
The Manny


Jiyong is walking from the bus stop. It's five till seven and he is running a little late. Normally he is early or right at the door with minutes to spare before he rings the bell of his boss. The reason he is late today is because he didn't sleep too well last night. 
The conversation that he had with his noona last night keeps replaying in his head. Words are being broken down and replayed again and again. Jiyong normally doesn't let little things of concern bother him, but it's not often his noona gets upset. Her words may not be agreeable all the time but she does really care. 
Jiyong has come to the conclusion that she is kind of right and a little too extreme in some cases. It's true that he should not be so close to the baby. It's true that he should not work over or go over his boss's condo. Even though it was one time, it was still crossing boundaries that most nannies would never dare. What nannies do the most is protect themselves. The littlest misunderstanding can ruin you career. Which means the small country of Korea could leave you unemployed because signing up with any agency requires references. 
He has all of his boxes of concern checked and he will be more cautious in the future. The whole thing about being too close to the baby is a hard one. The way the little one clings to him. Her smile and her presence when she crawls towards's addicting. Jiyong just wants to take care of she is his own. 
But here is the reality. 
He is just an employee Mr. Choi is his boss. 
Jiyong straightens up his jacket that got a little twisted running down the hallway. He figures that Seunghyun is running late so he is not too worried about not being at the door earlier. The nanny rings the door bell and waits for potential chaos. 
The door opens and Seunghyun let's the nanny in. "Had me worried for a bit there Jiyong Shi..." 
The younger takes off his bag. "Excuse me sir?" 
Seunghyun grabs his suit case and digs for a random file. "I said that you had me worried. Normally you show up early." 
"Oh don't worry sir. I was on my way. Your baby will have a nanny no matter what." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I was worried about you pabo." 
Jiyong is a little taken off guard....his boss was worried about him? The younger doesn't want to get any weird thoughts so he just shakes off the topic. Rule number one in Jiyong's book is staying professional. No matter how good looking his bosses will be. 
Jiyong goes to the fridge and opens it to prepare Rae Yoo some breakfast. Since it is so early in the morning, Jiyong doesn't want to wake the little one just yet. The night before she didn't get much sleep because of her wet diaper. Sleep is very important for babies, so Jiyong will let the beautiful princess sleep. The younger slips on his apron and bends into one of the cabinets for a pot to cook in. Jiyong bites his lower lip in concentration as to which pot he should use. 
"Is cooking that serious to you?" says the older standing above him. 
Jiyong chuckles and picks up a pot and stands. He instantly notices the height difference. The man is only three inches taller than him, but his presence is very known. No wonder he is a lawyer. 
"Cooking always put me in a happy place." says the younger walking behind the older to the stove. He flicks on the device and goes back over to the fridge. Seunghyun watches how Jiyong easily gets around his kitchen. The older chuckles. "You know my kitchen better than me...I had no idea I had half of this stuff." Jiyong likes that his boss is friendly this morning, but he feels he is a little too comfortable. He looks at the clock. "You are not running late today sir?" 
Seunghyun looks at his watch. "Ne...I should go. I will be back at ten...sorry to be so talkative. I know you are busy." Jiyong didn't think that he was giving that kind of vibe. He instantly feels bad. "Wait...did you eat?" 
The older smiles gently and nods. "Ne Jiyong Shi, I had a healthy breakfast to be a model father. Did you eat?" Jiyong almost feels like he is talking to his lover. It is so different dealing with one boss. Normally he is use to interacting with the mother of the family and never really much interaction with the father of the families he has nannied for. The younger nods. "Ne. I ate before I left home." 
Seunghyun smiles. "Good. I don't want you starving on the job." The older opens the door and then leaves. Jiyong turns back to preparing his meal and starts to chop some veggies. The fresh food gets chopped bit by bit. Jiyong soon starts to slow down his chopping. He stares at the boiling pot to his side and then back at the veggies. "I'm the nanny...I'm the nanny..." says the younger to himself. He almost broke one of his rules today. 
//////////////////////Rae Yoo's room///////////////////////
Little hands and little feet squirm as the baby awakens. She is well rested and there is daylight in her room. Normally the sun is just rising but since the baby slept in the room is well lit. The younger rolls a bit and pushes off her blanket with her socked feet. She rolls again until she is at the crib bars where she can support herself to stand. 
