Intertwined Fates

Daehyun kept it in. He kept in all his emotions, he will never let them escape him again. He in a breath and closed the cover of the cardboard box that contained every bit of memory he had with Hyomin. From simple movie tickets, polaroid pictures to their promise ring and a wilted blue rose that went back a few summers. 

Hyomin had a thing for roses, especially blue ones. It intrigued her somehow and Daehyun got them every monthsary they spent together. This one— she made him keep it. For no special reason, she wanted wanted him to have something that she thought was precious to her, which was a stalk of blue rose.

Daehyun's eyes went cold, he shook off those thoughts that were still haunting him and carried the box up by the side handles. Pushing the door open with his foot, he was about to head to Han River and dump the memories away— together with all his feelings for her.

"Dae, where are you going?" 

"Himchan Hyung? Why are you still up so late?" Daehyun asked as he made out Himchan's face in the dark, placing the box on the coffeetable. "I could ask the same to you, Dae. Where are you heading to?" Himchan asked persistently. 

Daehyun hesitated. "I'm going to Han River," "What for?" Himchan asked with a brow raised, confused. "To throw away some stuff." Daehyun mumbled, soft enough to let the other hear him. 

"Alright, be home quickly." Himchan said after sighing, realizing what Daehyun was referring to. 


"Oh my God no!" You shot up from your bed, gasping for air with perspiration rolling down the sides of your face. "Baby, are you okay?" Hongbin asked worriedly, cupping your cheeks. Your eyes started watering as you recalled what you dreamt about— your mum drowning and you couldn't save her. "You were calling for me, I didn't know what to do, I was so scared, babe. You scared me so much." Hongbin said as he pulled you into a tight hug. 

"I'm okay, Hongbin. Just the same old silly nightmares." You tried to sound okay but really, you were more than terrified. "I'm sorry I couldn't come home last night, I was caught up in the photo shoots and it was too late to let me back so Hakyeon hyung asked me to stay over at his.." He trailed off, rubbing your back with one hand as the other was around your waist. You chuckled, "It's okay, I understand." 

Hongbin pulled away from the hug and took a good look at your face, frowning. "You look so tired, have you not been sleeping well these few days?" You sighed and nodded, telling him about the overwhelming amount of work you've been piled with since one of your collegues went on maternity leave. "What about you? I haven't been seeing you so often now. When I come back home you're not even back. When I leave, it'll always be a step later than you." 

Hongbin sighed apologetically, acknowledging the fact that the both of you haven't been in the best state the past days. "I'm sorry, I have so many different photoshoots to go to even I am getting tired just by standing there and what, smiling?" You shook your head, letting out a soft giggle. "Hey don't say that, it's tiring okay." Hongbin smiled at your little protest and kissed the tip of your nose. "Well then, let us have some 'us' time today, yes?" 

Nodding you pulled away your covers and stood up, stretching. Hongbin walked over and s his arms around your waist, placing his chin on your shoulder and taking in your feminine scent. "I smell flowers," He wrinkled his nose and said as you tried to fold your small blanket you always had with you. "It's my new shampoo, Bean." 

He reached closer to your cheek and pecked it, "I love you," He said, releasing you from his back hug. "I love you too." You smiled as he closed the door behind him. You quickly made your bed, not forgetting to straighten out your tank top and sweat shorts. Pulling your hair into a messy pony tail, you quickly washed up. The smell of breakfast traveled up your nostrils, making a small smile creep up your face. Taking one last look at your room, you closed the white wooden door behind you and proceeded down the stairs.

"Hey, Hyo!" 

"Oh my God, Lee Hongbin! You piece of !" You groaned as you saw the other 5 boys at the dining table, eating breakfast that Hongbin prepared. "Fiesty," Hongbin smirked and enveloped you in a hug. "Do you really think this is going to help, Lee Hongbin. So much of the 'us' time, it wows me." You spat, pulling yourself out of your lover's embrace. 

"Yah! Are we that bad?" Hakyeon asked, glaring playfully at you with his fork in his mouth. You wasted no time to glare back at him, pulling out a chair next to Jaehwan, facing the empty seat that was supposed to occupy the silent Taekwoon. You oddly had a connection with him, despite him being this quiet. You may even be with him if you weren't with Hongbin, but you quickly shook off that weird thought. You didn't know why, you just clicked with Taekwoon. 

"Hey, go sit there." Hongbin shooed away Jaehwan as he took over the seat of the scowling big nosed man. "Forgive me, princess! I have sinned, but you love me, please admit that, your Highness." He took your hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it. 

"You are disgusting." Taekwoon muttered, sitting back down on his seat. "Thank you for pointing that out," You made a face and said, biting into the toast. Hongbin frowned, but let you finish your food first before saying anything.

"So what plans do you have for today?" Wonshik asked, gulping down the orange juice one shot. You shrugged in Hongbin's embrace, "What do you guys want to do?". All of them started thinking about what they wanted to do, but seemed to have came to no conclusion. 

"Let's go to the beach, each

let's go get away—"

Wonshik rushed over to get his phone, smiling in embarrassment for his ringtone as snorts went around the room. 

"Yes, mum? Yes, yes. No, I won't. No—Yes, yes, I will. Okay bye— no, bye mum. No, I'm not fat. Goodbye." The boy looked like he just finished fighting in a battle, and lost terribly. "Mums," He rolled his eyes and plopped onto the couch, sulking. "Let's go to the beach!" Sanghyuk suggested proudly, standing on the couch and fist pumping. "Yeah, let's!" Hongbin agreed, looking your way and then smirking. 

"I am not wearing a bikini so don't even try, Lee Hongbin." You warned him, glaring. 


