
The Manny
Seunghyun's alarm buzzes under his pillow. He didn't want to wake the younger so he put his alarm on vibrate and then took the extra step of putting it under his pillow. The older is not going to work until around noon but it's natural for him to just wake up early. 
Something that is rare is that he is awake after the sun has come out. Normally he is on the road to beat the parking garage traffic and Korean drivers of 5am. You think that your country has crazy drivers....well try driving in Korea in broad day light during the morning rush....Seunghyun is not a fan. Getting on the road before seven is a must and he has kept that habit for years. 
This is the first time in years where he...I guess you could say sleeping in. Seunghyun feels refreshed and a lot better than yesterday...all thanks to the man next to him. Oh yea...Jiyong is still next to him...Seunghyun almost forgot. Jiyong has been so stand offish since the confession Seunghyun has been trying to block him out too because he likes him too much. 
When Seunghyun thought that there was no chance of Jiyong caring for him...he thought wrong. Jiyong stayed through the night and made sure that his hyung's fever went down. Of course he used Raeyoo as an excuse as to why he stayed but it's a good enough excuse for the older. 
Just putting down that wall that Jiyong builds himself made them almost feel the same again. Like they are meant to be near each other. The way that Jiyong's fingers brushed the thick eyebrows of Seunghyun. Jiyong's looks of concern and Seunghyun submitting to someone younger than him. Jiyong drives him crazy to the point of hating him and liking him at the same time. He hates that Jiyong holds back but he loves that Jiyong does fight his negative thoughts and lets go.  Seunghyun only wishes that Jiyong would let go of the negative and just trust his feelings.
Seunghyun rises up on his luxury mattress and  sits on the side of the bed. He stretches his arms far and wide as he looks out the dimly lit room. Seunghyun still squints his eyes as he carefully gets off the bed. He is not too worried about waking the younger because his mattress blocks most movement and his carpet is so plush the sound of foot steps are not bothersome. 
Seunghyun walks around the bed and looks at the younger. The older laughs as he looks at the blob that is supposedly Jiyong. The younger has he legs wrapped around the blanket to where one of his legs are exposed and the other is tangled. He has his mouth slightly parted followed by a snore that has gotten louder as the night went on..what you think that Jiyong was a quiet sleeping angel...nope...sorry he is a man who snores. Thankfully not too loud. 
The lawyer goes into his bathroom and closes the door. He figures that he should find some clothes for the younger and get him a towel and a extra tooth brush to freshen up. Seunghyun of course is head first in his cabinets wondering if he even has those simple items. 
Thankfully he finds a random box in the back with travel tooth brushes other items for guest. He figures that Jiyong at least washes his face so he is going to let him use his skin care line. The older has two sinks in his bathroom so he sets up Jiyong's side carefully. He places the tooth brush and a bottle of tooth paste next to the sink followed by face wash to his right and clothes sitting between the sinks with a big towel. Seunghyun puts his hands on his hips and smiles at the display that he has made for the younger...."Aigo...I'm crazy...." 
Yesterday Seunghyun was rejected and then cared for...this is what is driving the older. He is not going to force Jiyong to like him...he just hopes that he likes him one day. 
The little one smiles as she sees her daddy enter the room. She of course looks for Jiyong with her little head looking around the room. Seunghyun chuckles and picks up his daughter with a kiss on her cheeks. "My love...you don't want to look for me too?" The baby makes a confused face but smiles again. Seunghyun laughs and pats her little back. 
He then bounces her a bit in his arms. "What do we do next baby girl?" He looks at her in the eyes and the little one wiggles a bit. "Aaaaah diaper" says  the older bringing Raeyoo to the changing table. He lays her down and pulls down her little pants. Her pink diaper makes the older chuckle. "Now who got you these cute things?" He wiggles her legs around and the little one squeals a bit. Seunghyun then proceeds to take off her diaper. "Hmmm I have seen this done before." 
