
The Manny
"Aish you scared me!" Almost screams Seunghyun in his hallway. His mother is crazy,but this is the first time she has camped out in front of his door. Mrs. Choi looks her son over and then at her watch. "So quick to close your where is she?" says the older lady looking her son in the eyes. 
Seunghyun furrows his brows and starts to walk away. "I don't have time for this mother..." murmurs the older trying to catch the elevator. 
The lawyer walks with a fast pase down the hallway with of course the clicking of heels on his tail. He gets to the elevator and the door closes. Mrs. Choi stands in the other corner as she looks over her son once again with a scoff. 
"Tell me how you really feel" says the younger in a sarcastic tone. Yea he is disrespectful but it's hard to respect someone who doesn't respect you. Mrs. Choi scoffs again and crosses her arms. "Why I never have seen such behavior." Yep she said it again. Like she is so surprised that her son is human. Seunghyun is annoyed but he is happy that the woman is no longer lingering near his condo. 
They finally get down into the garage and Mrs. Choi's heels are even louder with the echoes of the concrete bouncing. The woman walks a little faster finally stepping in front of her son like a road block. The woman is slightly out of breath and still with the same annoyed look. "Must I chase you?" 
"You didn't call for me" says the older not looking his mother in the eyes. "I need to get to work mother..." 
"You weren't on time yesterday or the day before...why does it matter now?" 
"" Before the older says something he regrets he walks ahead of the woman. He walks at such a pace he knows his mother will be feet behind him. " little...heh" says the old lady behind her son. She just wants to knock some sense in him...but he walks to fast at the moment. Finally she has had it....she is done playing chase. She stops in her tracks and puts her hands on her hips. "YOU DON'T WANNA TALK...FINE...I WILL JUST FOLLOW YOU UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR HEAD! SEE YOU AT WORK, YOUR DOOR STEP, AND YOUR CAR. I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO. I WANT MY SON BACK!!!" The end of the sentence you can hear a little bit of hurt. She is confused...
Seunghyun slows down his pace and stops at his car. He turns around and looks at his mother feet away. "You didn't lose me...I'm still your son...I love you...but you need to learn that I'm an adult now...I need to learn to make my own decisions in life. I don't want to hurt you, but you are not making life easy right now." 
Mrs. Choi comes closer with Seunghyun this time staying  in one place. The shorter lady looks her son in the eyes. "I just don't get not you...this is not my son..." 
"'m your son...nothing has changed." 
"It all has..." says the older woman now walking away. 
Cherin comes into the office with a look on her face. Seunghyun looks up from his desk "What is it now?" 
"Well...I think that Hyori is coming back from Paris...." 
Seunghyun sighs. "Noona...already...I thought that she was spending two years there?" Yea shows how close Seunghyun and his older sister are...not close at all. 
"Yea...well she texted me the usual fake text of meeting up...she is in Shanghai right now..." 
" me..."(it's an American phrase meaning that things can not get any worse...the way it's said is not in a ual context.) says Seunghyun sighing again. His mother is enough but his older sister in the mix is like a world war. Hye Ri and Hyori were really close and they even decorated  Raeyoo's nursury. Hyori is pretty much a reincarnation of his mother. She is just as superficial and evil as the other. 
"When did you get that text?" 
"Ummm I just looked at my maybe a couple of hours ago..." 
Seunghyun's eyes widen. "..." 
"I think that she might be heading over  to my house first...." 
///////////////////The condo///////////////////////
Jiyong rolled out of bed hours ago and just has been walking around in Seunghyun's hoodie and sweats most of the day. The whole going to his house and changing quickly changed when he looked at how late he slept in. It's only noon so it's fine for the baby. Raeyoo likes to sleep in every now and then. 
Before waking the baby Jiyong did some laundry and cleaning around the house. Since he has slept in Seunghyun's room he felt that it was okay to fix the bed and clean the room a bit...well more than a bit...he cleaned it to perfection. Jiyong had a busy yet still lazy morning...yea doesn't make sense but when it comes to nannying anything busy yet lazy is a good thing. 
