Time to Debut

Coincidence Memories


Time to debut.
Many weeks past after Xiumin and Hae Ra's official date at Lotte World and they spend most of their time together as a couple, and Xiumin would sometimes sleepover at Hae Ra's dormitory.
As weeks past, EXO was lined up to do their introduction teasers and were training harder, sometimes even having to wake up earlier to train, and they also uploaded their music video.
Finally, it was time to debut. All EXO members were excited, including Xiumin, but he also had mixed feelings.
Debuting means leaving SM Academy, moving to China, moving into a new dormitory, and also not being able to see Hae Ra that often due to their busy schedules.
EXO left SM Academy early in the morning to go to Music Bank to perform their debut stage and the following day, they will be moving out of SM Academy, leaving Hae Ra alone in Room 11, and also in SM Academy.
"Ahhh! We're gonna debut! And now we're on the way to Music Bank! Our first step to success!" Tao beamed as he walked with the EXO members, for their recording.
They were all chatting happily, talking about performing, getting their love from fans, having new dormitories, only Xiumin was the one, walking in silence tugging his hands into his pocket and looked down.
D.O. was chatting happily along with the EXO members until he realized Xiumin wasn't in the mood for celebration.
He walked towards Xiumin and tugged his hands into his pockets.
"Thinking about Hae Ra?"
Silence, and D.O. took it as a yes.
"I'll miss her too. But I'll find the time to visit SM Academy."
There was still silence, until Xiumin lifted his head and spoke.
"At least you can visit her once a month, but I'll be in China. I'll be back only in half a years' time." Xiumin stopped and looked at D.O.
Just as D.O. was about to reply, they had already reached the entrance of the Music Bank.
"Let's go!" Tao shouted as he ran towards the studio.
"Wahhh.. This place is awesome!" Tao almost squealed as EXO went into their dressing room and scanned the room.
It was completely organized and clean, not a speck of dust could be seen and the chairs were arranged neatly pushed in.
"D.O. look, not a single speck of dust eh? Just what you want." Suho said and smiled.
He then smiled back and turned his attention back to Xiumin.
Before he could talk to Xiumin again, the door opened, and a man came in, holding a pen and a note board.
*Gahhh. Why am I always interrupted whenever I have something important to say?!*
"Rehearsals in 5 minutes time! Get everything ready and you're ready to rehearse!" The man hollered and slammed the door shut before EXO could reply.
They stood their frozen for a few seconds, staring at the floor which was being slammed a few seconds ago and Suho soon snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head.
"Get prepared! Stay focus and relax! Just a rehearsal!" Suho clapped and smiled.
"Xiumin, remember, stay focused, Hae Ra would always want you to stay focus in whatever you do right? Don't disappoint her! She'll be watching us live on Music Bank later on." D.O. said and placed a hand over his shoulder.
Xiumin smiled and nodded, then went out of the dressing room for rehearsals.
*For Hae Ra, I'll do whatever I can.*
In SM Academy, Hae Ra was practicing non stop.
When she had finished practicing her dance, she was already sweating.
She plopped herself onto the couch and took in deep breaths, and drank her water.
"Wonder how's EXO's doing now, wonder how's Xiumin doing." Hae Ra sighed and got back on her feet, then shook the thought away, and continued practicing, but still couldn't stop her mind from thinking of Xiumin.
After a few hours of rehearsals, the fans of different fan clubs came and cheered for their idols.
Music Bank has started and other artistes started coming in.
"Just a few more performances and it will be you turn, get ready." The man came into EXO's dressing room and slammed the door shut after informing EXO.
"Jeez, what's with that man, always slamming the door, the door will be broken in no time thanks to him!" Sehun grumbled.
*Hae Ra, watch me on Music Bank.*  Xiumin thought as he watched the performances through the mini television they had in the room. He watched other idols that danced and sang with their heart and soul, being cheered by their fans after it ended, and that was what he was about to do. He wondered how it feels to be on stage, to be the limelight.
