
The Manny
"What if...I want to be more than that...." Those words are ringing in Jiyong's head. Did he just hear a confession...was his boss on speaker phone with another person this whole time? Crazy thought huh? Well this is just crazy in Jiyong's mind. He would never think that his boss would say such a thing. At the moment Jiyong is in debate on how he is going to react. 
"Jiyong?...say something?" Seunghyun looks with pleading eyes. He didn't mean to say it...but he couldn't help it. Jiyong has is mind going crazy with the presence of him. He has never been interested in men, but Jiyong just has him drawn in. "Jiyong?" 
The younger feeds Raeyoo another carrot. "I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that...." says the younger in a low voice. 
Now that was an answer that Seunghyun wasn't expecting. To pretend that he didn't say anything? Seunghyun doesn't want to ruin things any further...but he has to know...."Jiyong I..." He gets cut off by Jiyong's coffee eyes staring at him. "Sir please...I like how things are now...don't ruin it..." 
"You could never ruin a thing.." says the older staring directly into the coffee eyes. Jiyong of course quickly averts his gaze to prevent himself from being into the man called Choi Seunghyun. 
Jiyong thanks the heavens that Raeyoo is too young to understand what is going on because right now...things are a little awkward. He just rejected his boss....still he is not even sure what his intentions where...but he is afraid to ask. Jiyong is just trying to finish Raeyoo's lunch so that they can go back to the condo. He needs to leave...
Seunghyun stands as he sees Jiyong wiping his hands again to stand up. "You don't have to leave didn't eat all of your lunch yet." Jiyong doesn't look the man in the eyes. He doesn't mean to be rude...but he doesn't know what to do in this situation. This is the first confession he has ever had in his life. It is not what he expected at all. Normally you don't  get a confession from your boss/friend/hyung. This is all too confusing for the man. 
Jiyong takes his lunch and wraps it up with shaky hands. Seunghyun watches as Jiyong shows on the outside what he is feeling. There is confusion laced with fear. Seunghyun didn't mean to do this to the man...he doesn't want to lose him. The older puts a hand on Jiyong's shoulder making the younger freeze. "Jiyong..." The younger doesn't speak and Seunghyun sighs. "I'm sorry....I was out of line....pretend that you didn't hear anything..." 
Hearing those words would be relieving for another person, but not for Jiyong. Pretend that you didn't hear anything hurts him on the inside and he doesn't know why...but he just told him the same thing minutes ago. The younger thought that he was doing the right thing by rejecting he is regretting his decision. If only you can take back five minutes ago. 
Jiyong looks up at the man and half way smiles. "It's okay sir...." The younger looks down at the hand still on his shoulder and Seunghyun quickly removes it. "I will see you at home?" 
Jiyong nods while strapping Raeyoo in again. The baby of course is still full of joy always and it's nice to have that element of detraction at the moment. Seunghyun leans down into to the stroller and kisses his baby girl. "Be good to Jiyong my love." 
"Asldffjkd;s;f" The little one wiggles her legs in the stroller and smiles at her daddy. "asdfksdkg" Seunghyun chuckles and loves that he has such a happy baby...all because of Jiyong. He stares at the younger again...he can't help it. He watches as Jiyong puts everything away. The younger finally sees how the older is looking at him again.... Seunghyun bows his head. "See you later" Jiyong nods back.. "Ne." He pushes the stroller out of the office back into another wooded hallway. Seunghyun watches the younger until he leaves out of the building.
Jiyong is not sure of what to do next...but at the moment....this is the right thing to do. 
////////////////////Back at the office////////////////////////
Cherin comes back into the office with a file in hand. She sees the older looking out of the window. Seunghyun has his hands pressed into both of his pockets and his expression is dull. The younger comes further into the room clicking her heels against the premium wood floors. She walks up to the big picture window next to him and averts her gaze to down below. Jiyong is waiting for his ride to come at the curb outside. Cherin looks up at her oppa and sees him smile a bit. She looks down again and sees Jiyong playing with the baby. 
"Tell me what's going on oppa..." 
Seunghyun sighed. "I probably did the stupidest thing in my life..." the older sighs and continues to look at the younger through the window. The tinted glass makes Seunghyun feel not as bad taking another look at the man that he is fond of. Cherin looks over at her oppa and feels the sadness. "Why did you do the whole file didn't need this file..." 
Seunghyun turns from the window and sighs. He walks over to his desk with Cherin following behind to take a seat on one of the guest chairs. "Oppa...tell need to say something...something obviously happened to get you like this" The older knows that Cherin is not trying to be a pest....but she really cares for her oppa's feelings. Seunghyun was just telling her how happy he was in life and now he looks like he went back to a sad place. 
"I confessed...." says the older with a low voice. Cherin had no idea that the man was even interested in anyone...let alone...a man. "You interested confessed?" The older nods while he takes a seat in his spinning chair. He lets the seat naturally recline as he puts his hands on his temples. "I'm so's like I had word vomit....I didn't mean to confess...." 
Cherin looks at the man who is distressed. "What did Jiyong Shi say?" 
