A Rainy Audition

Can I call you, Yeobo?
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"Excuse me." Mimi pushed herself through the crowd of people, struggling to get through. 

"Get out of the way fatty!" three girls shoved Mimi aside. 

"Ow! Geez! What's the fuss about THIS time?" Mimi grunted.

"Oppa!!!! Oppa!!" screams echoed from the side of her ear. 

"Oppa?" Mimi squinted her eyes.

"Thunder!! I love you!!"

Mimi widened her eyes. "Thunder? Isn't he from MBLAQ?" Mimi turned her body towards the crowded area.

In the middle, was MBLAQ surrounded by cameras and girls. "EVERYONE! PLEASE BE QUIET. We are filming here!" A man angrily tapped his palm with a rolled up piece of paper.

The crowd immediately hushed, leaving excited whispers.

"Alright.. One.. Two.. Three.. ACTION!"

"Now that we've gone from the studio, where are we supposed to go?" Mir stuffed his pockets with his own hands, trying to avoid the cold weather. 

"We are.. supposed to go to a restaurant." Thunder quickly checked his cue cards. 

"Except we're supposed to do a mission aren't we?" a man commented.

The MBLAQ members groaned.

"It's simple. It's a race against time! Whoever hugs, the most fans in 30 seconds, gets to eat whatever they want in the restaurant. However! The loser will only be able to eat from the snacks special." the man explained.

In a few moments, fans were lined up, pushing each other for a chance for a hug. Mimi inched slowly towards the line for Seungho, that was fairly shorter than the other members. As time passed, more people on the Seungho line transferred to the other MBLAQ members.

"15 seconds left!"

Mimi gulped, feeling embarrassed.

What am I getting so worked up for some boys?

The two girls in front of her squealed excitedly. "Oh my god! Joon's line is short! Let's go over there!"  The line immediately shorten, leaving only Mimi and a single girl in front of her.

"Seungho-goon I like you very much!" The fan hugged Seungho, who responded with a bright smile. The fan left, holding her cheeks in happiness.

Mimi stood frozen.

THE Seungho was in front of her, welcoming her with open arms. "Hurry! Only 10 seconds left!" Seungho flailed his arms.

Mimi smiled.

That's right! He's only thinking about the game. He's not thinking about what you look like, or how fat you are..

Mimi shyly rushed towards Seungho, and barely hugged him. "You are very cool." Mimi threw a thumbs up to Seungho. Seungho laughed at the unusual response. 

"Thank you!" Seungho smiled.

"Time's up!"

Yells of disappointment echoed from here and there. While a man was calming the fans down, Seungho turned towards Mimi.

"That's the first time today that a fan has complimented me." Seungho grinned. 

"..You've only heard things like, 'Please marry me!' or 'I love you!' or 'Seungho is mine!'?" Mimi wiped her hands that were clamming up. 

"Yup! So thanks for the boost. Lately, the rumors..." Seungho muttered to himself.

Mimi tapped her cheek in amazement.

I.. Kang Mimi.. Talked to Seungho! Yang Seungho! Even though I'm just a regular person!

"Seungho-ssi! I will be a singer soon, so i'll expect to see you... soon! My name is Mimi by the way! Remember that!" Mimi cupped her hands around . Seungho widened his eyes in surprise and smiled.

"Good luck Mimi-ssi!" Seungho threw a thumbs up towards Mimi.

Mimi smiled and ran away, unable to bear any more of the 'celebrity' aura. Mimi snickered to herself in happiness.

"Good luck he said! Now that he said it, I've gotta be a singer! RAH RAH!!" Mimi shook her fists and ran towards the streets, eagerly looking for a talent agency.


"SM... Where's SM?" Mimi scratched her head.

She was completely lost.

"Ehmm.. Excuse me!" Mimi tapped a man's shoulder. The man turned around, surprised.

"Do you perhaps know where SM Entertainment is?" Mimi asked.

The man paused before answering. "SM? No.. Sorry.. I've never went there before. I have my own talent agency to look after." The man shook his head. 

"Your own talent agency?" Mimi's eyes perked up.

"Hey! If you want to become a singer, just come to my agency! We could use a person like you. Just need to lose a few pounds, but you'll be as pretty as the SNSD girls! Maybe even better!" The man smiled widely, showing his gums. 

"R-Really?" Mimi clasped her hands.

"Yes! Just come right now, and you can audition at our studio." The man quickly handed her a business card. 

"O-okay!" Mimi smiled, humbly accepting the card.

Mimi pranced along the man's side.

The first day I'm trying out, and I get scouted! Take that sunbaes!


"Filming has ended!"

"Good job everyone!" Thunder politely bowed.

"Let's go somewhere quiet!" G.O. stretched.

"Like a park?" Mir yawned.

"But I'm hungry." Seungho patted his belly.

"We'll eat later. Let's just rest for a while." G.O. patted his friend's back.

"Fine fine." Seungho shrugged.


"Oh no! I'm sorry, but our studio is being used.. Our only available place for an audition is.. our warehouse." the man frowned. 

"It's okay! It doesn't matter where the location is, all I have to do is show you my talent!" Mimi waved off the issue. 

"Okay then! This way!" the man grinned.

They began to walk into a park, which was dimly light by street lamps.

"Umm.. Excuse me? But where are we going?" Mimi naively asked. 

"Just a little more farther." the man smiled.

Mimi laughed a

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Chapter 58: What a mean girl
Chapter 21: ok but did seungho buy the hat or steal it
anika2loves #3
Chapter 77: please more storyyy
Chapter 6: I really want to kill those two girls
nurlinaramli #5
Chapter 76: Aww the fic it's really come to end..I would like to thank author-nim for the beautiful fic.. I never get tired re-reading this fic over and over again.. Good job and I would really love if you could make a sequel.. Well they live happily ever after.. hehe thanks again...
Congrats on finishing! (:
key_yanna #7
Chapter 18: I didnt expect this chapter to be a drunk and confession chapter.. were you really drunk while writing this cos you write it so well! ^^
Chapter 77: i didn't want it to yet >..< but the ending is already make my heart flattered ~ although it's so short >.<
LoveAsAlways #9
Chapter 76: Awwwwww I did not want it to end, but every good story has it's ending, thank you for tricking us at the beginning of the chapter and for a great story :)
Chapter 77: I remember when I first subscribed and the story hasn't even come out once it did. I was satisfied. Love this story so much. ♥ ^^v thanks authornim. Kekek.:3