Chapter 42 - Make the best out of it

The Cold Ones

Authors POV

Sooyoung, Taeyeon, Tiffany and Hyoyeon were back in T.O.P's and Bom's apartment after they'd spoke to Sunny.

"What did she say?" T.O.P asked as he took a puff from his cigarette.

"She thought that the first option were the best" Sooyoung replied confidently.

T.O.P chuckled before he spoke again.
"That girl seems brave, am i right? She choose the worst" he said.

Sooyoung smiled as she felt proud of Sunny, then she nodded.

"Anyways..." T.O.P continued as he waved a little with his hand.
"Which one of you will transform her?"

"Me" Sooyoung said within a half second.

T.O.P smiled.
"Of course... Her partner" he said as he took another puff.
"So romantic..."

Taeyeon cleared   because she wanted him to continue.

"Sorry Taeyeon-ssi..." he apologized as he understood Taeyeons action.

"Sooyoung, you know how the transforming works, right?" T.O.P asked as he tilted his head.

Sooyoung shrugged.
"I think so" she answered casually.

T.O.P slowly stood up from his seat and blow out some smoke in the air as he walked and stood in front of Sooyoung.
"Then let me make it clear for you" he said.

Sooyoung nodded as he waited for him to continue.

"Of course, biting is required so you can't escape that even though i think you want to..." he beginned.

Sooyoung nodded and started to get nervous as she imagined what pain she would cause Sunny.

"The transformation will take up to 5 hours so she will b unconscious for so long" he then said.

Sooyoung nodded again as she took a deep breath.

"Oh! I almost forgot..." T.O.P added.
"... bite her in the neck! That's the best opinion, unless you don't want the transformation to fail" he said as he patted Sooyoung friendly on her arm.

"Thanks for the information, Seunghyun-ssi" she thanked as she bowed to him.

"No problem... You should go to Sunny now" he said as he smiled lightly.

"I'll go with her!" Park Bom immediately exclaimed as she stood next to Sooyoung within a second.

T.O.P nodded as he smiled lovingly to his wife.
Park Bom smiled back to him and then she took Sooyoungs hand.

"Let's go!" she cheered as she walked together with Sooyoung and entered the elevator.

The elevator started going.
Sooyoung felt like she'd been going in that for a thousands time.

"You seem pretty excited, Bom-ssi" Sooyoung said as she saw a light smile on Bom's lips.

Bom shrugged.
"I guess so... It's always fun that it's becoming more and more vampires in the world" she answered.

Sooyoung rolled her eyes, and then left the elevator together with Bom.

They walked through the awful corridor in the basement and then arrived at Sunnys little cell.

"Sunny, your lovergirl is here!" Bom exclaimed teasingly.

A smile were spreading on Sunnys lips as she saw Sooyoung standing in the door.

"Youngie!" Sunny said as she hugged her girlfriend.
"Even though i met you 15 minutes ago i still missed you like crazy" she said so just Sooyoung could hear.

Sooyoung giggled and gave the human a light kiss on her soft cheek.

"So, what's going on?" Sunny asked as they'd leaned out from the hug.

She looked back and forth between the two vampires as she waited for reply.

"It's time" Bom said.

Even if she just said two words, Sunny immediately understood.
The human couldn't help but get a lump in of nervousness.

Sooyoung saw her girlfriends expression and immediately started to comfort her.
"It's gonna be fine, Sunny-ah" she said as she caressed Sunnys back.

Sunny took a deep breath and then nodded.

Bom burst out into a smile.
"Good! Where do you want the transformation to take place?" she asked as she put her hands together.

Sooyoung got an idea, so she leaned at Bom and whispered it in Bom's ear.
When the older vampire heard the idea, she got a smirk on her lips.

"Genius idea, Sooyoung-ah! Follow me" she said and then the three of them left the room.

Sunny and Sooyoung were holding hands as they walked through the same boring corridor again.

When they entered the elevator, Bom pressed another button.
The fourth one.

They stood patiently and waited for the elevator to stop and open the door.
A couple of seconds later they arrived, and Sooyoung and Sunny followed Bom through another corridor.

Sunny watched the surrounding as she held tightly onto her girlfriend.

Suddenly Bom stopped at a door and unlocked it for the couple.
She made a gesture for them to enter.

You could say that Sunny got very surprised when she entered the huge room.

It was a beautiful chandelier in the ceiling, a huge bed with fluffy sheets, rose petal spread over the bed and floor, a fireplace, a bureau with red roses in a vase on it, and windows with beautiful curtains.

Sunny gasped of the sight and dropped her jaw.

When Sooyoung saw her expression, she couldn't help but smile.