Inch by inch the little one gets up to her feet and gets a better view of the room. Crazy hair that is sticking up on end and sleep in her eyes Rae Yoo looks for the one that makes her smile. She then hears a familiar sound outside her door. "asdkfsd" says the baby to herself as she readjust her body to the doorway. "GAH GAH GAH GAH..." says the baby loudly. 
Jiyong is in the kitchen reading a book his noona gave him. Dara and Jiyong are use to not having a TV growing up so reading was always something more entertaining. The two love to read romance novels. Dara tends to go a little more extreme with her choices of books because the man that they describe just simply doesn't exsist. Jiyong is reading one of those books today because Dara said so. The younger is finding it more of a comical read than a romance. Jiyong is more into the realistic reads. The nanny pulls out his choice of book called "Finding". It's a realistic fiction of a long distance relationship. Jiyong loves the books with struggle to love. 
"GAAAAAAH GAH GAAAH GAH GAAAAH AP GAAAAAH" Screams Raeyoo in a singing tone. Jiyong smiles to himself and marks his book before closing it. He gets up from the table and walks over to Raeyoo's room. He looks inside to see the big eyes over joyed to see her favorite person in the morning. The little one smiles "Gaaaah" 
"You calling me baby girl?" 
The baby smiles again and wiggles a bit. Jiyong chuckles before reaching in the crib to pick her up. "Gooooood morning Raeeeyoooooo." sings Jiyong as he spins them around the room as if they were dancing. Just seeing Raeyoo touches his heart. "You ready to eat breakfast?" 
The baby snuggles into Jiyong and coos. The nanny walks out of the room to the kitchen to place the baby in her high chair. Jiyong puts a toy to distract her and then goes to prepare her premade breakfast. The little one didn't sleep too long today since it's only 11. Jiyong puts a breakfast sized portion on a plate and then walks over to serve her. 
With a spoon in hand he is feeding her oatmeal with mixed fruits. The little one of course opens wide to the food she is not even familiar with. Jiyong laughs a bit. "Baby you don't even know what this is?" The older puts the spoon into the baby's mouth and watches as she experiences this food for the first time. It is a mix of solids and soft food so it will be a little different for Raeyoo. 
The little one furrows her brows and then chews and furrows her brows again. Jiyong is not sure if she likes it but figures it's not too bad since she didn't spit it out or fuss. "Do you like it baby?" says Jiyong wiping the corner of Raeyoos mouth. The little one wiggles a bit and swallows the food. She opens again and Jiyong laughs. "So you do like it huh?" He feeds her again and this time Raeyoo processes the food with ease. He loves the faces that she makes when she experiences new things. 
Seunghyun looks down at his computer when he gets a notification from his secretary. He opens the message to see. "The witch is on her broom". Seunghyun rolls his eyes and clears the papers on his desk. The lawyer tidys the room a bit and then hears clicking of heels. 
"Seunghyun ah. Why are these papers everywhere." 
"I'm working mother..." says the older trying to make his office a little more decent. During the day the room becomes a mess, but he always tidys up before he heads home. It's a bad image to have a messy office. 
The lawyer takes a seat behind his desk and watches as his mother takes a seat across from him in a office chair. She looks the man over. "You didn't fix your hair today..." 
"I ran out of style wax." 
"You need to get some...your hair looks a mess...and this" 
Seunghyun sighs. "What brings you here today mother." 
The woman frowns a bit and then looks into her bag to pull out a long envelope. She takes it and tosses it on the desk. "Open it." Seunghyun sighs and opens the envelope winding the red string off the closure. He then peaks in and frowns. He takes the items and puts them on the desk. " hasn't even been two years." Indeed Mrs. Choi brought over profiles of women that she has already preapproved with the match maker. 
"Just look them over. You need to remarry..." 
"I'm not ready yet mother..." 
"What do you mean you are not ready...your baby needs a mother and you need a wife. You have been with out one for long enough. How will your clients view you if they found out about your personal life." 
Seunghyun is use to his mother making sure that his life is picture perfect. All his life he had to suffer through her making decisions for is as if he never really had a choice gowning up. Most of the time he would agree to her everything...but today he doesn't agree. He pushes the pictures towards her including the envelope. The woman gets wide eyed. "Seunghyun. Didn't I tell you to look those over. Why are you pushing them back?" 
