Chapter 22 - Valentine's Day

Unexpected Rhapsody of Love

Time passed quickly and soon Valentine's Day arrived. The night before Eun Kyo made up an excuse saying that she hasn't had a sleepover at Haeykung's house for a long time, so she went over to her house to stay. Actually she was planning to make chocolates for the boys without them knowing. The two girls enjoyed themselves by having fun making chocolates in the huge kitchen, and gossiped all night. Next morning, Eun Kyo put 8 boxes of nicely wrapped chocolates into her bag. Haekyung also sneaked a box of chocolates she made into her bag. Both of them went to school chatting happily.

When Infinite spotted them, Sungjong immediately ran towards Eun Kyo, engulfing her in a tight hug. "Do you know how much I missed you?" Eun Kyo struggled in his tight grasp. "Ugh..can't breathe..." Sungjong let her go. "Oops I'm sorry." She grinned. "Oppa we didn't see each other for only one night. Do you need to be so cheesy?" Sungjong pouted. Haekyung made a face. "Aish enough of your lovey-dovey. I'm going to class first." She walked off.

"Do you know what day is it today?" Sungyeol questioned. Eun Kyo feigned ignorance. "What day is it today?" 

"It's Valentine's Day, silly! Don't tell me you forgot?" Woohyun poked her forehead.

"Really? Ah looks like I really forgot." She continued to act forgetful.

"You forgot?! So you didn't make anything for us? No chocolates?" Dongwoo wailed.

"Hehe yeah. Because I forgot so I didn't make anything for you guys. Mianhe oppas. See you guys later~" Eun Kyo pretended to say apologetically and went to class. The boys stood there, speechless with disappointment on their faces. They were really looking forward to receiving chocolates from her. Just then, a big group of fangirls swarmed them.

"Sunggyu oppa, this is for you!"

"Hoya oppa, saranghae! Take these chocolates!"

"Myungsoo oppa, I made these specially for you!"

L swatted away the girl in annoyance. He hated people who call his real name. Ugh! Not only I didn't receive chocolates from the girl I like, I have to be bothered by these irritating fangirls! This Valentine's Day big time. He thought. The boys tried to get out of the crowd but to no avail.

After lunch, Eun Kyo decided to give Infinite their presents before they really fall into depression. She found L lazing on the rooftop and skipped up to him. She pushed a box in front of his face. "Oppa, here. I know you have been waiting for this." His eyes widened in astonishment but he quickly composed himself. "Who said that I was waiting for this. Tch." He pretend to scoff but grabbed the box nonetheless. Eun Kyo grinned and pecked his cheek. "Don't deny it. Hehe. I'm going off to give the other oppas their chocolates. Happy Valentine's Day, Myungsoo oppa!" She left L with a flushed face. He opened the box, revealing the chocolates she had made. Although I hate people calling me Myungsoo, but you are the only exception. He smiled to himself.

Eun Kyo went to the library and saw Sunggyu reading in a corner. She crept up behind him. "Oppa!" Sunggyu yelped, earning stares from others. "Yah you scared me!" He hissed. "Hehe sorry~ This is for you." She put the box into his hands. "I thought you forgot!" Sunggyu exclaimed. "Why would I forget? It is such an important day to me. It's the day which I convey my heart to all of you. Happy Valentine's Day, Sunggyu oppa." Eun Kyo kissed his cheek lightly. He softened. She waved goodbye to him and went to find the rest.

Next was Hoya. Eun Kyo found him playing basketball at the school gym with Dongwo and Sungyeol. She walked towards them, smiling. They stopped playing and looked at her. "What are you doing here?" Dongwoo said sulkily. Sungyeol was pouting and Hoya didn't look too happy either. Eun Kyo brought her hands from behind, revealing 3 nicely wrapped boxes in her hands. Their eyes lit up immediately and they grabbed the boxes. "Are these for us? Is it chocolates?" Sungyeol said excitedly, unwrapping his box. When they saw that it was chocolates, all of them grinned from ear to ear. "Yah I thought you really forgot! How dare you play with our feelings huh?" Dongwoo said, tickling Eun Kyo. "Yeahhh. I was really upset for the whole day you know." Hoya complained while joining in the tickling. "Hahahaha omg stop please. It's so ticklish. Aigoooo please let me off, I'm sorry!" She giggled non-stop. They stopped. "To compensate your feelings..." Eun Kyo gave each of them a kiss on the cheek. "Happy Valentine's Day, oppas!" She went off to find the remaining two, leaving the 3 of them smiling like idiots.