Seunghyun sighs again. "I got rejected..." 
Cherin sits up in her chair. "Oh..." she says with a low voice. "I'm sorry oppa...I didn't know that you were interested in him like that..." 
Seunghyun smirks. "Don't lie...I know that you knew what was going on...those eyebrows of yours tell stories..." The older chuckles...he is surprised he can still laugh at the moment. Cherin smiles a bit. "Well it's good to see you at least smile a you think that he likes you back?" 
He shakes his head. "I don't know....I don't he...he just...aaaah I don't know dongsaeng..." says the older spinning in his chair. 
"Well don't fret too much...maybe he isn't ready...or maybe he is scared to cross the line of employee and boss relationship..." 
"Yea I know..." He looks up at the younger. "I really did good today..." 
"Don't be so hard on yourself oppa." Cherin really means it. Seunghyun is his worst critic and he really can be hard on himself. What happened happened and now he just needs to figure out how to move on. "I told him to pretend that I didn't say anything..." 
"Did he respond?" 
"Not I said...he didn't say much...he just stayed in work mode..." 
"Well's just not meant to be...?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Yea...maybe...but I have a feeling that he might feel the same..." 
"So you like him?" 
Seunghyun shrugs his shoulders. "I do's just all confusing...I just get drawn to him. His presence keeps me wanting to know him more...the way he is with my child...and when we are all just feels so natural..." The older sighs again. "I sound crazy huh?" 
Cherin shakes her head. "No not at all oppa...I guess keep things where they are...maybe he will show how he feels one day.." 
"Maybe..." Seunghyun smiles at the younger. "Thanks Cherin" 
The younger stands up "Cheer up oppa...want to grab dinner with Bae and I...I think that he is going to attempt to make steaks will be funny to watch" Cherin's husband started a new hobby of grilling...well more like burning because he is terrible. YoungBae is constantly told to stick to his day job, but he will is not looking like he will give up. Their two kids have had interesting dinners the past couple of days. 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I think that I will pass...I have a doctor on call for his cooking..." 
"Heeeeeey it's not that bad." says Bae coming into the room. He walks up to his wife and kisses her on the cheek. Cherin blushes and slaps her husband on the shoulder. "Yah kissing at work..." 
Seunghyun smiles. "Cherin was inviting me to have one of your interesting dinners..." 
Bae laughs. "I'm should have had some yesterday." Cherin rolls her eyes next to her husband. She takes his hand in her's. "Let's go to lunch now baby. Don't force oppa to dinner." 
Seunghyun laughs. "Next time Bae. Promise...besides I haven't seen your two growing little ones in a while" 
Cherin nods. "Deal. Well see you in an hour...we are going to lunch. Will you be alright?" 
Bae makes a face and looks at Seunghyun. "Hyung? Something happen?" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Cherin will fill you in...don't worry about it too much. I will be fine...go on dongsaengs" The couple laughs a bit and Cherin looks at her oppa. "You call us if you need to talk at anytime today" 
"Ne ne ne. Go on to lunch you two" The couple leaves and the smile drops from Seunghyun's face. He loves how those two are so concerned about his life. If only his family was like that. To care about what is going on in his life and being genuinely concerned for the other. Cherin and YoungBae are like the parents he wishes that he had. With them gone now 20 minutes ago is starting to come back on him. It's not an awkward's just a sense of loss...he is not sure if he has an employee still or a law suit that he might be summoned to him soon...
////////////////////////The Condo////////////////////
It's bath time for Raeyoo and Jiyong is letting the little one play in the tub with the bubbles. She always tends to splash around the tub so Jiyong never fills the water too high. "Gah gah gaaa gah gah" say the little one splashing with a plastic toy in hand. Jiyong smiles and puts shampoo in her hair. He swishes it around while the baby is distracted by the toys. 
Raeyoo looks up at JIyong and smiles. "Gah gah gah" Jiyong smiles and smoothes her hair down. "What is it beautiful?" 
"askjsdfk" The little one takes JIyong's hand and grabs it tight. He loves her so much at these moments. She really enjoys his presence and how he makes her coo. The little one grabs tighter around the hand and Jiyong chuckles "I can't get in the tub too baby girl" The little one smiles a bit and pulls on the hand again of course a tug not strong enough to pull Jiyong anywhere...but it's still amusing. 
"We can go swimming tomorrow baby" 
The little one wiggles and is familiar with the word swimming. They watched a children's show earlier and there were babies at the pool in swim suits. Jiyong was happy to find some swimsuits in Raeyoo's surplus of clothes that still have plenty of tags on them. Raeyoo looks Jiyong in the eyes again and she smiles again letting go of the hand. Jiyong takes a cup and starts to rise the shampoo out of the baby's hair. 
The water goes down her face as the water is poured on her. Jiyong quickly takes a towel and wipes her little eyes. "There you go. All clean" Jiyong puts a towel in his lap and picks up the wet baby. He wraps her up in the towel and rocks her gently. "So clean my beautiful girl" 
Raeyoo cuddles close to the man as the warm towel is wrapped around her. Jiyong dries her off and puts on her jammies. The little one is sporting pink princess pajamas to continue her princess theme for the day. "Shall we depart to your quarters princess?" 
