Intertwined Fates

You slept so peacefully. Your long lashes rested right at the top of your cheeks and your lips were so plump because of how they were pressed together from the way you were sleeping and he chuckled. Slightly, you snuggled closer to the pillow and your hair fell gently in front of your face.

Jungkook blinked in surprise before delicately reaching out and brushing your hair away from your face.

"He's an idiot for not knowing how good he's got.." Jungkook whispered to himself as he continued to look at you, smiling occasionally at how angelic you looked as he sat beside the bed.

And then was when he realized it.

How deeply in love he was with you. 

His train of thoughts were broken when you groaned a little. Your eyes then fluttered open as you yawned, stretching. You then realized the cheery Jungkook sitting by the bed with a huge grin on his face as he watched your every move. 

"Hey you."  He said, smiling. 

"Hey back." You giggled, seeing how goofy he could be. 

"How was your sleep, princess?" 

You chuckled at his use of words and poked his forehead with your finger, "It was great, Jeon. Thank you for the bed." You smiled warmly at him, making his heart flutter a little at how perfect you looked even when you just woke up. "You're welcome. I made breakfast! Come down and get it before it's eaten by the others." 

You nodded at him as he closed the door behind him. 

He had this group of friends he always hung out with during his free time, they always dropped by and they were the nicest people ever. You pushed the covers away as your tip toes touched the cold wooden floor, you made your way to the bathroom and washed yourself up to look presentable.

"Jeon Jungkook, you're so in love!" Taehyung poked fun at him as he saw Jungkook walk out the hallway into the dining room with a satisfied and blissful smile on his face. "Oh shut up, Tae." He tried to hide his smile, but failed even more terribly when Hoseok wriggled his eyebrows at him when they caught side of you walking out. 

"Morning, Hyomin!" Hoseok greeted with a smug smile on his face. "Morning everyone." You greeted back as you yawned once more, making your way to the kitchen to pour yourself a cup of coffee. 

You needed your daily douse of caffine to start your day, or else you'll get all cranky through the day.

"She's y in your clothes, Kook." Namjoon joked around, making Jin choke on his milk. He received a huge blow to the back of his head by Yoongi who then raised a brow him with an uninterested face. 

"Namjoon, I can hear you from here, I'm not that far away." You shifted a little bit to meet his gaze as he looked down awkwardly, rubbing the back of his nape. "Sorry.." 

You shook your head as you poured yourself a cup of coffee, sipping from it then heading back to Jungkook's room to change into a pair of black jeans instead of those disgustingly short boxers that showed so much skin. 

"Here, sit." Jungkook gestured to a seat beside him when you walked back into the dining room. 

You took a seat as the boys all looked at you eagerly.

"Why.." You trailed off as you forced an awkward smile onto your face, wrapping your fingers around the mug. "So.. How's you?" Hoseok asked slyly, cutting into his pancake.

"I'm fine, thank you." 

"Aren't you going to eat?" Taehyung asked you as he pushed your place towards you, cocking his head in your direction, urging you to take your breakfast. 

You shook your head no and took a sip from your mug. "I have to go back to the office to finish up some stuff from yesterday's shoot," 

"Or that you don't have to mood to stomach anything." Jungkook mumbled, looking at you.

You shrugged and let out a dry laugh, gesturing for them to finish up their food. 

Your phone then vibrated, Hongbin's name flashing across the screen. You squinted your eyes to make out the text but you had to unlock your phone to get to it. 

Your eyes widened and your fingertips went cold. It felt like your heart stopped and all the air were out from you. You couldn't breath when you processed the message sent to you.

Happy Anniversary, sweetheart.

Attached to Hongbin's message wasn't just a normal image, like any other day, when he'd send you a dorky photo of him which you still loved. 

It was a picture of him sleeping shirtless, and Hani on the same bed with him as she posed for a selfie under the covers, trying to cover herself up decently enough to take a picture.

You and Hongbin's bed. 

You didn't know what to feel.

"What is it?" Jin asked softly, looking into your eyes because he noticed how you froze in your seat with wide eyes.

