Chapter 24 - A Close Shave

Unexpected Rhapsody of Love

The next day at school, Gongchan went to find Eun Kyo to discuss about EeSeul. It was then Haekyung realized his true identity. "So you are also an omnyouji like Eun Kyo? You possess spiritual powers too?" Gongchan nodded and scratched his head sheepishly. "Yeah kind of. I didn't reveal my identity previously because I thought there wasn't really a need to. Anyway I went to consult my grandpa and he gave me this." He took out a small bottle from his pocket.

"My grandpa said that this can expose EeSeul's true form. It's a special kind of water blessed by a highly-respected monk who has strong spiritual powers." Gongchan swirled around the transparent liquid in the bottle. "Both of you really think that Ms Park is a demon in disguise? But she doesn't look like one. She looks totally human." Haekyung said,

"Haven't you heard before that appearances are deceiving? What you see on the surface may not be real." Gongchan remarked. "So how do you plan to expose her?" Eun Kyo inquired. "First I'll try to lead her somewhere private. I shall do that since she probably won't suspect anything if it's me. Then while I'm distracting her, you will come up behind her secretly and splash the water on her."

"Are you sure this will work? What if she doesn't reveal her true form after that? What if she's really a human?" Haekyung said, worried. "I'm almost 90% sure that she isn't a human. Even if I'm not wrong, you should trust Eun Kyo's sixth sense right?" Haekyung nodded in contemplation.

Meanwhile, Infinite was on the way to the school cafeteria when L forgot his wallet in the classroom. He asked the rest to go on without him first and went back to take his wallet. While L was on his way back to the cafeteria, somebody pulled him into an empty classroom. "What the..." He turned to see Hyeyeon smiling sinisterly at him. "What the hell are you doing?!" L yelled angrily at her. She didn't say anything, but only walked closer to him. He backed away slowly but she kept on advancing towards him.

Hyeyeon lunged herself towards L, wrapping her arms around him tightly. He struggled to get away from her. Suddenly a strong sweet scent wafted into his nose. He inhaled in the sweet scent, and all of a sudden his sight became slightly blurry. L closed his eyes and tried to stabilize himself. When he opened his eyes, Eun Kyo was right in front of him.

"Eun Kyo...?" L murmured. She nodded and caressed his cheek gently, making a shiver run down his spine from her touch. She cupped his face and kissed him passionately. He kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her waist. As the kiss deepened, L was becoming breathless and he was starting to feel weak. But he didn't stop. He felt so attracted to her for some reason and couldn't stop kissing her. She was enjoying every moment of it, slowly out his energy without him knowing. (A/N: notice that i keep using 'she' instead of 'eun kyo' in here? cos it's not the real eun kyo here. you'll know why later on~)

Eun Kyo and Gongchan met Infinite at the cafeteria. She noticed that L was missing. "Where's L?"  She asked. "He left his wallet in the classroom so he went back to take it." Sunjong said while munching on an apple. "How long has he been gone?" Eun Kyo said, slightly worried. Now that she knows that EeSeul is most probably a demon in disguise, she couldn't risk having anything happen to the boys again.

"Speaking about that, he has been gone for quite some time. What's taking him so long?" Dongwoo said, scratching his head.Eun Kyo's eyes widened slightly. She mumbled that she's gonna look for him before running off with Gongchan trailing behind. "Why is she so uptight?" Hoya furrowed his eyebrows in curiosity. "God knows why." Sungyeol replied with his mouth full of ddukbokki.

Eun Kyo and Gongchan went to L's classroom but it was empty. They began searching for him along the route to the cafeteria. "Hey is this L's wallet?" Gongchan picked up a black leather wallet from the floor. "Yeah it is. He's probably somewhere near. Come on let's go." She pulled him along. As they continued to search for L, the feeling of uneasiness increased in Eun Kyo's heart. Please don't let anything happen to him. She prayed silently to herself. They passed by an empty classroom. Gongchan stopped in his tracks suddenly. "Do you smell that?"

Eun Kyo sniffed the air. A strong, sweet, perfume-like scent  floated in the air. She followed the scent to the door of the classroom and heard sounds coming from inside. Gongchan opened the door and was alarmed by what he saw. L was lying on a table with Hyeyeon on top of him, and they were making out! Gongchan quickly covered Eun Kyo's eyes. "Don't look!"

"Why?" Eun Kyo pried his hands away. She gasped at the sight of the two of them making out. Then she noticed how L looked weak and seem to have difficulty breathing. Something's wrong. Realization hit her. She's his energy! Eun Kyo quickly pushed Hyeyeon off L. "Gongchan, his energy has been out by her! Transfer yours to him quick or he will die!" Gongchan ran to L's side immediately, who already lost consciousness and collapsed onto the floor. His face was pale and drained of colour.

