Chapter 6 - She's actually not a nerd?!

Unexpected Rhapsody of Love

After school, the girls all rushed to the basketball court. Eun Kyo was curious and asked one of the girls who was rushing out of the classroom. "Hey, why is everyone rushing to the basketball court?" She replied,"Don't you know? Infinite is having a basketball match with the other boys! How can we miss this? Oppas here I come~!" and ran off excitedly. Eun Kyo raised her eyebrows. Haekyung looked at her. "Why? You wanna go and watch them too?"

"No of course not! Who wants to watch them show off!" Eun Kyo denied quickly. Actually I really wanna see them. She thought. "Don't deny it. I know you want to see them. Come on, let's go." Haekyung pulled her out of the classroom before she can say anything. At the basketball court, Infinite was preparing to have a basketball match with another team of guys. They were stretching when they spotted Haekyung and Eun Kyo in the crowd of girls who were squealing excitedly. Hoya walked towards them and the girls screamed. "Oh my gosh, look, Hoya oppa is walking towards here! Is he looking for me?" He walked towards Haekyung and Eun Kyo.

"Hey~ are both of you here to see us too? I thought you weren't interested in us, Eun Kyo?" Hoya smirked at Eun Kyo. She quickly said,"Of course I'm not here to see all of you! I was dragged here against my will. Don't be so thick-skinned."

"Really? Aww that's sad. We really wanted you to come and watch us." Hoya gazed at her with a 'sad face'. Heat begin creeping up her cheeks as she avoided Hoya's gaze. He saw her blushing and smirked again."Haha. Anyway just watch us okay? After this match, I bet you will fall head over heels for us." Before she can shoot back, he ran to his brothers and the match started.

The other team was rather good but Infinite was better. They were faster. One of the guys had the ball and was running to the net but was intercepted by Dongwoo. Dongwoo zipped past the guys who tried to intercept him and passed the ball to Sungyeol. Sungyeol jumped and scored easily. Infinite high-fived each other. In the 2nd round, L got the ball and ran past the guys from the other team. Sunggyu got the ball from L and passed it to Woohyun who shoot the ball into the net again. Another score. The girls screamed and cheered. Infinite hi-fived each other again. Suddenly Hoya turned at Eun Kyo's direction and shouted. "Yah Kang Eun Kyo! Did you see that? We scored another goal again! Have you fallen in love with us already?" Eun Kyo widened her eyes in surprise at his sudden outburst. The girls stopped cheering and all of them glared at her. She scolded Hoya mentally. Idiot! Now I'm gonna be attacked by your fangirls and it's all your fault. But she couldn't stop the smile that's slowly forming on her face.

"Eun Kyo ah, your cheeks are really red. Are you okay?" Haekyung asked. Eun Kyo nodded and stuck her tongue out at Hoya. He saw her reaction and winked at her. Her eyes bugged out. Is he flirting with me right now? What the heck. After that during the game, everytime Infinite scored, they would either wink at her or smirk at her. Their actions leave Eun kyo flustered and embarrassed. She kept her head down to prevent them from seeing her flushed face and fidgeted with her skirt constantly. The game ended, Infinite won the other team with 6 : 3. They walked over to Eun Kyo, all sweaty. Haekyung took a bunch of towels and put them in Eun Kyo's hands. She urged her to pass it to Infinite. Eun Kyo was about to refuse when Dongwoo took a towel from her hands. "This is for us? Thank you!" The rest of Infinite took a towel from her too.

"How did we play? You were totally mesmerised by us right?" Woohyun asked her while grinning. L smacked his head. "Stop flirting with her." Then he turned to Eun Kyo. "What do you....think of us?" Eun Kyo looked at him and he was fidgeting with his towel with his head down. Is he actually blushing? Gosh what's wrong with these guys. What's with the sudden attitude change today? "Er...all of you were great. I didn't know that the 7 of you were good at basketball. But can I ask all of you something? What's with the sudden attitude change towards me?" Eun Kyo asked sceptically.

"It isn't a sudden attitude change. Actually we discussed it yesterday and decided that maybe we'd try to get along with you. Maybe it won't be so bad after all, and looks like we made the right decision." Sunggyu smiled.

"Oh I see."

"How about you? Looks like you don't hate us that much already?" L asked. "To be honest, I never hated all of you. It's just that I can't stand your arrogant attitude. I do admit I did loathe all of you at first, but I decided afterwards to not let my biased opinions rule over my head. I guess you guys are pretty okay to hang out with." Eun Kyo smiled. Sungjong poked Dongwoo and he looked at him. He mouthed 'apologise to her' to Dongwoo and Dongwoo shook his head but Sungjong kept urging him to apologise. He pushed Dongwoo in front of Eun Kyo. Dongwoo rubbed his neck sheepishly and muttered quickly,"I'm sorry for always quarrelling with you."

