Chapter 2 - Our story

The Cold Ones

Trigger warning: abuse- suicide- alcohol problems- depression- mentions.


Authors POV

It started to get late, and Seohyun will give Sunny a ride home.
They were standing in the hallway and saying goodbye to Sunny.

"It was so fun to have you here! Hope you can visit us soon again!" Tiffany said with her voice full of excitingness

Taeyeon giggled of her girlfriends cuteness.

"Nae, it was fun to be here!" Sunny smiled

Seohyun started to get impatient so she said
"Let's go now Sunny-ssi"

They left the huge house and started walking to Seohyuns car.
A thing that Sunny didn't had noticed before were that they had very many cars.

"Omo! You guys much be rich!" Sunny said in amazement while she looked at the cars.

Seohyun shrugged her shoulders and entered the car.
Sunny hurried after her friend and sat down on the passenger seat.

"It was fun to meet your unnies!" Sunny said while Seohyun was driving

"Good that you didn't think that they were scary" Seohyun joked and Sunny giggled

"I got a little scared of... aish what was her name...." Sunny said and tried to remember the 'scary girl's' name

"Taeyeon?" "No" "Hyoyeon?" "No" "Sooyoung?" "No" "Yoona?" "Ahhh.. right, Yoona was her name"

"Why did you get afraid of her?" Seohyun asked, and thought that Sunny was a little silly

"She looked like she thirsted for my blood..." Sunny said

Seohyun nodded.
"She's the one of us that is bad on controlling her bloodthirst, maybe that's why"

"Mhm" Sunny said and rested her haid against the window.
Suddenly Sooyoung entered her thoughts. 

"Seolady?" Sunny asked


"That girl Sooyoung... um.. who is she?" Sunny asked

Seohyun smiled.
"You like her?" she asked and grinned teasily

"N-no!! I don't! I just think that she looked pretty... And she never talked, so i got curious of who she is"

Seohyun grinned for herself. It was obvious that Sunny had some interest in Sooyoung.
She decided to not , that would make her uncomfortable.

"Umm well... Sooyoung.. hm... I don't know how to describe her" Seohyun said and thought

"She is a very nice girl.. But she can appear very cold." she said

Sunny nodded, and understanded that Seohyun wouldn't found out something interesting about Sooyoung.
Instead she asked:
"How did all of you become a family?"

"Taeyeon is the oldest amongst us, therefore she became a vampire first. She found Jessica after she had been beaten up. She was about to die, but Taeyeon saved her and turned her into a vampire. Actually, they were a couple for a couple of years, but slowly Jessicas feelings started to fade away... And when they met Tiffany, Jessica realized that Tiffany was right for Taeyeon.
Oh right... Tiffany. She had recently became a vampire when Jessica and Taeyeon met her. She was wild and couldn't control her bloodthirst at all. When Taeyeon and her became a couple, Taeyeon started to learn her girlfriend how to control her thirst, and drink animal blood instead of human blood. Because Tiffany loved Taeyeon and wanted to make her proud, it was quite easy for her to become an vegetarian, as we used to call it"

Sunny nodded while Seohyun continued with the story.

"5 years later, they found Hyoyeon. She was suffering through a disease on the hospital. Jessica was working as a nurse back then, and she understood that Hyoyeon couldn't make it. Hyoyeon had a boyfriend, Lee Hyukjae, that were so sad and worried about his girlfriend.
Jessica talked to Hyukjae about that she could turn Hyoyeon into a vampire, and then she would survive. Hyukjae was desperate so he said that it was okay.
So Jessica transformed Hyoyeon, and yeah... It went well. Even though Hyukjae were human, it was okay for the vampires that he lived with them. Because humans is aging and not vampires, he died. And that made Hyoyeon sad and depressed. She is still mourn him, and that's why she can act rude and cold.
After 30 years Jessica was in a depression period, just like Hyoyeon. She was sick of being vampire, and she wanted to be human so badly... But then, she found Yuri.
She found her while she was taking a walk to calm her thoughts. Yuri was about to jump from a cliff, and she did. She jumped before Jessica could stop her... But luckily, she wasn't dead when she landed on the ground.
Quickly, Jessica transformed her and saved her. They became a couple after that, and Jessica's depression were slowly but surely starting to get better."

Sunny listened carefully on what Seohyun told her, and was amazed by how many terrible things the girls had gone through.

"When another 5 years had passed, Taeyeon found Sooyoung. She was, just like Hyoyeon, suffering through a disease and was about to die.
This time, Taeyeon was a nurse and when she took care of dying Sooyoung she felt like she HAD to transform her... So when Sooyoung only had a few minutes left in life, Taeyeon transformed her... But when Sooyoung woke up a week later after the transformation she was actually mad at Taeyeon and the others. She said that she rather wanted to die than being a vampire."

"Why?" Sunny asked

"Being a vampire can be very hard and depressing... Imagine that you are immortal, you haven't something to long for, every days and nights are the same, you feel like a monster..."

Sunny nodded. "Continue"

"After 10 years, Yuri found Yoona. They had known each other a long time ago when both were humans. Yuri was many years older than Yoona though.
Yoona was about to die... i don't know what happened... but Yuri transformed her anyway." Seohyun explained with her eyes on the road.

"What about you? How did they found you?" Sunny asked with curiousness in her voice

"I was tired of my life. I had met Yoona, and was a great friend of her. You maybe think that it was impossible because Yoona is bad on controlling herself... But she had so much respect for me that she couldn't even imagine drinking my blood.
Anyway, i was tired of my life... My friends left me, my parents had alcohol problems and I wasn't well at all... I begged Yoona to transform me.
She was skeptical first, but when she realized that i actually were suffering, she transformed me."

"Do you regret it?" Sunny asked

Seohyun immediately shoke her head.
"No, i don't. Well, sometimes i can be tired of being vampire but this life is much better than my human life" she said

Sunny thought for a moment about how it would be to be a vampire.

"If i asked you if you could transform me, what would you say?" Sunny asked

"No, definetily. Humanity is not something you just threw away"

Sunny nodded, and understanded that Seohyun were right.

A couple of minutes, they were at Sunnys house.

"Thanks for the ride, Seolady!" Sunny said and smiled brightly

"No, problem! Sleep well!"

Sunny nodded and waved to her friend, and then entered her house and went to bed.


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Chapter 59: Miss...I Love You...