Chapter 25 - One Year Later

The Cold Ones


Authors POV


One year for vampires, is like a month for humans.

That's what TaeSicTiffHyoYulSooYoonSeo use to feel, but this year... It has actually felt like a year for them.

Their longing for Sunny has made the year felt like a decade, and even though they shouldn't remember; they do remember that this day, one year ago, was the day that they saw Sunny for the last time.

Vampires are not used to feel the feeling of missing someone. Especially not for a human.
So this made the nights and days pass by extremely slow, even though they tried to do fun things.

For Sunny, the year has passed by extremely slow too.
She tried to forget and move on, but the more she tried, the more her feelings grew.

She was standing in the hallway of her apartment and looked at herself in the mirror.
She buttoned her coat, and fixed her hair. Then she walked out of the apartment and locked the door.

When she left the building, she was met by a fresh gust of wind.

It was fall, and the leaves are loosening from the trees. The ground is covered by leaves in different colors, and that is what Sunny loves about the fall.

She slowly started to walk her ordinary walk round.

Sunny loves to walk in the park. Seeing the beautiful nature, and the happy familys who are having a great time. 
She is also used to see couples walk around, hand in hand. That's when she misses Sooyoung the most.

Sunny stopped walking for a second, looking around.

Childrens laugh were heard, and parents who are yelling on their kids because they did something stupid.
The wind were blowing, and it were a beautiful day in the middle of the fall.

It wasn't sunny, actually it was cloudy. But that doesn't matter.

When Sunny looked around the park, her gaze stopped at a familiar silhouette.

It was a tall, slim girl. She had dark, wavy hair and beautiful eyes that could seduce the whole humanity. And the vampyrism too.

It was obvious who it was that were standing, just like Sunny, observing the park.
It was Sooyoung.

Sunny couldn't help but drop her jaw. She were standing there like a fool, staring at Sooyoung.

Suddenly Sooyoung met her gaze, and instead of looking away, Sunny smiled and waved slowly.

Even though they were many metres away from each other, Sunny could see that Sooyoung were smiling too.

The human took courage and started walking slowly towards Sooyoung.

"Hi" she said as they were standing in front of each other.

"Hi" Sooyoung answered, still with the light smile on her lips.

It were quiet for a moment, none of them did know what to say.

"You have changed. Your hair is longer... It looks pretty" Sooyoung complimented.

"Thank you" Sunny said and blushed a little.

Sooyoung smiled again.

"B-but... what are you doing here?" Sooyoung then asked.

"I live in this town... And i was out to take a walk" Sunny explained.

Sooyoung raised her eyebrow.
"You live here...? Oh yeah right, you're 18 now" she said, and Sunny giggled a little and nodded.

Then it became an awkward silence.

After a couple of seconds, Sunny broke it.

"Um... How is it? I mean, how's all of you?" she asked.

Sooyoung shrugged.
"I guess we're.. fine. I mean, when you're a vampire, everything's the same...almost." she said.

Sunny nodded.

"W-where are you guys living then?" she asked.

"Uh... In a house not so far away from here." Sooyoung said and pointed in a direction.

"Is it as big as your last one?" Sunny joked and smiled her eyesmile.

Sooyoung giggled and shoke her head.
"It's a little bit smaller.. But it's big." she spoke and kicked away a little grit with her foot.
"Oh by the way, you should come over sometime!" Sooyoung then suggested.

Sunny burst out into a smile and nodded.
"I would love too!"

"Heh... I have to admit that... i've missed you very much" Sooyoung said as she bite her lip and scratched her neck of embarrassment.

Sunny blushed a little.
"I-i.... i've missed you too... Very much" Sunny admitted as her face turned even more pink that it already was.

Sooyoung smiled and pinched the humans cheek.
"Cute" she said, and that made Sunny blush even more.

She started giggling, and Sooyoung too.

"Uh.. and it was one more thing..." Sooyoung said, and Sunny waited for her to continue.
"We should do something sometime... I mean, just you and i." she said.

Sunnys heart started beating faster as she felt that warm, tingly feeling coming back.

"Y-yeah! We should... Definitely!" she said and continued blushing.

Sooyoung nodded, and were glad that Sunny wanted to spend time with her.

After that, it was awkward silence again. Sunny bite her lip, as she couldn't resist to hug her love.

She walked a little closer to Sooyoung, but not that Sooyoung noticed.

She looked up at the tall girl, who raised her eyebrow, and then she wrapped her arms around the vampire.

Sooyoung immediately hugged back, and couldn't help but smile to herself.

Sunnys face were squished on Sooyoungs shoulder, and she loved feeling the way she smelled like.

Sunny didn't care about that Sooyoung were very cold, she enjoyed every half second of the hug.

After a couple of seconds, they leaned out from the hug.
Sunnys cheek turned lightly pink.

"Well... i have t-to go now... But you can call me" Sunny said to Sooyoung as she smiled.

Sooyoung nodded.
"Okay... I'll see ya" she said, and after that, both of them turned around and started walking home.


SooSun reunite! Yaaay!

*sigh* i just love them....<3

Oh by the way, as i wrote in the beginning of the chapter, i have made a new story called "Born To Be A Lady"!
It's a love story, starring TaeNy, HyoHyun and YulSic!

I hope you'll check it out!<3

Thanks for reading,
and don't forget to comment and upvote the story!





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Chapter 59: Miss...I Love You...