Til the End of Time : OF Love and Sacrifice


The story is about endless love, sacrifice, pain, forgiveness and letting go.. 

  How much will you sacrifice for the one you really love?! how will you survive the pain insides you when no one will be there for you?! Will love is enough to say that you have to stay for him or will you choose to let him go?! will you have the courage to say to that person how much you really love him that you wanna share your life with him til the end of time?! 

  It's all about the girl who has everything: beauty, brain, wealth but only one thing she don't have - a HAPPY family. How will her life change when she meet the guy that will love her the first time she laid her eyes on him.. What if her LOVE for him will be the reason for her to let him go..?! 


  hi .. I'm a big fan of the dooleycouple and i decided to write a fiction story about them.. this is my first fanfic and i hope that you will like it.. :) ♥♥ pls. bare with my grammar .. 


   Never make a sacrifice that will only make you feel miserable.  Many ills arise when the sweetness of one’s love cannot prevail over the bitterness of one’s burdens.



"Congratulation, you're 9 weeks pregnant. " the doctor said. 

   "Please take good care of yourself as well as the baby because this is the first trimester of your pregnancy. " the doctor added while prescribing her vitamins.

  "I'm pregnant with him?! I'm carrying his child?! " she thought to herself then suddenly tears come rushing to her face. 

"Ms. Park, are you ok?" the doctor who was bit worrying to her..  

"Yah.. I'm fine. I just can't believe that I will be a mother soon. By the way I have to go. Thank you so much." She stood up and take a bow and immediately go out to the hospital. She hurriedly went to her car and went inside.

     She is still in shock upon hearing the result. Her tears started to fall again. She doesn't know what to do. Will she tell him about her condition? How about her family? She's sure that they will despair her having a child in that early. She was about to start the engine when she saw a familiar face went out on the restaurant beside the hospital.

She saw the father of her child with another woman?! 

Omo What will happen to her now? 


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Wendy-1977 #1
Chapter 30: Yongshin forever🤗😍
Nice story ....thank you
Chapter 30: Uau excelente história
Sheimen23 #3
Chapter 30: Love your story, read it twice already...daebak!
rubyani #4
Chapter 30: Nice story n thank you 4 the story..^_^
arelis2307 #5
Chapter 30: te felicito excelente historia, el amor el perdón antes de todo siempre habrá un final feliz , somos seres humano no somos perfectos por lo tanto no somos quien para juzgar.... Bendiciones a todos
Sheimen23 #6
Chapter 30: Very nice story..good job...more yongshin fanfic pls...
Chapter 30: That was really awesome...I really learned a lot from this...Thank you...
We should always be in love and ready to fight for our love:)
Thank you so much my dear author!!!
karen83 #8
Chapter 30: Finally! I have read the best story. Nice story construction indeed. I realized few grammar flaws though, yet the beauty and twists of the story made it more interesting that a reader wont mind the errors at all. Pls continue to make good stories! I'll be looking forward for it. Thanks!
Chapter 3: Nice!
Being an
Architect is my dream too..

-CJzkie ( Maiden)
Cool!.... Foreword
A Yongshin FF..
My favorite couple
-CJzkie ( Maiden )