"It's the beach!" Sanghyuk happily announced as Hongbin pulled the car to a stop, releasing the mad kids from the enclosed space. He chuckled when he noticed you struggling to carry all the things the kids left behind. "Here, let me." Hongbin took the picnic basket from you as he handed the car keys to you, instructing you to lock it. 

White, fluffy clouds glide across the pale blue sky; the fading, subdued moon sits redundantly behind them. The sun has awakened and is promptly emerging through the hazy sky. The cloudy layer creates a pleasant blanket from the sun.

Birds simultaneously tweet out to each other in a chorus, singing a soothing, melodic tune. A graceful robin flies swiftly across the open pasture, flowing beside the gentle breeze, back to its vigilantly poised nest on the branch of a tree. The coconut trees swayed in the cool breeze, making the relaxing sounds every so often.

You let out a relived sigh, then taking in a deep breath. "It's been so long!" Hongbin said as he placed the bags down on the picnic mat. "I'm going there, do you want to come along, babe?" He asked, smiling at you as he took off his shirt, revealing his toned body. "It's okay, I'd rather stay here." You rejected as you quietly checked him out as he folded his shirt and placed it onto the mat neatly, along with the other's messy pile. "I still can't believe you're my boyfriend," You blurted out, you then realized what you were talking about  and placed a hand over your mouth. Hongbin chuckled playfully as he kneeled down onto your eye level and grinned, "You are mine." He charmingly said and you were pretty sure you died one more time. 

You were practically hyperventilating and fangirling so hard on the inside. Damn, this hottie was your boyfriend. Your stomach did the usual somersaults and you could feel the butterflies fluttering inside as he shot you his dimpled smile. "Be safe," He kissed your forehead and ran off to join the other boys. 

You cupped your own cheeks and asked yourself if this was reality. Sighing again in total bliss, you took out a book from your bag. Leaning against the coconut tree, you started reading. This was perfect— the breeze was occasional and not strong, you had the perfect book in your hands and you had a half-, wet, hot boyfriend running around with 5 other hot guys in front of you. 

After 5 minutes of flipping your book, you looked up. 

This was so not okay.

4 other girls in bikinis were playing around with the boys— your boys. They were happily in the clear waters, splashing around and having fun, except for the awkward Taekwoon that was currently standing at the far end, trying not to socialize with a bunch of idiots. Even Hongbin was playing around. 

You sulked, squinting your eyes at them, scrutinizing those girls very carefully. Okay, you had to admit they were exceptionally pretty. But this was Korea and of course the girls are pretty, you rolled your eyes and huffed. Those girls had the perfect body proportion and they had quite nice chests too, which were so obvious in those swim suits, no scratch that, bikinis they were wearing. 

You bit your lower lip, thinking about your own bikini you wore underneath your crop top and high waisted shorts. You were always worried about what others will think about your body. Is it too skinny or too fat? Despite your mother always telling you that you were a little bit too skinny, you went on diets at times. You self esteem for your body was just too low. 

But on the other hand, you didn't want to let those girls get in your way. They were honestly getting on your nerves at how one girl had her hands on Han Sanghyuk's waist. Like hello? He is too young for this and you object to this! You sat down and contemplated for a while if you should get into action or not. Because you were pretty confident that you will smack those girls in the face if you get too close. And besides, you obvious had competiton compared to them because you were not too bad yourself. At least you were a nice person inside.

But you immediately threw away all your insecurities when you saw the girl with the brown hair and big eyes landing her hands on Lee Hongbin's chest. Your Lee Hongbin's chest. 

You rolled your eyes and stood up, taking off your shirt and revealing your coral pink bikini top. Maybe those diets and gym dates with Hongbin did work afterall. You put on your best smile and sauntered to the group, pulling your hair tie once you reached there, flipping your wavy brown hair. 

Keeping quiet, you just stood at the side, until Hongbin realized that you were there, he tore the girl off him. "Babe," He seemed to have known your intention and shot a look at the boys, walking over and wrapping an arm around your waist. "Lee Hongbin, you're so dead. I swear." You hissed under your breath as he pulled you closer to him. "I'm so sorry," He whispered, placing a kiss on your lips. 

You pulled away and rolled your eyes, dragging him back. 

"What the flipping hell were you trying to do?" You questioned, crossing your arms, glaring daggers at him. "I— sorry babe. I thought it was only a friendly thing until she touched me.." He trailed off apologetically, looking down. You looked over and realized that the boys were looking at the both of you with awkward and apologetic smiles on, the group of girls far away but still looking at all of you. 

"You have a really nice body," Taekwoon muttered under his breath, his face turning red. All eyes turned to him, wide in shock. Then back at your body, taking in how perfect shaped you were. You furrowed your eyebrows then realized you were wearing your bikini top, your cheeks burned in embarrassment. 

"Yah! What the hell guys! Quit looking, she's mine." Hongbin shielded you protectively from the lust filled eyes of the guys. "No, why don't all of you go back to your girl group over there, yes?" You asked sarcastically, turning around and picking up a bottle of water on the ground. What you didn't notice was all the boys' attention was on your , which faced them perfectly. You ignored them and drank the water, trying to calm your raging self. 

"B-Babe?" Hongbin called out as you looked over, clueless. He traced a finger from the corner of his mouth right down to the middle of his chest. It took you a while to realized but when you did, but quickly wiped away the water droplet on your chest. "You guys are freaking erts." 

"Of course. I mean, look at you. Holy ." Jaehwan cursed as Hongbin bent down to pick up and button up he had. Placing it around your shoulders and covering you from the dirty gazes directed at you. 

You could only chuckle.


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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon