
The Manny

"He is giving you a week?" says Dara sitting on her and Jiyong's sofa. The younger sits with is tea and nods. "Ne he said that he would give me a week. He didn't expect me to be a man" 

Dara rolls his eyes. "Is he blind? He sounds like a real jerk..." 
"Well I can't say that yet...but he is at least giving me a chance." Jiyong smiles to himself. "His baby is so sweet" 
"I'm sure the baby is cute...but did you say anything else when he gave you a week? Did you tell him of your background?" Dara gets defensive when people don't treat her dongsaeng right. 
Jiyong shakes his head. "He barely even looked me in the eye. If you could only see his face when it registered that I was a man taking care of his baby for the day. He took out his wallet and was ready to pay me off" 
"ing jerk..." Dara mutters to herself. "Well I'm not going to tell you what to do...but no matter how cute that baby is, don't let that jerk mistreat you again...that was uncalled for...he can't even properly acknowledge you" 
Jiyong nods. "I know and I will don't worry. I just feel sorry for the baby...I can tell that he doesn't spend time with her. Her clothes are out dated and there where no toys in the bath tub." 
"The workaholic. I have been with a couple of those...but they at least say goodnight to their children..." 
Jiyong shrugs his shoulders. "Well this is just my first day...maybe today was just an off day..." 
Dara chuckles. "You are too nice..." 
"Well you can't judge him yet...I don't never know the guy" 
"At least you knew he was a guy" 
"Noona." Jiyong whines. 
The older gets up with a  laugh. "You know I want nothing but the best for you Ji ah. I hope that this new family will turn out to be something good." 
Jiyong stands up and pulls his noona into a hug. "Well after this week if I'm not happy I will leave." 
"Promise....don't get into the cute face of the baby" 
"I won't. Promise" Dara releases the hug and pats her dongsaengs back. "Good...well I'm going to go to bed now. I need to take the Lee family's twins to cheer practice in the morning." 
Jiyong goes to his room and grabs the alarm clock. He has to be at the Choi's residence at 7am. Jiyong is looking forward to seeing the baby, but not so much his boss.
"Ga ga ga jlkjsadf" says the baby crawling around the house. Seunghyun is once again running around the house gathering things for work. He is just letting his child roam around the house while he gets ready. The door bell rings and he thanks the heavens once again. Jiyong on the other side is wearing different attire than yesterday. Instead of an interview outfit. It is now child friendly attire so that he can take care of the baby without worries of his clothes. 
The door opens to the residence and Jiyong bows. "Good morning" Seunghyun turns around and points to the living room. "She's somewhere over there..." mutters the man looking through his brief case. Jiyong comes into the house and steps over some toys that have made their way into the kitchen. Seunghyun runs back into his room running into  a plastic toy which makes him almost lose his balance. "!"  The man yells which makes Jiyong surprised the man cursed so loudly in front of his baby. 
Jiyong walks to the living room and doesn't find the baby anywhere. He then starts to look around the house more. "Rae Yoo..." says Jiyong in a playful voice. "Where are you little one?" Jiyong listens closely of sounds of a diaper. He then goes to her room. "Rae Yoo are you in here?" He hears the diaper by her stuffed animals. The little one is holding on to one of her toys while crawling under the crib. "There you are baby." says Jiyong bending down to her level. "What are you doing down there." 
The baby smiles "ga gah gah gah ajksjfkd" says the baby while drool falls from . Jiyong then takes the little one into his arms. The baby looks over the mans face furrowing her brows. "You remember me right?" The baby continues to stare the man down and Jiyong starts to sing a song from yesterday. Instantly the baby remembers him. "So you do remember me cutie." 
Jiyong goes over to the dresser and pulls out a bib for the little one to drool on. He then pulls out some clothes for her to wear today. "What should we wear baby? Pink....or pink...or pink" He looks into the little ones eyes and smiles. "I think that we should go with pink." He puts the outfit on the dresser and then hears a door close. Jiyong walks out of the room with the baby and then sees that the front door has been closed. 
The younger then shakes his head. Seunghyun didn't even say bye to his child before he went into work. The baby grips Jiyong's hoodie as she cuddles closer to his arms. "Are you still tired baby" The little ones eyes still look tired and it's is pretty early for a baby to be awake. Rae Yoo was only taken out of her crib this morning because she kept crying to get out. Now that she is out she is tired. 
