She loves me, She loves me not

P/S : Are you guys enjoy my fanfic? Sorry if I cant make a good story for you guys.. I will working harder after this =) btw, wish me luck.. next week I will be busy with reports, assignment, meeting etc.. *sigh*


I woke up so damn early today. I am too sleepy and need to sleep more but Luhan's voice keep playing in my head. “Sohyun, can we meet at the park where we usually played before? I mean at park near our kindergarten.” “Good Night Sohyunnie!” His voice was so sweet and I started to admire his voice.


“Yah~! Why I'm being like this? Stop dreaming Sohyun!” I slapped my cheek bringing me back to reality. I still at the bed thinking about Luhan, finally I got up when I heard knocks on my bedroom door.


“Sohyun~! Are you awake? I made breakfast already.” My mom shouted behind the door.
“Yes mom! I'm awake.” I sat up and walked to the bathroom, took a shower and I wore pink t shirt and jeans.

Beeps! Beeps!


I received one new text message. I searched for my cell phone at the bed but cannot find it. “Where the hell is my phone?”. So there was my cell phone, lying on the cold concrete floor. It was slipped off from my hand last night. I got message from Luhan. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would he text me this morning? I unlocked the phone and tapped on his message.

Good morning! Are you awake? =) “


It was too weird when Luhan texted me early in the morning because he never done this before. I keep staring at my phone, read his message again and again.

I heard my mom's voice from downstairs. “Honey, I need you in the kitchen for a second.” and then I replied “Yes mom, I'm coming.” So I just locked my phone and put it in the desk. I did not reply to Luhan's message and get to the stairs walked to the kitchen. My mom did not know that I was already in the kitchen. She too focused on doing breakfast for us. “kimchi fried rice, my favourite food ever.” The smell of kimchi fried rice was in the air, making my stomach growling.


“Good morning mom!” I suddenly greeted my mom making her jump. “There you are. I thought you're not awake yet. Honey, please get me the rice.” she said pointed to the bowl that contains rice beside me. I took the bowl and handed to her. “Wow, it looks nice. I'm hungry now.” I sniffed the smell of kimchi fried rice that still in the frying pan. She just laughed at my reaction. She turned off the gas stove and told me to hand her a bowl to fill the kimchi fried rice. I put the kimchi fried rice at the dining table, and I swallowed my saliva just looking at the food.


“Mom, palli~ I'm hungry!” I cried. Ahh~ I will be impatient when it come to kimchi fried rice.

“Yes. I'm coming dear.” She walked to the dining table, handed me a mushroom soup.


I took a big spoonful and put it in my mouth. Delicious! I cant explain the taste into word. Just delicious! My mom gave me a wide smile and I nodded to her, telling her that I love her cooking.

Oh~! I spotted something, there is someone not here. Where is appa? I look around looking for appa. “Mom, where is appa? I didnt saw him since I got up.” I turned to face my mom when I still can't find him. “Oh~ your appa got some works to do at the office. So he did not come back since last night.”


I just nodded to my mom's answer, and back to enjoy my favourite food. “Sohyun, can you company me buy some stuff after this? I want to make bulgogi for lunch.” My mom asked. “Yes sure mom! Wait? Bulgogi? Mom~ are you trying to make me gain weight? You know right I love bulgogi?” I bit my lower lip. Actually, bulgogi is also my favourite. But I need to control my weight right now since Kai said I got more chubby than before. Uggh! Kai~!


“No, I'm not. I just love to make your favourite food because I know you love to eat.” She pinched my cheek, making me back to reality. “Ouch~! It hurts.” I pouted, rubbing my cheek. She just laughed and apologized immediately. “But mom, Kai said I got more chubby now.” I stopped eating, face my mom and crossing my arms. “Yeah~ I can see that. Your cheeks become more fluffy now.” I widened my eyes. “MOM!” I cried and my mom let out a big laugh. “You still beautiful honey. Still cute as before and you're my lovely daughter that I love so much.” I smiled at her words, hugged her so tighly. “I love you mom!”




After breakfast and washed the dishes, I went to the market with my mom. We bought some meat for bulgogi and ddukbokki. I learned so many things from my mom while we are at the market. How to choose a fresh fish, how to choose a good vegetable for cooking. After bought some things for bulgogi, we went to buy some chores. Suddenly, I got a text message. “Luhan again” I sighed.


“Don't forget to meet me at the park tonight! =)”


“What kind of things that he can't just tell me through the phone? And what's up with all this smile emoticon? He never texted me with those emoticon.” I kicked the shopping cart while thinking about Luhan. “Ouch~!” I groaned with pain. STUPID ME! “why I'm thinking about him? My mom turned back and saw me hugged my knees. “Omo~ what happen honey?” She asked me with a worried face. “I'm okay mom. I kicked the shopping cart just now.” I got up and walked to my mom. “You should be careful. What are you thinking my dear?” She said while patting my shoulder. “Yeah~ I should be careful and stop thinking about Luhan!”


KAI~! I should asked him maybe he knows about what happen to Luhan. I took my cell phone from my pocket and dialed his number. Tut.. Tut.. Tut.. “Ahhh~ he didn't answer, maybe he still sleep. Nevermind I will call him later.”




* Kai's POV *

I heard my phone ringing and then stop before I could answer. I unlocked the phone to see who is calling me just now. “Sohyun?” I rubbed my sleepy eyes and read her name again. “Why did she called me?” I didn't call her back because I need more sleep. I'm too sleepy and I need some rest. I've spent my whole night practiced my dancing skill.


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Chapter 48: Awww was nice story!!!
Redrich_Jae #2
Chapter 47: Author-nim, I love you're last part.. "He is my first love, but my second love is my true love." OMG!
anitamahaexo #3
Chapter 2: Why is it in kindergarden I NEED ADULT THINGS LOL
kishaannegelli #4
Chapter 1: why did you have to put that picture up of kai??!!! waeyoo?!! huhuuh, im having a heart attack hes too hot
Chapter 48: Wah, new story!! I've been waiting for this moment!!! XD
Chapter 47: Love this story~~
Chapter 47: Cute story! ^^
Chapter 47: Aw, poor Luhan. But i love Kai in here xD
_-Taeminnie-_ #9
Chapter 47: I love this story, and I am so happy because she chose Kai <3
Chapter 47: Where did u get the last quote? I wanna knoww