Jiyong still pinches himself to see if this is reality. He wakes up to a good looking man and gets to play with a good looking baby all day. Jiyong doesn't mind this life at all. He also likes the joy of air conditioning. Just to not have the sheets stick to you in the middle of the night is like heaven. 
The little one has been awake for a couple of minutes. She wiggled out of her sleep until her little eyes opened with a smile. The little one grabs on the crib and stand up looking around the room. The bright light is still a little blinding but that's nothing her blanket can't fix. She pulls the blanket over her head and peaks out from the corner. "Aiiiigo what are you doing little one." says Jiyong looking through the peep hole. 
Raeyoo wiggles a bit and puts her hands up blanket and all. Jiyong laughs. "Aigo blanket girl wants to be picked up and changed?" 
"sadgdgasdgg" says Raeyoo through the blanket. Jiyong finds the sight so funny how the little one tried to make a hood out of the blanket. Her motor skills are getting better. 
Jiyong places Raeyoo on the changing table to change her diaper. The baby stays still as a toy is placed in her hand to distract her. Jiyong smiles as the little one tries to talk and play at the same time. Jiyong snaps her jammies back shut and picks up the little one again. Since she had her bath last night only brushing her few teeth and gums are next. 
Jiyong places the baby on her bathroom counter. "Ready to brush your teeeth?!" says Jiyong excited. Raeyoo smiles back showing all of her teeth. Jiyong has been working with Raeyoo to be excited about brushing her teeth. He even has a DVD program all about brushing teeth that he found in the back of her closet. He pulls out a puppet from the video and Raeyoo squeals with joy. "Ready to brush brush brush brush?" says Jiyong trying to imitate the character from the DVD. 
Raeyoo smiles as she opens . Jiyong grabs the baby tooth brush and carefully bushes around her sensitive gums and teeth. She is still growing teeth so sometimes brushing in not pleasant for her. Still she let's her appa or Jiyong do it. 
"Good girl" says Jiyong putting the brush away. He puts the toothbrush and the puppet back in the cabinet and Jiyong pulls out the wash cloth...her favorite. "Eeeeeeee" whines Raeyoo. "Just let me clean a little bit" says Jiyong wetting the cloth" Raeyoo furrows her brows. "Eeeeeeeeeee" says the wiggling baby as Jiyong cleans her face. She still doesn't like it but doesn't back away. "Good girl" says Jiyong praising the little one as he picks her up again. "Let's eat some breakfast" he says with a smile. 
Raeyoo cuddles close to Jiyong as she is carried into the kitchen. She is placed into her high chair so that Jiyong can feed her a premade breakfast. Today she is trying oatmeal. Jiyong takes out a spoon and holds out some food for her. Raeyoo opens and eats the food with a smile. She likes the sweetness of the oats and how they don't hurt her gums. Of course she eats almost all of the food in minutes savoring every bite. 
"gah gah gah gah ap gah gah app ap" 
Jiyong smiles. "Oh really?" 
"Eeee ap gah gah gah app app" Raeyoo smiles again with food getting into the corners of . Jiyong wipes with her bib and continues to feed her. The doorbell rings making Jiyong put the baby's food down. "I wonder who that is?" says Jiyong with a smile to the little one.
He holds the video button and sees of course his boyfriend. Jiyong opens the door. "Pabo...why are you ringing the bell?" 
"I changed the code again and forgot..." says the older slightly out of breath. Jiyong looks the man over. "Why are you so out of breath?" Jiyong fills up a glass of water and hands it to Seunghyun. "I....heh...." 
JIyong pats his boyfriend's back. "Drink the water first....breathe...." 
The older does as told and catches his breath. He looks over at his boyfriend and smiles like a fool. "I like you" He leans over and kisses Jiyong on the cheek. The younger lightly punches his shoulder. "Yah yah not in front of the baby..." 
"She just knows that I like you" He kisses him again on the other cheek. 
Jiyong looks at the time. "Why did you rush here...and why are you back?" says Jiyong in a curious tone. Seunghyun smiles "Oh I just wanted to drop by and see you two again." He smiles again at Jiyong but Jiyong is not buying it. "I'm going to have Raeyoo play with some toys...we can have a talk" says JIyong walking over to the baby. "You wanna play little one?" 