Jiyong takes a baby blanket from the closet and rips off the tag. "Aigo hasn't even been used." He goes to the living room and lays the blanket down on the floor. He places the baby down on the plush carpet and puts her in a laying position. The baby looks at him in the eyes and smiles up at the man. "Such a friendly baby." He then gently rubs the baby's belly and starts to sing to her  a lullaby.  He would sing to his dongsaengs in the orphanage when he was a child. 
"Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,
Smiles await you when you rise.
pretty baby,
Do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby.
Cares you know not,
Therefore sleep,
While over you a watch I'll keep.
pretty darling,
Do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby."
The baby wiggles a bit while Jiyong sings and that is a sign that the baby is getting sleepy. He finishes the song and the little one has already closed her eyes. Her little mouth breathes in and out and her tiny little hand has a grip on Jiyong's finger. The older stares at the beautiful baby and then instantly feels sorry for her. 
Her dad obviously has other priorities in his life and this makes Jiyong mad. There are so many parents in this world who would love a baby to have. People would find this little baby a true blessing with her big eyes and ivory skin. She looks just like her father and Jiyong hopes that she will not turn out like him. He hates to prejudge but the father pretty much gave his own bad impression. 
Jiyong unpries the little hand from his finger. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a hair bow with bells on it. The best time to fix a baby's hair is when they are sleeping. Once they are in their slumber they are sleep for hours. Jiyong takes the hair tie and places it at the top of her hair. He ties it around a couple times to make sure it doesn't wiggle off when the baby crawls. 
Jiyong then starts to do some nanny duties. He is not sure when the crib was last changed out and he is not sure when the room had a proper cleaning. Jiyong goes to the kitchen and looks around for some cleaning products. Thankfully he finds some and he goes to the baby's room to start some serious cleaning. 
The room turned out to be really dusty and the bed sheet maybe have been changed weeks ago by the previous nanny. Jiyong feels sorry that the baby lives in such poor conditions and the Seunghyun lives like a King in his room. Yea, Jiyong did a little tour. He can read a person just by how they keep their house. He can tell that Seunghyun keeps himself first and everything else goes second. 
Jiyong takes the sheets out of the crib and goes to the washer. He takes turns the washer to colors and the machine cuts on. Jiyong peaks out from the laundry room and makes sure the baby didn't wake up to the sounds and like a baby she didn't hear a thing. He throws all of the bed sheets in and then closes the washer.
With two task down he goes to the kitchen and checks the food in the fridge. Jiyong likes for babies to eat organic foods and not eat processed food. If it means dipping into the children's toy money he does it. He believes in feeding children the best so that they will properly develop. Also the whole talking thing is good for babies. The more you talk to them the more the speech part of their brain works. Rae Yoo is at the age where she could talk at any moment...still it depends because it varies with all babies. 
Jiyong looks into the fridge and sighs. There is still a lack of food like from yesterday. He will have to go to the market. Since it's still early he decides to just wait until the baby wakes up. 
////////////////////Two hours later//////////////
Jiyong is laying on the floor and he made the mistake of falling a sleep. The one thing that Seunghyun is good for at the moment is picking out comfortable carpet. The older then feels a weight on his body. He opens his eyes to see a baby staring at him. Jiyong smiles and the baby coos while more drool falls onto her bib. "Aigo" says the older wiping the droll from . "When did you wake up cutie" Rae Yoo smiles and snuggles next to Jiyong making her hair tie jingle. 
The older sees that the hair tie doesn't bother her so far. Jiyong takes the baby in his arms and sits up. "Want to go to the market with me? It's a fun place" The baby just stares and smiles. Jiyong takes the baby starts to get her ready to go out. He gives her a bath and puts on a pink out fit. He puts on some shoes that will never touch a floor and picks her up again. 
"Do you have a stroller?" says the older quietly. He checks around the house in all the closets and doesn't see one. He then goes to Rae Yoo's room to see a stroller tucked away in the corner. It looks rather expensive with it's twist around features making it so that if Jiyong wants the baby facing him he could do so.
He takes some blankets and puts the little one in the stroller. He googled earlier that there is a market near by that is walking distance. Taking babies on walks is good for them because they get some healthy sun rays and new colors and surroundings. Jiyong pulls the stroller up to the door and opens it. He pulls the stroller and pulls it down the hallway. The baby looks around as she is pulled down the long hallway to the elevator. "This is fun huh" says Jiyong excited. The baby smiles and they get onto the elevator. He pushes the button to go down and the lift smoothly starts to move. 
