the Kingkas Confession

My Brothers Hate You


After lunch, you walked back to the library; you have completely been out of focus because of the Park’s. CL even told you to not think about it and just go to tutoring.

You turn on your heel and walked in the library, at first you didn’t notice but as soon as you passed the librarian’s desk you saw nobody was there… “I wonder if Hoya will be here” you thought out loud and open the door to the conference room… and to your luck… he is.

“Oi! Its time about time you came” He said and stood up with his hands behind him.

“Sorry, I was .. distracted by something.” You said and sat down the chair closest,

“No.. No don’t sit!” he said and pulled his hand out… and he had a flower … a bunch of tulips.

You looked at him surprised as he only smiled back at you. “what the hell Hoya?”

“What? I was gonna confess and kneel down, but you did and it wasn’t what I thought.. “he explained and gave you the tulips, “come on take it”

You sighed and took it with frustration, “why tulips then?”

“I asked Dongwoo” making you look at him with What-the-hell-did-you-do-to-dongwoo look. “Clam down, I just called him over earlier… and asked him,”

“how exactly did you ask him,” He went silent then biting on to his lips uncomfortable, “You punched him?” he shook his head, “dragged him to the hallway and scared him?” he only smiled, “God, Hoya you want to confess yet you hurt my friends… my BEST friend”

“Sorry, he didn’t walk over when we called him and it’s like we were disrespected,” He looked apologetic as he held on your hand,

You immediately drew your hand back and crossed it over your chest, “I’ll call over Dongwoo and you have to apologize to him,”

“Oh Hell no I’m apologizing to that nerd!” he retorted falling back in his seat,

“He’s not just a nerd Hoya! He’s my best friend since Grade school and just because you’re the Kingka doesn’t make him your slave OR punching bag” You said and stood up picking up everything you brought, “If you are really serious about ‘Confessing’ apologize to Dongwoo and maybe I’ll think about it,”

“what? Your leaving? You have barely thought me anything you know” He said,

“I’ve lost all my energy when you told me you just bullied my best friend, and I can tell the principal I’m having a bad day and doesn’t feel well, you can’t tell me to stay..” at that you walked out… almost running away to the roof top.


The roof top were one of the place’s you used to hang out with your brothers it was quiet there and it had air… you were alone finally, sure you’d be skipping class today but you just had to, There you screamed and kicked a broken table.

“Hey, calm down that’s already broken,” A man’s voice said, you turned to look and it was Seungri, ‘great’ you thought and walked towards him, he was sitting there just being him without anybody else,

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” you asked him sitting beside him,

He laughed and looked back at you, “Hey, ain’t I supposed to tell you that? Why are you here?” he gave you a lollipop which you gladly took,

“Stress…” you murmured, “Don’t tell oppa okay?”

“Sure.. not like you do this every day right?” he said, and that time for the first time you felt happy with even just Seungri.. he is still your brother.. not blood related yet your Brother.

Time went by fast and you didn’t really noticed it classes were really done. “I never thought we’d get along to forget class,” You told Seungri,

“Me neither, you were always the favourite and I was always the bad guy, so surprised me too,” You two were talking as you walked down stairs.

As you finally were in the lobby there was a huge commotion, “What’s going on?” you asked outloud, Seungri shrugged and walked through the people,

“__________-ah! Where are you! I’m gonna apologize now, look at me!” Hoya screamed, he was with Dongwoo in the middle of the field, so you looked out, and he really did apologize and even bowed to him, “Now what? Will you accept me?”

“I said I’d think about it, hard headed,” you said and pulled Seungri out to the parking area,

“What was that about _____?” he asked confused,

“It’s nothing~” You said and saw CL with Daesung, “Chae~” you said and ran to them hugging her,

“Young lady where were you? You missed class you know” CL asked,

“She was with me, in the… nurse’s office.. but she’s fine now, don’t worry” Seungri quickly covers,

“Where’s Dongwoo?” Daesung asked looking around,

“In the field with Hoya.. I’ll just go text him that we’re leaving already,” CL said and rod the car with you, she sat infront with you while the other two were in the back,


As you drove out the school you saw the Dara girl with Bom. ‘Jiyong oppa, I hope you’d be safe’ was the only thing you could think of as you drove.

You guys laughed and sang and had fun with the drive, “Oppa, what time will Jiyong oppa go home tonight?” you asked Dae,

“Uh… he had to go under time so he’s probably home now,” he explained,

“You guys .. I never get why your brothers pay for your studies.. you two are genius and probably could have scholarship,” CL said making Seungri laugh,

“Because… we don’t have parents remember? We can’t apply,” He explained. “Remember?”

