Chapter 21 - Impromptu Rain

Unexpected Rhapsody of Love

School ended as fast as it started. Everyone was rushing out of the school gates in a flurry. Eun Kyo was forced to stay behind because she had Math remedial. Aish why do I have to stay behind alone for stupid Math? Geez I already feel sleepy staring at all the numbers on the worksheet. She slapped herself lightly to wake herself up. Infinite was on the way back home when Dongwoo suddenly forgot to take his baseball jacket which he left in the classroom. He told the others to go on first and went back to take his jacket. (A/N: their house is rather close to the school btw. so they can walk back home.)

When Dongwoo took his jacket and was on the way out of the school, he saw Eun Kyo walking out too. He went up to her and tapped her shoulder. "Dongwoo oppa? What are you doing here? I thought all of you went home." Dongwoo smiled. "I came back here to specially wait for you. Aren't I sweet?" Eun Kyo's face lit up. "Really?" He chuckled. "No, actually I came back to take my jacket. Look how happy you are when I said that I was waiting for you." She pouted and slapped his arm lightly. "Tch. And I thought at least someone had the heart to wait for me to go home together."

"Haha. I'm here already, aren't I? Now we can go home together." Dongwoo said. It started raining all of a sudden. "! Do you have an umbrella? I didn't bring one when I came back." Eun Kyo shook her head. The rain was getting heavier and both of them were getting drenched. Dongwoo quickly pulled Eun Kyo beside him and put the jacket over their heads. They started running in the rain. "Oppa, let's find a shelter first until the rain stops." He nodded and both of them ran to a nearby playground. They sat down under one of the slides which sheltered them from the rain.

"You're all wet." Eun Kyo pulled out a piece of tissue and started wiping Dongwoo's face and hair. He stared at her face, water droplets sliding down her face and hair. "You are drenched too." He took the tissue from her and started wiping her face too. Dongwoo saw a water droplet on her eyelash and gently wiped it off with his finger. He stared into her big brown eyes, as if they were beckoning to him. He cupped her face gently, and slowly leaned in. Their lips touched as he kissed her softly. Her lips are as soft as petals. He thought to himself giddily. Eun Kyo could feel her heart threatening to jump out any second. Her body was heating up even though it was cold outside. She never thought that a guy like Dongwoo could deliver a kiss so gentle and sweet.

As the kiss deepened, Dongwoo wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her closer. Eun Kyo practically melted in his arms. The rain continued pouring heavily, but it didn't affect both of them. They were lost in each other's lips.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One chapter dedicated to Dongwoo's kiss! HAHAHA XD i'm sorry if it's short though. .__.

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I have done read your story. 2 thumbs for you. I live this story with all of conflict and sucn a sweet moment.

Till the end the 7 of them can't stop arguing ^^
sunshineangel28 #2
Chapter 32: so cute and funny ending. I love the way they are talking so cheesy xD. If I imagne that infinite would do that for real I think I would burst out laughing xD. Or blush really hard.
I really enjoyed this fic!
Mir_luva #3
Chapter 32: DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!
Just finished this xD
Chapter 32: awwwwww such a sweet and cute ending
the story is DAEBAK!!! :DDDDD
Chapter 32: what a cute ending~~~<3
cool story
CherryHyeri #8
Authornim~sshi sequel pleaseee.....*puppy eyes*
Inspiriteu96 #9
AWWIE;AAAA; i love this fic sooooooo much ,can you make a sequel for us ,please? OTZ
just finished reading...
i super duper love it!!
it was really great.. :)