Chapter 22 - Suspicion

The Cold Ones

Authors POV

Taeyeon and Hyoyeon looked at Mrs.Lee with their seductive gaze as she stood outside the door.
She just looked at them and wrinkled her nose before she entered the house to look after Sunny.

"Lee Sunkyu!" she exclaimed, and sounded annoyed.

When she entered the livingroom, she saw Sunny standing in the middle of the room surrounded by the girls.
She sighed and leaned her hand on her hip.

"Why did you leave the house without my permission?" Mrs.Lee asked, and actually she sounded calm.

"I knew you wouldn't let me leave the house... Eomma, you have to understand that these girls means so much to me, and i'm not myself without them" she said.

Mrs.Lee sighed before she spoke.
"Can i talk to you in private?" she said to her daughter.

Sunny just shrugged before she followed her mom to another room.

"What is it?" she asked her mom.

"Sunkyu... I hope you understand that why i don't allow you to meet them is not because of the alcohol-thing, right?" Mrs.Lee said.

Sunny frowned.

Mrs.Lee sighed.

"I-it's because... i don't think they are as nice as they seem..." she said and bite her lip.

Sunny frowned again.
"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You know... when they look at me... i don't know how to describe it. It's super creepy... Their eyes are shifting colours or something like that..." she whispered to her daughter.

Sunny understood immediately.

"And their aura... They feel all cold and... i dunno, weird." Mrs.Lee continued.

Sunny sighed to herself.

"I think they are sent from the devil, Sunkyu. I.... think they are demons" Mrs.Lee whispered, and sounded a little afraid.

Sunny just shoke her head.
"Eomma... don't worry.
Why their eyes are creepy, as you describe it, is because they wear contacts..." Sunny lied.

"And i know they can seem very... demon-like... but it's nothing to worry about. Paranormal things doesn't exist, eomma." Sunny said and tried to convince her mom.

Mrs.Lee sighed.

"Eomma... they are not sent from the devil, and they are not demons, trust me. Some people can seem very cold and creepy, but they are just ordinary humans! If they were... something else... they would have told me." Sunny lied.

Mrs.Lee bite her lip, and thought for a moment.
"Sunkyu... it's something weird about them" she said.

Sunny just sighed and shoke her head.
"Eomma, ghosts and demons doesn't exist! You're an adult, you should know that! And my eonnis are quite special... but they would NEVER EVER hurt me or do something bad to me!" Sunny said.

Mrs.Lee sighed and smiled.
"Well... i guess you're right, Sunkyu. I'm just thinking to much.... But i still doesn't like them" she said.

Sunny smiled, and hugged her mom.

"Are you coming home?" Mrs.Lee asked her daughter as they were in each others embrace.

Sunny nodded, and both of them smiled.

They leaned out, and then they walked back to the girls in the livingroom who still were standing at the same places.

"Eomma... you can go to the car. I'm coming" Sunny said to her mom, who nodded and left the house.

"What did she talk to you about?" Seohyun asked.

"She let me be with you!" Sunny said, and all of the girls burst out into bright smiles.

"Yaaay!!" Tiffany exclaimed and jumped up and down.

The others giggled before Sunny spoke again.

"But she suspected that you were demons or something! She said that she saw your eyes shifting colors... And she also thought you acted creepy" the human said.

The vampires froze for a second, but Sunny didn't notice.

Then the human shrugged.
"Well... i convinced her that you weren't, so it's nothing to worry about. 
I have to leave now, but i'll see you tomorrow!" Sunny said and hugged all of them before she left the house and drove away with her mom.

When the human had left, the vampires gathered in the couch and armchairs.

"This... is serious." Taeyeon spoke.

"What is serious?" Seohyun asked and sounded all innocent.

Normally, all of them would have giggled, but in a situation like this, they didn't.

"Mrs.Lee suspect that we are paranormal... We have to move from this town" Taeyeon said, and looked very serious.

All of the vampires widened their eyes.
"WHAT!?" they exclaimed at the same time.

"B-but Taeng... Sunny convinced her that we weren't!" Yoona pouted.

Taeyeon sighed.
"It doesn't matter! She will still be suspicious and keep an eye on us. What if she finds out!? Do you guys really want to take the risk that our secret gets exposed!?" Taeyeon answered with an upset tone on her voice.

Yoona sighed heavily and shoke her head.

"I liked this house..." Yuri whined.

"...and what about Sunny!? We can't leave her!" Seohyun exclaimed, and Tiffany agreed with nods.

Taeyeon sighed.
"I know... i know..."

All of the girls looked at their leader and waited for her to continue.

"I love Sunny, and i don't want us to leave her.... but... we have to" she spoke as she sighed.

Sooyoungs face wrinkled of disappointness before she stood up from her armchair.
She kicked heavily on a carton that were laying on the floor. It flew to the other side of the room.

All of the girls looked at the tall girl with furrowed eyebrows.
She weren't so close with Sunny, and it confused them that Sooyoung got so upset.

"When i started to really like her... we have to leave her" Sooyoung whispered to herself.


Moving... oh no.
Wonder how this will turn out... :S

Anyway, i'm sorry for no update in a long time! I were on vacation w/ ma bff:D
I will try to update much now... But i can't promise.

I hope you liked the chapter, and thanks for reading!!
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Chapter 59: Miss...I Love You...