Chapter 4

Will you love me?



Eunji's POV
I'm so excited to start working on Key's idea!
"Hey, what are you grinning about? You have been smiling the ever since lunch ended! Did something good happen?" Taemin asked.
"I'm just happy Kay? See you tmr! Bye!" 
Hmm.. I should choose a pretty paper to write the letter!! I dashed to the nearest book store.
"Ahjumma! Do you have any letter pad?" I asked.
"Yes, it's at that corner, some comes with the envelope too!"
I thanked the owner of the book store and went to check if out. After choosing for a longggg time, I finally choose one which is of baby blue and has heart shapes as all over it. Plus it has an envelope too! Just then I realize I was late, I was suppose to cook dinner for Appa and Unnie!!
I quickly paid for the letter pad and ran toward home. Oh , it's 7pm already, Appa is gonna kill me.
I finally reached home. I took a deep breath and twist the door knot of my house.
"YOU LITTLE BRAT! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Unnie pulled my hair and started screaming at me.
"Unnie! Please stop it! It hurts! Arghh!! Stop! I'm sorry!! Please Appa, ask unnie to stop!"
Appa scoffed and said "Eunjong! Bring her here!"
"Ahhhhh! Unnie please let go!" Unnie dragged me towards Appa by pulling my hair. I tried to force myself not to cry and look weak in front of them but it's too late tears already rolled down my cheeks.
Unnie finally let go of my hair and pushed me towards Appa. Before I could recover from the pain in my scalp, I winced as Appa grabbed my chin harshly.
"Oh look the little girl is crying... You piece of crap! How dare you disobey me and make me starve!" he pushed me to ground and started kicking my stomach. 
"Appa...please stop..., it hurts.. I'm sorry!! Please stop! The pain was too much to handle. I am suppose to be used to all this pain since it happens so often but... the pain never lessened it just hurt as much all the time.
"I'm sorry Appa.... I'm sorry, please stop!" my vision blurred.
"SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF ! YOU DESERVER IT" appa shouted. The last thing I heard was Unnie's laughter and everything turned black.
Later that night:
I woke up and found myself lying on the cold floor of the living room. 
I lifted up my shirt in front I the mirror and saw bruises all over my stomach. Luckily, my injuries are on my stomach and not exposed when I wear my school uniform if not SHINee will be concerned again....
Oh! I forgot about the letter!! I dashed to my school bag and pulled out the letter pad. Key said this may make me feel better! This will help me forget about the pain! I started to engross myself into writing the letter.
Dear Taemin,
You may not be reading this letter now since you have tons of confession letter everyday. But if you are I thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Well, I have been in love with you ever since I saw you dance! You were amazing! Apart from your dance, there is still many things I love about you....
I love how your hair is always bouncy when you run around and it does not even look dry after u dyed it so many times...
I love your double eye lids, small round nose and plump lips. Others may say you loo girly (which you hate) but I think you look really handsome, like an angel that has fallen from the sky
I love your fashion sense and how your long legs look so good in skinny jeans.
I love how you cover up your smile every time you laugh
I love your smile it's really bright, it brightens up my day everyday just by seeing you smile
I love how you can be such a kid when it comes to banana milk! It's really fascinating how you can be so happy just by drinking banana milk.
I love how you care about animals so much.
I love how you care about others especially your hyungs!
I love how you say " I love you" to you dogs all the time.
I love you so much Taemin, you are a great guy but I don't think I'm great enough to deserve your love. I dont expect you to be my boyfriend but I just need to express my feelings. My heart is dying bottling up my feelings for you. I will write letters to you every now and then because it helps to lessen the pain in my heart. You can don't read them if you dont want too... I just need to express my feelings. 
I love you Lee Taemin
From a persons who loves you forever and always : EJ 
I'm sorry, I can't tell you who I am cause I'm too scared of rejections. Sorry..
I really felt better after writing the letter. But I how am I going to pass it to him? Ah! I can go to school early and slip it into his locker! 
And for the first time, I'm smiled while sleeping that night.
Next morning in school:
I walked towards SHINee after I placed the letter into Taemin's locker. I clutched my stomach as I walk, it's hurting more then I expected....
