Chapter 28 - Morning

The Cold Ones

Authors POV

Sunny slowly started to wake up when she felt someone pat her arm.

"Yaah.. Tiff, let me sleep..." the human whined as she were half asleep.

That 'someone' started giggle to herself.
"Sunny... It isn't Tiffany! It's me, Sooyoung"

With that, Sunny immediately woke up clearly and turned around to face Sooyoung.

"W-what are you doing here?" she exclaimed.

She was a little embarrassed that Sooyoung had seen her when she was sleeping.

Sooyoung shrugged.
"I was waking you up" she said and smiled her pretty smile.

Sunny blushed lightly, and she covered her face with the cover to avoid Sooyoung to see it.

Sooyoung smiled to herself before she stood up from the bed and walked to the door.

"Hurry up and get dressed! You have work, you know" she said as she left the room and closed the door.

When Sunny heard the word 'work', she widened her eyes and quickly sat up.
She had forgot about work totally.

The human looked at the clock on her cellphone, and she sighed of relief when she realized that she still had time.

Suddenly she saw a stack of clothes hanging on the edge of the bed.
She smiled to herself as she remembered the times when Tiffany always let her borrow her clothes.

Sunny guessed that the clothes were for her, so she quickly putted them on.

She yawned, and then she left the room and walked downstairs.

The only person that was in the livingroom was Hyoyeon.

Sunny frowned.
"Where are the others?" she asked the blonde vampire who were laying on the couch.

Hyoyeon shrugged.
"I think Sooyoung, Fany and Taeng are in the kitchen. Seohyun and Yoona are in the office...." she said.
"Yuri and Jessica is probably in their room doing adult things..." she joked, and smiled lightly.

Sunny couldn't help but giggle.
"You're funny" she complimented.

Hyoyeon got a proud face expression.
"Of course i am! I am the joker" she said playfully.

Sunny smiled as she walked and sat down in an armchair next to Hyoyeon.
"I'm sorry if i bring this up but... I'm very happy that you're the fun and happy Hyoyeon, and not the sad and cold." Sunny said as she smiled lightly to the vampire.

Hyoyeon nodded.
"Me too! Thanks to you, Sunny" she said.

Sunny frowned.

Hyoyeon immediately looked uncomfortable.
"Uh... i'm.... i get more happy when i am around humans" she said and smiled a smile that looked faked.

Sunny smiled and shrugged before she stood up from the armchair.
"I'm gonna check what SooTaeNy are doing" she said and pointed at the kitchen with her thumb.

Hyoyeon nodded, and Sunny left the livingroom.

In the kitchen, Tiffany were standing and cooking something. It smelled very nice.
Taeyeon and Sooyoung were sitting at the little table.

"Are you cooking? It smells nice" the human complimented.

"Oh... Hi Sunny! I'm doing breakfast for you" the eyesmile-queen said.

Sunny smiled.
"Aww thanks!" Sunny answered.
"Ohh... bacon and egg. Yummy!" the human said as she looked what it was in the skillet.

Tiffany nodded and smiled.
"I hope you like it"

Sunny nodded before she walked and sat down with Taeyeon and Sooyoung at the table.

After a couple of seconds, Tiffany putted a plate in front of Sunny with the breakfast.
"Gomawo" Sunny thanked and started eating.

She could see that Sooyoung drooled as she looked at Sunnys food.
Sunny smiled to herself.

"Craving for food, Sooyoung?" Taeyeon asked the other vampire.
Obviously, she also noticed that Sooyoung drooled.

Sooyoung nodded and up her drool.

"I have one bacon and a half egg left. You can have it if it's okay for Sunny!" Tiffany said as she stood a little further away in the kitchen.

Sooyoung burst out into a smile and looked at Sunny impatiently to get permission.

Sunny nodded.

"Yaay!" Sooyoung exclaimed.

"Oh-oh..." Taeyeon suddenly said as she looked on her watch.
"If Sunny is gonna arrive in time on her job, you have to leave now... Sorry Sooyoung, you can eat your food when you get back"

Sooyoung pouted, but then she stood up and walked with Sunny out of the house.

During the drive, it was an awkward silence until Sooyoung spoke.

"Yessss! It's cloudy today! We should hang out!"

Sunny burst out into a smile.
"Oh.. Ne! Sure!" she answered.
"What shall we do?"

"I'll figure out something" Sooyoung answered and stopped the car.

"Why are you stop-----" Sunny spoke, but she interrupted herself when she noticed they had arrived at the work.

"Oh... We're here... Thanks for the ride!" Sunny said before she closed the door and walked to the building.


Double update today!!!
Just because all of you readers are so amazing<3

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Chapter 59: Miss...I Love You...