"What? I can't hear you." Eun Kyo said. "I said I'm sorry." He said again. This time she heard and but she pretended not to hear. "I still can't hear you. Can you repeat?" Dongwoo looked at her smiling face and said,"Hey are you pretending not to hear? Aish you little brat." He said and started tickling her. Eun Kyo laughed and tried to stop him. "Hahaha. Stop, stop! Okay okay I heard you. Apology accepted."

"Friends?" Sungyeol stretched out his hand. "Friends." Eun Kyo smiled and shook his hand. Hyeyeon saw everything that happened and she ran out of the basketball court.

"AHHHHHHHH! HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN? I WON'T ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN! THE 7 PRINCES ARE MINE! MINE!!! KANG EUN KYO, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU SUFFER!" She screamed hysterically. Suddenly she heard a hissing sound. She turned back and saw a tall slim woman with long black hair standing there. "Do you want me to help you get your princes back?" She slurred. Hyeyeon raised her eyebrows in suspiscion. "Why do you want to help me?" The woman didn't answer but she walked closer to Hyeyeon and stared into her eyes. Hyeyeon stared into the woman's dark green eyes and saw whirlpools in it. She fainted after that. The woman caught Hyeyeon in her arms and cackled evilly.

Infinite, Eun Kyo and Haekyung were on their way back to the classroom when one of Hyeyeon's lackeys, Chaerim, came up to them and said that Hyeyeon was looking for Infinite saying that she had something to discuss with them about the student council. "She's waiting for all of you at the greenhouse. She said that it's very important." Infinite looked at her weirdly. What could that girl be up to? Student council? But we have never concerned ourselves with student council matters before. Maybe she really has something important to tell us. Sunggyu thought. They went off to find Hyeyeon. Eun Kyo and Haekyung continued to walk towards the classroom.

Haekyung said,"Hmm it's kinda weird that Hyeyeon would ask to discuss student council matters with Infinite. They have never taken part in any of student council's activities. Maybe she just wants to have their attention alone." Eun Kyo nodded in agreement. Suddenly her amulet started 'shaking' vigorously. It flew up and 'pointed' towards somewhere. "What direction is it pointing to?" Eun Kyo asked. Haekyung replied,"That's the direction towards the greenhouse." Don't tell me the snake spirit is back? Otherwise why would my amulet react this way? But why can't I sense anything? Eun Kyo wondered.

"Wait a minute. Did you just say the greenhouse? Isn't that where Infinite has gone to? Hyeyeon is meeting them there right? Don't tell me that something else is using Hyeyeon to lure them there? I have a bad feeling. Haekyung you go on first, I'll go look for them at the greenhouse." Eun Kyo quickly ran towards the greenhouse. Sungyeol opened the glass door of the greenhouse and Infinite went in. The whole greenhouse was made of glass and rays of light could shine through it normally. However as night arrived, darkness fell, making the atmosphere in the greenhouse strangely eerie.

"Hyeyeon, are you there?" Hoya called out, his voice echoing throughout the greenhouse. No answer. An eerie silence took over and the 7 of them shivered as they felt their hair stand. "Hyung, I'm scared." Sungjong tugged at Dongwoo's sleeve. "Wh-at what's there to be scared about?" Dongwoo stuttered despite himself trying to put on a brave front. Suddenly Hyeyeon appeared out of nowhere. Woohyun stifled a scream. "There you are. You scared us. Why did you call us here?" Hyeyeon slowly walked towards them with an evil smile on her face. "Why are you smiling like that?" L asked.

"Because I can finally get my hands on all of you! " Hyeyeon lunged towards them and Infinite got a shock. A bright light shot out from their amulets and Hyeyeon jumped back, hurt from the light. "Ugh! Who gave all of you these amulets?! " She screamed. "I did!" Eun Kyo rushed in just in time. "What the hell is happening?!" Dongwoo shouted. "She's not Hyeyeon. She's a snake spirit who possessed Hyeyeon's body to lure all of you here. She's after your royal blood! Now quickly get out of here and go look for a safe place to hide." Eun Kyo shouted to them. All of Infinite's eyes widened, not understanding what she just said. The snake demon jumped up in the air, preparing to attack Infinite again. "GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!" Eun Kyo yelled again. Sunggyu quickly pushed the rest and they ran out of the greenhouse. They ran towards the school building.

