Chapter 13 - Her Past

Unexpected Rhapsody of Love

"Wow baby you actually still remember me? I'm so happy. How are you? Looks like you're doing fine." Ki Sung snickered, glancing at Infinite and Gong Chan. "Wh-what are you doing here? How do you know I study here?" Eun Kyo stuttered, not daring to look at him. "I have my own ways. Aren't you touched that I specially came to look for you, huh? You must have missed me too, right?" Ki Sung took a step towards her. Before Infinite can say anything, Haekyung stood in front of Eun Kyo and shoved him away. "What the are you doing here, bastard? What do you want with Eun Kyo? You still dare to come and look for her after what you've done to her you filthy low-life?!" Infinite and Gong Chan stared at her in surprise. It was the first time they have ever heard Haekyung curse and flare up.

Ki Sung smirked. "Long time no see, Haekyung. I see you've been doing well too. I just came to say hi to my lovely EX-GIRLFRIEND. Why are you so worked up? Relax. I just came to express my concern for her." EX-GIRLFRIEND?!!! WHAT THE FREAKING HELL. THIS GUY IS ACTUALLY EUN KYO'S EX-BOYFRIEND?! OMFG. All 8 of them thought while gawking at Ki Sung. Haekyung narrowed her eyes. "You have no right whatsoever to express ANY CONCERN for her, bastard. Scram before i make you end up in the hospital." She grabbed Ki Sung's collar. He shook her off, and smirked again while staring straight at Eun Kyo. "We'll see each other again, EX-GIRLFRIEND." He left. Hyeyeon who was observing them all along in a corner, smirked. This is interesting. An ex-boyfriend huh? I caught your weakness, Kang Eun Kyo. Eun Kyo stood frozen to the spot. Her mind was a complete blank. Fear ran through her whole body. Why is he here? How did he manage to find me? What does he want with me again? She clutched her head. The ugly memories were all coming back to her now.

"Eun Kyo ah, are you okay? Why is your face so pale?" Sunggyu asked her worriedly. Eun Kyo shook her head furiously. Sungjong grabbed both of her hands and put them down gently. "If you are feeling unwell, then go home. We can always celebrate later." She nodded her head slowly. They decided to send her back home first since she looks emotionally unstable to go home on her own. In the car, everyone was awkwardly silent. Infinite had a thousand question marks in their head but they didn't want to mention it in front of Eun Kyo, especially in her current condition. After Haekyung escorted her to her room, and comforted her telling her not to think about it so much, she got back on the car. "Haekyung ah, who the hell is that guy? Why are you so fierce towards him?"

"Yeah and why does Eun Kyo seem so afraid of him?"

"And why did he call Eun Kyo his ex-girlfriend? Did they go out before?"

"Yah yah yah! Slow down. One by one please. You all are giving me a headache." Haekyung complained. The 7 of them began bombarding her with questions once she got on the car. "Okay, tell us first who is he." L asked. "He's Eun Kyo's ex-boyfriend, Ki Sung. They dated before she came to this school." Infinite nodded, with "Ohhhh I see" looks on their faces. "Then why did you scold him so fiercely? What exactly did he do to Eun Kyo?" Woohyun asked. "Well, that's a long story. It should start from when Eun Kyo was still in Paran High School." (a/n: the flashback  will be after Eun Kyo's thoughts.) Eun Kyo wrapped her blanket around her, clutching the edges tightly. She was still shaken about Ki Sung's appearance. She closed her eyes, and all those unwanted memories replayed in her mind.

//Flashback to before Eun Kyo transferred to Ha Neul High School// "Would you like to go out with me?" Ki Sung asked Eun Kyo. She nodded her head while blushing. "YES! Yahooooooooo!" He pumped his fist in the air and hugged her while spinning her around. "Oppa stop, I'm getting dizzy." Eun Kyo laughed with happiness. She still didn't know this moment of happiness would be her moment of regret later on. After dating for three months, Ki Sung's true colours started showing. He smokes and drinks, and goes clubbing very often. Eun Kyo was shocked at his change. He seemed to be a totally different person from when he was courting her. Sometimes when he was drunk, he would abuse her and try to force himself on her.

 "I told you right, not to be fooled by his appearance but you wouldn't listen and just fell straight into his love trap. Now he's finally showing his true colours. Break up with him, Eun Kyo ah. Stop letting him torture you. I don't wanna see you suffer anymore." Haekyung said through the phone when she discovered Eun Kyo being abused by Ki Sung again. "But...I still have feelings for him. Despite how he treats me now, he did treat me with sincerity before. I can't just leave him like this." Eun Kyo said. Haekyung sighed at her friend's naivety and kindheartedness. She couldn't do anything to help her since she was in a different school. If she was in the same school as Ki Sung, she would have beaten the crap out of him long ago and make him stay in hospital for at least six months.

