She loves me, She loves me not



I just watched English movie “13 going to 30” on the television this evening. My parents went to their friend's house 20 minutes ago. Eventhough this is one of my favourite movie, but I cant seem happy watched that movie. My mind is full of Luhan thingy. “Should I meet him tonight?” I dont know why I'm being like this, maybe because this is the first time Luhan acted like somebody else. That sweet voice, that sweet text message, emoticon thingy, he never done this before. I glanced at the clock, its already 7 pm. I should be ready to meet Luhan tonight.


I climbed the stairs, walked to my bedroom. My heart was pounding so hard while thinking about Luhan. I took a shower, wear plain t-shirt with a leather jacket and blue skinny jeans. I glanced at the alarm clock on the desk beside my bed. Its already 7.30 pm. “I'm gonna be late.” I called my mom before going to meet Luhan, telling her that I'm going out.


I took my ankle boot in the shoe rack and locked the door before left. Suddenly, I got another text message from Luhan asked me if I can come to meet him or not. I didnt replied his message since busy hailing a cab to pick me up. He called me when I already in a cab.


“Hello? Sohyun, are you going to meet me tonight? I'm waiting at the park right now.” He asked me with a slow-hoping voice.


“Yes Luhan.. I'm on my way right now. Sorry for being late.” I replied and apologized to him.


My heart started beating really hard like it was just going to jump out of my chest when I almost arrived at the park. My mind was full of confusion and random thoughts. As I arrived at the park, I saw Luhan was standing at the swings, patiently waiting for me with a wide smile and waved his hand to me. He was wearing plain white tshirt, black jacket with a jeans.



My heart keep beating faster than usual as I walked toward him. My palm are sweaty. “Why I felt like this? rilex Sohyun, rilex” I gave Luhan a sweet smile and a quick wave when I walked to him.

“Hi~! What's up? Miss me much until you cant wait to see my dear Luhan? I giggled, trying to hide my nervousness in my voice. Luhan stared constantly into my eyes, wanting that eye direct contact. His eyes were mild and irresistible. I quickly looked away, cant stand with the nervousness that made by Luhan.


“There is something in your eyes that make me feels so good.” He said while grabbing my chin.


I gave him a glare, then he kept his face close to mine and we just looked into each other's eyes. He planted his lips on mine. My eyes widened and my breath caught as those kiss planted on my lips. I put my hands on his chest to push him away. His action gave me a shock.


“YAH LUHAN~! What are you doing?” I groaned as wiped his kiss from my lips with the back of my hand.


“I didnt mean it.. I just..” He was stammering. I know he felt wrong for what he did. We've been best friend for a very long time and that kiss just broke the law of friendship. He grabbed my hand and drag me along with him to the bench near the kindergarten. He sat at the bench and patted hard bench beside him, signaling me to sit next to him. I sat lightly beside him, and looked into his milky face. Big smile didnt leave his face tonight. We sat in silence for a long time before I sighed, getting ready to stand. He held my right wrist, asked me to sit. My hand tied with his.


“Sohyun, do you know what I love the most? I love being with you. You are so warm.” Our eyes were locked at each other. I can hear and feel every single of my heart beat. I swallowed my own saliva at that time.


I cleared my throat before began to speak. “What do you mean, Luhan? I cant understand. We're a best friend right?”


“But I want more..” Luhan stopped while talking as he grabbed my hand tightly.


“Sohyun, I love you.. I know its so sudden for you. But I love you with all my heart. I started to like you when we are just kid. You are so kind and caring that time. I thought I just like you as a friend only but I cant deny the fact that I'm in love with you.”


His face was facing mine, he then took my hand and slowly brought it to his lips, where he planted a warm kiss while our eyes still stuck to each other.

I tried to find sincerity in his eyes.


“Luhan, are you sure? I mean are you sure with your feeling?” I asked him with a curiosity. “Luhan loved me? I cant explain how I feel right now..”


“Yes, I am sure of my feelings, Sohyunnie.” He gave me a wide smile and he brought his face toward mine, trying to kiss me. I shook my head, and gave him not-ready-yet looks. He chuckled and then touched my cheek with his thumb. I felt electricity rush down to my spine. I saw he took something from his pocket. A small little box in his hand right now.