Eun Kyo took out a talisman from her skirt pocket. "Spirits of the earth, please help me force this demon out of this human's body. Aerial Spirit Seal - FORCE!" She ran towards the snake demon and shoved the talisman at it. "Tsu tsu tsu" The snake demon got forced out of Hyeyeon's body and she collapsed onto the floor. The snake demon revealed its real form. The huge serpent towered over Eun Kyo. "STUPID BRAT! YOU RUINED MY PLANS ONCE AGAIN! WHO ARE YOU EXACTLY?" She hissed angrily.

"I'm the famous omnyouji Kang Baek Hwan's granddaughter. I'll not let you harm the princes again! I'll exterminate you once and for all!"

"So you're Kang Baek Hwan's granddaughter? No wonder you have such high spiritual power. However no one has ever emerged alive before me, even those with high spiritual ability. I'LL KILL YOU FIRST BEFORE I DEVOUR THE PRINCES! " The snake demon bared its fangs and lunged for Eun Kyo. She took out another talisman, mumbled a chant and aimed it at the snake demon. "Spirits of dragons, please help me conquest the demon! Hang Ma Seal - DESTROY!" Blue flames engulfed the whole body of the snake demon. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The snake demon let out a bloodcurdling scream and crashed through the ceiling. Glass shattered everywhere, including Eun Kyo's glasses. The flames burnt the snake demon until it totally vanished, leaving flakes of its shiny skin on the floor. Having seen the snake demon being exterminated finally, Eun Kyo let out a sigh of relief.

She saw Hyeyeon still lying on the floor and quickly went to her side. I must transfer my ki(energy) to her immediately otherwise she will die because her energy was being by the snake demon when it possessed her. Eun Kyo put her hands on Hyeyeon's head and hand and transferred her ki to her. Meanwhile, Infinite bumped into Haekyung on the way. Haekyung was worried about Eun Kyo and when she heard what happened just now, she and Infinite quickly ran back to the greenhouse to find Eun Kyo. When they arrived, they saw Eun Kyo fainted on the floor, a motionless Hyeyeon and a huge hole in the ceiling of the greenhouse. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Dongwoo shouted as they all stared at the huge hole in the glass ceiling incredulously with their eyes bugged out of their sockets and mouths agape.

Sungyeol ran to her and shook her. "Yah Kang Eun Kyo, are you okay? Wake up!" Just then he realised that she looked really different. Her glasses were gone. Without the thick black glasses covering her most of her face, her facial features were obvious. Milky white skin, sharp nose, long eyelashes and pink cherry lips. She's so beautiful. I didn't know that's how she really looks like. Sungyeol thought as he stared at Eun Kyo. The rest of Infinite saw Eun Kyo's real looks and their eyes widened in huge surprise.

"Gosh is that how Eun Kyo really looks like? She's s-o so beautiful!" Hoya said. "Yeah, look at her. She's a real beauty. Why does she want to hide her looks? It's such a pity!" Dongwoo said. "Hey why hasn't she woken up yet? Hyeyeon fainted too. We better bring them to the hospital now!" Haekyung said worriedly. "No need for that. I can perform CPR on Eun Kyo. I'm sure she will wake up immediately after my 'kiss of love'." Woohyun puckered up his lips and went close to Eun Kyo's face. Before he can kiss her, the other 6 smacked his head. "Ouchhhhhhhh! What was that for?" Sunggyu carried Eun Kyo and Hoya carried Hyeyeon. "Let's go to the hospital now." Everyone left except for Woohyun still rubbing his head. He realised that everybody left and ran after them. "Yah, wait for me! Let's go together!" (a/n: this scene is from the ending in nothing's over mv where woohyun ran after the others asking them to wait for him. xD)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another chapter updated! YAY. Eun Kyo finally showed her true looks~ will infinite fall in love with her? read on to find out! ^~^v

@omo904: hahaha. i love to eat pudding! ^^

@kyoko_chi: they will fall in love with her soon! most probably next chapter. ^^ 

@aShiningELF: updated! :D

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I have done read your story. 2 thumbs for you. I live this story with all of conflict and sucn a sweet moment.

Till the end the 7 of them can't stop arguing ^^
sunshineangel28 #2
Chapter 32: so cute and funny ending. I love the way they are talking so cheesy xD. If I imagne that infinite would do that for real I think I would burst out laughing xD. Or blush really hard.
I really enjoyed this fic!
Mir_luva #3
Chapter 32: DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!
Just finished this xD
Chapter 32: awwwwww such a sweet and cute ending
the story is DAEBAK!!! :DDDDD
Chapter 32: what a cute ending~~~<3
cool story
CherryHyeri #8
Authornim~sshi sequel pleaseee.....*puppy eyes*
Inspiriteu96 #9
AWWIE;AAAA; i love this fic sooooooo much ,can you make a sequel for us ,please? OTZ
just finished reading...
i super duper love it!!
it was really great.. :)