The breaking point came when Ki Sung tried to Eun Kyo one day. He called Eun Kyo to meet him at  the school sports equipment room, saying that he had something to say to her. When she arrived there, he pushed her down on to the floor and pinned her hands above her head. "Wh-what are you trying to do?" She looked at him fearfully, trying to struggle out of his grasp. Ki Sung looked at her, his eyes filled with lust. He his bottom lip and leaned closer to her. "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time already. You always wouldn't let me touch you even though I'm your boyfriend. Do you know how deprived I am? Today I must satisfy myself!" He started kissing her neck and ing her uniform blouse. Eun Kyo screamed and tried to stop him but she couldn't move at all.

Tears escaped from the corners of her eyes as she felt Ki Sung lift up her skirt and moved his hand under it, her thigh. "Please....I beg you. Don't do this to me." Eun Kyo begged him tearfully. He didn't stop but continued to strip off her blouse and his shirt. Eun Kyo closed her eyes in desperation. Someone. Anyone. Save me right now PLEASE. Just then, someone kicked the door open. It was Haekyung. She saw what Ki Sung was doing, ran over and gave him a flying kick. He groaned in pain clutching his stomach. Haekyung quickly took off her cardigan and covered Eun Kyo's upper body while helping her up. She punched Ki Sung in the face, knocking him out before bringing Eun Kyo out. Her parents were shocked to see their daughter in such a state when Haekyung brought Eun Kyo back home. She was still in a dazed state, totally frozen like a statue while staring blankly ahead. When her father tried to console her, she screamed suddenly and dashed into the bathroom, turning on the shower.

Eun Kyo scrubbed her body hard. She felt extremely dirty. She took a bar of soap and scrubbed herself continuously. Tears and water was flowing down her face. Haekyung looked at her poor friend sadly and hugged her. Eun Kyo struggled and hit her while crying. When she finally calmed down, then Haekyung left after explaining what happened. Eun Kyo's parents were distraught to learn that she almost got by her boyfriend. They wanted to file a police report but Eun Kyo pleaded them not to do it because she doesn't want anymore people to know about it. It took her almost one and a half months to completely recover from the incident. However, this wasn't the end. When Eun Kyo told Ki Sung that she wanted to break up after knowing that he also had with other girls because she could not satisfy his desire after his failed attempt, he spread rumours around the whole school, saying that she threw herself at him and when he rejected her, she went to cheat on him with other guys. Being the popular guy in school, everyone believed him as they also think that such a pretty girl like Eun Kyo also has a high chance of flirting around.

 Then the bullying started. Eun Kyo was outcasted by her schoolmates. At first it was just verbal insults, but soon it became physical bullying. They threw her stuff and uniform into the trashcan, hit her on purpose during PE lesson with the ball, spray her desk and chair with paint, trip her on purpose when she walks past, dump her food on her during lunch, and beat her up etc. At first she put up with it, but as the bullying get from bad to worse, she couldn't take it anymore and decided to transfer to Ha Neul High School, Haekyung's school. Eun Kyo had two months of home-tutoring before she finally entered Ha Neul High School. //End of flashback//

"So that's the whole story. That's also the reason why Eun Kyo wears fake glasses to hide her looks. She doesn't want to attract guys like Ki Sung who only goes for her looks and she also doesn't want people to judge her by her appearance. It took her a really long time to recover from this trauma. That's why I couldn't control my temper when Ki Sung appeared in front of her again. He's the one who almost ruined her life. I won't ever forgive him for causing all that to Eun Kyo." Haekyung explained. The 7 of them tightened their fists when they knew how much Eun Kyo suffered because of Ki Sung. "No wonder she had that kind of reaction when she saw him. He's such an . Don't let me see him ever again or I'll beat him to a pulp!" Hoya cracked his knuckles. She looks so cheerful and optimistic...who knew that she actually had such a sad past? How I wish I can take away her misery. Sungjong thought. "So she wears glasses because of that? And I actually called her a nerd. Aish, I feel so guilty right now!" Dongwoo messed up his hair.

