Final Chapter - Forever

Unexpected Rhapsody of Love

Tomorrow is the day that I've been waiting for. Eun Kyo thought to herself nervously as she fidgeted with her fingers. Her mother entered the room. "Eunnie why aren't you sleeping yet? Tomorrow is your big day. You have to sleep early or else the boys will get a bride looking like a panda." Eun Kyo gave her mother a feeble smile. "Mum, I'm...kinda nervous about tomorrow. I'm excited and happy but at the same time I'm also nervous. All this just seems like an unrealistic dream. I'm just an average normal girl that you can find anywhere on the streets, what luck do I have to be able to marry the seven most influential, richest, and most sought after (not to mention good-looking) guys in Korea? I mean not that I'm belittling myself, but you get what I mean."

Her mother smiled gently and hugged her. "Eunnie, you're not just an average normal girl. You're our precious daughter, Eun Joon's only sister and the only one who Infinite wants to spend their rest of their life with. You're unique and special to each and everyone of us. So don't be nervous, and just welcome tomorrow with a happy heart." She released Eun Kyo and looked at her face. "Ah time passed really fast. In the blink of an eye you're all grown up and ready to become someone else's bride already." She slightly sniffled and wiped away tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Mum don't cry. I'll still be by your side even when I get married." Eun Kyo hugged her mother in assurance. Her mother nodded and got up. "Don't sleep too late okay? Goodnight, bride-to-be." She smiled and left the room. After her mother left, Eun Kyo's mind was clouded with thoughts of what would happen tomorrow. I hope I don't mess up tomorrow since it's the most important day of my life. She finally thought before going to sleep.

Next day, the whole Kang family was bustling about early in the morning. "Dad where's my tie?!" Eun Joon shouted. "Yeobo where's my shoes? I thought you polished them for me yesterday? Now I can't find it!" Mr Kang panicked. "Can you guys wait for a minute? I'm doing Eunnie's hair and makeup!" Mrs Kang shouted back while styling Eun Kyo's hair. After she was done, Eun Kyo stared at her own reflection in the mirror and smiled to herself blissfully.

At the church, everyone was waiting for the bride's arrival. The seven of them were especially anticipating to see her. "How do you think she'll look like?" Dongwoo asked. "Beautiful of course! There's no need to ask at all." Woohyun replied. "Like an angel from heaven~" Sungjong said dreamily. The rest nodded and fantasized about her in their heads. The door of the church opened and Eun Kyo and her father entered. Infinite gasped when they saw her. She was even more beautiful than they imagined. Just like Sungjong said, she looks like an angel who descended from heaven.

Eun Kyo was in a strapless simple white wedding dress with her hair adorned with white roses and swept to the side. She walked down the aisle with her father. Everybody's eyes were on her at that moment, all of them not taking their eyes off the beautiful bride. The seven of them were speechless. Although she was already beautiful in their eyes, but they couldn' t find any words to describe her at the moment. Mr Kang handed Eun Kyo's hand to Sunggyu.

He wiped off a tear from the corner of his eye and looked at Infinite. "Now I'm handing my daughter to the seven of you. She will be in your hands from now on, please take care of her well." Sunggyu smiled sincerely. "I promise that the seven of us will take care and love her forever for as long as we live." Out of the corner, Mrs Kang blew her nose with her handkerchief and sobbed even more after hearing that. Eun Kyo stood in the middle with Infinite standing both on her right and left side, facing the priest.

The priest began. "Now the wedding ceremony will begin. Kang Eun Kyo sshi, will you take the 7 of them - Sunggyu, Dongwo, Howon, Woohyun, Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong to be your wedded husbands, to live together in the legal estate of matrimony?  Will you love them no matter in life or death, sickness or old age and be faithful to them as long as you live?" Eun Kyo smiled, "I will."

The priest turned to the 7 of them. "Sunggyu, Dongwo, Howon, Woohyun, Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong sshi, will you take Kang Eun Kyo to be your wedded wife, to live together in the legal estate of matrimony?  Will you love her no matter in life or death, sickness or old age and be faithful to her as long as you live?" All 7 of them chorused "I will."

"You may exchange rings now." Eun Kyo and Infinite took the rings from the ring bearer and put them on each other's fourth finger on their right hand. "As all of you have given your consent before me to live together in matrimony and have solemnly promised, each to the other to do so, I now pronounce all of you Man and Wife. You may kiss the bride now." The priest finished. Each of them kissed Eun Kyo tenderly on the lips as the audience stood up and applaused for them. Eun Kyo's mother wiped off a tear from the corner of her eye and hugged her husband. "Our Eun Kyo has really grown up."

