Chapter 18

Will you love me?

Hello! I'm back! This chapter was fun to write! Hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry for the grammar error! Comment, subscribe and comment:) 

Eunji's POV
I opened my eyes and squint due to the brightness. "OMO EUNJI!" I heard Key shouting. I squint my eyes again and saw 5 worried faces. "Where am I?" My voice was really hoarse due to the dryness in my throat. "In the school's nurse office. You are having high fever. And the nurse took care of your wounds. You Pabo! Did you know that your burn almost got infected?!" Taemin scolded me. His eyes were full of worry.
I tried siting up. A surge of blinding pain shot up. I fell back down with pounding pain in my head. "Yah.. Don't do that, you just woke up." Minho said in care.
"Why aren't you guys in class" I asked.
"Eunji ah... School has ended. You were unconscious since morning." Jonghyun said. What? Since morning? I can't believe I was unconscious for so long! 
"Wait, the most important thing, we can't let Eunji go home! She is so freaking sick and injured right now! What if her Appa and Unnie injure her more?!" Onew commented.
I manage to sit up with Taemin's help. "I'll be fine."
"I don't care whether you are fine or not. There is no way I'm letting you go home." Taemin said 
Just then the nurse walked in, "Oh! You are awake! Let me just take your temperature again. Hmm 39.7 degrees Celsius.  Your fever is still really high. You'll have to go home and rest well. Don't over work yourself. I think you fainted today because you were in pain, you overwork yourself yesterday and you are lacking in food. So go home get a light meal, like porridge and don't do any heavy activities. Drink a lot of water too." She instructed and went back to her work.
"Lee Taemin! Don't shout" Key warned 
"Sorry umma. I was just worried. And this girl don't know how to take care of herself!" Taemin explained
"I'm sorry.. I was just scared that Appa would be angry so I did more housework yesterday and I forgot to eat because of what happen yesterday." I muttered. 
Just then, Taemin came over and hugged me. "I was so scared when I saw you collapse. Please dont do that again. Please don't. I thought I was going to loose you."
"Ok guys. We have to decide what are we going to do now. We can't let Eunji go home." Jonghyun Appa said.
"At Taemin's house?" Minho asked. 
"Yeah! Let's go!" Jonghyun said.
At Taemin's house.  Taemin's POV.
I pulled Eunji to my room and pointed to my bed.
"Eunji! Go and sleep!" I ordered 
"Why... But I'm not sleepy.." Eunji whined and pouted. Aww she looks so cute.
"You have to sleep! Your fever it's so high!" I ordered an pulled her on to my bed. I tucked her in gently as Eunji pouted at me. "Please oppa! I'm not sleepy at all!" 
"There is no way you are getting up! When it's time to eat I'll bring the food up here." I told her.
"What?! That is so unreasonable! I hate you!" Eunji said and turned her head away from me.
I chuckled "I'm sorry. I need you to get well soon! Just rest. I love you too."  I said and ruffled her hair. I went to the toilet to get a cool and damp towel and walk back to Eunji. 
I put the damp towel on her forehead. "Thanks oppa." she said and flashed a beautiful smile. "Hmm Sleep!" I said and pulled the blanket up for her. 
I walked back to the living room and saw 3 immature hyungs playing  some Mario game on my TV. I went to the kitchen and saw Key umma cooking porridge for Eunji.  I ran up to him "KEY UMMA! I WANNA HELP TOO!" I said.
"Yah! Taemin get out of the kitchen it's dangerous!"
"But I wanna help...." 
"No way you are going to help! You can't even cut apples and you want to help?! You are going to make things worse."
"But umma.."
"No Buts! Get out."
I stomped out of the kitchen sulking, "Aigoo Taemin ah, did you get scolded by key?" Jonghyun teased.
"Shut up hyung!" I said.
"Taemin... Mind your language." Onew warned. 
"Okay okay.. I'll go check on Eunji again." I sighed and when in to my room. 
I twist the door knob silently, not wanting to wake Eunji up. Suddenly, I heard shuffling and I saw Eunji stuffing something under the blanket the quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.
I chuckled and said "Yah Eunji, I know you are awake." She opened her eyes slowly and smiled sheepishly at me. "What do you have under the blanket?" 
"Nothing~" she replied acting innocent. I pulled her blanket away and saw her phone. 
I snatched her phone away from her quickly and scolded her. "YAH! I asked you to sleep and you are playing candy pang?! You Pabo!" I lightly knocked her on her head.
"Ahh! Oppa it hurts!" Eunji groaned in pain, clutching her head.
"OMO! Are you okay?! I hit you really lightly thought! Does it hurt a lot?"
Suddenly, Eunji snatched her phone and ran out of the room. "Mehrong! Oppa got tricked!" she said and ran to the living room.
"YAH! Nam Eunji! Where are you going!? You are suppose to sleep!" I shouted and ran after her.
"Yah don't run! You are not allowed to do heavy activities!" I shouted at her again. 
Just then Eunji stopped running and help on to the wall for support and panted really hard. I ran up to her and help her stand properly. "Are you okay? I told you not to run didnt I? Come on let's get you back in bed" 