He removes the dirty diaper and puts it in the trash. He then takes out the wipes and starts to clean his daughter. "Gah ap gah gah gha asdfadfkd" The little one talks to her daddy. "OH is that right" Seunghyun smiles at his daughter and takes out another wipe...doesn't hurt to be more clean. "Nice and clean. Now new diaper for baby." He pulls out a new diaper and puts it on the little one. He holds her up and doesn't bother putting her pants back on. "Your diaper is so cute." He then picks up the baby and brings her to the kitchen. 
Seunghyun places the little one down in her highchair and puts some toys on it. "Aaaaappaaa is going to cook" The little one smiles again. Raeyoo is so use to Jiyong in the mornings you can tell that she misses him a bit. "You will see him soon baby. Just let him sleep more" The baby  of course coos in response but doesn't quite understand the sentence yet. 
"Adggasdgjkdgda" Raeyoo looks at the food being prepared in front of her. "ASDFKDSJKDFDF" The little one says a little louder. "Hungry?" says Seunghyun looking up with a smile. He is currently chopping some fruit for Raeyoo to munch on before he prepares breakfast. "Asdfsdkldfkdf" The little one reaches her hands out and furrows her brows. "asdkfasdfksdfa eeeeeee" 
Seunghyun brings a plate over with bite sized food and places it on the high chair. "Food for my lady" He kisses the top of her head and lets the little one grab a piece of cantaloupe. Raeyoo who has a decent amount of teeth now chews the food slowly as she still figures out how to feed herself. Seunghyun finds it so fascinating how the little one grabs things and some how it ends up in . "Is it good?" the little one continues to eat and look at her appa. Seunghyun figures she is happy and goes back to the kitchen. He then turns to see his daughter pouting. 
"What's wrong baby girl?" Seunghyun pouts back 
"aSdfsdfdff" Raeyoo continues to pout almost in tears. 
"Awww my baby girl don't cry what's wrong. Tell appa what you want." 
"Asdffd gaaaah gaaah" The little one whines. "Gaaaaah ap gaaaaah ap...." 
"Oh you want to be closer?" says the older smiling. He then comes back to pull the high chair closer to the kitchen counter. Raeyoo coos while she takes a mini ride through the kitchen. Seunghyun figured she wanted to be close because Jiyong always has her near when he is cooking. 
/////////////////////Seunghyun's room//////////////////// 
The older already has a tray of food in hand followed by his daughter in the other. He has no idea how he did it but he knows that he can't leave the little one by herself in either room. Seunghyun walks up to the bed and places the baby down. Raeyoo sits on the bed and looks up at her appa with big eyes. Seunghyun smiles as he walks over to open his curtains a bit. 
The room lightens and Raeyoo slowly adjust her eyes. She her little eyes locked on the figure next to her. She crawls more on the bed and then smiles as she recognizes the person that she has missed this morning. She then starts to crawl closer to the sleeping man not even afraid of the snores that escapes his mouth...well Raeyoo is use to the snoring. 
Seunghyun watches as his daughter eagerly climbs over to Jiyong. The nanny shifts a bit in his sleep due to the small movement rocking him in his sleep. Raeyoo then crawls closer and puts her two hands on Jiyong's chest staring him in the eyes. She always finds Jiyong fun to watch sleeping. "Asddfdf" The little one coos and Jiyong instinctively brings up an arm and cuddles the little one closer. "Asdfdsfdsf" Jiyong then starts to wake up. "Baby girl..." Jiyong mumbles in his half awake sleep. Seunghyun chuckles and this gets Jiyong more alert. 
Jiyong feels a soft pallete. 'This is not home....this is a dream...' thinks the younger as he shifts  his exposed leg. Raeyoo then takes a hand and places it on Jiyong's cheek squishing it in. The younger laughs "Is this you trying to wake me up..." 
"Eeeeeeee asdfsffdk" The little one pats her hand on the cheek again. "Raeyoo is a good alarm clock eh?" says Seunghyun knowing that Jiyong is going to flip out now....incoming...panic.
