Chapter 23

Will you love me?

Hello! Hope you guys will enjoy this update subscribe comment and enjoy~ 


Eunji's POV
I sighed. "Oppa, Unnie must be really sad and disappointed now... What should we do?"
"I don't know Eunji.. I don't know..." Taemin mumbled 
"Unnie started dancing because of me. I told unnie she was really pretty when she is dancing, so she took up dancing. Unnie is so talented, she looks so graceful dancing and so cool popping!" I told Taemin.
"Yeah.. She is really talented, it's such a pity. I'll try talking to Mr jung again. Don't worry so much." Taemin said and patted my head gently. 
"Thank you." 
He smiled at me "Go home first, I'll be over soon. I need a bath, I stink!" 
"Hurry go! There are flies flying around you already!" I joked and pinched my nose. He laughed and ruffled my hair. His laugh and his smile is so beautiful...
Eunji's house, Eunji's POV.
I opened the house door and saw unnie sitting quietly on the couch with her face buried in her face. I walked to her slowly and pulled her into a hug.
"Unnie, it's alright. You are talented. You will have the potential do don't let this failure pull you down." I said softly.
Unnie looked up with tears streaming down her face. "Its you isn't it? It's you." Her voice trembled.
"What are you talking about?"
"Stop acting! You didn't forgive me fully didn't you? And you asked Mr Jung to drop me out of the showcase!" unnie spat.
"What?! I didn't do that!" I protested.
"Then why were you talking to Mr Jung with Taemin?!" Unnie demanded. 
I was waiting outside the dance studio so I can walk home with unnie. I played candy pang again. It's all Onew's oppa's fault that I'm addicted to that game. Just then, I felt a warm hand ruffling my hair. I look up and saw the most beautiful smile.
"What are you doing here?" Taemin asked warmly.
"I'm waiting for unnie! Did you see her?" 
"Oh.." Taemin's face fell.
"Did anything happen?" I ask worriedly. Taemin sighed and explained everything about Unnie dropping out of the showcase and her running away. 
Just then Mr Jung walked passed. I dashed in front of him. "Good evening, Mr Jung. I have a request! Please! Please don't drop Eunjong out of the showcase!" I begged.
"I'm sorry but may I know who are you?" Mr Jung asked
"I am Nam Eunji, Eunjong's dongseng. Please don't drop her out."
"Ah.. I see. But she is not up to standard. Every year, the showcase consist of all the talented dancers from different schools. Our school always have the top best dancers, our standard can't drop!" Mr Jund protested.
"But Eunjong is talented!" I argued 
"Yeah... Mr Jung, she is talented. Plus it will be better to do the couple dance now, it's to late for me to choreograph another solo dance now... And I personally think the choreography for the couple dance is really good, it has a good fusion of the different type of genre like hip hop and popping." Taemin spoke up for Unnie too. I thank him softly. He smiled warmly and said back softly, "Anything for you."
"I agree with you Taemin, but don't you think that Eunjong is very distracted recently? She constantly keep making mistakes! We can't afford that!" Mr Jung argued.
"But, Mr Jung.... She is just distracted because a lot of things has happened lately! Please give her more time." I pleaded.
"Yeah Mr Jung, just give her one more chance!" Taemin helped.
"I don't know... I'll think about it. No promises.." Mr Jung said and walked away.
End of flashback.
Unnie scoffed "Speechless right?" I look up at unnie and all I saw was hatered. I cowered in fear and started backing away. Just then unnie slapped me hard on the face. I held my face and look at  unnie in shock. 
"Unnie? What are you doing... Snap out of it please!" I begged.
Unnie smirked and started kicking and hitting me. I whimpered in pain. "Please unnie! Snap out of it! We reconciled... AHHHH IT HURTS! PLEASE!" I cried.
Unnie eyes was full of darkness. She continued kicking me and the pain kept rushing in. "IT HURTS! PLEASE UNNIE! STOP!" I screamed in pain, begging her to snap out and stop but nothing happened.