Raeyoo smiles as she is picked up and brought over to her play area. She is placed with many toys to keep her busy for ages. Jiyong leans down and kisses the little one on the forehead. "Have some fun. I will be right here" says the older walking over to Seunghyun. "Appa is here too" Raeyoo smiles and then is of course distracted by a random toy that is lighting up. 
Jiyong takes a seat at the kitchen table. "Have a seat." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Why are you so serious baby?" says the other with a grin. Jiyong looks. up. "Seunghyun....we need to be able to communicate...I know that something is bothering you...and it has been bothering you the past couple of to me...maybe I can help...or at least be a listening post...." 
The older takes a seat across from his boyfriend and takes his hand in his. He intertwines their fingers and plays with them a bit. Jiyong looks at the joined hands and smiles as his boyfriend plays with his fingers. "Did I tell you how wonderful you are?" says the older still playing with their joined hands. "Ne" 
Seunghyun looks up. "It's my's been rough the past couple of days..." 
Jiyong looks up. "Is she trying to push you again?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne....and I told her time and time again that I'm not a puppet any more...but she still resist and wonders where her son went...I'm right here....I'm her son...but she refuses to accept me..." 
Jiyong smiles gently. "You are doing so well hyunnie. The great thing is that you are not folding and you are being your true self." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I'm not folding but I"m still mother still doesn't know about" 
Jiyong nods. "True...but this is not a easy pill to swallow...I can wait...but hyunnie...was she at the door this morning?" 
"Because she suspects I'm seeing a one night fling. She is determined to get in here and see where I'm hiding this supposed fling" 
"Oh does she?" 
"No...she hasn't suspected you at all." 
"Well that's good...for now..." 
"Yea I know...for now...I don't know what she will do when she does find out who I'm dating." 
Jiyong takes his other hand and places it on top of the others. "We will figure things worries." 
"You are so strong..." 
"You can be too Seunghyun ah...have confidence" 
"One more sister is in town...." 
"You have a sister?" says Jiyong finding out about a new family member..."Is it that woman in Hyeri's pregnancy photo..." 
"Ne...that's her..." 
"Is she nice?" says JIyong with a grin. 
"Not so much....more a pain...she was just like my wife...spoiled and superficial..." says the older annoyed. "She might drop by that's why I came over." 
There's a knock on the front door making the couple freeze. Jiyong looks over at his boyfriend. "Is that her...." 
Seunghyun nods. "She is the only person on the planet that knocks on front doors." The older stands and presses the video button. Of course Hyori is dressed elegantly with a bag draped over her arm. "Open the door Seunghyun...I brought lunch." Hyroi is a good cook so she finds the excuse to come over and pry into his business. 
"I already ate."
" can't lie to me little open the door..." 
Seunghyun stomps his feet trying to control his anger. Raeyoo who is not use to relatives still, is wondering why her appa is dancing by the door. The baby crawls over to Jiyong and grabs on his leg. Jiyong reaches down and takes the baby in his arms. He smoothes her hair and kisses her gently. Seunghyun quietly growls. He doesn't want her in the condo...not yet.... "What should I do..." says the older looking at JIyong.
"I will leave..." 
"Please don't...." says the older in a desperate tone. "Stay..." 
Jiyong nods and places the baby in the high chair. He takes off the hoodie and places it on a chair revealing his own plain t-shirt. "Well I will just be the the door." 
Seunghyun shakes his head. He doesn't want to hide this....he can't. "No Jiyong....come here...." 
Jiyong makes a confused face as he comes closer to his boyfriend. "Hyunnie?" 
Seunghyun grabs Jiyong's hand and holds the door knob. Jiyong then moves his hand away. "No...hyunnie...not yet..." 
"But we need to tell her now...she is only here to pry...." 
"Let her get to know me first...let her see me with the baby and around you...don't freak her out like this...." 