Jiyong of course sits up with the baby in hand. His hair is sticking up every which way with puffy eyes. He looks around the room and then down at the baby and then in his surroundings. "How did I...." he then looks up at his hyung...he is in his hyungs room which means. "I spent the night?!" Jiyong says a little loud but not loud enough to scare the baby. 
Seunghyun smiles. "Well...you were on the floor last night....I didn't want you sleeping like that...so I put you in bed." 
Jiyong then averts his eyes as he stand up with Raeyoo. Seunghyun places the tray of food on a near by table as the baby is placed in his arms. "Lay back down Jiyong..." 
JIyong shakes his head. "Why did....why did you" He mumbles to himself. "Why did you put me in the bed with you...do you know how bad this situation could be...." 
"We are friends...why would it look weird" says the older playing stupid. He is only playing stupid to pull more out of Jiyong. He wants to get to him...he wants to break that wall. "Hyung...I only took care of you last night to make sure that Raeyoo had a healthy appa when I'm not here." 
Seunghyun shakes his head and looks into his daughters eyes. "Jiyong wants me to be healthy  around you. You think that appa is well right?" The baby coos and Jiyong shakes his head. "Stop it..." 
Seunghyun drops his smile. "Jiyong I just wanted you to sleep well. I didn't mean anything by it. Look" He points to his bed. "I even made a barrier just in case you woke up in the middle of the morning. Your mad. I know you are...but last night...you cared for me...why can't I show you back the same gratitude...." 
Jiyong doesn't respond...he doesn't want to argue in front of the baby. "Where are you going..." says the older to Jiyong. "I need to freshen up a bit...since you didn't wake me to go home last night." The younger walks down to Raeyoo's bathroom only to be dragged back to the bedroom. "Yah...yah yah..." Jiyong tries to fight the older. "Listen to your hyung...." 
Jiyong looks at his red wrist and Seunghyun feels a bit sorry...but Jiyong is so damn stubborn right now. "Since you ordered me last night. A person older....you will listen to me today. You will get ready in this bathroom and change into this when you finish washing up. Then get in the bed so I can serve you breakfast." 
"I didn't mean to order you, but you were so stubborn...." 
"Oh really...reminds me of someone" He eyes the younger and Jiyong puts his head down. "Fine fine..." He then slowly closes the door to the bath room. He has never been in this bathroom but it is truly a master suite with it's double sinks and high end finishes. Jiyong sighs in front of the mirror and runs a hand through his crazy hair. 
A knock at the door makes the younger jump. "I don't hear any water running Jiyong..." The older playfully says on the other end. Jiyong mutters and turns on the sink. The then picks up his "Tooth brush...for me..." Jiyong then slowly starts to notice everything that Seunghyun has done for him. It's not a huge deal placing out some things for your guest....but he didn't have to do it.
/////////////////////The bedroom//////////////////////
Jiyong cracks the bathroom door open and turns off the light. "I'm not coming out in this..." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "It's not that bad is it...?" 
"This thing makes me feel even shorter..." Jiyong mumbles. 
Seunghyun stands up and walks over to the bathroom. Jiyong shyly steps out and the hoodie that he is wearing is from Seunghyun's college days. It's cute how it almost engulfs him. "I looks fine Jiyong. Now come back to bed. I have breakfast waiting..." 
"You cooked?" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I can make a couple of things....eggs and chopped fruits...Raeyoo liked it." The baby crawls to the edge of the bed and smiles at Jiyong . "asdfdff" 
Jiyong can't help but smile at the little one. "You like this?" 
"Eeeeee askdfdkfsd;fk" Raeyoo then rolls on the bed as she wiggles to her children's show playing on the TV.  Jiyong smiles again. "So?" says the older making Jiyong look up at him. "Will you join us?" 
Jiyong looks scared. That line.....but then...but a larger hand in his carefully leads him to the bed. Seunghyun smiles at Raeyoo. "Jiyong decided to play with us. Yaaaaaaaay " He rocks their joined hands back and forth. Jiyong finally frees the grip to blush yet again. 
