Intertwined Fates


"I've been married to Park Haejin for almost 25 years now, we go a long way back. And, I guess he probably got tired of me." 

Your heart broke at how your mother put the sentence that way, like she was just a rag doll that could be thrown anywhere to be stepped on after someone got tired of it. No, it shouldn't be like this. Your mother wasn't an item, she was a human being with genuine feelings that she had all bottled up inside. Your mother wasn't just special to you, she was on amazing mother. She wasn't like those normal old women out there whose lives revolved around 3 things; money, work or men. She wasn't those that only focused on doing house chores, she knew how to live her life well. She was those chic moms you rarely see nowadays that didn't stress on how important it was to have good grades and totally forget about how your well-being mattered too.

Your mother was an amazing mother. Growing up without a mother, she swore that she'd grow up to be a responsible and loving mother. And indeed she was. 

If you could, you'd want to be her daughter again in the next life.

Your train of thoughts were broken when you felt someone hold your hand in his. You looked up and saw Taehyung smiling at you calmly. It was really heart-warming to see Taehyung being there like a real brother for you. "Are you okay?" He asked, giving your hand another gentle squeeze. "You look so out of yourself, do you want me to get you something to eat or drink?" He knelt down in front of you, ruffling your hair. You shook your head, "Thank you, Tae, but it's okay. I'm fine." You assured him.

"I know you're not okay, but that's okay." He mumbled kindly, looking into your eyes sincerely.

Your mother continued to tell more of her side of the story to Taeyeon as she typed it into her laptop, looking up every so often to check if this was too pressurizing for your mother to talk about. But she stopped suddenly, as if she was just shot in the head. "Uhm, Taehyung and Hyomin, if you're not comfortable with listening I suggest you leave now. I'll call you back later. Go grab some lunch or something, alright?" She motioned for the both of you to leave when she realized that the both of you were still in the room when she had to ask your mother some confidential questions to carry on with working on the case. 

"Yeah, sure." Taehyung grabbed your hand and walked to the direction of the door. "See you, mum." You said weakly, hoping she heard it before the shut behind you. "What do you feel like having?" Taehyung asked as the both of you made way to catch an elevator down to the ground floor. "I'm fine with anything, Tae. I'll have whatever you feel like." You replied, looking up at him and forcing out a smile. 

Taehyung pursed his lips together, "Come on, don't be so sad. I'm here to cheer you up!" 

It hit you that this was reality, no matter how much you tried to deny or try to reverse it, it would still be the same as it is now. So you decided that it shouldn't really matter to you that your parents' are getting divorced. Because guess what? Your father is just an who made up his mind that 'Oh okay, I'm tried of having a happy family. I'm just going to find on hot girl and mess with her now, I'll leave my whole family for her and give her my assests.' 

Grinning, you nodded at Taehyung. 

"I know this really cool restaurant down the street from here, my mom's favorite restaurant." You suggested, grabbing his hand to pull him along quickly. He chuckled at your change of attitude and nodded with a shy smile. He loved how warm your hand was in his.

It felt as though your hand fit so perfectly in his, as though you were made for him.

Breathing in the fresh air from outside, you were thankful that you weren't still stuck in that office building that only smelled of coffee, perfume and freshly printed paper. 

"My mum said that their baked lemon chicken tastes heavenly." You mumbled to Taehyung, sighing dreamily after that. "I love chicken." Taehyung spoke, making you giggle at how he randomly said that. You were about to say something back as you walked passed an empty alley, but you heard something that awfully sounded like an animal whimpering. 

You stopped dead in your tracks, then looked at Taehyung with a piercing stare. "Did you hear that, Tae?" Without listening to his reply, you turned around and tried to walk back to where you hear it from. Your eyes darted all around in search of the source of the whimpering and you finally saw where it came from. 

You gasped and ran into the alley, you bent down and picked up a puppy from a box that sat in on corner. "Taehyung-ah." You muttered in disbelief as he reached down, confused, into the box and picking up something from inside. "There's a piece of paper here." He let you know as he opened the piece of folded paper, it was what looked like a letter. 

