Chapter 17 - Birthday

The Cold Ones

Authors POV

It was in the middle of the night, and Sunny were sleeping.

The vampires were sitting in the livingroom and was planning for the humans birthday.

"Okay... her gift! What does she like?" Taeyeon asked Seohyun, just because Seohyun has the strongest bond to Sunny amongst all of them.

The maknae bite her lip and thought about it for a moment.
"She likes playing videogames..." Seohyun said, and the others nodded.

"Shall we get her a videogame?" Tiffany asked disappointedly. She wanted to give much more things that were expensive.

Taeyeon shrugged.
"We can give her more gifts... What does she like more than videogames, Seohyunnie?" she asked

Seohyun shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know anything that would be a great gift..." she said.

"Let's give her a house!" Yoona exclaimed, and felt proud of her suggestion.

Taeyeon shoke her head.
"No Yoong! What would her mom said? I mean, who's friend is so rich that they give the person a house? She would just get suspicious that we were criminal or something" the leader said.

Yoona pouted and sighed.

"I know something we could get her" Yuri suddenly said, with a erted smirk on her face.

The other girls furrowed their eyebrows and waited for Yuri to tell them about her idea.

"Underwear" she whispered loud enough so all of them could hear.

Jessica started giggling hysterically, and Taeyeon shoke her head and sighed.

"Seriously Yuri-ah..." the leader mumbled.

"Actually that's a great idea" Tiffany said and burst out into a smile.

Taeyeon frowned.
"Shall we get her underwear?" she asked.

Tiffany nodded excitedly as her girlfriend sighed.

"She'll maybe get embarrassed" Taeyeon said

Tiffany shrugged.
"Yah! Let her get embarrassed then! I think that would be a great gift" the red haired vampire said as she smiled.

The others agreed.
Taeyeon sighed when she realized that all of them were against her.

"Okay then... Let's get her underwear..." she finally said.

Tiffany smiled brightly and hugged her girlfriend.

Seohyun giggled mentally when she thought of Sunnys reaction when she get underwear as a gift.
She will definitely get embarrassed because Sooyoung then knows how one pair of her underwear looks like, Seohyun thought to herself.

"I still think we should get her a house" Yoona pouted.

Seohyun smiled and took her girlfriends hand.
She found it cute when she was upset.

"Yoona... Sunnys parents will think that we had some criminal affairs if we get her a house... No normal high school student would be able to afford a house as a gift" Taeyeon said.

Yoona sighed.
She understood that her eonni were right, but she still wanted to give Sunny a house.


The next morning Sunny woke up by Tiffany that shoke her.

"Happy birthday!" Tiffany greeted with a smile on her lips.

The vampire didn't seem to be as happy and excited as she normally was, and that confused Sunny.
What the human girl didn't know, was that her eonnis were preparing a surprise party for her.

"Thanks" Sunny said as she sat up in bed.

"I've picked out some clothes for you... They're hanging on the bureau" Tiffany said, and then she left the room.

Sunny yawned, and then got out of bed.
She walked to the chair and quickly got dressed.

Sleepily, she left TaeNys room that she had slept in.
She walked downstairs, and as usual some of the vampires were sitting in the livingroom.

Before she was able to say 'Goodmorning', Seohyun appeared and interrupted her.

"Sunny-ah, we have to leave now! We're late!" she said and grabbed Sunnys arm.

The vampire girl hurried with Sunny to the car.

When Sunny sat down on the seat, she sighed to herself.
She thought that Seohyun had forgot her birthday.

While Seohyun were driving, none of them spoke.

Sunny was sad, and Seohyun did her best to not show her excitement of Sunnys birthday.

"Oh, happy birthday by the way" Seohyun said with no engagement at all.

"Thanks" Sunny said, and then sighed to herself.

I should be happy that she at least haven't forgot it, Sunny thought as she looked out through the window.


When they had lunch, Seohyun pretended that she got a phone call from Tiffany.

"Something has happened... I have to leave. I'll pick you up after school" Seohyun said to Sunny as she left the building to get home and prepare for the party.

