Kris! Why did you interrupt?

People change....


"It's s-so fu-funny!!! Haha!" You got up wiped away the tears that fell out of your eyes.
Kris smiled.
"I know right?" Kris giggled.
"Hey! Come with me! I give you something to drink! You must be thirsty!" Luhan interrupted and grabbed your hand. 
What the?!? kris thought. Can't let kris flirt with her! Cause kris and ____ is mine! Luhan thought.  Luhan dragged you to the kitchen and pour you a glass of red Liquid. It is no other than blood. Your face fell. 
"Drink it." Luhan sternly said.
You picked it up and smelled it. It smell sweet! You take a small sip and tasted it. It's delicious!! You drank down the whole cup. And smiled.
"May I have more?" You asked putting the cup in front of luhan.
"I told you that it will be nice!" Luhan exclaimed and poured another glass of red stuff for you.
You drank it down and smiled. But, you didn't know you left a some liquid on the side of your mouth. Once luhan saw it, he giggled and smiled.
"Such a dirty girl." Luhan giggled and wiped away the liquid with his fingers.
You looked up at him, and both of your eyes met. He is so beautiful... You thought. So... This is how you feel when you want to kiss someone.... Luhan thought. He lean closer to you, as both of your lips were about to touch, someone interrupted the moment and person is no other then kris.
"Erm... Hey! Hyung, doesn't ____ need to tell her parents about her changing?" Kris asked.
Luhan immediately moved away from you and rubbed the back of his neck. You two were so close to kissing!! Your heart was like running a marathon just now. 
"Ya! We should go now!" Luhan said and walked out of the kitchen.
Kris!!! Why did you stop luhan? I was so close to getting a kiss from luhan! But getting a kiss from you will be nice too... You thought and smiled. What is she thinking? Kris thought and scratched his head. Kris completely ruined the moment!! I was just THIS CLOSE!!! THIS CLOSE to kissing her! But kissing kris will be awesome too.... Luhan thought and giggled lightly. Why is luhan giggling to himself? Lay wondered. I hate luhan for saying that! It made me so embrassed! Xiumin thought and pouted. 
"Will... Will I hurt my parents?" You asked luhan.
"You will not... Ok? I will protect them." Luhan smiled. 
Why is she talking to luhan instead of me?!? I'm much more handsome than luhan! Is it because I bit her? I hope it's not.... Kris thought and his face fell. You were now getting really confused about who you like.... Luhan or kris? You sighed and shaked your head.
"Is there anything wrong?" Luhan asked bending down to look at you.
"Ya." You smiled at him.
Tch! She is obviously not! If I ask her if she is ok, she will sure tell me what's is wrong! Kris thought and smirk.
What's the problem if kris today? What is with the smirks? Don't think about ____! Think about me! Luhan thought an rolled his eyes. 
Is luhan ok? Why is he rolling his eyes? You thought and scratch your head.
They sure have a lot of chemistry... Lay thought.
Before you all knew it, you reached your house. Your heart started thumping hardly against your chest causing you to breathe very fast. 
"It's ok... Don't worry I'm here. I will help you." Kris smiled and patted your shoulder.
"Thank you...." You smiled.
You took in a deep breath and walked into the house. 
"My daughter! Is back! With three guys!" Your mom shouted.
"Hi mom...." You smiled and waved awkwardly.
"Are all of them your boyfriend?" Your mom
asked looking at all of them. 
"This guy is not bad." Your mom said bluntly, pointing at kris.
Kris couldn't help but smile widely and stood proudly. Luhan pouted and glared at him. 
"Mum!!! They are not my befriend!!" You shrieked.
"Then why are they here?" Your mum asked pointing at the guys.
"Mum.... I need to tell you something." You said sighing.
"What is it my dear?" Your mum walked to you and smiled.
"Don't freak out if I say this ok?" You asked, hoping that she will say yes.
"Duh!" Your mum said.
"Mum are you taking this conversation seriously?" You asked and put your hand on your hip.
"No. I'm sorry. I will take it seriously now." You mum said and her facial expression changed.
"Mum.... I... I... Am.... A... Vampire..." You said and closed your eyes.
"I knew it...." Your mum muttered. 
"You knew it?" You asked opening your eyes.
"Ya... I knew vampires existed... I knew... I read about them.... And I know the difference between humans and vampires." Your mum said looking down.
"And you are not scared of me?" You asked going closer to your mum.
"I'm not. Because I know that you will never hurt me." Your mum smiled.
Her mum is so nice.... She really trust _____.... She is really a good mum.... Like my mum :D luhan thought and smiled.
"Mum... I..." You muttered and broke into tears.
Your mum quickly embraced you and patted your back. Calming you down like you were a baby.
"Thank you for everything mum...." You cried.
"No problem... My good daughter..." Your mum smiled and patted your shoulder.
Such a loving scene... Kris thought.
I miss my mum.... Lay thought and pouted.
She is so lucky to have a wonderful mum.... Luhan thought and sighed softly. 
*sniff * *sniff* then, you pulled away from your mum. She smiled at you and you smiled back. 
"How are we going to dad?" You asked. 
"I will tell him. He knows that vampire exist too." Your mum said and smiled.
"I will go first mum.... When dad come back, I will be here." You smiled.
"Ok! You go do your stuff!" Your mum exclaimed and smiled back.
You giggled and bowed. The three other hot guys bowed too. Your mum bowed back and waved at you all. Then you all left the house.
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Pretty unexpected that luhan and _____ went together right?


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Your story is awesome!! ^_^ I went crazy for Luhan hihi cuz he's my bias in Exo-m kyaaaah!! I can't believe the girl ended up with him in the end =D
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 39: wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont kill kris you crazy girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just because he does not love your going to kill him how unreasonable??????????????
Chapter 35: your bad... you make me cry.... kekek just kidding but i really cry... i love your story... and update soon...
Chapter 31: Oh my! I wanna cry T^T
Chapter 31: Update soon! ^^
KagayakuHoshi #6
Chapter 30: Thanks for the update ^.^ I missed this story
Chapter 29: Oh why L.joe~?! why~?!
please dun kill her ..
smile_to_me #8
Chapter 24: Forgot to say ... Thank you and update soon can't wait.
smile_to_me #9
Chapter 24: I want her to end up with someone else other than L.joe, kris, Luhan ... I mean I want some manly vampire to end up with her !!! <3 I really like the story !!!
Chapter 11: nooo i want her to end up with ljoe please!!!!!