"Hello, stranger. Firstly, I would like to thank you for noticing this box I left here. If you didn't, this puppy here would probably be dead by the end of this month. Secondly, I will now explain why he was left here. I was the one that left him here, I adopted him from the pet shelter just 2 weeks ago, because I wanted some company and I liked puppies. But when I got him, I realized that he was more of a burden then a stress reliever for me, and I started to think of how he'd grow up to become a big dog. I can't take care of him then, I don't want him anymore. Lastly, I know I'm really irresponsible for doing this, but I have my own reasons. 

Please take good care of him."

Taehyung's face turned solemn when he finished reading the sentence. Before you knew it, he crushed the piece of paper in his hands and threw it against the wall harshly. "Pathetic," He snarled angrily as his eyes went to the small box inside. You could literally feel the anger radiating from him it started to scare you, you never saw this aggressive side of Taehyung before. He was always this soft cutie that liked to poke fun of other people and fooled around cheekily. Taehyung growled, "Disgusting humans. Thinking that they can shirk the responsibility. ers." He cursed.

Then his eyes traveled to you, you were tenderly paying attention to the little animal you were holding in your hands, its head softly with your delicate hands. It snuggled against you comfortably, making you giggle at the cute puppy. Taehyung's eyes softened as he saw how kindly you were treating the abandoned animal in your arms. It made him forget the cruelty and obnoxiousness of those disgusting humans that thought that animals were just toys. 

You were an avid animal lover since you were a small kid. But you could never have any pets at home, especially dogs that you adored so much because your mother was allergic to dogs. You were sad that you weren't able to have a pet at home that you loved, but then again, you knew how important your mother was to you so you decided to just forget about it since your mother's health was more important. 

"Hyomin-ah, let's go to my house instead. I'll get my mom to cook us something to eat. We need to get him cleaned up and healthy." Taehyung stated firmly, "Give me your bag, I'll carry it for you." 


Taehyung's mother was really nice to you. She even asked if you need extra clothes if you got dirty from carrying the puppy, and if you needed you could just pick out some from Taeyeon's closet. Taehyung lead the way up to his room, opening the door for you as you mumbled a soft 'I'm sorry for disturbing' when you trotted in with the puppy still in your arms. 

Taehyung's room was simply decorated with classy black furniture just like in Jimin's house. The walls were painted grey  but the ceiling was white. The floor was of black wood. His bed with grey bed covers was right in the centre of the room, the black sheets tidied up neatly. On it's left was his desk with his laptop opened, some random pieces of paper sprawled across the desk together with pens and pencils. You weren't even surprised when you saw some candy wrappers lying around on the table. A calendar was on the right corner of the desk, marked with markers as there was a photo of him and Taeyeon stuck on the wall. Right above the desk was a built-in shelf with only a few black files and a clock on the wall. Just above his bed, there were photo frames; him with his family, the boys, his pet, his sister and you. You squinted your eyes to see that there was a small red heart drawn with marker on the white photo frame that held the photo of you and him.

Beside it was a black boxy bookshelf that had all his books ranging from novels, comics, textbooks from high school, photo albums, notebooks and some albums from the bands he liked. He had a dark blue wardrobe to the right of the bookshelf, it was of a reasonable size to fit all of his clothes. 

Next to his bed was another shelf that worked as a divider too. On it were more albums and a speaker that he used often, he said. There was a lamp on it, pointing towards the bed. 

The divider shelf thing separated his bed from an empty space in his room that served as a 'Taehyung kind of louge', as he would say. There was a white carpet spread on the floor, with multiple pillows around as well as two bean bags and one simple black sofa facing the large television that hung on the wall. His play station was carefully installed next to the television. 

Seeing how you were looking at the interior of his room, he shyly rubbed the back of his nape. "I know it's really messy, sorry about that." He chuckled awkwardly because it was the first time he had a girl enter his room. What more was that this girl was the one he adored so much. 

You laughed wholeheartedly, shaking your head as he mistook what you meant. "Your room is really nice." 

Taehyung smiled, "You can bring the little one into the bathroom," He pointed towards where his own bathroom was. "I'll go get some dog shampoo and food for him." He reached out to pat the puppy before he made his way out. 

"Let's go clean you up, cutie." You mumbled to the puppy as you trudged into Taehyung's bathroom. Placing the puppy into the bathtub, you stood up, removing your white blazer and placing it by the sink. His bathroom smelled of his body wash, cologne and shaving cream. He had a shower by the side with transparent glass doors, beside it was a toilet and the bathtub. The large mirror stretched along the bathroom with the sink right in the middle. There were cabinets below it as well which probably contained his toiletries. 