"But I don't want to sleep!" she complained.
"Fine! Let's go to the living room and join the hyungs."
"YaY!" Eunji did her cute little happy dance. I chuckled at her silliness and ruffled her hair
In the living room. 
"I'm bored. Can I play Mario too?" Eunji asked 
"NO! Its to exciting. You are not suppose to do anything too heavy." I said.
"What?! How is that heavy activity?" Eunji pouted. 
"Taemin ah. Why so protective? Eunji ah come here! I'll let you play." Onew passed the control to Eunji. 
"Yay! Gumawo onew oppa!" Eunji rejoiced.
"Yah hyung! Eunji's weak heart can't take it." I said, earning a glare from Eunji. "Yah! My heart isn't weak!" 
I watch Eunji play Mario with the hyungs.  I realized how pretty she look even with the bandage on her face. Every time she smile, she looks so happy. She shows her real emotions unlike that y Unnie she has. She is so innocent, so genuine.  She sincerely cares for everyone around her. How I wish my future girlfriend will be her. Eh! LEE TAEMIN! She is your best friend! I want my future girlfriend to be like her. What was I thinking just now...
"Ah! That was so fun!" Eunji said with a huge smile and sat beside me. 
Eunji turned towards me with a serious look. "Taemin oppa. Since you broke up with my Unnie. What are you guys going to do with the dance showcase. You guys are not going to just give up like that right?"
"I never thought about it. Who knows, maybe we will cancel our performance. Eunjong sunbae and I are really awkward now, how are we going to do a couple dance?" I sighed.
"No! Please don't give up! It was your dream since we first came into this school. Don't give up! Please don't!" Eunji held my hands tightly. I looked up at her and saw her tearing up. 
"Yah.. don't cry! It's my dream not yours. Why are you crying?" I chuckled. I wiped of her tears and pulled her into a hug.
"B-But... You will be so disappointed. I'll talk to Unnie into doing the showcase with you!" 
"Yah Pabo! Do you want to get beaten up again?! Don't do that!" My heart clenched. She is always like that, putting others in front of her. 
"Don't worry I'll talk to her myself." I said.
"Taemin ah! Do like what Eunji say don't give up! We are here to support you!" Minho hyung said with jonghyun and onew nodding and agreeing to what Minho said.
"Okay. I promise I won't. So don't cry anymore." I said to Eunji. I let go of the hug and pay her head "You silly girl. Who cry for other people like that?"
"Yah! Don't laugh at me! That's because it's you!" Eunji pouted.
I chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Guys! Come and eat dinner!" Key shouted from the dinning room. 
"YEAH!! I SMELL CHICKEN!" Onew screamed and dashed into the dinning room.
I helped Eunji to the kitchen. Her eyes widen and her jaws dropped. "Wah! Look at all these wonderful food!" she exclaimed and picked up a drumstick. 
"Eunji! Put that down. That's not yours! This is yours!" Key said and passed to Eunji her porridge.
"What?! Why do you guys get to eat so much yummy food and all I get is porridge." Eunji whined.
"That's because you are sick little kid. Sit down and eat." I instructed.
"NO!" Eunji protested.
"Eat it! Or do you want me to feed you?" I asked while picking up her spoon. 
"Aish! Fine! I'll eat it!" Eunji's cheeks heated up. In the end, Eunji ate her porridge while staring at all our food in envy. 
Ding dong! 
"Taemin ah!! I'm home!" My umma walked in. "Aigoo! SHINee and Eunji is here too!" 
"Yup! We are having a sleepover! You won't mind right?" I asked her.
"Of course not!" she said. 
"Taemin ah! I can't join the sleepover. I have something on to do tonight." Key said suddenly.
Key had some eye contact with jonghyun hyung and he suddenly said "Me too!"
"What!! Who else is not sleeping over?" I asked.
"Me and Onew is stayi-" Minho's words got cut off when Key covered his mouth and dragged onew and Minho out of the house.
"They have something on too!" Jonghyun said. 
"Bye! Take good care of Eunji!" Key smirked. 
"Yah! Come back" I shouted but I just got ignored. 
Eunji, Umma and I looked at each other awkwardly. "Ahem. I think I should go home." Eunji broke the silence. 
"NO! You can't!" I grabbed on to Eunji's wrist.
"OW! UMMA! I'm not a pedo! I'm just afraid that Eunji will be abused by her Appa and her Unnie if she go home! Look at her!" I said pointing Eunji.
"Oh gosh! All this injuries are done by your Appa and Unnie? Omg. You poor girl." Umma said and pulled Eunji into a tight hug. Suddenly, Eunji started sobbing loudly. 
"What's wrong? Are you okay?!" Umma and I asked in unison.
"I'm sorry! Just that Ahjumma reminded me about my own umma." Eunji said wiping of her tears.
I pulled Eunji into a tight hug. "Shhh... Everything is going to be alright." This poor girl had suffered too much so she gets sensitive every time someone cares for her. 
"Aigoo! My Taeminnie has grown up! Look! He knows how to take care of a girl alread! I'm so proud." Umma teased.
"Umma! I wasn't that childish before!" I complained 
"Who says you are not! You use to be scared of thunder!" Umma teased again, this time causing Eunji to burst out laughing. Immediately, I felt my cheeked heat up.  