"Mother" The older would raise his voice but the office walls are too thin...and also it's his mother. "I told you I'm not ready. I don't need a wife right now. I have a nanny and my clients and my co workers don't pry into my life. They know I'm a widow and they don't treat me any different than before." 
"Of course they don't treat you differently...that's because they feel sorry for you...they feel awkward. You need a wife. You can keep the nanny but you need a wife. Think of your image Seunghyun."  The woman continues to frown while looking her son over. "I don't know what has gotten into you but I have never seen you so resistant. What have I done to you?" 
There she goes again pulling the victim she is the one who is suffering in this world. Seunghyun stands from his chair and turns around. He sighs and puts his hand at the bridge of his nose. "Mother....nothing has changed...I'm a grown man now...I have lost a wife not even two years ago.  I have a child....there is enough going on in my life and bringing a woman to marry is just not right the time." 
"It is the time. You must marry." 
Seunghyun has been patient enough. "Mother. This is not the Choi Dynasty. This is 2013. I don't need to marry to bring peace to the lands. I'm just me. I'm just a lawyer, not running for president. Just let me make my decisions...please." 
Mrs. Choi stands up from her chair and puts her bag on her shoulder. She looks at the pictures on the desk and then back at him. "Look those over and tell me which one you want a blind date for. Either you do it..or I will do it for you. You will marry and you will do as I dare you lecture me. Be the son that I know and stop this non sense. Think of your image. Think of your family. You still have not produced us a son. Hopefully your next wife will live longer." 
Seunghyun puts his hands on his desk and leans over it. He hides his face because if he looks at his mother she might turn into someone else in his eyes and he will punch her...she really knows how to cross the line. "Thank you for visiting mother." says the older with gritted teeth. "I have lots of work to if you could please leave..." 
The woman looks her son over and can tell that he is upset. "I'm doing this for your own good." 
"Goodbye mother" says Seunghyun a little louder.
The woman leaves and Seunghyun melts into his desk chair. The things she says are so cruel with such vigor when she spills words out. What's even sicker is that she insults him with a smile on her face. The older sighs and just pulls out a stack of papers that he had hiding in his desk drawer. He notices some pictures falling to the floor and then looks at some of the other ones. He growls and pushes the rest off the office desk. His secretary comes into the room with a cup of coffee in her hand. Seunghyun looks up and groans. "That woman doesn't know when to stop..." 
Cherin places the cup on the desk and bends down to pick up the pictures from the floor. "Sun Yee, Yoo Bin...are these profiles?" 
Seunghyun nods "Neee. My mother is trying to get me married." 
Cherin shakes her head. "It's only been a little over a year since you have been could she..." 
"You are lucky you don't have a mother in law like my mother..." 
Cherin sighs. "I'm sorry Lawyer Choi...I'm sure that one day your mother will understand you." 
They both shake their heads and laugh. Seunghyun grins. "No she won't...that woman will take that personality to the grave...and so will my father...." 
Cherin smiles gently. "Well I'm glad that you are not like them..." 
"I kind of am...image" He pulls at his tailored suit.
Nods. "True...maybe on the outside but the inside is totally different... I will leave you to your work Lawyer Choi...just making sure you were not plotting to burn the place down..." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Don't worry I won't burn down your husband's practice." Cherin smiles and leaves the room. She has been his secretary for years and has seen most of what he had to go through. YoungBae the son's owner of the practice also works there also sees what the poor man has to go through. Cherin and YoungBae have a totally opposite life with their modest marriage, home, and surroundings. They were there for Seunghyun when the pain of loss surrounded him for weeks. If it wasn't for YoungBae, Seunghyun would still be trapped in a dark cloud. Even though the older doesn't really converse with him or even share much he still appreciates their kindness and how they don't judge. 
Seunghyun comes down the hallway up to his front door with the replay of him and his mother's conversation. He knows that she will get her way and that there will be another woman that he doesn't love pushed towards him. She will most likely be a woman from a accomplished background with a clean history. She will marry knowing that she will be a trophy and a mother who will have to bare a son. 
The lawyer puts the code into the door and it unlocks with a beep. Jiyong who is in the kitchen hears the door open. Seunghyun comes into the lit kitchen to see Jiyong on the floor. The younger stands and bows. "Evening Mr. Choi. I have put Raeyoo to bed a couple minutes ago. I was just doing some things until you arrived. I will just clean up this mess..." The younger bends down and starts to pick up many plastic items. 
"What are you doing?" says the older putting his bag down. 