You couldn't answer him, because you knew that you'd cry the moment you speak about it. So you just let go of your phone and placed it on the dining table, standing up as you placed the back of your hand to your face, trying to control your tears. You walked to the bathroom.

"Hyung." Jungkook's gaze locked with Jin's as he looked like he's just been shot. He spoke firmly as he pushed your phone to the middle of the table where everyone could take a good look at the picture that was displayed across your phone screen. 

Jin's jaw tightened, "Isn't that Hyomin's boyfriend?" 

His eyes flickered to Jungkook, asking for confirmation. Jin was really protective of you, he was the oldest of the group and always felt like he had a responsibility for every body. Honestly, he had a crush on you for some years but he decided to let you go. A part of him still has a portion emptied out for you, but he decided not to show you since he knew of how the youngest felt for you.

Indeed, you are an attractive woman that stood out in many different aspects. 

"It is, Jin hyung. It's Lee Hongbin." Yoongi answered, placing his utensils down and pushing his plate away, suddenly losing his appetite, which he never did. Jin growled softly, an undeniably dangerous aura surrounding him. "Who the hell is she?" 

"A model which assisted our shoot alongside Hongbin yesterday for Hyomin. She tried to get some of me but she couldn't so I guess she went for Hongbin." Jungkook replied, shivering a little at Jin's hostality. 

Hoseok scoffed. "And that gladly accepted it too, apparently."

" 'Happy anniversary, sweetheart'? What the is wrong with them?" Namjoon raised his voice a little.

Jungkook immediately stood up, rushing to the bathroom.

You were curled up together, your knees brought towards your chest as you sobbed heartbreakingly. Jungkook softened at you crying as he felt his heart clench painfully, he sighed. Bending down to your level, he looked at you while holding your arms. 

"Don't cry over something this silly." He mumbled and pulled you into his embrace. 

Jungkook wished so badly that he could do something for you — anything — to make you feel better. He wanted to be in your position, the one sobbing his heart out painfully instead of you. Jungkook didn't want to see you be in so much pain because it hurt him more badly that you could've imagined at all. 

He rubbed soothing circles on your back as your sobs softened down. 

"Jungkook, I'm okay now." You whispered before he pulled away, looking at you carefully before catching a glimpse of your glistening tears, then using his thumb to wipe them away. 

"Princesses aren't pretty when they cry." 

You smiled weakly at him remark. "I need to get back to the office soon, I'll be fine. Thank you, Jungkook."

Jungkook knew you inside out; he knew when you were at your best and when you were at your worst. He's seen the different sides of you that you could portray, be it the good or the bad sides— he loved them all. And right now, he could tell that you were lying to him, that you were not okay at all. But he decided to just keep his mouth shut and let you do what you wanted to, maybe it'll be the best for you. 

Jungkook hummed, "I'm going back with you. I'll go get my car, wait for me."


"What the did you just do?! Get the off my bed!" Hongbin shouted, pushing the stranger off his bed with wide eyes. His grip on his phone tightened and he was glaring daggers at the said person. 

She smirked, twirling the ends of her brown hair as she looked innocently into Hongbin's rage-filled eyes. "It's not your loss, trust me. She's not worthy for you." She paused and gave Hongbin a small smile, "But you know who is?" 

"What the are you even-"

"I am perfect for you, Lee Hongbin. Don't you get it?"

Hongbin was utterly disgusted at how fake this girl was, how every part of her looked like it was ripped off from a plastic doll in the shelves of those shopping malls.

What made him feel worse was that this girl he hardly knew drugged his drink and brought herself back to his home. And when he thought it was the most she could've ever done, he woke up to find himself shirtless with this disgusting being, telling him that she looked through his phone and screwed his life up by sending that one sickening message to his girlfriend. 

Great, just what he needed.

"I don't need you telling me who I should be with or not, I don't even know you." Hongbin threw his phone onto the bed after slipping into a t-shirt. He locked eyes with the girl he presumed was Hani, "All I need right now is for you to get the out from my house." He hissed and gestured towards the door.