"Yah... Do you have to say that? It was so long ago." I whined.
"Alright, it's late already. Go and wash up and sleep! I'll clean up the dishes." umma said.
"Thanks umma! Let's go!" As I pulled Eunji into my room. 
Eunji's POV.
My heart was thumping so hard! Am I really going to stay here tonight? With Taemin?! I was fangirling like crazy in my heart. 
"Here! You can wear my shirt and my Umma's old shorts first since you don't have any clothes. Go get a bath. I'm going to bathe in the other toilet." Taemin said 
"Thanks oppa." he smiled at me and walked out of the room. I am always convincing myself not to fall for Taemin but every time he smile at me it make every thing worst. 
I went to take a warm bath trying to forget about all my worries. But all the worries keeps calming back. What will happen if I go back home? What if I can't forget Taemin?
I came out of the bathe room and saw Taemin siting on the bed. "You are finally done? You took so long!" He complained. 
"Yah! I'm a girl of course I take a longer time to bathe." 
"Come here." 
"Why?" I asked and walk towards him.
He gestured for me to sit down. I did as he instructed me to. "Turn around." he said "What are you doing?" he said nothing and took the towel and started drying my hair gently.
"Your hair is too wet! I don't want you to catch a cold." he said gently. 
"O-Oppa. What's going to happen when I go h-home tomorrow? I'm really scared.... A-Appa will be really mad." involuntary, my voiced trembled a lot. 
He back hugged me and placed his chin on my shoulder. "I'll do something. I'm sorry that i'm so useless and I'm always unable to protect you all the time." 
"Aniya. It's not your fault." I felt bad for Taemin. Every time I am abused, he blames it on himself. But non of this is his fault. 
"Alright. I'm done. Don't worry to much. Go to sleep. Sweet dreams" he said and tucked me in. Why does he have to be so nice to me? It makes it harder to forget him.
I grabbed onto his wrist "Oppa. if I sleep on your bed where are you going to sleep?" 
"Hmm I'll sleep on the couch in the room. Don't worry, I'll still be in the room. If anything happens I'm here." 
"I'll be fine. Go to sleep." He smiled and me and went to the couch.
I watch Taemin settle himself down on the couch. He looked at me and said "Close your eyes! Sleep. You are sick you need a lot of rest." I nodded and closed my eyes. Soon I fell in to slumber land with Taemin's scent all around me. 
Taemin's POV 
I gawked at Eunji when she came out of the shower just now. My shirt was too big on her revealing her white milky collar bones. She looked so pretty. 
I watch Eunji slowly drift of too slumber land. She look so pretty when she is sleeping. She was radiating with innocence. How can such an angelic like girl suffer so much. My heart was fluttering like mad. Wait. Isn't this how I feel when I read EJ letters. And when I first fell in love with Eunjong? 
No way! This can't be! I have feelings do Eunji? How is that possible? 
I quick ran to her side. She was frowning and tears was rolling down her cheeks. She was trembling with fear. 
"Eunji ah! Wake up! It's just a nightmare! Wake up!" I shook her gently. 
She open her eyes and panted loudly. She was still crying uncontrollably and clung on to me like her life depends on it. "Shhh.. It was just a Nightmare.. Shhh... You are safe here." I comforted her gently and held on to her tightly. 
After a while she calmed down. "Sorry for waking you up oppa." 
"It's alright. I wasn't even asleep yet. Go back to sleep." I pulled her blankets up for her again. 
"Oppa! Can you hold my hand until I fall asleep? I'm scared." She said softly. 
She scooted aside so I have some space on the bed. I held her tightly. Her small hand seem to fit in mine like it was made just for me. "Yah. Your hand is so tiny but you have so much strength. I seriously wonder where you get all that strength for."
"Sorry for holding your hand so tightly! I was just really scared. "It's alright. I'll sing to you." I said her hair. 
"Aniya. It's okay. " She rejected. 
I ignored her and started singing. Soon her eye lids started to close and she slowly fell asleep. How I wish I can hold you every night. I admired Eunji beautiful face. I can't believe I fell for you Eunji. But what about EJ now? 


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Hi guys!! I really need you guys to tell me whether you want jongkey to be a couple before I can write the next chapter! The votes seems even now!


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valeriemillenia #1
Chapter 29: Your fanfics are awesome (;
Love has no boundaries (:
shiningmint #2
darkangel715 #3
Chapter 29: Love ur story... first Taemin fic i have read to the end. I wasn't a fan until I saw him on WGM and realized that he is all grown up now but still irresistably cute... no noona can withstand his adorable smile
Chapter 16: Wrong wrong
Chapter 7: Ohh no My dear taemin it isn't XD
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhh :0
Chapter 3: I actually feel the same way about a boy in my class
Mitzi_pigginout #8
Chapter 28: AWEOME STORY!!! Please make a sequel for Minho amd Eunjong!!!