Jiyong continues to pick up the items. "I'm baby proofing your house so Raeyoo is safe. I baby proofed the cabinets and the fridge...and I put covers on all of the outlets...." 
Seunghyun looks around and notices the clear covers over all the empty sockets. "You did the whole condo?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne...Raeyoo likes to explore a I wanted to make her play areas safer...." The older is touched on how Jiyong is so concerned about his daughter's safety.
"Have you eaten?" Jiyong stands up with his plastic bag in his hand. He looks the man over. "Sir?" 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "No...I haven't eaten since breakfast." 
Jiyong then goes to the fridge. "You must eat sir. It's not good for your health." 
"What if I'm not hungry" Seunghyun snaps back...but he didn't mean to. Thoughts of his mother is still on his mind and he is now finding that he upset the other. "I'm sorry..." Jiyong shakes his head. "No, I'm sorry. I over stepped my boundaries. Who am I to tell you what to do with your evening. I will take my leave" 
Seunghyun watches as the man goes to grab his bag. He can't let him leave like this. Jiyong passes him and the older takes his wrist catching the other off guard. "Mr. Choi?" says Jiyong looking down at the hand grabbing him. Seunghyun lets go of the wrist. "Sorry. I didn't mean to grab you. I just want you to know that I'm not mad at you and sorry to upset you. I just had a rough day at I'm a little on edge..." 
Jiyong hears in the mans voice that he is indeed a little rattled from something. The younger looks into the mans eyes. "Don't worry about it." 
Seunghyun then sits at the table. "I would like some dinner...Jiyong." 
He said his name. Yes he has said it before but this time it's different. It's so sincere and so soft. The younger shakes the warm feelings and thoughts and proceeds to fixing his boss the prepared meal. Soft tofu stew (/ 순두부 찌개 / Soondubu jjigae) is the meal of the day. Raeyoo had the smaller portion and Seunghyun is getting the man portion. Jiyong warms up the stew in the pot and then pours some in a bowl. He grabs a fork and then serves his boss the meal. 
Seunghyun watches as the younger places the meal before him. He looks up and smiles. "You are quite the chef" 
Jiyong almost blushes at the compliment. He quickly turns around. "It's nothing. I will clean up these dishes and leave you sir to eat." 
The older watches as Jiyong hurries back to the stove. "Jiyong Shi." The younger looks up. "Please eat too." The older pulls out a chair. Jiyong smiles and shakes his head. "I have already eaten with Raeyoo" 
The older chuckles. "You are a terrible liar Jiyong Shi. I have watched you feed her never eat with her...come eat." 
Jiyong shakes his head. "Really sir. I'm fine" 
Seunghyun stands up from the table and chuckles. "Well right now you are off the clock. I'm your hyung." He goes to the kitchen and grabs Jiyong's wrist again and places him at the table. "Sit." The younger does as told and watches as Seunghyun grabs a bowl that he didn't know existed to put some food in it. He goes back over to the table with a fork and places it in the bowl to serve in front of the younger. "Eat." says the older taking his seat at the table again. 
Jiyong looks at the food in front of him and debates on how to get out of this situation. He is checking rule number two on his list of don'ts. The younger watches how the older eats his food. Jiyong's stomach growls and he puts a hand to it. The younger then decides to eat again with the older...twice is no harm. The two eat in silence but it's not awkward. Finally Seunghyun decides to make conversation. 
"Sorry about earlier..." 
Jiyong looks up again. "Don't worry about it Mr. Choi" 
"Hyung... You can call me that..." 
Jiyong chuckles. "I can't do that Mr. Choi. You are my boss." 
The older chuckles "I understand. How did you become so great with kids? Do you come from a big family?" 
Jiyong smiles into his fork and swallows remaining food. "You could say that.. I had many brothers and sisters." 
"Oh how many?" 
"Hmmm...about 40." 
The older almost chokes. "Forty? How did your parents manage that?" 
Jiyong chuckles again. "I'm an orphan. I grew up in an orphanage.. The people I grew up with I consider my siblings because I took care of most of them and the older ones did the same for me. We were like a big family." Jiyong smiles at the man and Seunghyun kind of feels sorry for him. "Oh don't make that face." Jiyong chuckles. "I had a very normal upbringing filled with joy and laughter." 
Seunghyun smiles "Well that's good. Not to pry...but did you ever get to meet your parents?" 
