A Crazy Morning

My Guardian Angel

The next morning, Eun Hye has a hard time getting up from her bed. She felt that something is pushing her back down on the bed. When she rubs her eyes to get a clear view, she turns to her right to see someone sleeping beside her.

“Oh, it is just Donghae.” She mutters and wants to go back to bed. However, when she realizes what she just said, she immediately sits up on the bed and scream.

“AH! What are you doing in my room and sleeping on my bed!” Eun Hye shouts at the sleeping person while kicking and hitting him.

Donghae felt someone is kicking and hitting him, so he immediately opens his eyes to see Eun Hye kicking and hitting him while screaming.

“How did you get into my room? What are you doing on my bed, ert!” Eun Hye keeps on shouting.

“Hey, calm down. It is 5 A.M. for heaven’s sake. Why are you screaming and hitting me for?” Donghae asks in a sleepy tone.

He lets out a yawn while rubbing his eyes.

“Who let you sleep in my room?” She asks him again.

“I don’t know. I was too tired to remember anything from last night.” He replies.

“I don’t care. You have to tell me who let you in or else you have to pay.” She stubbornly demands.

“Look, it is freaking 5 in the morning. Let’s go back to sleep, and we will talk about this when everyone is awake.” He sleepily says.

“NO! I want the answer right now!” Eun Hye shouts again.

“Hey! What is all of these noises? Don’t you people know it is freaking 5 in the morning?” Mandy shouts as she storms out of her room with her sleepy husband.

“Honey, I think it is Eun Hye who is making all of that noise.” Eeteuk says.

“Eun Hye?” Mandy says.

“Yeah, don’t you remember you let Donghae sleeps in her room last night without her knowing?” Shiwon joins in the conversation.

“Babe, what do you think will happen to my brother?” Yun asks her boyfriend.

“Beats me.” Kang In shrugs his shoulders.

“From what I know, she might be kicking and hitting him while shouting.” Kibum says while stretching.

“How do you know this?” Bowie raised her eyebrows.

“Uh… let’s just say that we had an accident in the past years.” Kibum uneasily says.

“Uh-huh… We will talk about this later. First, we have to stop Eun Hye from shouting. It is giving me a headache.” Bowie complains.

“I agree.” Sunny says.

“EUN HYE, OPEN UP THE DOOR!” Heechul banged on the door.

“Babe, you are adding more headaches for us. Do you have any other plan to get the door open?” Jen says, rubbing her temples.

“Hey, it is not me who is adding more headaches for you girls. You girls just have low alcohol tolerance.” Heechul protested.

“Babe, we don’t have the mood to argue with you. Just do something for her to stop screaming. She can wake up the whole neighborhood.” She replies.

“Here, step aside.” Mandy says and inserts the spare key into the hole. Then she turns the doorknob and opens the door.


“Honey, calm down. It is not good for the baby.” Eeteuk tries to calm her down.

“Why are you shouting early in the morning anyways?” Yun asks.

“Yeah, it is freaking 5 A.M., and you are screaming.” The boys agree with the girls.

“Well, it is not my fault that I am screaming in the morning. Who lets him sleep in my room anyways?” Eun Hye says, pointing at Donghae, who is very tired.

They all begin to groan when they heard the reason.

“Gosh, what is wrong for him to sleep on your bed? It is not like he is going to anything to you.” Bowie says.

“Yeah, and he is your boyfriend. Therefore, it is okay for him to be sleeping next to you.” Sunny says.

“For your information, he is my EX-BOYFRIEND.” Eun Hye says.

Donghae begins to frown when he heard her say that he is her ex-boyfriend.

“Dongsaeng!” Mandy shouts.

“What!” She shouts back.

Mandy groans and says, “Forget it. Whatever I say, you won’t even care.”

“What is it?” She asks her.

“I said forget it.”

“No! Tell me! I want to know!”

“I said forget it. Just go back to bed.”

“No! I want to know what you have to say.”

“HAN EUN HYE, STOP BEING A STUBBORN BRAT!” Heechul shouts at her.

“SHUT UP! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!” She shouts back at him.


“Oppa…” Eun Hye is about to cry because Eeteuk has never shout at her like this before.

“Uh-oh, she is about to cry now.” Kibum says.

“Let’s leave her. She is being a brat right now.” Mandy says as she left the room.

“Unnie…” Eun Hye mutters softly.

One by one, they all left the room, leaving Donghae and Eun Hye in the room.