The next day, Eun Kyo went to school as usual. However, she was feeling out of sorts for the whole day. Infinite, Gong Chan and Haekyung tried to cheer her up. "Here's your happy medicine. A pudding a day, keeps the sadness away!" Woohyun grinned, putting strawberry pudding into her hands. Eun Kyo gave a little smile. "Thanks Woohyun oppa." Sungyeol pinched her cheeks. "Come on, don't be so sad. You have us right? We will always be here for you. Don't think of the past anymore." The rest of them nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you still have the 7 of us. We are your future husbands remember? We will protect our wifey from the bad guys." Sunggyu said while ruffling her hair. L pulled two sides of into a smile. "Smileeeeeeee. See, it isn't so hard to smile right? Just move your muscles a little." He smiled at her brightly. Eun Kyo looked at the 7 of them. They are trying so hard to make me happy. They are so sweet to me, and that's what matters. I shouldn't be upset over Ki Sung anymore. She smiled. "Oppas, don't worry about me. I'm fine. I won't be beaten by such a bastard. Thank you, all of you for being here for me. I really appreciate it." Infinite smiled at her, happy that she finally smiled. They are willing to do anything just to see her happy.

Ki Sung walked out of a casino, kicking a can that was lying on the floor out of frustration. He had just lost money again. When am I ever gonna pay off the accumulating debts? Ugh. Is there any way to make fast money? As if answering his thoughts, Hyeyeon appeared in front of him. Ki Sung looked up. Woah, not bad. Quite pretty eh. "What's up pretty girl? You wanna go have some fun with oppa?" He slung his hand over her shoulder. Hyeyeon pushed his hand away and scoffed. "Have fun? Look at you. Do you still have money to have fun? Eun Kyo's ex-boyfriend?" His eyes widened in surprise. "How do you know I'm her ex-boyfriend? And what do you mean by that?"

"You don't need to know how I know. I'm here to strike a deal with you. I know you have a mountain of gambling debts and your debtors are hot on your heels right? I have a suggestion that will benefit both of us. I want Kang Eun Kyo out of the way. I will pay you a large sum of money after the you have done the job. So what's your answer?" Ki Sung rubbed his chin in consideration. Hmm. She wants me to settle Eun Kyo and she will pay me a large sum of money after that. Sounds like a good suggestion. I can pay off my debts with the money too. He nodded his head. "Okay. I'll do it. But what do you mean by settle her? You want me to kill her? I won't do it if that's the case. I don't wanna go to jail because of this." Hyeyeon rolled her eyes.

"Of course not. I mean you can do whatever you want with her. I know you had some history with her. You almost succeeded last time right? Now I'm giving you a chance to complete whatever you haven't done the other time. I'm sure you will be glad to do this right?" Ki Sung smirked lustfully. Both of them struck a deal. Now I can finally get that out of the way. Serves her right for seducing my oppas. Hyeyeon thought, smiling to herself. The next day, Eun Kyo went home alone because Haekyung and Gong Chan had kendo training (a/n: Gong Chan joined the kendo club btw.) and Infinite was also busy with private lessons. (a/n: lessons to prepare them for future purposes. cos they are princes~)

While she was walking out of the school, suddenly someone covered with a handkerchief and she passed out. She woke up to find herself being tied to a chair and she realised she is in the desolate warehouse near the school. She recognised this place because she used to hang out here with Haekyung. Eun Kyo looked around her. The whole place was rather dark, and there was only a dim lightbulb above. The door opened with a slam and a guy entered. Her eyes widened in fear at the sight of him and her palms began sweating. "Here we meet again, my darling ex-girlfriend. I told you we will meet again soon, right?" Ki Sung smirked creepily and her cheek. She tried to back away but she couldn't move at all. "You. Are. Trapped." He whispered into her ear. Eun Kyo's blood ran cold at his voice.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SO LONG. i was really busy with school projects and tests. /plays Sorry Sorry  I promise I will update the next chapter asap. I swear in the name of Infinite. ^_^

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I have done read your story. 2 thumbs for you. I live this story with all of conflict and sucn a sweet moment.

Till the end the 7 of them can't stop arguing ^^
sunshineangel28 #2
Chapter 32: so cute and funny ending. I love the way they are talking so cheesy xD. If I imagne that infinite would do that for real I think I would burst out laughing xD. Or blush really hard.
I really enjoyed this fic!
Mir_luva #3
Chapter 32: DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!
Just finished this xD
Chapter 32: awwwwww such a sweet and cute ending
the story is DAEBAK!!! :DDDDD
Chapter 32: what a cute ending~~~<3
cool story
CherryHyeri #8
Authornim~sshi sequel pleaseee.....*puppy eyes*
Inspiriteu96 #9
AWWIE;AAAA; i love this fic sooooooo much ,can you make a sequel for us ,please? OTZ
just finished reading...
i super duper love it!!
it was really great.. :)