Jiyong shakes his head. "Nope. They were into drugs and left me on the door step. My house mother picked me up and brought me in. When I was fourteen I found out that they passed on."
"I'm sorry" says the older over looking his life and what he complains about on a daily basis. Jiyong had a normal life but no one to really call blood. "Did your noonas teach you to cook?"
Jiyong laughs. "No neither one of them could really cook. I was tired of all the instant food so I taught myself by reading many cook books. After trial and error, I learned my craft pretty well." 
"You sure did. You are a fabulous cook I must say." 
Jiyong blushes and the older gets concerned. "What happen? Did you eat a pepper?" 
Jiyong nods and gets up from the table. It wasn't a pepper he was blushing. His boss really knows how to put on the charms. Seunghyun comes over to the sink next to Jiyong with his bowl. Jiyogn takes it and starts to clean. Seunghyun leans against the counter and sighs. "I wish I had a childhood like yours." 
Jiyong looks over. "Really? I didn't have parents." 
"But you still had everything in life. You had joy and the power of discovering what you liked to do. My childhood consisted of following orders." chuckles the older. "My mother really knows how to push my buttons." 
Jiyong dries off the bowls with a look of concern. "Sorry to hear that sir...I don't understand...your parents should celebrate that you are a lawyer and have a beautiful child. You are a wonderful person Mr. Choi" 
"I'am?" says the older with a smile.
"Ne" Jiyong nods with a smile. "I should take my leave now sir. I will be back in the morning at 7." Jiyong goes over to grab his bag again and walks to the door of the condo. "Call me hyung." says Seunghyun with a grin. Jiyong chuckles and looks back while opening the door. "Good night Mr. Choi"  He closes the door and goes down the hallway with a snug look on his face. Jiyong then realizes that he pretty much crashed his list of Manny don'ts.
Jiyong's Don't of Mannying(The list grows with experience)
1. Don't get personal
2. Don't share personal information
3. Don't stay after hours unless it's over time
4. Don't get attached
5. Don't eat dinner with Seunghyun...again...
"Aigo...the list keeps growing" 
////////////////////////Raeyoo's Room/////////////////////
Seunghyun peaks into the room of his daughter and sees tha she is fast asleep. He opens the door a bit more making the door creak. The older winces and prays for her not to. "waaaWAAAAAA!" 
The older sighs. "Damn door..." He goes over to the crib and picks up his daughter. "It's okay baby..." He picks up her blanket and swaddles her in it. The little one calms down once she is comforted. Seunghyun looks around the room and then sets his eyes on the rocking chair. 
He walks over and takes a seat. The little one stares the man in the eyes making him chuckle. "Aigo such big eyes....let's go to sleep baby." This is probably the first time Seunghyun has ever sit in the rocking chair but he is doing it like a pro. He combs back the little hair and rocks gently. The baby keeps looking the man over and the man smiles again. "Daddy loves you." 
The little one has never heard those words before. She doesn't even know what they mean entirely but the words from her father makes her smile. The little one snuggles closer to her daddy and coos again. When Mrs. Choi gets under Seunghyun's skin this is when he thinks of Raeyoo the most. He hopes and prays that he will not turn into his parents. He wishes for his daughter to have a happy and fun life to make her own Jiyong...
The older rocks the chair as the baby tries to sleep. 
"Golden slumbers kiss your eyes. Smiles await you when you rise..." The father sings the song to his daughter. He doesn't know all the words but he knows  the tune puts Raeyoo to sleep. Jiyong sings the song every time he puts her to bed and she always goes to sleep with out a fuss. Like clock work she is sleeping peacefully. The older smiles down at his sleeping daughter in his arms.
"Daddy loves you" Whispers the loving father...

**Hello all! It has been a while Ne? Miane. I have been caught up in finals the past couple of weeks. As a graduate student I have more work than Undergrad students. Anyways what do you think of this chapter. As you all know I love your feedback of what you liked^^ Please leave me a comment. Your thoughts help fuel me. Until next time! Love!^^


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Double update for the Manny. Please read!! 5/16/13


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Chapter 39: Love this story!
Chapter 14: ❤
Chapter 13: ❤
Chapter 12: ❤
Chapter 11: ❤
Chapter 10: ❤
Chapter 9: ❤
Chapter 8: ❤
Chapter 7: ❤
Chapter 6: ❤