Sunny sighed heavily to herself as she ate her food without Seohyuns presence.
This is the worst birthday of my life, she thought to herself.

When Seohyun arrived at their house, her eonnis were busy with hanging up decorations in the livingroom.
It was a large plastic thing that were hanging in the roof that were saying 'Happy Birthday Sunny!'.

"Aigoo... You have invested..." Seohyun said when she saw all the things that they had bought and decorated.

"We need a birthday party you know... None of us do remember our birthdays. Then it's good that we can prepare Sunnys birthday party" Tiffany said while she fixed some balloons.

"Aish Tippani-ah!" Jessica exclaimed as she saw the decorations. "It's pink everywhere!"

"Pink is gorgeus!" Tiffany defended her favourite color.

"I know, but what if Sunny doesn't like pink?" Jessica said and raised her eyebrow.

Tiffany shoke her head.
"Jessi, every girl loves pink" she said and crossed her arms.

Jessica sighed.
"Why don't we just hang up some purple ones too?"

Tiffany pouted, but then she shape up.
"Okay then... But don't remove any of my pink ones!" Tiffany said as she walked to the kitchen to fix something.

Jessica exchanged a look with Seohyun, as if they thought Tiffany was funny, and then Jessica started hanging up some purple balloons.

"Have you bought the gift yet?" Seohyun asked as Jessica were fixing the decorations.

"Yes we have" Sooyoung suddenly said as she entered the room.

"What did you buy then?" Seohyun asked.

Sooyoung smiled.
"Come with me"


The school was over and Sunny sat on a bench outside the house and waited for Seohyun to pick her up.
She sighed to herself all the time, and didn't look as happy as she used too.

Suddenly her phone were calling.
"Yoboseyo?" she answered.

"SAENGIL CHUKHAMNIDA! SAENGIL CHUKHAMNIDA!....." her family were singing the birthday song.

Sunny couldn't help but smile to herself.
At least someone is excited over my birthday, she thought to herself.

"Happy birthday sweetheart!" Sunnys eomma greeted after they were finished singing

"Gomawo" Sunny said.

"Are you coming home now? It's your birthday party" her eomma said with her calm voice.

Sunny sighed.
"Uh... Sorry eomma, but i'm going to Seohyuns place... Can the party wait a little?" she asked.

Really, Sunny wanted to go home and celebrate her birthday with her family.
Seohyun and the girls didn't care about her birthday anyway she thought.

"Oh... Well, okay. It's your birthday, you decide. We can have the party tomorrow if you want?" her mom said.

Sunny nodded, even though she knew her mom couldn't see it.
"Ne... I love you mom! See you soon" she said and smiled to herself.

"I love you Sunkyu! Call me when you're coming home" Mrs. Lee said, and then they hung up.

The same second, Seohyuns car stopped in front of her.
Sunny slowly stood up from the bench and entered the car.

"I'm sorry i left you in school.... How was the rest of the day?" Seohyun said

Sunny shrugged her shoulders as she looked through the window.
"It was just like usual"

Seohyun nodded to herself, and continued driving with her eyes on the road.

After a couple of minutes, Seohyun drove up in front of the house.

Sunny lazily got out of the car, followed by Seohyun.

As they entered the house and stood in the hallway, Seohyun was very excited for Sunnys reaction.

"Where are everyone?" Sunny asked when she noticed it was very quiet in the house and she couldn't see any of the girls.

Seohyun shrugged and smiled, then she walked slowly with Sunny to the livingroom.
The same second as Sunny sat her foot in the livingroom, the girls jumped out from the sides and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNNY!!"

Sunny jumped because she got so surprised, and when she realized that they had arranged a party for her, she burst out into a smile.
She smiled even brighter when she saw all the decorations in the livingroom. Balloons, festoons and a big sign that wished her happy birthday.

Tiffany immediately hugged Sunny after their surprise.
"Happy 17th birthday Sunny-ah!" she said and smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much! Omo... is all this for me?" 

The girls nodded excitedly as answer, and Sunny hugged all of them and thanked.