Jiyong thanks the heavens it's not one of those jerky elevators. Those things scare the crap out of babies. They walk down to the lobby and with the help of the doorman the two are exposed to the Korean air. 
The weather is nice and cool and not too much for the baby. Jiyong pulls the sun cover of the stroller over the baby and continues to walk. The walk is five minutes according to Google. Jiyong gets to the stop light and a lady smiles down at the child. "How old is she?" 
Jiyong smiles. "She is one" 
"Aigo so precious. Your child is beautiful" 
Jiyong smiles. "I'm just the nanny" 
"Well I would never know. She has a smile as bright as yours." Jiyong smiles. "Thank you." The two cross the street and continue to the market. The place is huge with it's large signs with deals of organic foods. Since Seunghyun didn't leave them any money Jiyong is dipping into his funds for this trip. Next trip Seunghyun has to pay. 
Jiyong goes into the market and immediately is in the produce section. There are many exposed fruits and veggies making the area slightly cold. Jiyong then takes the blanket and puts it around Rae Yoo. "There you go little one." The baby smiles again and continues to look around the room. Jiyong can tell she doesn't get out much. 
The younger gathers a lot of food that he can use to cook during the week. Since the stroller is a little too wide to fit in the check out lines he opted for self check out which is something he prefers. He machine beeps of every product and Rae Yoo coos. "Gah gah gah gah" Jiyong looks down and grins. "I'm buying you yummy foods." 
"gah gah gah" 
"Yea it does look good huh" 
The baby smiles. "Gaaaah gah gah asdfak" 
"Mmhm tell me more about that" Jiyong continues to let the baby talk while he finishes up with checking out his items. He puts the bags in a storage area below the stroller and then makes his way out of the market. The sun is bright but not hot and it makes everything so perfect. The sun beams a little too much in the stroller making the younger squint. Jiyong chuckles and pulls the sun cover more over the baby. "That's better ne?" 
//////////////////////Apt 344///////////////////
It's dinner time and Jiyong has Rae Yoo in her high chair with some toys while he is preparing dinner. She ate lunch/breakfast well so now all he has to do is prepare her some dinner. The baby coos and has some baby conversations with Jiyong while he cooks in front of her. 
The aroma of the apartment is divine with it's fresh ingredients melting the air. Jiyong is preparing a side dish which is used as baby food too called Gamja jorim(potato side dish popular for babies). It has  corn syrup, garlic, olive oil, onion, potato, salt, sesame oil, sesame seeds, soy sauce, water,white oyster mushrooms. 
Jiyong loves preparing this dish for children because it's filling and it's not going to give them bad gas. The thing to think about when preparing food is if this will upset your baby. Jiyong of course is the nanny so he is just for cooking many things to see what Rae Yoo likes the most. Then if he gets to stay he will adjust her diet accordingly. 
He pulls the food off the stove and takes a already set out plate. He takes a chair and sits in front of the high chair. Rae Yoo eyes the man in front of her and stares at the food. "It's going to tastes so yummy" Jiyong smiles and takes the toys off the high chair. He then puts a little food on his fork and the baby opens wide. "Aigo you eat to well" The baby chews the food in and Jiyong checks for signs of possibly not liking the food. 
The baby opens again revealing a couple of teeth and Jiyong puts the food in again. They get halfway through and the front door starts to rattle open. Rae Yoo gets a little distracted and Jiyong gets the baby's attentions. "Baby eat some more ne?"
Seunghyun comes into the kitchen and it smells amazing. He then looks as his baby girl is eating food. The older watches as she chews the food gingerly. Jiyong looks back with a smile. "Welcome back Mr. Choi." 
The older nods and puts his brief case on the kitchen table. "What is she eating?" 
"Oh just gamja jorim." Jiyong then feeds the baby some more food. 
"Oh..." The older takes off his jacket and puts it on nearby chair. "Isn't that a side dish.." 
Jiyong nods keeping attention on the baby. "It's a good dish to feed babies because it doesn't upset their stomach." 
Seunghyun nods in amusement. He has never seen his little girl so happy to eat food...well he has never really noticed. "Have you eaten?" 