Taemin's POV 
I walked happily to Eunji's house, I was so excited to meet her. She is always on my mind! At night, I worry if she is sleeping well, is her nightmares bothering her... In the morning I will think of her beautiful face. She is the motivation for me to start of the day even though going to school can be really boring.  In class, I will worry whether she understands the lesson despite the fact that I know she would because she is really smart. She looks perfect when she concentrates during lessons, During lunch I will make sure she eats well and not just drink banana milk. I will watch her eat and smile everything she talks to my hyungs. When she goes home, I will get worried and wonder if she is safe. And everyday the cycle will start again. And something I really want to do is to find back her confidence and self-esteem.
I was at her doorstep. When I heard someone whimpering. Then, "IT HURTS! PLEASE UNNIE! STOP!" I pounded the door and shouted. "NAM EUNJONG WHAT ARE YOU DOING? OPEN UP! EUNJI! OPEN THE DOOR!" but to no avail.
I pounded harder.. But still nothing happened. I tried my luck and twisted the door knob. And it worked! The door was unlocked. I cursed myself for my stupidness.
All I saw was Eunji lying helplessly on the floor crying out in pain as Eunjong kicked her. Eunji was curled up like a fetus and tears were running down her face. "YAH! STOP IT!" I pushed Eunjong away and went to hug Eunji protectively.
"Are you okay? Don't scare me! Eunji ah!" I felt Eunji hugging me to tightly and sobbing into my chest. My heart ached seeing Eunji like that. She was trembling with fear, her legs an arms were filled with bruises and I bet there were more on her back and stomach. 
"I-I'm fine.." She said weakly. She winced in pain trying to move out of my embrace. I pulled her closer to me and her hair gently. I heaved a sigh of relieve as Eunji stop crying and trembling. But I heard a sob from the other end of the room.  
Eunjong was clutching her knee and sobbing by herself. Eunji and I looked at each other with confusion. "U-Unnie?" Eunji called out. 
"I'm so sorry! I don't know what got into me! I'm so sorry!" Eunjong cried.
"It alright... It's okay, it takes time to kill that inner monster in you right? I'm fine! Don't worry! " I stared at Eunji in disbelief how can a person forgive someone again and again so easily.
"Who will be able to believe you now?" I said sarcastically  
"Oppa..." Eunji tugged my shirt and protested.
"I can't believe you are going to forgive her! Look at what she did to you!" I sighed. "Come on, let's go and treat your bruises."
"Unnie I'll go into my room first okay?" Eunji said. She tried to stand up but fell cause of the pain. I dashed forward to catch her. "Be careful!" I warned. I picked her up bridal style gently. Was she eating right? Why is she so light? She looks so fragile. I looked down and her face was beet red.
"What's wrong?" I asked. She hid her face and mumbled "Nothing."
I walked into her room and place her gently on the bed. 
"Do you have anything cream? Something to reduce the swelling and pain?" 
"Ermm... My bed side table drawer has a basket of first aid stuff." Eunji replied.
I took the cream and apply it gently on Eunji. She wined as I dabbed her bruises gently. "Can you lift up your shirt slightly?"  Eunji hesitated but lifted her shirt slightly. I gasped as I saw the purplish patches on her milky skin. 
I applied the cream there too, she bit her lips tightly because of the pain. I squeezed her arms to comfort her. After treating her bruises, I passed her painkillers.
"Oppa, I don't want it..." She whined.
"I know you hate taking medicine but please listen to me this time. You need it. It's going to hurt more later." I persuaded
"But... I'll be fine!" She said stubbornly.
I sighed, "Please Eunji... Just take it. I hate seeing you in pain. Take the pills for me, okay?"
She took the pills from me and swallowed it. "Thank you." I didn't know what I was doing, but by instinct, I leaned forward to kiss her forehead. She looked up at me in shock and she was blushing badly. 
We heard a gasped and a squeal from the doorstep. We turned back and saw Eunjong standing there. "Ermm, Eunji ah, I'm really sorry. Does it still hurt?"
Eunji shook her head, "No it doesn't don't worry!" She smiled cheekily.
"Yeah right, it doesn't hurt... Who was wincing and whimpering when I applied the cream just now?" I said bitterly. Eunji looked at me a frown and nudged me to not say anything else. 