"I don't like admitting this but... I was a little...disappointed because i thought you guys didn't care about my birthday. But now i definitely know you do!" Sunny said as she blushed.

"Aww" all of them exclaimed.

Seohyun suddenly took Sunnys hand and all of them walked to the livingroom.

"Let's get this party started! Woooh!" Tiffany exclaimed and all the other shouted "Yaaaaay!".

Hyoyeon putted on the music, and Yuri ran to the kitchen.

When she came back, all of them gasped.
She had brought bottles of vine and vodka.

"Yuri-ah... Sunny is not of age yet to drink that" Taeyeon said to her dongsaeng.

Yuri sighed.
"Whatever... She deserves to have some fun!" she said and smiled to Sunny.

Sunny shrugged and smiled.
"I guess so"

Taeyeon sighed.
"Well okay... But don't drink to much. We don't want to get in trouble by your mom" Taeyeon said.

Sunny nodded as Yuri poured up vine in glasses to all of them, and then she handed out them to everybody.

"Cheers for Sunny, who's turning 17 today!" Yuri exclaimed, as they raised their glasses.

"Cheers!" all of them yelled and took a sip from the red liquid.

Sunny grimaced of the bitter taste from the vine.
Yuri just laughed and patted her on the back.

Then, all of them danced and had really fun.
But after 15 minutes, Tiffany spoke.

"Okay everybody... Before we get too drunk, i think we should give Sunny her gift!" she said, and the other agreed.

Seohyun quickly wound a piece of cloth to cover Sunnys eyes.
Then all of them led Sunny to their backyard, before they removed the cloth from her eyes.

Sunny gasped of surpriseness.
In front of her a new, shiny, black car was standing.

"I-is this for m-me?" she stuttered as she looked all astonished.

"Yes it is" Taeyeon confirmed.

Sunny got tears in her eyes as she turned around to her eonnis.
"I don't know what to say.... Thank you so so so so so so so so much!!! Omg this is the best gift i've ever got!" Sunny exclaimed as she hugged all of them tightly.

"I don't know how to thank you enough" she said with happy tears in our eyes.

"It's our pleasure" Sooyoung said and smiled her smile that made Sunny melt.

Sunny smiled brightly and clapped her hands of excitingness.

"You should take a look in the trunk" Taeyeon said and handed Sunny the keys.

Sunny took them, unlocked the car, and then walked slowly to the back of the car.
She opened the trunk with shaking hands.

When she saw the content, she gasped even louder.

The trunk was filled with stuff for her.
An XBox and some games to it, a big package with underwear (that made Sunny blush), a big bag of candy, jewelry and a pair of sneakers that Sunny always wanted.

She was totally speechless and couldn't do something else but just look at everything she got.
The others giggled of her reaction.

"What do you think?" Tiffany asked as she smiled her eyesmile.

Sunny had wide open and was still all surprised.
"I-i-i..... Omg... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" she exclaimed and ran to her eonnis to hug them.

She hugged so tight that if it have been a human that she hugged, it would've died.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" she thanked as she smiled bright.

"LET'S PARTY!" Yuri exclaimed.

The other cheered as they walked inside the house again, Sunny still all surprised.

Hyoyeon the music again and all of them started dancing.

As the time passed, the girls got more drunk and filled with adrenalin.
They danced and jumped with the drinks in their hands and cheered happily for Sunny.

When Sunny was all into the dance, someone suddenly touched her shoulder.
She quickly turned around, and because she wasn't as drunk as the others, her heart started to beat faster.

Sooyoung smiled and looked drunk.

Sunny just looked at the tall girl who looked so pretty even though she was drunk.

Suddenly, without any warning, Sunny felt a pair of soft lips on hers.

It wasn't just someonesd lips.... It was Sooyoungs lips.


I know i said i would publish a chapter the day before yesterday, but i didn't have time to finish it. At least i started to write it.

I hope you don't hate me.... I'm so sorry and i feel really guilty! I just haven't time to write :S

Anyway... Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and upvote the story!

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Chapter 59: Miss...I Love You...