Hyeyeon narrowed her eyes dangerously at Eun Kyo. "How dare you foil my plan, ! L is mine!" Her eyes emitted a faint green light, as she lunged at Eun Kyo grabbing her neck tightly, strangling her. Eun Kyo tried to pry her hands of her neck, but to no avail. Her strength seemed to increase in folds all of a sudden. Which is weird for a girl like her. Eun Kyo started to choke and have difficulty breathing as Hyeyeon's grip tightened on her neck. "Gong...chan..." Eun Kyo choked out. He went over and tried to stop Hyeyeon but she didn't budge at all.

She seems to be hypnotized. Gongchan took out a yellow talisman and muttered a chant. "EXPEL!" He threw the talisman at Hyeyeon. Being expelled by the strong power of the talisman, Hyeyeon flew backwards and crashed into the wall, knocked out. He looked at Eun Kyo worriedly. "Are you okay?" She nodded, still holding her neck which had hand prints from Hyeyeon's tight grip.

EeSeul was behind the door, observing everything that has just happened. "Useless girl!" She cursed under her breath while looking at Hyeyeon's limp body in the corner. So that kid is an omnyouji too? She looked at Gongchan and smirked slightly. Eun Kyo felt someone staring and snapped her head towards towards the door, spotting EeSeul. "Gongchan, take care of L! I'm going after her." She chased after EeSeul. "Be careful!" Gongchan shouted after her.

EeSeul swooped into a corner as Eun Kyo was hot on her heels. Eun Kyo took out a talisman, mumbled a chant and threw it at EeSeul. "ATTACK!" The talisman hit her, and the power of it caused her to fly a few metres away, crashing on the ground. "Ughhhhhhh!" EeSeul groaned in pain. Eun Kyo quickly took the chance to splash the Demon Revealing Water onto her. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" EeSeul screamed as she revealed her true form - a nine-tailed fox. Her fur was silver colour, her nine long fox tails tipped with crimson at the end of them, her green eyes gleaming. She crouched into position, ready to attack any time.

"What is your motive for appearing?"

"Revenge. I want to take revenge on YOU. YOU KILLED MY SISTER, AND I WANT YOU TO PAY FOR IT. She was a 1000 year old snake demon. You destroyed her! I will make you pay for what you have done. I will make sure that you see the ones you love die in front of you one by one before I take your life!" EeSeul said, her voice full of hatred and anger. Eun Kyo's eyes widened in realization. She came to take revenge for the snake demon. Before she can react, she heard voices of people coming their way. EeSeul escaped in an instant, her voice could be heard clearly in the strong wind. "I'll be back!" (A/N: don't ask me why snake and fox can be sisters. i just made it up xD they're both demons anyway so it doesn't matter~) I have a gut feeling that this is not going to end so soon. She will definitely come back again to take revenge on me. EeSeul's words rang in her head clearly. I will make sure that you see the ones you love die in front of you one by one-

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry that Infinite hasn't been appearing much in the last 2 chapters. cos it's mainly about the appearance of the nine-tailed fox demon, EeSeul. I even went to search a picture for her. Lol. In my opinion, that picture I found on google looks really like what I have in my mind for EeSeul's appearance. It looks scary. :/ Anyway this story is finishing soon~ I'll try to finish it by this week? I hope I at least can reach 100 subscribers? Please help me, MY LOVELY READERS! :DD and comments are greatly appreciated! (: Oh and I'll start on a new fanfic soon. A collaboration with omo904! Hehe ^^ Hope you all will support it like this fanfic~

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I have done read your story. 2 thumbs for you. I live this story with all of conflict and sucn a sweet moment.

Till the end the 7 of them can't stop arguing ^^
sunshineangel28 #2
Chapter 32: so cute and funny ending. I love the way they are talking so cheesy xD. If I imagne that infinite would do that for real I think I would burst out laughing xD. Or blush really hard.
I really enjoyed this fic!
Mir_luva #3
Chapter 32: DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!
Just finished this xD
Chapter 32: awwwwww such a sweet and cute ending
the story is DAEBAK!!! :DDDDD
Chapter 32: what a cute ending~~~<3
cool story
CherryHyeri #8
Authornim~sshi sequel pleaseee.....*puppy eyes*
Inspiriteu96 #9
AWWIE;AAAA; i love this fic sooooooo much ,can you make a sequel for us ,please? OTZ
just finished reading...
i super duper love it!!
it was really great.. :)