Chapter 50 - Merry Christmas

The Cold Ones



"Look!" Sunny suddenly exclaimed as she and the other eight vampires were sitting together in the livingroom, chatting. "It's snowing!" she yelled happily and pointed at the window.

Everyone gasped as they looked out. It was already a thin layer of snow covering the ground.

"Omo! I almost thought it wouldn't be snow for christmas...!" Tiffany said with a bright eyesmile.

Sooyoung smiled as she wrapped her arm around Sunny who sat next to her on the couch.
"Our first christmas together" she whispered seductively in the younger vampire's ear.

Sunny giggled. "It's going to be so fun!" she said as she hugged Sooyoung tightly.

"We have to go out and play in the snow when it gets dark outside!" Seohyun said and clapped her hands excitedly.

The others agreed with her.

A couple of hours later, when the sun had set, the nine vampires went out together on their backyard.

The snow was thick, and perfect for making snowballs.

Suddenly Sooyoung felt someone throwing snow at her from behind.
"Yah!" she exclaimed and turned around.

There were Sunny standing, 3 metres away, giggling and looking extremely cute.

Sooyoung pulled down her cold vampire hand in the snow and grabbed handful of snow.
As she formed it to a round and hard ball, she smirked teasily at Sunny.

Suddenly she threw it at Sunny's direction, but she was so quick that she dodged.

Sooyoung pouted, but then giggled playfully at her fail.

Suddenly Tiffany jumped up on Sunny's back so she fell down in the thick snow.

"Yah!" Sunny yelled with her face covered with snow.
Luckily they are vampires, so they don't have to worry about getting cold.

"Surprise!" Tiffany squealed happily before she rolled away from Sunny and started forming an angel in the snow by waggle her hands and legs.

The girls were outside playing happily for hours, before they decided to go inside again and make some christmas candy, just for fun.


After a week, it finally was christmas day. All of the girls had waited impatiently like children.

Yuri, Seohyun, Tiffany and Taeyeon were dancing around, singing along to "All I Want For Christmas Is You" that they were playing in the loudspeakers.

Yoona and Sooyoung were in the kitchen, making christmas toffee. A wonderful smell from their cooking was spreading through the house, making all the vampires impatient for tasting it.

Jessica, Sunny and Hyoyeon sat next to each other on the couch, giggling and cheering as they watched the four dorky girls dancing around.

"ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAAAS, IS YOOOOOOUUUUU!" they sang out loud, then burst out into laughter of how silly they sounded.

"I can't believe you guys are over hundred years old!" Sunny joked as she giggled.

"Yah!" Tiffany exclaimed, as she also giggled. "Come and dance with us, Sunny-ah!" 

Sunny stood up from the couch and joined them, playing around and singing along.

When the song ended, all of them cheered and then sat down together on the couches and armchairs.

"Merry christmas!" Tiffany exclaimed.

"Merry christmas!" all of them cheered, giggling.

Suddenly Sooyoung and Yoona entered the livingroom. Everyone looked at them excitedly, wanting to taste the toffee.
The other seven vampires got a disappointed face expression when they realized Yoona and Sooyoung hadn't brought any toffee.

"Yah! It has to get a good consistence first! Do you wanna eat sauce?" Yoona said and crossed her arms.

The impatient vampires understood what they meant and giggled a little.
"I hope it's finished soon!" Yuri said.

Later on the evening, they sat together on the floor around the christmas tree.
They were just about to exchange gifts, but the toffee were good, so everyone sat and ate it instead.

Tiffany clapped her hands together. "Let's exchange gifts now!"

She took a gift from under the christmas and read what was typed on it.

"Merry christmas Taetae, best wishes from yours only, Tiffany" she read, smiled a little and reached it to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon received it, smiled lovingly at her girlfriend and then started opening it.
Everyone looked with impatient gazes at the present that she were about to open.

She took off the tissue paper, and inside it was a brand new phone.

"Oh my gosh!" Taeyeon exclaimed as her eyes widened her eyes. "Thank you so so so much, baby!" she said and leaned forward to give Tiffany a kiss.

The next gift, was from Sunny to Sooyoung.

Sooyoung opened it impatiently and gasped of the sight.
It was a pair of beautiful and luxury Louboutin shoes.

Sooyoung let out a happy squeal as she clapped her hands excitedly.

"Oh my god! Bunny! Thank you so much, i love you!" she said, totally excited as she hugged her girlfriend tight.

Sunny giggled. "You're welcome"

When Sunny received her gift from Sooyoung and opened it, she got just as excited as Sooyoung did.
Inside the box, it was a brand new pink Nintendo console. 

"Yay!" Sunny exclaimed and almost jumped up and down.

Sooyoung giggled.
"I thought you'd like it! Your old one seems so...old" she said with a smile.

They hugged each other happily and then moved on to open other gifts.

Later on the evening, the vampires had it very cozy.
They had lightened some candles with scent of cinnamon and vanilla, and they cuddled together in the livingroom.

Sunny were resting her head on Sooyoung's lap, looking up on her beautiful girlfriend.

"You look so pretty, Youngie" Sunny said as she smiled her eyesmile.

Sooyoung smiled at the compliment and bent down to give Sunny a kiss.

"Merry christmas everyone!" Seohyun suddenly said as she chewed some toffee. "This has been a great day"

"I know!" Tiffany agreed. "Thanks for all the gifts and everything! This has been one of best christmas days we've had"

All of the vampires smiled at Tiffanys words.

"I wish all days was this cozy and fun" Sunny said as she looked up on the ceiling.

"Me too..." Hyoyeon agreed. She rested her chin on her fist as she ate some toffee.

Sunny sat up on the couch and reached out her hand to grab some candy.
"I love you guys" she said before she putted it all in .

"We love you too, baby" Sooyoung said with a smile as she girlfriend by kissing and pecking on her neck.

"Yah!" Sunny shrieked as she giggled. "It tickles!"

Sooyoung giggled and leaned out.
"You're cute"

"But you're cuter" Sunny said and pinched her girlfriend's cheek.

"So..." Taeyeon suddenly interrupted. "What about we go out and play in the snow just like we did yesterday?" she suggested with a smirk.

"Yaaay!" all of the girls exclaimed and stood up, and all of them hurried out of the house to the christmas.

Just like the day before, they had snowball-fights, builded snowmans and just played around.



Everything was just perfect, and all the vampires hoped it would continue being perfect for all eternity.





Oh my gosh. This was the freaking LAST chapter!

I guess you're all kinda surprised. I don't think any of you expected it to end so soon hehe...
But well, this was the last chapter anyways and i hoped you liked the ending!

(I'm currently in a christmas mood, therefore the christmas-chapter! 
I've been setting up the christmas tree, decorating it and listening to christmas-music all evening kk~)

And now: a long cheesy text lol XD

THANK Y'ALL SO FREAKING MUCH for supporting, reading, upvoting, commenting and loving the story!
I can't thank you enough!!<3

This was the first fic that i got much subscribers on, and it has also been the one that i've enjoying writing the most :)))

I'm very thankful for all the support and love the story has gotten<3

Hm... I just wanna tell you: I will NOT make a sequel to this story.
I'm very sorry... but i just feel that i have to use my ideas and time on other stories. 
I hope you're not too disappointed~

By the way, to all SooSun shippers:
I'm currently working on a new SooSun fic that i soon will post here on AFF.
I will give you all the link later!

So from now on: THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! I really love you guys!

Hope you'll read and support my other stories too kk~







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Chapter 59: Miss...I Love You...