"How in the world did you get the idea that Eunji told Mr Jung to drop you out?! That's absurd!" I was really pissed, I can't believe Eunjong had this type of ridiculous  thinking! 
"I'm sorry... I just thought so because I-I s-saw you and Eunji talking to Mr Jung...." Eunjong didn't dare to look into my eyes.
"WHAT?! Do you not know you sister enough? You know she won't even hurt a small ant and you think she would do that?? Do you know what she did just now? She begged Mr Jung to reconsider about the idea of dropping you out! She even asked me to talk to Mr Jung again! And you kick the hell out of her!  What is wrong with you?! Don't expect me to talk to Mr Jung for you! " I shouted. 
"Oppa! Don't scold unnie! She didn't know!" Eunji protested. "And please talk to Mr Jung again, at least do it for me.
"Eunji, I'm so sorry! Please for give me!" Tears were streaming down Eunjong's face.
"I was never angry with you! Don't cry!" Eunji coaxed. How can a person be so forgiving? If I was being treated like how Eunji is being a abuse I don't think I will be able to forgive the person who abuses me. Eunji ah, what are you doing to me? You are just making me fall deeper in love with you.
"Eunji ah, are you hungry?" I asked 
"A little! Oppa, I feel like eating kimchi stew!" Eunji said in excitement.
"I'll cook it for you!" Eunjong stated and rushed to the kitchen.
I scoot closer to Eunji, "Does it still hurt a lot?" I asked gently.
"Nah it's fine. Thanks!"
"You are such a Pabo! Why did you forgive Eunjong so easily?!" I stated
"She is my unnie! Plus you have to talk to Mr Jung tomorrow okay?"
She asked me with puppy eyes.
"Okay okay..." I sighed.
"AHHHHH!" We heard a scream from downstairs. We looked at each other in confusion. Suddenly, Eunji gasped, "Unnie!" She quickly made her way off the bed and limped out of the room. 
"YAH! I'll go check, you stay in the room!" I shouted but she ignored me. "Aish that stubborn little girl" I mumbled and ran to help her to the kitchen.
Eunjong was there on the floor clutching her red swollen hand. "Unnie! You scalded yourself!" Eunji gasped. Eunji knelt on the floor, examining Eunjong's hand.
"I-Its okay, I deserve this. Maybe this can  d-destroy my m-monster hands" Eunjong said with a shaky voice and tears rolled down her cheeks.
Eunji pulled Eunjong's hand close to her and said "Unnie, these are not monster hands they are your beautiful hands." she slowly wiped off the Eunjong's tears, coaxing her to stop crying.
"Oppa, will you help me treat unnie's wound?" I really didn't want to, but I'll do anything for Eunji. I sighed and brought Eunjong to the couch and started cleaning Eunjong's scalded hand.
"When are you going to confess to her?" Eunjong broke the silence. I looked at her in shock. Did she mean to Eunji
"W-What are you talking about?" I stuttered.
"You know what I am talking about. You like her don't you?" Eunjong asked confidently,
"You love her right?"
"Y-Yeah.... I do. I love her a lot." I replied hesitantly.
Eunjong showed her smile "Great! Confess then."
"It's not that easy!" I sigh.
"You 2 are the same." Eunjong muttered. Wait did she mean.... No! That's not true. AISH! What am I thinking? 
I was done treating Eunjong's wound. She thanked me and headed to her room I went to the kitchen to check on Eunji and I realise she was cooking. She looked so beautiful in that apron. I always wanted my wife to wake me up in an apron telling me breakfast was ready. And when I am awake in the morning I will get to taste her yummy breakfast. I smiled as I imagined Eunji waking me up in the future.
I walked forward and ruffled her hair. "Can I help too?" I asked. "Hmm okay, help me get salt." She smiled. I took the salt and passed it to her.
"Oppa... This is sugar!" Eunji laughed.
"Eh?! OMO! Sorry!"I said and passed her the salt.
"Thanks! I guess you are not meant for the kitchen! Go watch some TV or something. I'm almost done." She chuckled.