Woohyun was sitting on a bench in the school courtyard, still upset about Eun Kyo forgetting to make chocolates for them. Just then, she popped out of nowhere and hugged him from behind, waving a box in front of his face. "Oppa! What's with the frowning face? I know you want this right? Here~ take it!" He took it and opened it. His expression changed to delight. "You really made chocolates for me? Didn't you forget? You cheated our feelings, you little brat! Come here!" He grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. "I was so disappointed that you didn't make anything for me. Do you know?" He pouted cutely. "Aigooo oppa mianhe~ I won't do this again, okay?" Eun Kyo kissed his cheek softly and pulled away. "I'm gonna find Sungjong, bye~" Woohyun waved at her, smiling giddily to himself.

Sungjong was looking out the classroom window boredly. Eun Kyo approached him. "Oppa! What are you doing?" Sungjong looked at her with a bored expression. "Trying to heal my injured heart because of someone." She laughed and put the box of chocolates in front of him. "Here's special treatment for your injured heart. Is this enough?" He opened the box, and a huge grin spread across his face when he saw the chocolates. "Awwww. I was totally looking forward to this. Thanks, baby girl!" Eun Kyo smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek. "This is extra bonus for your injured heart. Hehehe." Sungjong's face turned red.

One last box. Hmm I wonder where's Gongchan? Eun Kyo thought. Then she spotted him talking to someone. She walked towards him and was about to call him when she saw that he was talking to Haekyung, and she also had a box in her hand. Eun Kyo sneaked behind a wall and eavesdropped on them. "This is for you, Gongchan." Haekyung stretched out her hand and gave him a petite box. His eyes enlarged in surprise. "For me? Gee thanks. I didn't really expect to receive anything from you." Haekyung's cheeks turned pink.

"Actually...I...I like you!"

"WHAT?!" Gongchan exclaimed in shock. Eun Kyo, who was eavesdropping on them almost shouted out too. Haekyung likes Gongchan? Since when? Why didn't she tell me about it? Haekyung fidgeted with her fingers nervously, not looking at his face. "I've liked you since quite some time ago. I know you like Eun Kyo, so I didn't dare to confess to you. But now I have the courage. Gongchan ah, I know it's hard for you to forget her now. But I'm willing to wait until you open your heart to me. So can you please give me a chance?" Eun Kyo was hit with another shock. GONGCHAN LIKES ME?! OH MY GOSH. Why are there so many things that I do not know of?

Gongchan was still shocked at Haekyung's sudden confession. He was confused. "I...I didn't even know that you had feelings for me all along. Though I have already given up on Eun Kyo, I'm still not ready to accept another relationship. I'm sorry but can you give me some time to think about it? I really need some time to sort out my feelings properly." Haekyung nodded slowly. Wow. I didn't even know that Haekyung <3 Gongchan <3 me. Sheesh, why are things so complicated. Ah but it's a good thing that he already given up on me. Otherwise I won't know what those 7 pabos will do if they find out that Gongchan likes me. Eun Kyo chuckled to herself, imaging Infinite's reactions.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGAIN, SORRY FOR THE EXTREMELY LATE UPDATE! /bows in apology I'll try to update another chapter later. Cos it's 1.37am now. Lol. I'm sleeping late again. -.- School reopens tomorrow! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO D: I've been slacking and going out a lot for this 2 weeks. Looks like it's finally to start my hectic school life again. /sigh

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I have done read your story. 2 thumbs for you. I live this story with all of conflict and sucn a sweet moment.

Till the end the 7 of them can't stop arguing ^^
sunshineangel28 #2
Chapter 32: so cute and funny ending. I love the way they are talking so cheesy xD. If I imagne that infinite would do that for real I think I would burst out laughing xD. Or blush really hard.
I really enjoyed this fic!
Mir_luva #3
Chapter 32: DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!
Just finished this xD
Chapter 32: awwwwww such a sweet and cute ending
the story is DAEBAK!!! :DDDDD
Chapter 32: what a cute ending~~~<3
cool story
CherryHyeri #8
Authornim~sshi sequel pleaseee.....*puppy eyes*
Inspiriteu96 #9
AWWIE;AAAA; i love this fic sooooooo much ,can you make a sequel for us ,please? OTZ
just finished reading...
i super duper love it!!
it was really great.. :)