Seunghyun sighs and leans down to kiss his lover on the lips. "Okay...maybe I should leave her out there" 
"Hyunnie...that doesn't solve anything..." Jiyong is happy that Seunghyun didn't open that door with them hand and hand because Raeyoo wouldn't have liked the would have been ugly. 
Jiyong steps back and picks up the baby. Seunghyun takes a deep breath and opens the door. Hyori who is ready to step in course does so as she takes a huge plunge forward into the condo. "Well hello brother." says the older looking her brother over. "I see that your hair is using different styling product..." 
She then notices Jiyong. "And you are?" 
"I'm Jiyong...the nanny..." 
Hyori laughs. "A man...really Seunghyun?"  says the older laughing again. "Well hello nanny. Must be hard work changing diapers all day..." Jiyong is already getting a taste of the bitterness of the older. She is down right rude and it hasn't been five minutes. "Don't make fun of him. He does an amazing job with Raeyoo." 
Hyori rolls her eyes as she goes into the kitchen. "I'm sure that Raeyun would be better with a woman." 
Seunghyun goes to the door. "It's Rae Yoo not Yun...Leave..." 
"NOt until I's just an hour with me Seunghyun ah. Your nanny can watch the baby.." She places all of her items out on the counter and Jiyong sees that the food is very French and not organic. Seunghyun looks over at his lover and makes an non verbal of asking whether he should kick her out or not. Jiyong motions to let her stay for now...he has heard worse insults in life. 
The woman then opens a drawer to open another and yet another. "Aish where are the knives?" says the older in frustration. Seunghyun rolls his eyes and pulls open a drawer "...they are here."
"Why did you move everything around...." 
"Because I did it." says Jiyong giving Raeyoo a toy to play with. "I prepare all of Raeyoo's food so I organized when I started here." Hyori rolls her eyes again. "So you are telling me that you cook too? You have accomplished so much" says the older in a dry tone. Seunghyun has had it. "You say one more thing to him wrong and you are leaving...." 
"Oh come on...he is the help....why do you care..." 
"Because I do...." 
"Oh so now you care about the going to donate some clothes now?....aish you really did change." 
"Ne. I did change. I turned human....unlike you and mother and father. Jiyong is a wonderful person and if you would just get to know him he would be a great friend to you, but no you just decide to insult him in front of me." 
"Why do you care...seriously..." mutters the  woman again as she chops some veggies. This dinner is starting to get bad quick. Seunghyun then walks over to Jiyong who is now holding the baby. He puts his arm around the younger freaking Jiyong out. "Yah yah" He whispers. Seunghyun then grabs his hand. "Noona." 
The woman looks up with an annoyed face...but that quickly turns sour. "What are you doing?" 
"You know I was just going to let you sit out there....but Jiyong insisted that I let you in....but this is not going well and I'm tired of you insulting him...." 
Hyori laughs. "Oh so what now? You are gay?" says the woman jokingly, but the silence is showing that it's not a joke. " two....nooooo...really?" says the woman trying to process the situation. "Do you realize what this can do to your career....?"
"This relationship has not affected a thing....Jiyong ah...can you take Raeyoo in her room..." Jiyong nods and let's the siblings talk. Hyori points at the walking man. "Relationship...Seunghyun...are you going through a depression...did this guy force you to be with him...." 
"No he didn't. We are like anyone else when it comes to love." 
"You love him?" says Hyori shocked. She looks at her brother hoping that this is not true. 
Seunghyun looks directly at his sister's eyes. "Ne. I love him. I love Kwon Jiyong" 
***Hey all thank you for reading!! I'm so humbled by all of my readers! Thank you all for taking the time to read my stories! Please leave feedback or just a comment. I love all of your commments^^ You all get into the stories and that makes me feel good as  a writer^^



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Double update for the Manny. Please read!! 5/16/13


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Chapter 39: Love this story!
Chapter 14: ❤
Chapter 13: ❤
Chapter 12: ❤
Chapter 11: ❤
Chapter 10: ❤
Chapter 9: ❤
Chapter 8: ❤
Chapter 7: ❤
Chapter 6: ❤