Incheon Ice Rink

Can I call you, Yeobo?
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Gyuri bit her lip nervously, fiddling with her scarf. Already at the ice rink, she grinned with a plan formed in her head.

Gyuri tapped her purse, exhaling then inhaling.

I have my disadvantages in skating, since i'm not that experienced with it.

She clenched her fist harder in excitement.

But this'll be an advantaging seducing method!


Gyuri's head turned immediately at the sound of her voice. Her smile stretched wider at the sight of Seungho. "Sorry, I'm late." Seungho apologized, rubbing the nape of his neck. 

"It's okay. Let's go, shall we?" Gyuri led Seungho towards the skates rack, imagining the date's success.

"Have you ever tried skating before, oppa?" Gyuri asked. 

"Yeah, maybe about three times? Been some time since I've worn skates, so I can't say I'm totally cool with it." Seungho smiled.

"Oh, I'm sure you will adapt just fine." Gyuri chuckled, taking the skates on the counter.

"Yeah? What makes you think that?" Seungho shook his head, following Gyuri's actions. 

"You've always been good at sports! There's nothing you can't do." Gyuri smiled softly. 

"Eh." Seungho shrugged his shoulders, crouching down onto the bench.

In a couple of minutes, the both of them had their skates on.

Seungho wavered for a bit when he stood up, but as Gyuri said, quickly adjusted himself to the new skates, soon walking lightly and carefree.

"O-O-Oppa." Gyuri's skates shook tremendously, as her ankle twisted to the right and left. 

"No, don't walk with your feet inwards. it'll only hurt more. Walk like this." Seungho parted his feet, striaght with posture, however facing aligned angles. 

"L-Like this?" Gyuri followed Seungho's demonstration, stuttering. 

"Yeah." Seungho nodded in approval, turning around to walk towards the rink.

"Wait! Oppa!" Gyuri flailed her arms. 

"Huh?" Seungho turned around.

"Can you help me? I'm in trouble here." Gyuri frowned, annoyed at Seungho's disconcern. 

"Oh! Okay." Seungho rapidly walked over to Gyuri.

Gyuri held out her hand.

Seungho held her wrist, guiding her towards the rink, carefully.

"Thank you." Gyuri said, smiling contently.

Though it was not exactly romantic, it was enough to satisfy Gyuri.


"W-Whoa!" Gyuri gaped at the little kids, zipping across the rink.

Seungho grinned at the sight, entertained. "C'mon! Let's go!" Seungho immediately stepped onto the rink without any hesitation.

Gyuri uncertainly looked at the ice, and placed one skate. With a slip, Gyuri fumbled for the safety wall.

She groaned in embarrassment.

I look stupid.

Looking up from the ice, her eyes searched for Seungho. 

He first tripped, but caught himself, and laughed it off. Joining the little kids, he raced them, as a childish adult. Gyuri smiled softly at the situation, giggling at Seungho's silliness. 

As he zipped back towards Gyuri, he was panting, breathless and cheeks red. "What are you doing just clinging onto the wall? C'mon! It's really fun." Seungho urged.

Gyuri swallowed her saliva, and mustered up the courage. She slowly let herself off the wall. Seungho had an uneasy expression, reaching out towards Gyuri.

"You've got it. Just place them apart. I'll lead you." Seungho ordered. Gyuri followed, feet wobbling. In a flash, Seungho grabbed Gyuri's wrists, balancing her with care. "I'll turn around, just try to balance yourself okay?" Seungho swerved around, still holding onto Gyuri's wrists.

"W-What are you going to do?" Gyuri stammered, nervous. 

"Just balance yourself." Seungho grinned deviously, placing his foot forward. Gyuri tensed, her whole body frozen, finally realizing what Seungho was going to do.

Seungho pushed his foot forward, at first skating slowly. Gyuri let out a startled yelp, then an involuntary wheeze, and finally a pathetic laugh. Seungho laughed at Gyuri's reaction, unfamiliar with a weak Gyuri.

"Shut up! I'm not scared!" Gyuri snapped, humiliated. 

"Oh really?" Seungho teased, gradually picking up his pace. Rapid words of refusal spurted out of Gyuri's mouth, her balance also shaken at the sudden speed change.

"Whoa! Hold on!" Seungho turned his head around, flustered.

Gyuri widened her eyes, an imaginary light bulb sparking in her mind.

It's.. Advantage time.

"Ah!" Gyuri leaned into Seungho, "falling". Seungho caught Gyuri, an automatic reaction, startled at the sudden stumble. 

"You okay? What happened?" Seungho raised his eyebrows with concern.

Gyuri met eye contact with him, and as soon as she did, she regretted it. The life in his eyes were different from when they were dating. When they were in t

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Chapter 58: What a mean girl
Chapter 21: ok but did seungho buy the hat or steal it
anika2loves #3
Chapter 77: please more storyyy
Chapter 6: I really want to kill those two girls
nurlinaramli #5
Chapter 76: Aww the fic it's really come to end..I would like to thank author-nim for the beautiful fic.. I never get tired re-reading this fic over and over again.. Good job and I would really love if you could make a sequel.. Well they live happily ever after.. hehe thanks again...
Congrats on finishing! (:
key_yanna #7
Chapter 18: I didnt expect this chapter to be a drunk and confession chapter.. were you really drunk while writing this cos you write it so well! ^^
Chapter 77: i didn't want it to yet >..< but the ending is already make my heart flattered ~ although it's so short >.<
LoveAsAlways #9
Chapter 76: Awwwwww I did not want it to end, but every good story has it's ending, thank you for tricking us at the beginning of the chapter and for a great story :)
Chapter 77: I remember when I first subscribed and the story hasn't even come out once it did. I was satisfied. Love this story so much. ♥ ^^v thanks authornim. Kekek.:3