Once everyone left the room, Eun Hye begins to hit and kick the sleeping figure on her bed again.

“Ow…” Donghae moans out in pain.

“This is your entire fault. Eeteuk oppa and Mandy unnie would not scream at me if it were not for you. Why did you have to come back to my life again? Why?” Eun Hye cried as she hits him.

“Babe, I’m sorry.” That was all he could say to her.

“Why? Why did you have to come back? Why did you have to be the cause of everything?” She keeps on hitting him.

“Babe, that hurts. Please, stop hitting me.” Donghae says.

“Don’t call me “babe” because I am not your “babe” anymore.” She cries.

“Okay, I won’t call you that anymore. Can you please stop hitting me though?”

Eun Hye stops hitting him, but she continues to kick him.

“Han Eun Hye!” He winces in pain.

“What? You just ask me to stop hitting you not to kick you.”

Donghae lets out a groan.

“Okay, okay, I will stop.” She surrender to him not knowing what he might do if she doesn’t.

“Good girl. Now go back to sleep. We still have to go school in couple of hours.” Donghae lets out a yawn and lay down on the bed again.

“Whatever… I’ll deal with you later on.” Eun Hye also went to bed.

Three hours have passed by, it is time for everyone to wake up and do their daily routine.

“EUN HYE, WAKE UP!” Heechul banged on the door again.

“OPPA, WAKE UP!” Yun shouts as she bangs on the door also.

“It is so nosy! Want to sleep! Be quiet!” The two sleepy heads mutter.

“Han Eun Hye, if you don’t wake up this instant, you will be late for school!” Heechul shouts behind the door.

“Give me another 15 minutes.” Eun Hye shouts back.

“Oppa, if you do not wake up right now, I will Eun Hye all of your secrets!” Yun shouts.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Donghae shouts back.

“Try me!”

“You’re bluffing!”

“Eun Hye, I have something to tell you! Open the door up!”

“Okay, okay, I am up now! Now shut the hell up!”

“No, you are not!”

“Yes, I am!”

“Then come and open the door up for me!”

Donghae gets off from the bed and goes to open the door for his sister.


“Yes, now go get ready while we wake up another lazy pig.” Yun says.

“Fine, whatever…”

“HAN EUN HYE, WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!” Heechul shouts into her ears.

“Ah! I’m up! I’m up!” Eun Hye immediately gets out of the bed and runs into her bathroom.


“Now, let’s prepare their breakfast.” Yun says.

“Yeah, I remember like just a couple months ago, Eun Hye doesn’t eat at all.” Heechul says.

“But, that all change when Mandy and Eeteuk came back to Korea.” Yun says.

“Yup… Thanks to them, Eun Hye is eating daily. Now she looks healthier than she was.”

“Let’s stop chit-chatting and help the others out.” Mandy orders them.

“Mandy, you’re pregnant. You shouldn’t be walking around a lot.” Bowie says.

“Don’t mind me. Just hurry and get ready for school.”

“Yes ma’am!” They all salute to her.

Mandy just laugh at their childish acts.

“Hurry, today I will do the honor to take you all to school.” Eeteuk says.

“If you take us to school, who will take care of Mandy?” Sunny asks.

“It is okay. He has to go back to the company anyways. He has been missing a lot of days.” Mandy assures them that she will be fine on her own.

“No! If no one is going to stay with unnie, then I will.” Eun Hye says.

“Oh no, you are not! You are going to school, young lady!” Mandy says.

“NO!” Eun Hye stubbornly protested.

“Yes!” Mandy strictly ordered.




“Yes, you are going to school. Now, c’mon!” Eeteuk drags her out of the house with him.

“Thanks, hubby!”

“Go and get rest, wifey!”

“I will. Bye!”


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great story
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
nhelly508 #4
Waah! sniff sniff. You have one great story. Thank for making it complete.
Sorry sorry unnie for not reading it and commenting.<br />
But I finally had the time to read it.<br />
It was sooo sad that DOnghae died T^T<br />
FISHY!!!! <333333333<br />
At least she could still talked to him and that he is her guardian angel.<br />
Great story. ^^
i loved it! that was awesome with the talking tree and i got teary eyed in a few chapters hehe. it was good unnie ^^
mangalover #7
new reader hehe ^^ on chap 15 so far. its pretty good.
iloveSML: Awe... *gives a tissue* Feeling better? Thanks for reading! Hehe...