Chapter 19 - Talk

The Cold Ones

Authors POV

When school was over, Mrs.Lee picked up her daughter outside the school.
Sunny was going to led her to Seohyuns house so she could talk to Taeyeon.

"I think it's rude to give a minor alcohol" Mrs.Lee said. She was annoyed at the girls.

Sunny sighed heavily.
"Eomma! It was party! They would never had serve me alcohol if it wasn't my birthday!" she exclaimed.

"Sunkyu, i told you a thousands times it doesn't matter that it was your birthday! It was very inappropriately of them" she muttered.

Sunny furrowed her eyebrows and looked mad.
"They wanted me to have fun! They love me!" she said to defend her eonnis.

"If they love you, it was mean to serve you alcohol" her mom said while she looked at the road.

"EOMMA FOR SAKE!!!" Sunny suddenly yelled, and she immediately realized she shouldn't had say that.

Mrs.Lee dropped her jaw.
"LEE SUNKYU!! What are you saying!? Have Seohyuns sisters taught you that or what?" she exclaimed.

The last sentence her mother said, made Sunny furious.


Mrs.Lee got angry, but she didn't show it.
"I'm definitely going to have a talk with that Taeyeon girl..." Mrs.Lee muttered and looked at Sunny with an angry gaze.

Sunny sighed and looked in front of her on the road.

After a couple of minutes, they drove up on the girls driveway.
Mrs.Lee dropped her jaw by the sight of the grande house.

"How can they afford a house like this?!" she said with amazement.

Sunny just shrugged and left the car.
Mrs.Lee sighed, and followed her daughter.

When they were standing in front of the door, Mrs.Lee rang the doorbell.
Taeyeon immediately opened the door with a smile on her lips.
Mrs.Lee didn't smile at all.

"You must be Taeyeon, am i right?" she asked, and sounded bored.

Taeyeon nodded and smiled.
"Ne, Kim Taeyeon imnida! You must be Mrs.Lee?" she asked.

"Mhm" Sunnys mom answered and entered the house without permission.

Sunny sighed heavily at her moms actions, and exchanged a look with Taeyeon.
Taeyeon shrugged, and the two girls followed Mrs.Lee into the livingroom.

None of the other girls were there. Probably they were hiding in their rooms.

"Do you want something to drink?" Taeyeon asked to be polite.

Mrs.Lee shoke her head.
"No thank you. Let's just talk" she said.

Taeyeon nodded and waited for her to continue.

"I find it extremely bad and inappropriately that you served my minor daughter alcohol!" Mrs.Lee said and looked at Taeyeon with an angry gaze.

Taeyeon sighed.
"I'm very sorry. It was bad of us. We just wanted her to have fun" she apologized and bowed.

"Have fun!? Don't you guys know better!?" Mrs.Lee yelled.

Taeyeon nodded.
"It was a mistake. I'm very sorry, and my sisters too." she said.

Mrs.Lee frowned and putted her hand on her hip.
"Where are your sisters then? I would like them to listen to me too!" she said rudely.

"Oh... Sure" Taeyeon said and ran upstairs.

A minute later, Taeyeon walked downstairs with the other girls following her.

"They don't look alike at all" Mrs.Lee whispered to Sunny.

Sunny just rolled her eyes and sighed.

The girls walked and stood in a row in front of Mrs.Lee.
"We are very sorry for giving your daughter alcohol! All of us are! I hope you'll forgive us and let us continue being friends with Sunny" Tiffany spoke to Mrs.Lee and bowed.

Mrs.Lee just shoke her head.
"I appreciate your apology, but i don't understand how you can think i would let my Sunkyu continue being with you guys!" she said, and all of the girls (including Sunny) dropped their jaw.

"WHAT!?" Sunny exclaimed.

Mrs.Lee just looked satisfied of her decision.
"They are inappropriate. I forbid you to be with them" she said, and Sunny widened her eyes.

"H-how can you do this to me!!?? You c-can't ju------"

"I can do what i want. I think they are bad, and i don't want you to meet them" Mrs.Lee interrupted.

Sunnys eyes started to tear up.
"You're my mom! You are supposed to support me! Not to making me unhappy!" Sunny said as a tear ran down her cheek.

"I'm not doing this to make you unhappy! I'm doing this for your own best" her mom said and crossed her arms.

Sunny got extremely furious and hurt.

"They are my only friends!!" she exclaimed while her tears spurted. "I love them!!"

Mrs.Lee sighed.
"Sunkyu, don't cry. We can find you some other great friends" she said and her daughters cheek.

Sunny just slapped away her hand.
"Don't touch me!!!!" she yelled and backed off.

The vampires watched the scene and felt hurt. They loved Sunny.

"You're so ing mean!!" Sunny yelled at her mom.

"Sunkyu, don't talk to me like that!" Mrs.Lee said and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't wanna live with you anymore!! I'm leaving!!" Sunny yelled and crossed her arms.

"Sunkyu, you are very childish and silly now" her mom said.

Sunny shoke her head.
"I don't care!!!! Why do i have to live with people that makes me unhappy??!!" she yelled.

Mrs.Lee just sighed while Sunny walked to Tiffany and hugged her.

The human felt very safe and home in Tiffanys embrace.

"Sunkyu, c'mon now. We're going home" Mrs.Lee said and Sunny shoke her head while she were hugging Tiffany and cried on her shoulder.

"This is my home now!" she said.

Mrs.Lee frowned.
"It's definitely not!!! You're coming with me!"

That made Sunny cry even more, and the other girls gathered to do a group hug with Sunny and Tiffany.
All of them comforted Sunny and tried to wipe away her tears.

"Sunny, you should go" Tiffany whispered with a shaky voice. She was about to cry too.

"N-no!! Please!" Sunny cried.

"Don't worry. We'll fix this... Go now" Taeyeon said, and patted Sunnys head.

Sunny sighed, and then she hugged Seohyun before she left with her mom, that she hated most of everything right now.

During the car ride, Sunny didn't spoke at all.
She didn't even answer her moms questions.

When they arrived "home", Sunny ran to her room and locked the door.
The she sat down on her bed and started crying again.

Taeyeons words 'Don't worry. We'll fix this... Go now' repeated in Sunnys head all the time.
She really hoped that they could fix this. Without Seohyun and the girls, she is nothing.


Poor Sunny... We'll see how it turns out!

aaaand this chapter was kinda short (i think hahah), so i hope you're not disappointed! I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading,
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Chapter 59: Miss...I Love You...