"Have fun ladies!" Bom said as she winked and left the room.
After a half second, she opened the door again.
"Don't even think about to escape, it's guards everywhere" she added and then left.

Sunny hadn't even listened to Bom, she was still amazed by the room.

"Youngie... why..." she said with wide eyes and a light smile on her lips.

Sooyoung caressed her girlfriends shoulders from behind and then walked to the bed.

"I'm forced to do such a painful thing to you, bite you... So let's just make the best out of it" the vampire said seductively as she stripped out of her cardigan.

Sunnys heart started to beat faster of excitement, and her cheeks started to heat.

Sooyoung caught her blushing as she were slowly sitting down on the soft bed.
She looked at her beautiful girlfriend with hungry eyes as she waited for her to join on the bed.

As Sunny were looking deep in Sooyoungs eyes the whole time, she took off her jeans and left them on the floor.

Sooyoung got distracted by Sunnys hot legs and couldn't help but stare at them.
Sunny smirked as she noticed.

She slowly started to walk towards the vampire, and she sat down carefully next to her on the bed.

Sooyoung gulped as she felt herself getting all .
She slowly leaned towards Sunny, and their lips met in a wet and soft kiss.

As they were kissing, Sunny tried to pull off Sooyoungs jeans.
It was a little difficult, so when they leaned out to get oxygen, Sooyoung stood up quickly to take them off.

She sat back down in front of Sunny as she attacked her girlfriend with a bunch of loving kisses all over her face and neck.

Sooyoung started to worry a little about the biting thing. She felt the amazingly good smell of Sunnys blood and hoped with her whole heart that she would be able to control herself.

Sunny suddenly leaned away and started to embed the sheets so they could lay down.
She hurried to crawl under the sheets and made a gesture for Sooyoung to join her.

Sooyoung smirked. 
Before she joined her girlfriend, she pulled off her tank and threw it away.

Sunny gasped of the sight of her girlfriends pale and beautiful torso.
She had a perfect flat belly and her s were perfectly cupped in a light blue lace bra.

The human almost started to drool and Sooyoung, who only was wearing underwear, hurried to lay next to her under the sheets.

Sooyoung crawled on top of her as she helped Sunny to take off her t-shirt.
When it was laying on the floor, just like the other clothes, Sooyoung gasped of the sight of Sunnys perfect melons that were cupped in a pink bra.

The vampire started kissing Sunny from her lips to her belly as she were sitting on top of her.

Sunny let out some quiet moans from time to time as she felt her girlfriends soft lips all over her body.

When Sooyoung laid down on Sunny, so their torsos were on each other, and started kissing her cheeks and lips: Sunny spoke.
"W-will... we m-make love?" she asked as she blushed.

Sooyoung smirked.
"Only if you want to, honey" she replied.
"We don't have to hurry... When you're a vampire we have endless time to make love together" Sooyoung whispered seductively in Sunnys ears.

Sunny gasped quietly as she felt herself getting even more of Sooyoungs words.

Sooyoung started to kiss Sunny slowly all over her neck.

"Bite me now" Sunny suddenly said.

Sooyoung raised her eyebrow as she looked up at Sunny.
"Are you sure, baby?" 

Sunny nodded and took a tight grip around Sooyoung.

"Don't tell me that it will hurt, i already know that... Just bite me, Youngie..." she whispered.

Sooyoung took a deep breath as she laid more comfortable on top off Sunny.
She kissed Sunny lovingly on her lips one last time, and then she returned to her neck.

The vampire kissed Sunnys pale skin gentle as she started to get ready for the bite.
Sooyoung didn't want to cause her girlfriend any pain, but she didn't have any other choice.

"Now, Youngie..." Sunny whispered again and caressed Sooyoungs cold back.

Sooyoung closed her eyes and slowly started to expose her teeth.
She slowly counted to three in her head.

When her brain said 'three' her teeth entered Sunnys neck.

Sooyoung could hear her girlfriend groan in pain and she didn't want anything else to stop, but she knew she couldn't.
If she would stop to quickly, Sunny would die.

After five more seconds, Sunny started to relax.

Sooyoung knew that she started to get unconscious.

One more second, then she pulled out her teeth of the human and sat beside Sunny.
For many minutes she sat and watched the beautiful soon-to-be vampire as she were laying on the bed, looking like the sleeping beauty.

"My beautiful girl" Sooyoung whispered as she kissed Sunnys cheek gentle.

She tried to not look at the awful mark of the bite.

When she stood up from the bed, she covered Sunny up to her neck with the sheets.

Sooyoung got dressed in her own clothes, and then watched Sunny for some more minutes before she walked to Park Bom to tell that it was done.


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Chapter 59: Miss...I Love You...