School Trip

My Brothers Hate You

[[ A/N :  I edited this part so if you want o read feel free :DD ]]


When he was about to continue the bell rang and an announcement was said, “Next Week, Friday, we will have an out of school event. ALL students who wants to join will have to go to the President’s office and fill out a form, if ever you want to have a chaperone, you’d have to include them, Remember this is a free trip so students are discouraged to ask money from your guardian or parents, and we will contact your parents people…” you sighed and thought CL will totally bring your brother and Seungri will be with TOP so…. You’d have to bring Taeyang too…. Daesung was the only person that can enjoy this… but you bet he won’t, “The trip will be in Jeju.. for further details please look at the bulletin boards on all clubs, floors and class room, thank you and good afternoon”

With that the announcement ended, you looked back at Hoya only to see his expression really brightened, “What are you thinking Mister?”

“Its, Jeju.. Ocean…. Beautiful sceneries… totally a good place for romance… no?” he told you with a very mysterious look on his face, “I can  totally kidnap you there and have you all for myself” he looked really happy and as if he was really planning something,

“I’m going with all my brothers… you do know I’ve never been in a school trip without one of them?” you told him, ever since you went to school, every school trip, out of town or in school occasion/over night, they were with you, one because the go the same school as you and even if they graduated they will follow the bus everywhere just to watch you, and two they were scared to lose you, you are their precious little sister.

“Huh? But your old enough? Aren’t they supposed to just leave you with friends?” he questioned,

“One, CL is my brothers Girlfriend, and Daesung oppa is one of my brothers, he’s you and Dongwoo oppa's classmate, and Seungri, on the other hand is my brother, whom my older brothers never trust and will totally be chained to TOP oppa… so even if GD oppa won’t come and Seungri won’t go as well as Daesung oppa… Taeyang oppa is a school staff.. he can totally follow me around… see how my life works?” you told him,

He could only sigh and pout, “why are they so… guard like?”

“Im the only girl and they love me~” you sang before placing your hand under your chin, “So if you still plan to kidnap me there… better think of a good plan that so they won’t notice that I’m gone… or they’ll look for me and kill you”

He smirked and leaned closer, “sound like fun~ lemme go plan then~ annyeong~” he said and stood to leave,

You started to get scared and thought, he would totally do that, yet again… Jiyong told you to go out with that guy… but since its your brother .. you don’t really know.

You were to go back to your class when you saw CL talking with her board members, she saw you and waved at you making your presence known to the others. Daesung was a member but he rarely attends the meeting because most of the other members ask about TOP or Jiyong. Soon te crowd left and CL walked over to you,

“SO .. Dae oppa still didn’t come?” you asked making hre nod sadly yet smiling, “what’s with the smile?”

“Well… I asked Jiyong oppa to watch me for the trip~” you faced palmed yourself and thought the trip would be exactly like you said it would, “And TOP oppa said he’ll be in charge of you,” TOP... he'd never let you off his sight .. not even once.

“W-Wait... huh? What do you mean?” you were shocked at the info she already have, she is the president and she has her own ways but .. those were your brothers, except for Seungri, they kept thing very well, “What else did .. Jiyong oppa told you?”

“He said Seungri has been involved in a fight here and for his home detention… he’ll stay home and clean the house.. if and if the house isn’t clean when you guys come back… he’ll be dead.” The blonde told you as you two started walking,

“Wait.. how did you exactly know about this? That's unbelievable…” you pouted making her giggle,

“well.. sometimes .. you just have to be a scary person to be pleased with but some times to get what I want … I use my girl voice and some sweet words.. he is still Kwon Jiyong you know” Now, that explains it, those were your tricks too but it only works with TOP, you have to pull extra aegyo for everyone. “By the way, how’s the tutorial?  Heard from the librarian Hoya was harassing you?”

“Aniya… he was just being Hoya” you said you smiled in you head thinking about what might have happened if the librarian didn’t walk in, “CL… have you seen Dongwoo oppa? He left me with Hoya earlier..”

“Dongwoo oppa? He asked me for a early dismissal permit for him because of some emergency, he didn’t tell you?”

You thought about it and then shook your head, “why won’t he tell me?”

“Exactly my point.. so what’s your next class babe?”

“now? Hmm … Gymnastics”

“Its.. today? Ugh .. I hate your sched, I have to go then .. I have to get some paper works done before walking into my calculus class.. byebye~” CL waved walking into ann empty hall, you then remembered..


After running to the locker rooms and changing into your P.E. uniform, you finally found yourself in the gym room, You teacher saw you were late and so you had to do your warm us alone. Only the girls were allowed to have Gymnastics for some stupid reasons… and it was because your brothers, they used to touch girls in places during stretching but you thought .. its better they did that .. now No one can do that to you.