The baby coos while grabbing onto the older. "aksdfask" She coos again while hugging the older. Jiyong goes into the bed room and sits on the rocking chair. Raeyoo is not quite sleepy enough to go to bed now, so the rocking chair is a great thing to help the little one get calm and ready for bed. Jiyong swaddles the baby in her baby blanket from the bed and rocks her gently in the chair. "Let's get ready for sleepy time" Jiyong says softly. He rocks the little one and sings to her gently. Little by little Raeyoo falls to sleep in the man's arms. Jiyong looks at the beautiful baby and puts her little hand in his. "I love you..." He says quietly while kissing her hand. 
Jiyong continues to rock in the chair while thinking of earlier. Seunghyun is currently on his mind...well he has been on his mind all day. He doesn't know what to do when he comes through that door. Should he tell him that he has feelings too? Or should he just keep up the professional act that is starting to become a constant fail. 
Seunghyun makes it so that he can't hide from him at times. He feels like an open book in front of him and he has never felt like that in front of someone in his life. He can hide all kinds of things from his noona...but not Seunghyun. He makes him want to be around him. His nerdy jokes or his weird humor makes him easy going...everything was perfect...until he said something. Jiyong puts the baby inside the crib and puts the blanket around her. He smiles as he walks away from the crib. The door gets cracked and Jiyong goes to sit at the kitchen table in anticipation of his boss coming through the door. 
"Why did he confess..." says the younger to himself putting his bag on the table. Jiyong pulls out his phone and plays Candy Crush while he waits. The game is so addictive so he likes the distraction. A couple of minutes go by and the front door starts to beep with Seunghyun putting in the door code. Jiyong immediately stands as the man enters the room. He doesn't know why he stood up...he just is confused...just like Seunghyun. 
Seunghyun knows that Jiyong might still feel uneasy. "Jiyong?" The younger doesn't look the man in the eyes as he puts his bag around him. "I put Raeyoo to bed and there is dinner in the microwave for you to heat up over the stove if needed...I also made some snacks if you get hungry later...." 
There he goes...rambling again. If you haven't noticed...Jiyong likes to avoid things at times. Seunghyun cuts in. "I just want to say sorry again." 
Jiyong looks down and sighs. "Stop apologizing...I know that you are sorry...I just hope that we can stay professional...I'm here to be Raeyoo's nanny...I hope that you can understand that..." 
"I understand...It's my fault for making you feel this way..." 
Jiyong shakes his head. "I'm fine...just the whole hanging outside of work...being....friends...I can't do that anymore." Jiyong then looks the man in the eyes. "I will stay here for two more weeks. I hope that you will find another nanny by then." Seunghyun feels like there was a bomb dropped on him. He doesn't know how to take this. "Isn't that a little extreme JIyong?...Why are you putting in your two weeks?..." 
Jiyong puts his head down. "Because I should have done this weeks ago....I...just can't do this anymore..."
"I thought that you liked it here....that you loved Raeyoo....and our times together...." 
Jiyong then looks the man in the eyes. "That's the problem...I got to close...." 
The two don't say a word to each other as the quiet between them passes. Jiyong then puts his bag on his shoulder. "I will be back at 7." 
Seunghyun then shakes his head....Jiyong is leaving in two weeks. "What's wrong with being close...?" He doesn't know why he is asking the obvious...he doesn't want to lose him. 
"Mr. Choi..." says Jiyong in a tone looking at the older. Seunghyun then decides to let it go. "Good night Jiyong..." 
The younger nods and leaves the condo to walk down the hallway that seems longer this time. It feels like forever as the man approaches the elevator. He hates that their relationship is suddenly taking a turn. 
The elevator doors close and Jiyong is thankfully the only one on the thing. Jiyong then breaks as he melts into the corner of the moving machine. He is frustrated that he didn't say anything. His damn mind set has him fixed on automated messages that he just wants to erase. 
He is so afraid.
The younger puts his hands in his hair and sighs as stands back up to straightens his clothes. The elevator doors open and slowly but surely Jiyong walks through the lobby back into the warm Seoul air. He could take the bus, but not tonight. 
He feels like walking... 
**Hehe thank you for reading. I know this is a little unexpected, but I like my stories to reflect real life at times...laced with some fiction of extremes. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and remember all my stories have happy's just if you can handle the drama in between^^ Please leave feed back in the comments. NO matter how long or short I enjoy reading them all. Thanks to all who upvoted. If you have not yet please support my story^^ Thanks again and until next time. Love^^
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Double update for the Manny. Please read!! 5/16/13


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Chapter 39: Love this story!
Chapter 14: ❤
Chapter 13: ❤
Chapter 12: ❤
Chapter 11: ❤
Chapter 10: ❤
Chapter 9: ❤
Chapter 8: ❤
Chapter 7: ❤
Chapter 6: ❤