Chapter 3 - Bowling

The Cold Ones
Authors POV
That night, Sunny couldn't fall asleep.
Choi Sooyoung was stuck in her head. The way she flip her hair, and when she walks flawlessy with her perfect legs...
Sunny didn't know if she actually was about to... fall for her, or if it's just was an simple attraction that lasted short.
She hoped for the second alternative.
The short haired girl sighed and turned around in bed.
"Aish, Sooyoung... Why are you haunting my thoughts..?" Sunny mumbled to herself and closed her eyes hard
After a couple of hours, drowned in thoughts by Sooyoung, Sunny finally fell asleep.
Next morning the door suddenly opened.
"Sunkyu!! Your friend is here! Get up now, sleepyhead!" her eomma said
"Wae?" Sunny exclaimed witha sleepy voice and sat up in bed.
Next to her eomma, Seohyun stood and smiled and looked as flawless as always.
"Oh hi Seohyun" Sunny said and rubbed her eyes with her fists and yawned
Seohyun entered the room, and Mrs.Lee left.
"Goodmorning" Seohyun said and smiled at Sunnys sleepyness
Sunny yawned and lay down in bed again.
"Sunny-ssi! You better get up, or we will be late"
Sunny groaned and sat up.
"Aish, this stupid school..." she said and wobbled when she stood up
Seohyun giggled.
"Soon you'll be free from school!" Seohyun encouraged her friend
Sunny sighed and nodded while she walked to her closet and picked out some clothes.
Since both of them are girls, Sunny didn't mind to get dressed in front of Seohyun.
She quickly got dressed in her clothes, then she walked to the bathroom.
She brushed her hair and teeth and used to toilet.
When she was finished with her morning routine she walked back to her room where Seohyun waited for her.
"Let's go then!" Sunny said and smiled
Their first lesson in school was math.
"Aniiiiii, aiishhh..." Sunny groaned
Seohyun giggled a little of Sunnys laziness.
"Math is good to know" she said
"I know math, Seolady"
Seohyun smiled, and then they sat down next to each other in the classroom.
Since Seohyun became vampire when she was 17, she has to re-go school every year and that makes her the best student.
It seemed like she know the questions in the math-book by heart, because she wrote so fast.
Sunny got dizzy when she looked what Seohyun did.
"Seohyun-ah! Help me!" Sunny yawned and leaned back on her chair
Seohyun sighed and looked at what her friend needed help with.
"Aish Sunny-ssi... I always help you with these kind of questions! I've told you a thousand times how to fix them! It seems that you aren't listening" the vampire girl said
"I'm actually listening, Seolady"
Seohyun sighed and helped Sunny for the thousand time.
When school was finally over, Sunny asked
"Can't i come to your house again?"
Seohyun thought about it for a moment.
"Nan molla... I have to ask my eonnis first" she said
Sunny nodded, and Seohyun picked up her phone and called Taeyeon.
"Annyeong eonni!" Seohyun said when Taeyeon answered "Is it okay if Sunny visit us today again?"
She listened to what Taeyeon said, then she nodded and said
"Ok, bye!"
"What did she say?" Sunny asked with her voice filled with curiousness
"She said it was okay!" Seohyun said and smiled brightly
Sunny burst out into a smile and jumped up and down.
"Yaay! I have to thank Taeyeon eonni!" she said and clapped her hands
Seohyun giggled, because she find Sunny cute when she was excited.
"Let's go now!" she said, and they started walking to her car.
While they were sitting in the car, Sunny were super excited to see Sooyoung again, but she didn't tell Seohyun about that.
A couple of minutes later, they arrived and hurried into the house.
Just like yesterday, all of the vampire girls gathered in a second in the hallway.
"Annyeonghaseyo!" Sunny said and bowed
Tiffany immediately burts out into a bright smile and hugged Sunny.
Sunny got surprised over how cold she was, and Tiffany noticed that.
"I'm sorry" she excused herself playfully
Sunny shoke her head.
"Aniyo, it's okay" she said
Suddenly her attention was directed to a silhouette that were walking towards them.
It was Sooyoung.
"Hi Sunny. I'm sorry if i haven't introduced myself before, i'm Sooyoung... But i think you already know that" Sooyoung said to Sunny with a clear voice, that was a little high pitched. Sunny thought she had a very beautiful voice.
"H-hi..." Sunny stuttered and bowed
Seohyun smiled to herself. She knew that Sunny liked Sooyoung.
It spread a silence in the room for a couple of seconds.
"So what shall we do today?" Tiffany asked and broke the silence
"Today?" Hyoyeon muttered
Tiffany nodded and turned around to Hyoyeon.
"I'm not going out in daylight" Hyoyeon said stubbornly
Tiffany sighed.
"Well... tonight then. Sunny, if it's okay for your parents you can sleep over tonight if you want to!" the red haired girl said happily to Sunny
Sunny thought it was a brilliant idea and nodded excitedly.
"Nae! Sure! I'll call my parents now!" she exclaimed and picked up her phone from her pocket.
She typed in her eommas number, and when she answered she asked the question.
When her eomma said it was okay, she jumped up and down of excitingness and the vampires giggled... except Hyoyeon.
"So what shall we do tonight then?" Tiffany asked and all of the vampires thought about it.

