Jeremy Scott, Video Games, and Cooking

The Thing Called Life
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You guys should listen to this song the whole time your reading. Well the sound matches better later, but still!~

B.A.P- Crash



Suhyun walked to her bed and laid down still shocked about what happened. She felt her chest and her heart was beating faster than usual. “What does this mean?”

Daehyun was lying on his bed grinning like an idiot. “Good night Suhyunie~” he whispered and fell asleep.


Suhyun was the first one to wake up. She stretched and yawned while looking at the clock. What!? It’s 5 a.m.? Maybe I should just go back to sleep. She lay in her bed under the covers and drifted back to sleep.


She was holding someone’s hand as they were walking. Their fingers intertwined.

“Suhyun.” “Mmm.” “I really missed you.” Suhyun and a guy were sitting on a bench together. “I missed you too.” She snuggled up closer to him and he kissed the top of her head. “I love you.” He said. She smiled and closed her eyes. “Suhyun? Are you sleeping?” She didn’t answer. “Suhyun? Suhyunie!~”


“Suhyunie!~ Wake up.” “Dongsaengie wake up!~” She felt arms shaking her awake. She opened her eyes and saw two blurry figures and groaned. “Ugh I’m tired you guys.” she whined.

“Too bad dongsaengie! Me and you are going to see Jeremy Scott today!~” Bom sang. “Yeah and I made a yummy breakfast!” said Himchan.

“Wait, we’re gonna see Jeremy?” “YEAH! You forgot that I told you that he said he’s going to be in New York today?” Suhyun smiled meekly at her.


“Well come down and eat when you two are ready!~” Himchan said as he left. Bom was standing in front of Suhyun’s closet. “Unnie what are you doing?” “I’m picking your outfit. Now hurry up and brush your teeth, wash your face, and take a shower!~”

Suhyun got up and rolled her eyes, walking into her bathroom that was in her room. After she brushed her teeth and everything else, she the shower and stepped in. The warm water splattered on her skin. “Ah~ Warm water.”

She mixed the shampoo and conditioner together because Bom told her to hurry. They were going to meet Jeremy at a café at 10 a.m. She turned off the water and wrapped herself in a towel and her hair in another.

When she walked out back into her bedroom, Bom wasn’t there anymore, but there was an outfit on her bed. She dried herself and put it on.


This was one of the outfits that Bom bought for her yesterday when they went shopping. Hm, should I curl or straighten my hair? Or should I put it in a bun. No maybe I should clip some of it back with a barette. “Ugh molla!” she shouted to herself. “I’ll just put on my make-up and Bommie can fix my hair~” she started singing’s song Oops, while putting on blush.

Knock knock. “Suhyunie are you done yet?” “No, but I almost am.” Bom came into her room and sat on the edge of her bed. "Wow unnie I like your outfit!"

(Bom put her hair in a bun, not leaving it down)


Suhyun turned around to look at her and smiled innocently. “Unnie can you do my hair?” she blinked twice and pouted. “Okay~”

Bom curled Suhyun’s  hair and clipped the two front sides in the back. “Ta dah! I made you look pretty!~” “Thank you unnie~” she cooed. They giggled and went down to the kitchen where the guys were eating breakfast.

Suhyun still felt a little uncomfortable going downstairs because of what happened yesterday. Why couldn’t have just been a dream!? I hope he doesn’t look at me.

“Well took you guys long enough!” Zelo laughed. The two rolled their eyes and sat down. “Wow you guys are dressed up. I thought you guys were just going to meet him at a café.” Himchan said. “Meet who?” Daehyun asked. “We’re gonna go see Jeremy Scott. He’s an American designer.” Bom smiled.

“I can’t wait to see him!” “Me too!” They hurriedly ate their breakfast and put their dishes in the sink. “Thank you for the food Himchanie!~”

The two put on their shoes and rushed off to the van, with a couple of camera guys following them. “I said to call me oppa!”

“So since it’s just us, what do you guys want to do?” Himchan asked, while washing the dishes. Zelo was looking around in the living room, opening cabinets and drawers. “Look guys!” His hyungs looked in his direction. “What?” “There’s a whole bunch of game systems!” he shouted jumping up and down.

“What!? How did we not see them yesterday?” “Well hurry and turn it on.” said Daehyun. “Which one?” “Oh let’s play on the Play Station 3!” Himchan shouted from the kitchen.

When Himchan was done with the dishes, they started playing video games. “Ahaha I’m gonna win!” Zelo shouted. “Wanna bet!?” Daehyun said. “Bring it!” HImchan shouted. “Whoever wins, doesn’t have to do any chores for the whole three months!” “You’re on!” Zelo and Himchan accepted in unison.

“Oh my gosh! You guys are gonna lose.” Zelo laughed. Slash! Hit! Bam! “Woohoo I win! Never underestimate the maknae!~” The two hyungs groaned. Zelo’s character went up and kissed the princess. They were playing Castle Crashers.



“Omo! Look it’s that café!” Bom pointed at a huge café from the window. The camera man put the camera in the direction she was pointing at. “Ooo that looks nice.” Suhyun said. They hired a driver to drive them around for today. He parked the van in front. “Okay we’re here.”

“Yay!” Suhyun flew the car door open and hopped out. “C’mon unnie hurry up!” “Calm down. He’s not even here yet.” She chuckled at her. They entered the café and found some seats at a table by a window.

They sat down on the tall stools, well more like hopped because t

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Chapter 2: I guess they really haven't kept any contact with each other over the years :O Can't recognize each other and all
Chapter 28: Your story is nice but I wish you will make a skybang one ><
I think it will be cute and update soon ^^
Chapter 2: Ohh it's getting more interesting.
Pamela71410 #4
Chapter 22: finally there a couple!!! yay!!
Pamela71410 #5
Chapter 15: i really love your story!! :)
I hope its a 2ne1 x b.a.p story x3
update soon^^