At the honeymoon destination, Bora Bora Island (i didn't make this up, it's a real island which is a REAL PARADISE! :D)

"Ah finally we've reached! I'm so tired!" Eun Kyo exclaimed as she plopped down on the huge leather couch in their resort. Each one of them came in, stretching and yawning after the long trip on the plane. Sungjong came in, dragging all their luggage with him. "Yah! Why did all of you throw your luggage to me? Am I the bellboy?! And you still dare to yawn when I'm the one who should be tired after carrying all of your luggage!" He glared at his brothers with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Too bad, who asked you to be the maknae." Hoya replied nonchalantly. Eun Kyo went to help Sungjong with the luggage. "Tsk tsk. You guys shouldn't bully Sungjong like that even if he's the youngest." Sungjong beamed. "Yeobo is the best to me! Thank you yeobo <3" He pecked her on her cheek. "Yah what yeobo! When did you start calling her that?! She's OUR yeobo, not yours only!" Sungyeol snatched Eun Kyo from him. "Since yesterday when we got married, pabo! Yeobo loves me the most, right yeobo?" Sungjong grinned cheekily.

"Did you just call your hyung a pabo?! Why you little-" Sungyeol was about to jump at him when Eun Kyo pulled him back. "Now now guys, no more fighting. You brothers have been arguing about who should sit beside me on the plane and now even this? Oh gosh I'm too tired to deal with this. I'm going to sleep first." She was going to walk into the bedroom when Woohyun pulled her back. "Not so fast, wifey. Tonight is our first honeymoon night, so you must choose one person among the 7 of us to spend your first night with."

"Yup you have to choose one of us to spend your first night with." Dongwoo agreed. Eun Kyo looked at them incredulously. "Do I have to decide on this too? Can't you guys just decide among yourselves?" The moment she spoke those words, she regretted it immediately. Because in the next moment, the 7 brothers were fighting again. >___<

"I'm the oldest, of course I should spend the first night with her." Sunggyu said.

"There's no such rule like that. I should be the first because I'm the one who took her first kiss too." Hoya smirked.

"What?! You took her first kiss? What the hell, that's not fair! All the more you shouldn't be the first one!" Sungyeol snapped.

"All of you shut up, I should be the one to go first because I was the first one to meet her. I met her first which gives me the right-" Dongwoo started.

"That's ridiculous! All of us met her around the same time. I should spend the first night with her because she loves me the most." The maknae retorted.

"Nonsense! She loves me the most because I was the sweetest to her. Her first night belongs to me!" Woohyun argued.

"Aren't all of you childish arguing over this? Come on yeobo, let's ignore them and go to sleep." L said as he pushed Eun Kyo towards the direction of the bedroom.

"Yah Myungsoo, where do you think you're going?!" The rest growled and pulled them back. "Don't think you can escape so easily! Let's decide this by scissors, paper, stone! The last winner will get to spend the first night with her!" Sunggyu said. The rest agreed.

Eun Kyo looked at them and shook her head. Gosh how long is this going to take? I'm so tired. Sigh. Did I make the right decision to marry all 7 of them? Are we going to be like this for the rest of our lives? She smiled to herself. Then again, I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with 7 sweet and silly pabos.

In the end, they still couldn't decide who shall spend their first night with Eun Kyo so all 8 of them ended up sleeping together on one bed. "Goodnight yeobo <3" All 7 of them chorused. "Goodnight, my 7 lovely husbands." She whispered and fell asleep in their arms.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE END! A very big SORRY to all my readers because i was on hiatus for soooo long. I can understand why some of them unsubscribed, but to those 130 readers who waited for me until now - THANK YOU AND I LOVE ALL OF YOU <3333333333 Thanks for sticking with me throughout my first fanfic! /hugs all of you :DD

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I have done read your story. 2 thumbs for you. I live this story with all of conflict and sucn a sweet moment.

Till the end the 7 of them can't stop arguing ^^
sunshineangel28 #2
Chapter 32: so cute and funny ending. I love the way they are talking so cheesy xD. If I imagne that infinite would do that for real I think I would burst out laughing xD. Or blush really hard.
I really enjoyed this fic!
Mir_luva #3
Chapter 32: DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!
Just finished this xD
Chapter 32: awwwwww such a sweet and cute ending
the story is DAEBAK!!! :DDDDD
Chapter 32: what a cute ending~~~<3
cool story
CherryHyeri #8
Authornim~sshi sequel pleaseee.....*puppy eyes*
Inspiriteu96 #9
AWWIE;AAAA; i love this fic sooooooo much ,can you make a sequel for us ,please? OTZ
just finished reading...
i super duper love it!!
it was really great.. :)