"Nah.. I'll sit here and watch you!" I grabbed a chair and sat there just admiring Eunji's beauty as she cooks.
"Alright! It's done!" Eunji smiled brightly. The brought the kimchi stew to the dinning room. "I'll help you get some rice!" I shouted from the kitchen.
"Thanks!" She replied.
The 3 of us was siting at the dinning table eating Eunji's awesome kimchi stew! It was so awesome that I couldn't stop eating! "Oppa.. Y-You... Hahaha are eating haha like a pig! HAHAHAHA!" Eunji said in fits of laughter,
I did a Mehrong and continue enjoying that heavenly kimchi stew.
"You guys should go and complete your project all wash the dishes."Eunjong stated.
"Thank you unnie! Oppa! Let's go!" Eunji called. But I was still busy tasting the awesome kimchi stew.
"Yah oppa! There is no soup left stop trying to drink it!" Euni scolded and pulled me into her room. "Okay let's get sta-" "Eunji ah! You have to cook the soup for me next time! It's so yummy!" I cut her off. "Okay I will, but now can we get started first?" She asked.
"Ermm yeah! Sorry! The soup is just to awesome!" I smiled sheepishly.
"Okay, so the topic is on the stress Korean students have." Eunji started.
"Yeah... It's obvious where it comes from, exams." I stated.
"Exams. That's right. But stress is only there when there is expectations." Eunji added
"Eh? Expectations?" I asked.
"Well, expectations to do well. These can come from parents, schools, the society and the students themselves." Eunji said smartly.
"Oh gosh.. Why are you so smart?" I asked in disbelief.
"Nah.. It's nothing." Eunji blushed.
"Alright! Let's start! You can research on expectations from parents and I'll do expectations from schools!" I instructed.
She agreed and we focused on our research although I kept getting distracted by how pretty Eunji looked. 
One and a half hour later (Taemin's POV)
"Okay! I'm done! You?" I turned around to look at Eunji. I found myself looking at that pretty angel sleeping soundly with her head on the desk. I took a peak at her laptop and found out she had had not only done the research on expectations from parents but she is also halfway done on the research about the expectations from the society. She is such a smart girl. I smiled and took away her laptop gently so I would not wake her up. 
I took of my jacket and placed it on Eunji, I didn't want her to catch a cold. I pushed the strands of hair on her face away and admire her beautiful fractures. I traced face shape and her cheeks gently. I kissed her forehead again and laid my head on the table and continued watching Eunji sleep.
Eunjong's POV
I should prepare some snacks for the 2 of them so they will have more energy to continue with their project. I went to Eunji's room and asked "Are you guys hungry? What do you want to eat?" I looked down and saw Eunji and Taemin sleeping on the study table. Taemin's jacket was on Eunji, I felt relief looking at how Taemin took good care of Eunji. I squealed at how cute the scence was and ran to my room to get my polaroid camera.
I snapped 2 pictures of that beautiful scene. And wrote a small note on the 2 Polaroid.
 Taemin ah! Confess! HWAITING! 
Eunji ah! Have more confidence in yourself! confess! HWAITING! Saranghae <3 
I place on polaroid into Taemin's bag and the other into Eunji's. I smiled at my job done and closed the door of the room gently. I giggled thinking about how flustered that would be when they wake up and found out thy the fell asleep together


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Hi guys!! I really need you guys to tell me whether you want jongkey to be a couple before I can write the next chapter! The votes seems even now!


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valeriemillenia #1
Chapter 29: Your fanfics are awesome (;
Love has no boundaries (:
shiningmint #2
darkangel715 #3
Chapter 29: Love ur story... first Taemin fic i have read to the end. I wasn't a fan until I saw him on WGM and realized that he is all grown up now but still irresistably cute... no noona can withstand his adorable smile
Chapter 16: Wrong wrong
Chapter 7: Ohh no My dear taemin it isn't XD
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhh :0
Chapter 3: I actually feel the same way about a boy in my class
Mitzi_pigginout #8
Chapter 28: AWEOME STORY!!! Please make a sequel for Minho amd Eunjong!!!