The CL looked back at you, “Plus Seungri is an and has bad grades,” you said to lighten the mood up.

Soon enough you reached your house, this wasn’t the first time CL went there to have sleep over but you had a feeling this would be the best, “Get my bags in the trunk Seungri” CL ordered,

“God you and Jiyong hyung are so a like,” he murmured which you perfectly heard, “You should go date him”

“Huh? Saying anything?” the blonde retorted as you walked over her to open the gates,

“Nothing Ms. President” he replied looking at Daesung who is also taking CL’s other bag, “Why’d you bring so may stuff.”

“Didn’t GD oppa told I’ll stay here for a week since my mom and dad left and didn’t want me to stay home alone so I choose to stay here” she explained, “Plus, I’ll buy food too,”

You then chuckled and lead them in, “Oppa were home!” You announced and removed your shoes,

“Good! We are also finishing up dinner, so nice timing” Taeyang’s voice said, as you and CL went to your room

“_______-ah.. so… what’s up with you and Hoya?” she whispered, “finally going out with him?”

“Chae.. I don’t like that guy, plus I don’t want to be in trouble with TOP oppa and Jiyong oppa” you explained and walked in your room, soon enough there was a knock and CL’s bag came with it, “Thanks Ri!” you called and pulled it inside the room,

“Oh, come on _______... if you want to go out with him, it your decision, not theirs ..” CL insisted sat on your bed as you were changing into something more comfortable, “you can just go out with him and get to know him a little more, you know like be friends with him first”

“Even if I do… how can I possibly pull that off? Have you forgotten that I go to school with two of my brothers and one more works there?” You answer before sighing, “Okay, I admit I do .. like him… I just don’t want to be in trouble”

CL squealed and hugged you tight, “Don’t worry I’ll help you” she was excited.. more than you were, “I’ll take care of your bros”

“Chaerin.. I wanna ask you something… I’m just curious,”

“hmm? What is it about?” she asked as she pulled some clothes out to change,

“What do you think about Jiyong oppa?” she seemed to be startled as she looked back at you and chuckled,

“______-ah.. why are you asking that?” She took her skirt off and slipped into a pair of comfy jogging pants.

“Just.. curious” you pouted and looked back at her, she was combing her hair and seemed to be panicky on placing her clothes in the dirty bin,

“W-Well… i…” she struggled to say it as she walked back to sit beside you, “Please promise me you won’t  tell anyone… even your brothers or Dongwoo.” You only gave her a nod and listened to her, “I have a huge crush on h-him… even when I first saw him when we were kids..” she sighed and played with her ring, “But when we he got into High school.. he became a playboy.. I still liked him..” she chuckled before continuing, “Wrong. I loved him.. always had and always will.. so I hoped he’d like me too.. but I wasn’t a pretty girl… I ain’t even a Queenka …so when we were in second year I ran for school president so I can watch his move… you know kinda stalking him… but I never told him I liked him… I always say I like other people… like Gyu.”

You were speechless yet amazed at how long she had the feeling, “Oh… Goodness.. really? I’m so for you then! You two would be like awesome together!”

“SHHHHHH! Somebody might hear us,” she said and now you noticed she was blushing, “I still don’t want to tell him how I feel.. even more scared now that you know.. but please don’t hate on me”

“Oh why and why would I hate you! Your my best friend and if possible my FUTURE sister-in-law” you teased giggling,

“_______-ah, CL, food ready come down okay?” It was TOP,  and after a few footsteps going down,



TOP then walked down humming, “Yah, Kwon Jiyong are you really sure you want us to watch that movie? I mean ______ is pretty easy to get scared”

“Come on hyung  ... I wanna confess to C-Her so bad and I don’t know how to,” he seemed to plead saying please to his hyung,

“fine we’ll help you, but remember ______ is here” Taeyang said they were the only three who doesn’t have an idea you also knew that he has eyes for CL.

Seungri bit his lips and looked back at them, “hyung you should probably tell _____ before doing this..” Daesung immediately agreed.

“I’m scared of how she’ll react.. she’ll probably think I’ll use her,”

“Or she could probably like the idea and help you two, don’t be on the negative side too much hyung,” Daesung reacted making GD curious,

“You told her didn’t you?” he said, “Didn’t you?”