The older then looks at Jiyong who is looking at him. "Have you eaten dinner?"  Jiyong puts the last of Rae Yoo's dinner in . Seunghyun shakes his head. "No...I haven't eaten...I'm going to eat in a bit..." 
"There are some left overs. I can fix you a plate..." 
Seunghyun is a little taken back. No one has ever offered him food yet alone cook for him...well Jiyong didn't cook for him, but it seems like he did. "Sure..." 
Jiyong grins and wipes Rae Yoo's mouth. "Good job Rae Yoo!" Jiyongs says excited. "Gaaaaah" The baby responds and Jiyong smiles back at her. Seunghyun watches how his baby interacts with the other. "She never smiles like that with me..." says the older to himself. 
Jiyong grabs a chocolate cookie and breaks it in half. He places it on Rae Yoo's high chair and the baby grabs it. Instantly the cookie breaks into pieces making it easier for her to eat. "Isn't that messy..." says the older watching his daughter smear chocolate all over her face. Jiyong looks back. "Ne, it helps her to learn." 
"Oh.." says the older taking a seat at his kitchen table. This is the most the man has spoken. Jiyong then comes over with a plate full of Gamja Jorim and Kimchi" 
"I know they are side dishes but they work pretty well as a meal in this portion. I wasn't sure if you would make it back for dinner so I just cooked extra anyways." Jiyong smiles at the man and then goes back into the kitchen to clean the dishes. "Rae Yoo is  a great child." 
Seunghyun takes a bite of the food and melts. "Mmmhm" says the man digging for more. "Do you always cook?" 
"Ne I believe in organic meals. Actually, I was wondering if you have an allowance for Rae Yoo?" 
The older shakes his head. "Not really...I gave money for diapers..or what ever she needed." 
Jiyong is not a fan of this person but he doesn't show it. "Well could you leave some money including food allowance?" The older nods. "Ne...whatever you need." 
Jiyong looks over and sees the baby is finished. "Oooooh look at you. So chocorific." Jiyong says to the baby. Rae Yoo puts her hands up and Jiyong picks her up. He then takes her into her bath room and changes her out of her day wear into night clothes. "Let's go to bed Ne. It's late hm?" The baby yawns and snuggles against the older. Jiyong takes the baby and places her in the crib. 
The big eyes flutter open and she starts to pout. Jiyong rubs her belly and coos. "I'm right here and I will be here in the morning little one" Jiyong turns on her mobile and music starts to play. Stars and moons move over her crib and Jiyong watches as the baby falls into a peaceful slumber. Jiyong closes the door half way and picks up his bag. 
The lawyer is now sitting in the living room watching TV. "Mr. Choi. I put Rae Yoo to bed." 
Seunghyun nods looking at the TV. "Okay...." 
"Do you even know my name?" Jiyong mutters making the older turn down the TV. "What?" 
"Nothing..." says Jiyong looking down. Seunghyun looks the man in the eyes and then says. 
"Jiyong...your name is Jiyong...I know your name..."  This makes Jiyong lift his head. 
The younger is surprised the man even remembered. "Oh..." says the younger in embarrassment. "I'm sorry...that was out of line..." 
The older shakes his head. "I'm not offended. Could you be here at the same time tomorrow?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne Mr. Choi." 
"Good see you then" 
Jiyong turns around and head to the door.  "Oh Jiyong?" The younger looks at his boss. "Ne Mr. Choi?" 
"You're hired" 
Jiyong smiles. "Thank you Mr. Choi."  Jiyong quietly makes his exit from the home. He hails a taxi since he has a steady paying job and sits in the back and grins. "I have a job again." 


**Thank you all who are reading this fic. I'm so happy with the resonse so far! Once again I took a risk with fear of people rejecting it, but you all like it as usual. I love the comments. Please continue to leave me feedback. I really love it when people write what they liked because it helps me to write chapters to interest my readers^^ Thank you again. Love! Also if you have enough Karma please upvote this story^^



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Double update for the Manny. Please read!! 5/16/13


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Chapter 39: Love this story!
Chapter 14: ❤
Chapter 13: ❤
Chapter 12: ❤
Chapter 11: ❤
Chapter 10: ❤
Chapter 9: ❤
Chapter 8: ❤
Chapter 7: ❤
Chapter 6: ❤