Chapter 8 - Amusement park

The Cold Ones


Seohyuns POV
*The morning when Sooyoung went to school*
I know that Sunny likes Sooyoung.
The glimmer she has in her eyes when looking at Sooyoung; that's nothing else but love.
Therefore, this night i got an idea.
I haven't been out hunting for weeks, and i have to hunt before i leave to school (i don't want to kill any student)... Then i found out that Sooyoung could be my replacer in school today just so she could spend some time with Sunny.
"Sooyoung-eonni!" i shouted as she walked down the stairs.
"I have to ask you something!" i said and she hurried down the stairs.
"What is it?" she asked when she stood in front of me
"Can't you replace me in school today? Please eonni!"
"Wae? Why?" she asked and high-pitched her voice.
"I have to hunt" i said and my lips
"Yeh but... Why do you need a replacer? You have gone school many times and you know everything they learning out!"
I sighed.
Sooyoung bite her lip and thought for a moment.
"Okay then... But you are responsible if i accidentily kill someone" she then said
"Yaay! Thanks eonni! You're the best!" Seohyun exclaimed and hugged her friend.
Sooyoung giggled.
"Ok, ok! I have to go now"
Authors POV
*when school's over*
"C-can i come to your house again?" Sunny asked Sooyoung.
Sooyoung smiled a little of Sunnys nervousness.
"Ne, of course you can! I just have to tell them first"
Sunny nodded and waited while Sooyoung called home.
It was Seohyun who answered.
"Seohyun-ah! Sunny wants to visit us, i just wanted to check that it is okay!" Sooyoung said
"Oh... I have to fix some stuff, why don't you two go to the amusement park or something?" Seohyun asked. She had a plan.
"Amusement park!?" Sooyoung exclaimed
"Ne! It will be fun! Bye, i have to hung up now" Seohyun said and hung up.
Why Seohyun said that, was because she wanted Sooyoung to fall for Sunny.
The best way to make someone fall for a person, is to make them spend so much time together as possible.
When they hung up, Sunny waited for Sooyoung to tell her what Seohyun said.
"She had to fix some stuff... She wanted us to go to the amusement park" Sooyoung said and scratched her arm.
Sunny shrugged her shoulders.
"That will be fun" she said calmly, and did her best to not let out her feelings.
Really, she wanted to jump up and down and scream of happiness because she's actually going to the amusement park with Sooyoung.
"Let's go then!" Sooyoung said and took Sunnys hand, and she frozed again.
When they arrived, Sunny immediately got super excited to try all the rides.
"Let's start with that one!" Sunny said and pointed at a big roller coaster.
"Sure!" Sooyoung said, and they ran and sat down where they should sit.
When the ride started, Sooyoung took Sunnys hand, and that made the shortie blush.
After the roller coaster ride was over, they decided to take a break and eat some cotton candy.
"It was a long time ago i did something this fun" Sooyoung smiled and took a bite from her cotton candy while they sat on a bench.
Sunny blushed and nodded.
"It's fun to hang out with you"
Sooyoung nodded too.
"It feels a little odd to hang out with someone else than my eonnis, even though this is more fun" she said and giggled.
Sunny smiled and felt warm around her heart.
"It makes me glad that you say that"
Sooyoung smiled her beautiful smile that made Sunny melt.
After a couple of hours, they decided to go home.
"Wanna sleep at our house? It's much closer from this place than yours" Sooyoung asked while they were walking.
Sunny nodded excitedly.
"Yeah! If it's okay for your eonnis"
Sooyoung nodded and took her human-friends hand.
Sunnys heart started beating faster of having skin contact with her love.
When they arrived home, Sunny immediately went to bed in Seohyuns and Yoonas room.
She thought about the day with Sooyoung, and fell asleep with a smile on her lips.
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Chapter 59: Miss...I Love You...