“Take this. This is gift from me as your future boyfriend.” He giggled at his own words. “But please open it when you arrive at home.” He took my hand and placed the small box.

My mind was full of confusion. I cant believe for what happen. Love? Gift? Boyfriend? So I just kept my silentness.


“Lets just go home. I know you are nervous and confuse for what happen. Come, I take you home.”


He grabbed my hand and took me to his car. He then send me home and it was so quiet in the car, I just keep thinking about what Luhan just said to me, didnt talked to him.


When we arrived, I didnt thanks or say good bye to him. I opened the door and not looked back. I heard Luhan's voice saying “Good night Sohyunnie” but I didnt turned back.


I opened the door and it still dark. “Mom and appa are not back yet.” So I just walked to the upstair toward my bedroom. I threw my body in the bed and took the small box that Luhan gave it to me. I opened it with nervousness. It was a bracelet with my name engraved on it. I slightly smiled while looking to the bracelet. “Beautiful. I love it so much”

I saw a piece of paper placed under the bracelet. I opened it with a curious feeling.




                                                         There are the reason why I love you..

                                                              > I love the way you always make me smile

                                                              > I love the way you brighten up my day

                                                              > I love how adorable you are.

                                                              > I love when you always there when I need you to be.

                                                              > I love, how everytime I hear your voice or name, I smile.


                                                          Sohyun, I love you so much.. please accept me =)




I took the paper close to my chest, felt the sincerity of Luhan love. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks, as I hugged that paper. Yes! I love him~! I cant deny the fact that we are so much more than just a friend. We're in love! “Luhan, I love you.. I love you so much”


I took my cell phone and text Luhan.


I love you too, my prince =)”


I let out a smile while waiting for him to reply my text. Luhan gave me a call instead of texting me. I pressed the answer button immediately, cleared my throat before speak.


“Hello!” I couldnt help it but answered the phone call with the sweet-happy voice.


“Hello, are you sure with your feeling my dear?” His voice was plain and cold. No excitement! No sweet at all! I felt so weird with his question. I thought he will be happy when I accepted him as my boyfriend. But why he asked me that question?


My heart was pounding so hard. I cant explain how I feel right now. “Is it Luhan just playing a prank on me?” I didnt answer his question and burst into tears for no reason.


Suddenly, I heard a big laugh on the other side. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. Its kinda weird. He was cold, no excited for my answer and now he was laughing at me! “Luhan? Why are you laughing?” I asked him with please-stop-laugh tone.


He just stopped laughing and say..“I was joking and it just remind me to your question at the park. I love you for real. I see a part of you in me and part of me in you, thats why I love you.” his sweet voice replied, making me blush.


Luhan softened his voice. “Do you love me Sohyun?” I felt my heart skip a beat as he asked me that question.


“I think I love you. There is something in my heart has been telling me, there's a love burning inside of me. You've made me realize what love is, so thank you Luhannie!” He giggled at my answer.


“You're so cute. I love how adorable you are Sohyunnie. Lets sleep. I'm sleepy.” He said while yawning. I said good night to him and pressed the end button. I lay my head on the pillow while thinking about Luhan.


Sohyun, do you know what I love the most? I love being with you. You are so warm.”

... I see a part of you in me and part of me in you, thats why I love you”


I fell asleep with the bracelet on my wrist.


I at love thingy.. sorry if the lovey-dovey part is not really good.. mianhae.. *bow*


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Chapter 48: Awww was nice story!!!
Redrich_Jae #2
Chapter 47: Author-nim, I love you're last part.. "He is my first love, but my second love is my true love." OMG!
anitamahaexo #3
Chapter 2: Why is it in kindergarden I NEED ADULT THINGS LOL
kishaannegelli #4
Chapter 1: why did you have to put that picture up of kai??!!! waeyoo?!! huhuuh, im having a heart attack hes too hot
Chapter 48: Wah, new story!! I've been waiting for this moment!!! XD
Chapter 47: Love this story~~
Chapter 47: Cute story! ^^
Chapter 47: Aw, poor Luhan. But i love Kai in here xD
_-Taeminnie-_ #9
Chapter 47: I love this story, and I am so happy because she chose Kai <3
Chapter 47: Where did u get the last quote? I wanna knoww