She loves me, She loves me not

* Kai's POV *


I let my feet drag me to the park. There, I chose a bench far away from prying eyes as tears pricked my eyes. As I leaned back into the seat, I shut my eyes tightly and drops of glistening tears roll down my cheeks. I want to scream! I want to scream!.

 I saw some of children playing with their parents happily.  A sharp pang ran through my chest as my mind drifted to my mother.. I hate my father! He don't deserve my mother and her kindness. That bastard doesn't deserve her at all!

Yet I wondered why she stuck with him despite how much of an he has been.


“Kai~ what are you doing here?” I heard a soft voice called out. I lifted my head and saw someone walking towards me. I can't see clearly her face because my eyes were blurry but I know who she is. She is Sohyun. She sat besides me and looked at me. “Hey, are you crying?”. She poked my cheek. “None of your business.” I replied as cold as I can. Not wanting to deal whatever the hell this is after what happened at home I stood up to leave.. “Kai~ Kai~” She called my name again and again.


“Aegi, who do you talk to?” I heard a husky voice talked to Sohyun. He's father maybe. “He is my friend, appa. I saw he was crying. I just want to check on him why he was crying.” She replied. "Tsch. Acting as if you're concerned at all" I sneered. She doesn't even know what the hell is going on so why can't she just leave it be?

"Stop pretending, when you know nothing" I thought making my way out of the park.


After my mind seems calmer, I went home. I hear water splashing in the kitchen I guess my mom was washing the dishes. I walked pass the kitchen I don't want to talk to anybody but my mom called my name before I step on the stair. “Kai~ are you okay? Can I talk to you?” I sighed because I need more air in my lung. I felt like a big rock in the middle of chest. The situation that just happen has flashed across my mind suddenly I felt angry. I hold my hand tighly.


I turned back and walked to the kitchen lazily. My mom staring at me like she really wants to tell something. I just sat at the chair quietly. “Are you okay my dear?”. My mom brushed her hand against my cheek. She started to cry after staring at my face for so long. “Mom~” I felt bad for my mom. She is a brave woman that willing to stay and live with my father even that jerk slapping her face, kicking her leg, torturing her everyday. I felt very hurt, frustrated, angry now after seeing my mom crying in front of me. She hates to cry in front of her children. If something happen and it hurts her so bad, she just telling me she was okay. It hurts my heart so bad.


I tapped her shoulder to calm her. “Mom~ it's okay now.” She took my hand and rubbed it smoothly. Her lips was trembling. She wiped her tears with her thumb. “Kai~ I'm sorry for everything. I'm not a good mom for you. I know you are having hard time right now because of me. I'm truly sorry.” Mom! You are the best mom for me~! She bursts into tears again. She couldn't control her feeling. She really upset and hurt for what happen. “Mom~ you shouldn't be sorry to me it's not your fault. Appa is being mean to you. He don't deserve you mom. You are brave, caring, lovable to your children not like him. He's so mean, jerk, and I don't want to call him appa. He don't deserve that name.”


My mom shocked for what I say. “Honey, I don't like the way you talked. Don't be like that. He is your father. Your own father. Don't called him like he was jerk. He is not.” Mom~! I don't know why you always back up him. Don't you know that he was torturing your mental and physical everyday? I can't do this anymore. I need to ask her.


“Mom, can I ask you something?” My mom brushed my hand. “Yes dear~” I cleared my throat. “Why you always not fight back? That jerk.. hurrm I mean appa is being rough to you. He will beating you if he don't get what he wants. Why don't you go to police station and report him?” I was staring her eyes. I need answer for my question. She turned her head away and let out a big sigh. “ I know someday you will asking me this question but I didn't realized it will this fast. You are grown up now.” She rubbed my cheek once again and give me a thin smile. “Mom! I need answer for my question!” I shouted. She turned her head away again.


“Honey, you know what the meaning of love? Love is sweet but sometimes it can be painful. I love your father so much. He is my everything and my children too. When you love someone, you will do anything for them just like me. I love your appa. Kai, you will understand this when you are grow up.” She began to cry again. “Mom, don't cry. It hurts me badly when I see you crying.” She wiped that tear and give me a fake smile. “Can I ask you again? What makes you love appa so much?” She didn't answer my question but sat up instead and go to fridge to take juice.


She poured orange juice into glass and passed it to me. “Your appa is a brave man actually. He saved me from getting by a gangster. He brought me to clinic because I slightly injured when tried to run from that guy and he walked me home after that. I fell in love when he was caring to me. He always came to my house just to see me okay. We always see each other and I don't know that time he was such in love with me. One day, he proposed me with a ring. I just said yes because I love him so much and I felt indebted to him for helping me that time. Because of my love for him, that is the reason why I can't leave him. But I don't know what happen, he's so mean to me now. I don't know for what reason he always asking money from me.” I couldn't help it but give my mom a big hug. “Mom~ you are too kind. I love you mom!” She kissed my forehead and sobbing in my shoulder.


After the so-touch-cry conversation, I walked to my room with a messy face. Hyo mi was sleeping at the bed. I kissed her cheek. I love my sister so much. She is my only sister. Hyo Mi, we need to bring happiness to our home and support mom whenever it is.


some of the sentence credit to onewaddikt

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Chapter 48: Awww was nice story!!!
Redrich_Jae #2
Chapter 47: Author-nim, I love you're last part.. "He is my first love, but my second love is my true love." OMG!
anitamahaexo #3
Chapter 2: Why is it in kindergarden I NEED ADULT THINGS LOL
kishaannegelli #4
Chapter 1: why did you have to put that picture up of kai??!!! waeyoo?!! huhuuh, im having a heart attack hes too hot
Chapter 48: Wah, new story!! I've been waiting for this moment!!! XD
Chapter 47: Love this story~~
Chapter 47: Cute story! ^^
Chapter 47: Aw, poor Luhan. But i love Kai in here xD
_-Taeminnie-_ #9
Chapter 47: I love this story, and I am so happy because she chose Kai <3
Chapter 47: Where did u get the last quote? I wanna knoww