His dream was about to come true, but Hae Ra wasn't with him..
"Time for break. Just nice, it's Music Bank." Hae Ra switched on the television and tuned to the channel which is broadcasting Music Bank.
There were commercial breaks in between and He Ra was just watching it pass while waiting for Music Bank.
While watching the commercials, the empty room was filled with her panting and the nois coming from the television. Empty, lonely, Hae Ra felt.
Hae Ra walked around the room, touching every corner of the room and pressed her back on the wall.
There were noise everyday without fail when EXO-M and Hae Ra were training in Room 11. They chased each other in the small mini room, talked and laughed till the next room could hear it and complain, watching the television together during lunch breaks and more. But that won't happen anymore, after EXO debuts, moving out of SM Academy and into their new dormitory that will be their heaven after coming back every night from the busy schedules. None of this would happen anymore. Hae Ra would just be alone.
Time cannot be rewind.
Hae Ra wondered if EXO would still remember her after their debuts, visiting her if they had the time and be like in the old times, doing everything together. Almost everything.
She smiled at the memories she had with EXO-M and EXO-K, those were really her best memories she had in her whole entire life, but now, she thinks that it will be nothing but memories.
Just saying or thinking of the name, made Hae Ra felt warm inside. Good memories washed over her, and she sighed, taking in a deep breath, looking back at her past. A silent tear would roll down her cheek every time she thinks of her past. That one single, tear that represents her loneliness. But this time this tear, consists of warmth and love. She didn't think of her past when she was young with no one to help her, but she thought of the past with EXO, and most importantly, Xiumin.
She walked back to the couch with a loud sigh and watch Music Bank airing again. Now, it was EXO's debut.
She quickly straightened herself and leaned closer to the television, looking at the performance with intense eyes.
*Hae Ra, watch me. I'll do my best, watch me.* Xiumin smiled and walked to the stage.
As they were on stage, the lights were off. Everything was pitch black. Until 12 voices were heard.
*Finally.* Both Xiumin and Hae Ra thought from different places, but mind thinking of the same thing as Xiumin performed, and Hae Ra watched them, eyes glued to the television.
They performed their utmost best, singing their voices out and unleashing their talents to let the world see. Being broadcast live and also on television, EXO felt proud and their years of training indeed paid off.
When the had finished performing, the lights went off again, and EXO went backstage into their dressing room, to be sent off by squeals and screams from their fans.
The show ended, and Hae Ra leaned backwards, smiling brightly at herself and nodding her head.
*That was perfect.* Hae Ra smiled at the television, which was on commercial break again.
When EXO went into the dressing room and closed the door, they all screamed and clapped. All so excited and happy that they did their best on the pest performance they ever had.
"That was awesome! I love it!" Sehun beamed and his face was red, maybe because he was about to cry.
They all looked at each other and smiled brightly.
"Best day ever!" Chanyeol screamed.
Everyone smiled and went to their dressing tables to take a rest while Xiumin looked up and wondered. *Hae Ra.. Hope you saw it ..*
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hazelbell #1
Lupiness #2
Chapter 30: Read the last chapter.. It was so sweet and awesome! Really glad the characters in this story are all good and not villians I thought D.O would be a villian LOL anway good job!
Lupiness #3
Chapter 1: Hey! New reader! Glad this story is completed. Gonna start reading this since it's your first story! :)
Hello new reader here! The description and forword itself is already interesting! :)
Chenlover145 #5
Freakin Xiumin is my baozi
BlueSummer #6
Chapter 12: omg..
I cannot stop laughing at this chapter :D
this chapter is just really funny..
i love this chapter..
kpoperrose #8
Chapter 30: This is so sweet...
Chapter 30: The ending is wonderful! Those two are sooo sweet ^^
HelloSmiley #10
Chapter 30: This is quite sad for it to end just like this. Anyway, I really like it! ^^