and making his way closer to you as he extended his hand. He opened his palm and there was silver chain bracelet. "Yes," you replied. 

He reached his other free hand out and grabbed yours, opening your palm and putting the bracelet inside. Sighing, he let go. 

He touch burned you.

"How have you been?" His soft voice shook you internally, you were at the brink of losing your sanity. 

With one hand closing around your bracelet, you answered him. "I'm doing okay. I just didn't know it was possible to miss someone this much until I rolled over in the middle of the night, and tried to wrap myself around you, but found nothing but the cold sheets and an empty bed." 

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon