Chapter 7

Will you love me?


Key's POV.
I was shopping when my phone vibrated.
Key umma! I need your advise! Meet me at the the cafe near school. 
-Taebaby <3
This better be good Taebaby! You know is rude to disturb your umma when umma is shopping!
-Key umma
I know umma... Sorry for disturbing you but there is some
really something disturbing me:( I need your help! 
Sure thing baby. I'll always be there for you. See you later^^
-Key umma.
I quickly made my way to the cafe and found a seat to wait for Taebaby. 
Taemin's POV.
"Bye noona! See you tmr." 
I made my way to the cafe. Hope that key umma can solve my problem. I can't be spacing out all the time.... 
"Hey umma!" I went to sit with Key hyung.
"Hi Taebaby, I ordered banana milk to cheer you up! So what is it?"
"Thanks. Emm recently.. I h-have b-been receiving this confession letter from this girl. Well here is it." I took out the letter and showed him.
Key's POV 
Confession letter? Don't tell me it's Eunji's?
Taebaby took out 2 pale blue letter "Well umma, her letter is so touching and full of sincerity. I can't deny that my heart did not get wavered at all b-but I can't start to have feelings about a girl just because of two letters right? Plus the person I like is Eunjong !"
By looking at Taemin's eyes it was obvious that he is clearly confused with his own feelings.. But the person who wrote this letter... "EJ" it's Eunji! Seems like my plan is working! 
" Taeminnie, do you know who this person is?"
"No." he pouted. "Key umma! You are Almighty Key! Have you figure out who is it? Please tell me! Pretty please"
"Sorry Taebaby, even if I know who she is I can't tell you who is it until she is ready to tell you.. If not she would have told you in the letter already!"
I shook my head.
"Alright fine, don't tell me! But is it possible for me to like someone by just reading to letters?"
" I think it's possible...."
" But the person I like is Eunjong noona! I liked her since like 2 years ago... It's impossible for me to change my heart because of 2 letters right?"
"Do you think you really like Eunjong or is it just a slight affection or maybe you only admire her because she is a great dancer? Think about it Taemin, that's all I can advise you for now. 
" I don't know umma, I'm so confuse."
I patted his back and said "Don't worry baby, just take you time and think about it."
No matter what.. This is good news! I shall tell Eunji when I meet her in school tomorrow! She will be really happy.
Eunji's POV 
Taemin is really off today.. He kept spacing out. What's disturbing him? He is not usually troubled? Where is the lucky go happy Taemin? 
I went to the nearest super market to get banana milk for Taemin, hope it could cheer him up! 
I went home and took out my letter pad and started writing another letter to Taemin.
Dear Taemin, 
Well, I may sound like a stalker but... you look troubled recently, are you okay? 
I may not know what is troubling you but I hope you are fine. I guess maybe you are just stressed  and tired because of the dance showcase is coming up. 
Well, I just want to let you know that you are the best dancer that I know. Don't tire yourself out okay? Don't make me worry:p 
Anyway, I bought 2 bottles of banana milk for you. Hope it will cheer you up:) 
I love you <3 
Take care of yourself alright?
From the person who loves you forever and always
The next morning: Taemin's POV.
I walked towards to school with an heavy heart. My mind is so confuse. Who do I like? The girl who wrote me 2 letter? It's imppossible Lee Taemin, what are you thinking. 
I walked towards my locker and opened it. I smiled. 
Once again, I saw the pale blue letter. This time with 2 bottles of banana milk. I opened the letter and it said:
Dear Taemin, 
Well, I may sound like a stalker but... you look troubled recently, are you okay? 
I may not know what is troubling you but I hope you are fine. I guess maybe you are just stressed  and tired because of the dance showcase is coming up. 
Well, I just want to let you know that you are the best dancer that I know. Don't tire yourself out okay? Don't make me worry:p 
Anyway, I bought 2 bottles of banana milk for you. Hope it will cheer you up:) 
I love you <3 
Take care of yourself alright?
From the person who loves you forever and always
Seriously, this is making me more and more confused! How did she know I am troubled? Maybe she is really a stalker? Or is she someone close to me? AISH! I am going crazy! 
But no matter what I'm so happy that she understand and cares for me! Wait... I'm happy? AISH! What's wrong with me? Maybe I should just accept that I may have a slight affection for her...
I started drinking my banana milk. Is it me or this particular banana milk taste sweeter?
Eunji's POV.
"Eunji sweetie! You won't believe what happen yesterday!! Arghhh! I'm so happy for you!" key pulled me into a tight hug.
Happy for me? What is he talking about? "Eh? What are you talking about?" 
" It's about Taemin of course! I came early today just to tell you about this! Ahhh!! I'm so happy! I knew my plan will work!"
"Taemin? Hurry tell me! What is it? Hurry!"
"You know the letter you are sending to Taemin?"
"What about those? AISH! Just tells already! 
"Okay.. Cool down. Well he read all your letters and he started to fall for you!!"
"What? How is it possible?"
" Well, he did! He asked me out yesterday because he was confuse with who he likes, Eunjong or you! And obviously it's you! You should write a letter to tell him who you are! 
"What? No I can't! Maybe he thinks that EJ is someone really talented and pretty like Eunjong unnie, if he found out its me, he won't like like EJ anymore!"
"YAH NAM EUNJI! How many times must I tell you that you are pretty! Just confess already! "
"I...I I'll try I guess. But..."
Will Taemin reject me? Sigh... What am I going to do?
"HI GUYS!" Taemin shouted.
"Eh? You were so depressed yesterday and today you are so happy?" Key asked.
"Because of banana milk of course! Plus this is not any ordinary banana milk umma. EJ gave it to me to to cheer me up!" Taemin said with a wide grin.
Taemin really read my letters and he isn't irritated but happy! This feels like a dream! 
"You are really in love with her aren't you?" key asked.
Upon hearing this question, my heart was pounding out of my ribcage.
"I don't know umma. I think I do have a affection for her." Taemin mumbled. "Oh! Eunji you don't know who EJ Is don't you? She is.." 
"I know. Key told me everything." I cut taemin off.
"She seems really nice... Arghhh... I'm so confused."
"I told you you like her!" key insisted
"The bell is about to ring soon Eunji ah! Let's go to class before we are late!" Taemin grabbed my hand and pulled me towards our class room.
I felt a sharp pain when I realized that Taemin was grabbing my injured wrist. "Ermm Taemin ah! My wrist hurts."
"OMO sorry I didn't realize I was grabbing it! When was the last time you change the bandages?"
"I didn't rewrap it."
Taemin pat my head and said "Yah! What if it gets an infection? Let's go to class and I'll help you change the bandages."
. Taemin is going to find out that I lied to him! AISH! What should I do? 
"Sit down." Taemin said. As he starts to unwrap the old bandages. Ottoke? He is going find out soon! AISH forget it, just let he find out.
"Eunji ah! Why is your wrist like that? Wasn't it a burn?"
"Sorry, I lied to you. It was Appa, he stabbed my wrist with a broken beer bottle." I mumbled avoiding Taemin's gaze.
"Do you not trust me? Why do you always hide things from me?" he sounded really disappointed. He wrapped my wrist with the new bandages in silence.
As he was about to walk to he seat, I quickly pulled on to his sleeve and said " I'm sorry! It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't want to cause anymore trouble from you." Tears started to build up. "Since I met you and SHINee when we were 10, you guys have always be there for me, protecting me. Although, I don't have many friends or love from my family but I feel loved because of you guys. You guys have done so much for me but I'm not doing anything good for you apart from giving you trouble. The other people in school are right, I'm just a pest following you around and causing you trouble. I'm sorry Taemin. You know if you guys leave me one day, I'll not be surprised because a person like me doesn't even deserve any love. Like what Appa said, I'm just a ugly, disgusting, worthless a piece of trash. I'm sorry that because of me you guys wasted so much time and effort. I'm really sorry" I slowly let go of Taemin's sleeve and tears were rolling uncontrollably down my checks. My heart felt so much lighter after I told Taemin all my feelings that was hidden in my heart for years. Luckily, it was still early and only me and Taemin is in class if not I'm surely going to mocked at for crying.
Taemin's POV.
My heart clenched watching Eunji crying. I know she felt insecure about herself but I never knew she felt this way. 
I wiped of Eunji's tears with my thumbs but Eunji still continuously crying, I pulled her into a tight hug. 
I her a hair and said softly "Eunji ah. Do you know that from the day I met you I felt that I needed to protect you. You are not a trouble to us Eunji. You are someone very important to us, a part of us. We all love you very much. You deserve love Eunji, no one on this earth does not deserve love. You are a really wonderful person Eunji, you are sweet, cute and kind person. Who says you are ugly? Do you know that even though you call yourself a tomboy there are many guys in our class that have crushes on you. In the first place why are you a tomboy? You have long hair and a pretty face apart from the fact that you love sport, don't really dress yourself in skirts and you don't put effort in how you look, you are nothing like a tomboy. You are not a piece of trash Eunji, you are a treasure to me and SHINee we love and treasure you a lot. Fine, if you insist you are not any good to us I'll tell you what you did for us. You bring happiness to us, you care for us, love us and you know what? Because of you we learnt that we are really lucky people and we learnt how to be a lot happier than how we were in the past. We love you Eunji. No matters what happen we will never leave you. I promise, I'll never leave you. Stop crying now alright?"
Eunji looked up with her innocent eyes like how she did when I first met her.
"I..I Thank you so much for being in my life Taemin. I promise I won't hide anything from you anymore. I promise."
That sentence! I remember now! Eunji said it when I was singing to help her sleep. EJ wrote it too.... What a coincidence.
I wipe her tears away. "Now stop crying already okay? Before our classmates starts coming into class."
Eunji is really pretty, she still looks angelic and pretty when she is crying. How can she say that she is ugly? Her fair skin, her big eyes with double eyelids and long eyelashes, her cute little nose and her small lips. The small lips that I really want to kiss right now. Wait, Lee Taemin! Kiss?! Aigoo! What's wrong with me? I must be too confuse with we my feelings. I either like EJ or Eunjong! Eunji is my best friend, my buddy. But.. Eunji does sound a lot like EJ, a girl that is really insecure about herself....
"Taemin ah! Are you alright? You were blanking out." Eunji broke my thoughts.
"Yep, I'm fine. I guess I'm just tired because the dance showcase is coming out." I forced a smile.
Then suddenly Eunji hugged me again. The hug felt so warm. "Taemin ah. Don't tire yourself okay? Don't make me worry!" 
Wait.... EJ said that too...this is just a coincidence right? 
"Thank you. Eunji ah."
Hi:) sorry for taking so long to update:( school started and I am slightly more busy right now. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter:) subscribe and comment^^
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Hi guys!! I really need you guys to tell me whether you want jongkey to be a couple before I can write the next chapter! The votes seems even now!


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valeriemillenia #1
Chapter 29: Your fanfics are awesome (;
Love has no boundaries (:
shiningmint #2
darkangel715 #3
Chapter 29: Love ur story... first Taemin fic i have read to the end. I wasn't a fan until I saw him on WGM and realized that he is all grown up now but still irresistably cute... no noona can withstand his adorable smile
Chapter 16: Wrong wrong
Chapter 7: Ohh no My dear taemin it isn't XD
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhh :0
Chapter 3: I actually feel the same way about a boy in my class
Mitzi_pigginout #8
Chapter 28: AWEOME STORY!!! Please make a sequel for Minho amd Eunjong!!!