
Can I call you, Yeobo?
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Mimi lazily munched on her bread, laying herself across the cold wooden floor.

The door clunked open.

"Oh, Mimi-saeng! Why are you here?" Mir grinned. 

"Don't lay on the floor, it's dirty." G.O. scolded. 

"Were you practicing?" Thunder smiled.

Seungho walked in, his expression becoming darker at the presence of Mimi.

"I'm hungry too! Give some bread!" Joon collapsed right next to Mimi, reaching for bread. 

"Hi Mir oppa, hi G.O. oppa, hi Thunder oppa, hi Joon oppa, and hi devil oppa!" Mimi snickered.

Seungho didn't respond, throwing his jacket onto the hangers. "Don't mind him. He's been in a bad mood since yesterday." G.O. brushed off.

Mimi shrugged and smiled.

"So, were you practicing?" Thunder sprawled himself onto the floor. 

"I was. I was taking a break." Mimi got up, walked over to the stereo and ejected her CD. 

"Alright then. We'll practice for some hours." G.O. nodded.

"Okayy." Mimi sang, grabbing her bread away from Joon and crouching into the corner of the practice room.

"Start now Seungho hyung?" Joon swiped his head towards Seungho. Seungho grunted and shrugged, his head held up high.

"I guess that's a yes." Mir threw on his sweater, stretching.


Mimi happily hummed along to the tune, her face especially getting brighter when Seungho's part came up.

Seungho was not happy. Why was this playgirl in the practice room, still watching them practice the same song for two hours?

He collapsed onto the ground, trying to think anything but Mimi for his dance, This is War.

Do NOT look over there. Do NOT! The last thing that player needs is attention!

Mimi clapped, smiling brightly.

Seungho was fuming inside.

The nerve she has to pretend nothing's wrong?!

He sent a piercing glare towards Mimi, Mimi's mouth immediately snapping shut.


Mimi blinked, her hands in mid-clap. The glare sent shivers throughout her body, a dangerous sign approaching.

Mimi swallowed her spit, tucking her legs even closer to her body.

Surely.. He was just passionate for the song... And wanted me to shut up?

She crossed her arms over her legs, concern washing over her body.

Something didn't feel right.


"WAH! I'm so tired!" Mir complained, crashing himself down onto the floor.

"Water?" Mimi offered. Mir nodded quickly, and gulped the bottle down. 

"Me too!" Thunder held up his hand. Mimi threw the bottle over her head, the water landing safetly onto Thunder's palm. He smiled.

"Lee Joon went to the bathroom right?" G.O. hung a towel over his neck, patting away the sweat.

"Devil oppa! Water?" Mimi stared, emotionless, not sure of how she should react. 

"I'll get it myself." Seungho snapped, completely ignoring Mimi's outstretched hand, and snatched a water bottle from the bin.

"What's wrong with you?" Mimi grumbled.

Seungho turned his head slightly, clicking his tongue, then walked out of the hall.

"What's wrong with him!" Mimi shouted, pointing towards the swinging door. 

"He's in a bad mood..?" G.O. frowned. 

"It's unusual seeing him this mad for this long of a time." Mir shivered, scared

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Chapter 58: What a mean girl
Chapter 21: ok but did seungho buy the hat or steal it
anika2loves #3
Chapter 77: please more storyyy
Chapter 6: I really want to kill those two girls
nurlinaramli #5
Chapter 76: Aww the fic it's really come to end..I would like to thank author-nim for the beautiful fic.. I never get tired re-reading this fic over and over again.. Good job and I would really love if you could make a sequel.. Well they live happily ever after.. hehe thanks again...
Congrats on finishing! (:
key_yanna #7
Chapter 18: I didnt expect this chapter to be a drunk and confession chapter.. were you really drunk while writing this cos you write it so well! ^^
Chapter 77: i didn't want it to yet >..< but the ending is already make my heart flattered ~ although it's so short >.<
LoveAsAlways #9
Chapter 76: Awwwwww I did not want it to end, but every good story has it's ending, thank you for tricking us at the beginning of the chapter and for a great story :)
Chapter 77: I remember when I first subscribed and the story hasn't even come out once it did. I was satisfied. Love this story so much. ♥ ^^v thanks authornim. Kekek.:3