"Gaaaaaaaah " The little one claps. Jiyong sits on the bed with his feet still to the side of it hanging off. Seunghyun then chuckles and grabs the two feet to place them in the bed. "YOu have to be in the bed to join our club." 
Jiyong laughs. "Club?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne Reayoo and I started a club while you were in the bathroom." 
"What is this club called?" 
Seunghyun then looks at Raeyoo. "What is the club called again?" 
Raeyoo smiles. "GEGEGGEGEEEEEE" 
"Yea it's called gegeggegeeeeee" says the older trying to repeat his daughters gibberish. Jiyong watches how the little one crawls up the pillow barrier to meet his eyes. Her warm eyes smile at Jiyong. Seunghyun then places a tray between them. "Here are your club snacks." He places Jiyong's breakfast between them. 
This moment feels too perfect...like he is apart of this family. It's not awkward at all. Just...natural. "Eeeeeeh asdkfsflsdf" Raeyoo rolls down the pillows again with the watchful eyes of Jiyong trailing her every move. The eggs are not bad at all and the kid's show is fun because Raeyoo can interact with it. Jiyong reaches for another piece of fruit and munches it carefully. "See not so bad." 
Jiyong then blushes. "Eh?" he says looking another way. Seunghyun chuckles. "You didn't eat something spicy did you?  I used a bit of pepper. Get some in your throat?" Jiyong nods to the question....truth is...Seunghyun didn't use pepper...and Jiyong knows it too...still things are avoided. 
Raeyoo crawls on her appa's lap and Seunghyun cuddles her around him. "You having fun this morning baby girl" Raeyoo squeals" EEeeeeeeeeeee" 
JIyong can't help but laugh at how happy the little one is. He can't help but smile at their moment. "You two are much closer...." 
"Thanks to you. You have a changed man who loves being an appa" He tickles the little one and Raeyoo laughs infectiously again. "I don't know what I would do with out you..." 
Jiyong then drops his smile....the line has been crossed. He always gets lured into this dream land....he needs to wake up. Seunghyun notices Jiyong's face change. "What is it?" 
"I need to go home for a bit...I mean...I need to go to the bathroom again." Jiyong gets off the bed but Seunghyun is steps behind him. "Why get up now...you were so happy...why are you like this again." 
Jiyong then gets tears to his eyes. He looks down and quickly wipes them. Seunghyun didn't mean to make him cry..."Jiyong...I'm sorry....don't cry...." 
"You know why I"m crying?" He looks into Seunghyun's eyes as another tear runs down his face. "Because i"m scared....that's why...." 
Seunghyun get concerned. "Don't be scared...don't cry." 
"You are not listening...I just feel that things are going to go wrong." 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "Nothing will go wrong..as long as you are near me...nothing will go wrong." 
Jiyong then produces more tears. He hides himself behind the door so that the baby will not see. Seunghyun reaches out a hand but Jiyong backs away yet again. "This is why...this is why I'm leaving....I have never....never met anyone in my life...where I can't pretend to be okay. It's like you can see right through me...I can't do this..." Seunghyun shakes his head.
"You can do this Jiyong. You can have a happy family and dream. Be happy with us, be a family with us, and dream with us. " The older pleads to him. Jiyong doesn't say a word but just puffs his cheeks. "I will be leaving in about 13 days.." says the younger going to the bathroom. Seunghyun then sighs making Jiyong briefly pause in his tracks. 

****Dun dun dun what will Jiyong say next chapter??? Will he accept Seunghyun's feelings or will GTOP continue to struggle for love like one of JIyong's favorite novels. Thanks for reading! Until next time^^ Love!

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Double update for the Manny. Please read!! 5/16/13


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ericah62174 #1
Chapter 39: Love this story!
Chapter 14: ❤
Chapter 13: ❤
Chapter 12: ❤
Chapter 11: ❤
Chapter 10: ❤
Chapter 9: ❤
Chapter 8: ❤
Chapter 7: ❤
Chapter 6: ❤