Since the guys in your classmates can’t go to Gymnastics, they had Athletics, And they had to take it out side the glassed wall Gymnatsics area… it was pretty understandable why some just don’t play and just watch the girls jump up in the air and bare their stomachs.

But for you…. Your brothers know what to give you. You wear an under shirt and jogging pants, though your teachers usually tell you to wear short shorts you just can’t do it… because you hate the idea.

As you were stretching near the window just infront of the mirror, you heard a knock, it was L and  he held up a note saying, “how do I tell a girl I like her?” he asked, you rolled your eyes before continuing you lookedbehind you and saw the other girls already on the bench,

And then another knock, “Its not you! It’s a girl from another class.i just can’t ask any one .. plus you’re the only girl who doesn’t like me.” You chuckled, he was saying the truth .. you’ve always hated the idea of him being the “prince” and heart throb at your school.. and you were the “princess” and campus cutie.. and that all thanks to your brother.

You continued stratching not really minding the male asking for your help. Three more knocks, you looked back furious, you held your hands up for a wait signal and motioned for the clock, he nodded getting why, you still have class.

After the execrcises, L waited outside the girls changing room ad as soon as you walked out he followed like a dog until you stopped infront of the stairs,

“yah… why’d you stop?” he asked confused,

You turned and pouted, “why are you following me?”

“because… you told me you’d talk to me after class?”

You remembered as you sighed, “arasseo.. follow me”

“That was what I was doing…until you stopped” he said and looked back at you, you were going upstairs. He followed and since you had no class next to P.E you just went up, he just followed as he noticed you were walking up like no end, “Yah… where are we going?”

“Just follow me .. aish” you told him before turning again to the last floor,

“yah.. we aren’t allowed there” he said.. even kingkas are afraid huh?

“So? Then don’t follow me anymore.. easy right?” as if it was the right timing Hoya saw the two of you, at first he thought it was nothing and was about to walk up to you when you walked further up to the roof top and L followed.

Hoya just stood there stunned, nobody dared to go here before, even them, since before them your brothers used to hang up there and every one feels scared bout that place, why you might ask? Because Jiyong and TOP told every student back then that whoever goes to the rooftop that wasn’t a part of their family will be dead before they even have time to go back down. And since Seungri, Daesung and now you are still there people thought they’d still come back and do the same… weird right?

Hoya just waited downstairs anxious yet scared. He didn’t dare follow you until he saw Daesung, “Daesung!” he called making the other looked back away from a book he was reading, “come here”

Daesung did, stubbornly, before stopping at the bottom of the stairway, “what?”

“Come with me upstairs?” he asked like pleading for permission.

“then go up .. no body needs to ask me”

“W-Well.. your TOP and GD’s brother so I thought I had to”

“Are you still afraid of the ghost of them? And yet you always make them mad at all battles.. Unbelievable” Daesung remarked before walking up the stairs, Before the door there were tons of paint buckets, wood, paper, and other props from plays. “Follow me, step exactly where I do,” Dae said and walked further, when he reached the door he instinctively cracks open the lock like it wasn’t really locked, “fast now”

Hoya nodded and followed him, he was already out the roof top and when Hoya walked out L, You, Seungri and Dae were all looking,

“Why sis you really asked to come up here?” Daesung asked, there was a different aura around him,

“I was gonna asked L why was he with .. ________?” he said looking back at L, who was kneeling infront of Seungri,

“L… what are you doing?”

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singsongsungjong #1
Wow! What a great story you've made ^_^
BangEunRi #2
Chapter 41: It's not crappy ending ^.^
Chapter 37: Update soon~ tis story is nicee~ :D
Jan-Di-ah #4
Chapter 36: update faaaaaaaaaaaast jebal this story is just DEABAkk !!!!!!!!!
oppasgizibe #5
Chapter 36: Can we stop being mean to hoya now? Lol he suffered enough for something he actually didn't do "_"
oppasgizibe #6
Chapter 34: Awwwwwww poor hoya
Chapter 32: Whoa! That's a quick write up authornim... I mean, you fastforward the story... Kekeke, I want Hoya and me.. LOL
Chapter 32: Will you give me some more skydragon? Make yongguk interest in CL then Jiyong be jealous maybe? Hehehehe.. Well, just a request, autornim.. ._.v
Chapter 32: I'm cheering for the Youngjae! Fighting Youngjae! He is so sweet!
Chapter 31: WTF!! i want Hoya-ssi to be the main lead of this story... Back off Eunji!!