"We should go bowling!" Yuri suggested and all the others agreed

"But... can we go bowling in the night?" Sunny asked and were a little confused

"Don't worry" Yuri said and smiled

Sunny nodded and trusted the vampires.

A couple of hours later, the time were 00.00, the vampires and Sunny were on they way to the bowling hall.
The girls were happy, they liked bowling and showing their strength.

When they entered the bowling hall, they were met by a girl with short hair and a boyish look.
"Hi Amber!" Yuri exclaimed happily and hugged the short haired girl

"Hi, Yul! How are you guys?" she asked and looked at the others.

"We're good!" all of the girls cheered

"We took a friend with us" Seohyun suddenly said to Amber, and aimed at Sunny

"A human?" Amber asked and frowned

Seohyun nodded and Sunny started to get worried for Ambers reaction.

"That explains why i thought something smelled different" she joked and smiled at Sunny

"Welcome to the bowling hall!" she then said

Sunny smiled.
"Thank you!" she said and bowed

"Wanna play?" Amber asked the girls and all of them shouted "Yaaay!"

Sunny followed the vampires to the shelves with bowling shoes.
She chose the right size and putted them on. Then they walked to the lanes.
"Me, Fany, Yul and Jessi are a team and you others are a team" Taeyeon decided

All of the girls nodded and Sunny got happy that she were in the same team as Sooyoung.

Taeyeons team started, and she threw the ball hardly and turned over all the pins.
"STRIKE!!" she shouted happily and Tiffany jumped up on her and screamed "Hwaiting!!"

Hyoyeon scoffed, and took the ball and threw it away on the lane with all her strength.
All the pins turned over.

"Daebak!!" Yoona shouted and made a high-five with Hyoyeon

Then it was Tiffanys turn, she threw away the ball, but one pin was left.
"Aish" she sighed and sat down on the bench

"It's okay Fany, you were great!" Taeyeon encouraged
"Sunny, your turn" Seohyun said and patted the shortie on her head

Sunny got a little nervous, but she picked a ball, and threw it away as hard as she could.
Two pins were left.

"Hwaiting!!" Seohyun exclaimed and hugged Sunny.
The bowling night continued and all of them had a great time together, but when the time almost was 3 AM they decided to go home so Sunny could sleep.
Sunny was riding on Seohyuns back, but she fell asleep after a minute.
The girls giggled a little at her as she made funny noises in her sleep.

"I'm so jealous of her..." Sooyoung sighed

"Why?" Seohyun said and frowned

"Because she can sleep... It's so boring being awake all the time" the tall girl pouted

"Think positive! You have so much time when you can do fun things!" Yoona tried to encourage her eonni, but Sooyoung just sighed and they continued walking to their house.
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Chapter 59: Miss...I Love You...