You heard Taehyung walking back, with dog shampoo in one hand and a small blue towel in the other. 

After cleaning up the puppy, Taehyung got it some food and water. The both of you sat down tiredly by the side as you watch the puppy hungrily wolf down all the food Taehyung gave. 

You sighed, "What do we do about him? He has no home.." You trailed off, looking sadly at the small animal which could hardly fend for itself. Taehyung looked at you and his heart ached at how sad you were for the puppy. "I would keep him but I already have Soonshim at home. She's sleeping now, that's why she's not here." He bit his lip and thought hard of what to do with this puppy, but his thoughts were cut off when he heard you giggle. 

"Soonshim is a funny name to give to a dog." 

Taehyung laughed, nodding in agreement with you. His laughter subsided when he remembered that this puppy was abandoned by its previous owner, for doing nothing wrong. He got abandoned for the most absurd reason ever; for growing up.

"How cruel of his owner to just leave him on the street like that. He probably suffered so much on the streets." Taehyung sighed dejectedly.

"I have grown up into a disordered world. There's people all over killing themselves and killing other people. I don't know where humanity went wrong, but this is not right. Kindness is a simple act and yet many lack the ability to do it. We are cruel to everyone around us and I do not know why. All it takes is a simple hello, a simple smile, to know that someone cares. We just want to know someone cares. To help this cruel world, we must take action ourselves to be kind. We always think 'someone else will do it' but what if they don't? You might be the only one. This world, it needs peace. We are in chaos. We have been victims to so many sadistic and cruel ways that we are shutting off. Our thoughts are becoming so unbalanced that we are doing harsh things. We are destroying out skin, our organs, our life, all to try to free the pain that has lived in our bodies so far too long. It has become a cycle. People are cruel, causing us to be cruel. It needs to stop. Nothing is changing. Do not let the bad in the world drive you mad, do not let it harden you. Always be the person you needed; maybe then, we can start a new cycle. Maybe then, this planet will find the peace it has been longing for." You fretted, closing your eyes. 

Taehyung was surprised at how you could change your moods that fast. But actually thought hard about what you said, smiling when he realized that you indeed think a lot about many different things. 

Your lips pressed into a thin line as you thought hard about it. "Words are cheap, Taehyung. You know that right?" You turned to look at him but he was already looking at you. "I know." He replied with his deep voice. 

At that moment when you were staring back at him, you realized how painfully handsome he was too. You started to question why were you even friends with all of these handsome kids that think they just look like any normal looking Korean citizen. His lips broke into a smile when he saw you staring at him. You quickly looked away, back to the puppy that was now lying on the white carpet taking a nap. "I'll bring him home." You stated firmly. 

"Will your mother allow that?" He asked, full of concern. 

"I think I'll have to move out to take care of him," You blurted, pointing at the puppy. 

"What? Why?" Taehyung questioned, confused as he looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"My mom is allergic to dogs." 

"Oh man," Taehyung groaned, rubbing his face as he thought of other options. "Maybe you can—" "No, I'm not going to bring it back to that stupid cardboard box again, Tae." You warned, knowing that he was going to suggest that. You confirmed your claim when you heard him curse silently under his breath. 

Moving towards the little puppy, you ran a hand through your hair. 

"I guess I have to move back in with Jungkook, if he allows me to."

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 31: To me tho
Both of them were at faults
Hyomin needs to be more discipline herself on loving just one person and stop being confusing
Jungkook too, should stop being such a jerk and left her and she just realised abt her feeling
However, its been such a beauty storyline that act. relateable in our world right now
hippojiggy #2
Chapter 31: I love how this story can relate so much to real life scenarios.... how people can promise you the world one day, then leave and forget you the next. I really hope this story updates and keeps going because I am so hooked and in love! Your writing is beautiful :)
momoxia #3
Chapter 31: omg omg omg omgeeeeeeee>.< dear author, could you update the stories frequently?:")) btw, why jungkook's so stubborn?:( i think he's still have feeling for hyomin tho
Reneisha #4
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Pls update soon author-nim!!!!
momoxia #5
Chapter 30: i wanna hug hyomin for her being brave and that strong. i dont think i'll be able to do that if i were her
momoxia #6
Chapter 30: OH please just update soon