"But oppa-"

Hongbin scoffed, "What the hell is wrong with you? Get out before I call the cops." 

Hani rolled her eyes and picked up her purse, stomping out after whispering something along the lines of "You're gonna regret this." 

Hongbin ran his fingers through his brown locks, sighing. "Oh my God, I'm so screwed this time."


Jungkook started the engine after you buckled your seatbelt. "Jeon, I'll wash this and return it to you soon." You mumbled loud enough for him to hear as you adjusted your position to make it comfortable for the ride. "It's okay, take your time." He replied, stopping at a red light. 

You phone vibrated again, Hongbin's name lighting up on the screen from his call. 

With trembling fingers, you took a deep breath and picked up the call.

"Hello? Hyomin-ah, I'm so sorry for that. I can explain-"

Jungkook could tell that it was Hongbin by expression on your face, he reached out and grabbed your phone, placing it to his ear, "There's no use explaining anymore, Lee Hongbin. Take a look at what you've done." Jungkook hissed into the phone, eyes stone cold.

You gasped softly and looked out the window with sad eyes. 

"Yes, I'm Jeon Jungkook. The guy you accused Hyomin of being all flirty with." You could hear Jungkook growl. "Shut the up and look at what you're doing to her. It's not even a day after your little fight and now you're doing this to her? And you still have the audacity to ring her up?" Jungkook scoffed in distaste. 

"You're disgusting." He spat menacingly as he hung up, not even bothering to listen to what nonsense Hongbin has to say back. 

Your eyes shifted back to Jungkook who placed your phone into the cup holder by the side of the door, refusing to give it back to you. His eyes were fixed on the road as his hands gripped tightly onto the steering wheel. Jeon Jungkook was really angry. 

You bit your lip, studying his face.

You noticed that he changed so much. From that baby-faced guy to... this hot mess in front of you right now. I mean, you didn't have the hots for him and he still had that baby face of his, but he matured so much from the guy you know months ago. 

He had this reddish wine-colored hair, slightly parted at the side as it showed his forehead, with the beads of sweat lining on it. His complexion was this milky white color that made him look as young as ever, complimenting his black orbs that showed the world when you looked into them. He'd look so good in black eyeliner. You knew he had many piercings, just like you, but today he just had a black stud on each earlobe. His nose was straight and his lips were plump and in a baby pink shade, making you smile a little inside at how his inner-child still shined through despite him putting in the effort to look like a man, which he probably is already.

But the thing was, everyone knew he liked you, except you. 

You propped your chin up with your palm as your elbow rested on the arm rest by the door. You looked out the window and admired the quiet streets of Seoul in the morning, where the workholics were busy rushing to their offices, just like how you were, and families were just going out for breakfast. 

You noticed couples hand in hand, walking along the empty streets with blissful smiles hung across their faces, making them look so in love, like those people in those mainstream Korean dramas. You sighed at how happy they were at the moment, they probably wished they'd feel like this all their life. But you knew deep down that happy moments don't last, and that's what was bad about happy things. 

You'd have to spend such a long time longing for the happy times when you lose them, you actually forget to live in the moment. You forget about all your daily routines, dropping them behind, just to wait for the perfect one to show up again to make you happy once more. 

Honestly, you didn't know why all your past loves always didn't work out for you. Was it you or was it them? 

"Jungkook," You called out, wanting to find out the answer to your question. 

He hummed back in response, asking you to continue what you were going to say.

"Do you think I'm too jealous? Or am I over-reacting?" You asked anxiously, looking at Jungkook. 

He chuckled, "No, you're not. Trust me, I've seen worse. And even if you are, it just means that you care about Hongbin so much that you don't want to share him with other people. But the thing is, he doesn't want to share you with other people too, right? And he probably thinks I'm trying to steal you away from him and make you mine because what? I'm your good friend and I'm handsome?" He grinned cheekily at you before you hit his shoulder lightly, laughing,

He paused for a bit, "But do you think I'm handsome though?"

A small smirk graced your lips, "Think? I know that you're handsome, Jeon." You scoffed at his lack of self-esteem, or so you think it was but whatever. 


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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon