Chapter 19 - You're The Only One For Us

Unexpected Rhapsody of Love

After dinner, Eun Kyo went up to her room with heavy steps. She slumped onto the bed. Although Infinite kept assuring her that they will definitely make their parents change their minds, she wasn't positive about this. She remembered the determined look in Mr Moon's eyes and Mrs Moon's disapproving glare. Her shoulders deflated and she sighed. What should I do? Mr and Mrs Moon seem determined to cancel our engagement. If it was one month ago, I would have gladly accepted it. But now, I've already fallen for them, I can't just take back my feelings and see them get married to another girl.  "Knock Knock!" Someone knocked on her room door. "Come in." Sunggyu entered. He sat down on the bed beside her and looked at her. "Are you okay? You didn't seem to have any appetite during dinner just now. I know you are worried about our parents saying that they will cancel our engagement. Don't fret over it. Just leave it to us. We won't let them cancel the engagement like this."

"But your parents seem so angry just now. Especially Mr Moon. He seems really deteremined as if he already made up his mind. And Mrs Moon too, that disapproving look in her eyes when she saw me, I could never forget. Oppa, I'm really scared, scared that we would be forced to break up. What if that really hap-" Sunggyu suddenly pulled Eun Kyo into his embrace. "Shush, shush. Don't be so paranoid. Have some faith in us, will you? We definitely won't let that happen. You know, we won't accept anyone but you right? You're the one for us, the only one for me." He kissed her forehead gently. Eun Kyo nodded her head. Somehow his words gave her some form of assurance. "Go to sleep now and don't think so much, okay?" He lay her down and pulled the blanket over her. "Goodnight, baby girl." Sunggyu kissed her forehead again and left the room. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Next morning, Eun Kyo went down to the dining room for breakfast. When she arrived, she saw Infinite's parents sitting there, already eating breakfast. "Good morning, Mr and Mrs Moon." She greeted them. They looked up. "Oh, look who's here. It's the peasant girl. I can't believe that we have to live in the same house as her. And she's so thick-skinned to actually move in with our sons even before they are married. So much for being the granddaughter of the great exorcist, Kang Baek Hwan. I thought that she would at least have some shame." Mrs Moon said in an unpleasant tone. Her words were like arrows that shot through Eun Kyo's heart. She clutched the hem of her skirt tightly to force herself not to shoot her back. "Don't need to be so put off. She won't be here for long anyway. We won't have to tolerate her presence anymore soon. I've already arranged a date with Principal Woo's daughter, Woo Hyeyeon." Mr Moon said. Suddenly Dongwoo and the rest of Infinite came in.

"What?! You have already arranged a meeting with Woo Hyeyeon? How can you do that? We already told you last night that we won't cancel the engagement with Eun Kyo! Why can't you just respect our decision?" Dongwoo said, frustrated. "Dongwoo! How can you talk to your father like this? Just because of that girl? What's so good about her that turned all of you against us?" Mrs Moon scolded. "Everything. Everything about her is great. I have never met such a wonderful girl like her before that makes my heart flutter constantly. Other than her, I won't accept anyone." Woohyun said, looking at Eun Kyo. She blushed after hearing what he said. His honest confession surprised her and his parents. Mr and Mrs Moon was speechless. They didn't know how to react after hearing Woohyun's words. "Anyway, I've arranged the meeting already. You have to go no matter what." Mr Moon said and walked out of the dining room with his wife.

 Eun Kyo sighed. Sungjong walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Are you okay? Don't mind what my mother just said. She's always sarcastic to people she doesn't like. She's just biased against you, I'm sure she will like you if she gets to know you better." He assured her. "Hopefully. If she will give me a chance to show her that I'm not as bad as she thinks." She said. They went to school together. The day flew by quickly and school ended. Infinite was supposed to go for the meeting with Hyeyeon. Mr and Mrs Moon were already waiting outside the school gates inside the car. None of them wanted to go but they had no choice. Their parents knew that they would try to escape, so they waited for Infinite outside their school.

"I really don't wanna gooooo." Woohyun groaned. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. He clutched his stomach and bent down, acting like he was in great pain. "Arghhhhhhhhh." Mrs Moon looked at him worriedly. "What's wrong, Woohyun?" Woohyun pretended to squat down in pain. "Umma, I think I have diarrhoea. My stomach hurts so much. Can I don't go for the meeting? I wanna go home to rest." His brothers raised their eyebrows. They knew that he was acting, it was so obvious. "This is such a lousy excuse, Woohyun. Now get on the car before I make you." Mr Moon said. Woohyun clutched his stomach even tighter and pretended that he was going to faint. "Appa, my stomach really hurts badly. I'm not faking it." Mrs Moon fell for it. "Let Woohyun stay at home and rest. He seems to be really in pain." Mr Moon relented and let Woohyun off. He sent one of the bodyguards to Woohyun home in another car. Yes! They fell for it. Now I don't need to go see that ugly and I can have Eun Kyo all to myself. He thought to himself gleefully.

When both of them reached home, Eun Kyo helped Woohyun to his bed. He had to maintain the act in front of her too, lest the bodyguard gets suspiscious. "Woohyun oppa, does your stomach still hurt? Do you need painkillers? I will go look for it." She turned around to leave but Woohyun grabbed her wrist. "It's okay, I don't need painkillers. I'm fine already." He jumped up from the bed. Eun Kyo looked at him. He seems perfectly fine. "Were you putting on act just now to escape from the meeting?" Woohyun rubbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly. "You also lied to me. Do you know I was really worried about you? How can you play with my feelings like this?" She walked away, huffing. Woohyun was alarmed. He didn't expect Eun Kyo to be angry over this. He grabbed her wrist and spun her around.

"Are you angry with me?" Woohyun asked. "Let me go!" Eun Kyo struggled to get out of his grasp. "Tell me. Are you angry at me because you were worried about me?" He persisted. She refused to answer him, got out of his grasp and walked away again. Suddenly Woohyun hugged her from behind. "Yah! Let go!" Eun Kyo struggled. He tightened his hands around her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you. I just wanted to escape from the meeting so that I can be alone with you." She softened upon hearing that. She could hear the sound of his heartbeat against her back and his breath against her cheeks. A shade of red crept up her cheeks. "...Are you hungry? I'll go get some snacks from the kitchen." Eun Kyo broke out from his embrace and walked out of the room quickly. Woohyun looked at her retreating figure and chuckled.

Woohyun was lying on the bed resting when Eun Kyo came back with the snacks. She was about to give him the snacks when she suddenly tripped and landed on top of him. Their faces were just inches away from each other. They stared into each other's eyes. Eun Kyo's heartbeat quickened and her face was crimson. She was about to pull away when Woohyun wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her lips. She was caught by surprise. He turned around and became on top of her while deepening the kiss. A tingly feeling ran through his body as Woohyun kissed her. He wanted to do this since long ago. Now he finally has his chance.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally it's Woohyun's turn to kiss her. Now only Dongwoo left. How should I write their kiss scene. Hmm. Any suggestions??? xD  /calls out to xoxoDesixoxo  Finally my holidays are here~! Woohoo. I'm so happy. I finally get to take a break from school work, although it's only for 2 weeks. Now I have more time to write~ ^^ I need to stop the habit of writing in the middle of the night. :/ btw does anyone of you know about the new boy band Boyfriend? They're so cute! And so freaking young, sadly. except for the leader. I didn't want to like them at first cos I feel like a pedo noona. T__T but now, I already accepted the fact that I AM A PEDO NOONA. my biases in Boyfriend are all younger than me. D:  /bricked

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I have done read your story. 2 thumbs for you. I live this story with all of conflict and sucn a sweet moment.

Till the end the 7 of them can't stop arguing ^^
sunshineangel28 #2
Chapter 32: so cute and funny ending. I love the way they are talking so cheesy xD. If I imagne that infinite would do that for real I think I would burst out laughing xD. Or blush really hard.
I really enjoyed this fic!
Mir_luva #3
Chapter 32: DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!
Just finished this xD
Chapter 32: awwwwww such a sweet and cute ending
the story is DAEBAK!!! :DDDDD
Chapter 32: what a cute ending~~~<3
cool story
CherryHyeri #8
Authornim~sshi sequel pleaseee.....*puppy eyes*
Inspiriteu96 #9
AWWIE;AAAA; i love this fic sooooooo much ,can you make a sequel for us ,please? OTZ
just finished reading...
i super duper love it!!
it was really great.. :)