“W-well.. hyung we..kinda slipped… “ Seungri said making GD sigh,

“well,now what’s the point of me telling her right?” GD pouted, “how could she have even made you two slipped,”

They had a few silent moments until you two came down, CL changed from her pants to a shorts and a large T-shirt, you have told her GD liked that style when Girls wear it and it did made an impact ..a huge one. He even stood up.

“CL-ah, sit here,” TOP said patting the space just beside him and GD,

“But! Oppa! That’s my seat!” you said and sat beside TOP, leaving only CL and GD standing, “Chae! Here sit here” you said patting the space beside you.

CL did and GD was left looking at her, “Yong-ah, sit down..” TOP said.

Soon you all were eating dinner, Jiyong on the other hand couldn’t particularly eat that well.. even CL, they suddenly felt shy.

After eating, you thought of leaving GD and CL alone in the living area and it seemed like even your brothers had the same idea, “TOP oppa.. can we buy Ice Cream before we watch?”

“yea! Sure I’d love to _______, Seungri… come with us,” TOP mentioned, you three were the only  person left since Taeyang and Dae wanted to “buy” cake before watching

“_-_____-ah…” CL held on to your hand, telling you to stay,

“We’ll be quick! Promise”  you said smiling slyly as you slipped your hand out of her grip… and yes, they were the only ones left.

GD didn’t thought this would how you all will help… leaving them together… awkwardly.

“Uh…” GD started, “What’s up with you? Ms.President” he tried to joke.

CL could only smile as she looked back at him, “Nothing much Mr. Troublemaker, how ‘bout you?”

“You know…. I don’t exactly know why you call me that?” he was starting to get comfortable talking to her again… and he knew this might lead somewhere he never planned… and not confessing.

“Well, because ever since I became the president you always gave me a hard time,” She said sliding to the wall for back support,

GD followed sitting closely beside her, making his heart pound faster and CL’s as well. “You know me better than my sister then” he said smiling,

“Probably… since …I am the School president .. and I see what you do in school unlike her” she started to fidget on her ring,

GD noticed it and held her hands, “U-Uh.. C-Chaerin..” he was nervous and so was she… “I-I… uh..”

“M-Me too.. J-Jiyong oppa.. i… I want to tell you something too” Now .. their heartbeats were racing,

GD  looked at her and smiled shyly, “I’m in love w-with you CL…” finally he said it, “I Love You…”

CL couldn’t saying anything.. her words can’t come out.. now when she needed to the most. She had to tell him she loved her too, that she feels the same but why is she scared? Is she scared she’ll play with her too? Like those girls?

“I changed because of you… ever since I fell in love with you… I changed… I realized that for you to ..notice me is to be a good guy .. but you know I’m not right? But I tried and I’ll continue trying until yo-“

“I love you too Jiyong..” she murmured,


“I-I’m in love with you too, ever since I laid my eyes on you .. I fell in love with you.. it’s the same reason I kept you and ______’s secret.. that you two were siblings… I wanted to protect her like how you would bec.. because I want you to notice me.. I wanted you to love me too..”

“And I do… I do love you..” GD’s words soften as he reached for her face, “I-I was so in love with you … I didn’t care who I hurt then… but TOP hyung told me to be careful.. c-cause I might hurt you..”

“Y-You did hurt me” CL’s words seemed like arrows thrown into his heart, “You hurt me when you told me I was just your friend…”

“that was then … c-can you forgive me… a-and be my girlfriend then?” he hoped for her to say yes… he wanted to be with her now more than any day else… ‘please tell me you want to be my girlfriend too,’

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singsongsungjong #1
Wow! What a great story you've made ^_^
BangEunRi #2
Chapter 41: It's not crappy ending ^.^
Chapter 37: Update soon~ tis story is nicee~ :D
Jan-Di-ah #4
Chapter 36: update faaaaaaaaaaaast jebal this story is just DEABAkk !!!!!!!!!
oppasgizibe #5
Chapter 36: Can we stop being mean to hoya now? Lol he suffered enough for something he actually didn't do "_"
oppasgizibe #6
Chapter 34: Awwwwwww poor hoya
Chapter 32: Whoa! That's a quick write up authornim... I mean, you fastforward the story... Kekeke, I want Hoya and me.. LOL
Chapter 32: Will you give me some more skydragon? Make yongguk interest in CL then Jiyong be jealous maybe? Hehehehe.. Well, just a request, autornim.. ._.v
Chapter 32: I'm cheering for the Youngjae! Fighting Youngjae! He is so sweet!
Chapter 31: WTF!! i want Hoya-ssi to be the main lead of this story... Back off Eunji!!