"Hey Eunji!" SHINee greeted
"Hey..." I said softly due to the pain
"Eunji are you alright? You look pale..." As always.. Taemin is always first to notice that something is wrong with me.
I nodded "I'm fine! Let's got to class."
On the way to class, Taemin was talking about how good Eunjong is in dancing. Yes Eunjong, my unnie. Well, Taemin does know that I have an elder sister but never knew it was  Eunjong. I hid it from him because I didn't want to spoil the good image he had on the sunbae he idolizes which is Eunjong. 
Suddenly I felt a shap pain in my stomach and I lost my balance. Fortunately, Taemin was there in time to catch me.
"Hey are you alright? Omg! Eunji don't scare me. Let's get you to the nurse's office" concern was written all over Taemin's face. He carried me up bridal style.
"Hey.. I'm fine.. Put me down!" although I was in pain, my fast beating heart started again because of Taemin.
He seldom raise his voice at me, he must be really pissed off. 'Stubborn child' his words were like daggers being stabbed into my heart. Stupid me... I caused trouble for Taemin again...
Taemin put me down gently on a bed in the nurse's office. There was an awkward silence. Where is the nurse? She used to rush to the person who comes in.
"Hey, look I'm.." Taemin broke the silence. 
"I'm sorry for causing trouble again.." I cut him off.
"Eunji... You are never a trouble towards us. I'm sorry for shouting at you just now I was just worried. Forgive me?" he looked at me with soft gentle eyes.
I nodded while looking down to hide my blush again. Gosh! Why is he making this so difficult?
"Eunji ah, which part hurts?
"My stomach"
"I'll go get the nurse"
5 mins later:
"The nurse said she is too busy now because 2 rugby players were hurt badly during their match. Let me look at it then..." Taemin said 
Taemin walked towards me and place his hand at the hem of my shirt.
I panicked and grabbed his hand. "Wh-What are you doing?"
"Taking a look at your injuries. Why?"
"B-But..." I hesitated 
"Trust me, I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm just going to lift in slightly okay?" 
I hesitated but agreed in the end. I blushed as Taemin pulled up my shirt slightly. I heard Taemin gasped.
"Who did this to you?!" I winced as grazed his hand over my bruises.
"A-Appa was angr"
"Of course is that bastard! I seriously need to beat the out of him" Taemin cut me off.
"It's my fault, I forgot about cooking dinner. He got angry and started kicking me...."
Taemin stood up to get a ice pack and placed it on my bruises. I flinched at the coldness. Taemin seems to see it and said "Sorry buddy, endure the cold for a while, it will stop the bruises from swelling." 
After school: Taemin's POV
"Are you sure you'll be alright walking home yourself?" Jonghyun asked. 
"I'm fine don't worry. Bye guys! See you guys tomorrow. Oh! Taemin thanks for helping me today." Eunji said. 
I smiled at her and said "No prob, buddy."
Oops! I forgot I need to get my biology textbook from my locker! 
"Hyungs! I need to get my biology textbook from locker for a report. Bye!"
"Bye Taeminne" they replied.
I opened my locker, as usually it was filled with confession letters. I groaned and stuffed all the letters into my bag. I grabbed my bag with my biology textbook and went home.
"Arghh! This stupid report is so difficult! Forget it all do it later since its due next week" I groaned in frustration. Ah! I should read those letter to pass time. 
Aish! These girls are not even sincere it's all like:
"I love you Taemin"
"98123457 call me!"
"You are so hot! I want you!"
Just then I spotted a pale blue envelope with heart shapes addressed to me. Out of curiosity I opened it:
Dear Taemin,
You may not be reading this letter now since you have tons of confession letter everyday. But if you are I thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Well, I have been in love with you ever since I saw you dance! You were amazing! Apart from your dance, there is still many things I love about you....
I love how your hair is always bouncy when you run around and it does not even look dry after u dyed it so many times...
I love your double eye lids, small round nose and plump lips. Others may say you loo girly (which you hate) but I think you look really handsome, like an angel that has fallen from the sky
I love your fashion sense and how your long legs look so good in skinny jeans.
I love how you cover up your smile every time you laugh
I love your smile it's really bright, it brightens up my day everyday just by seeing you smile
I love how you can be such a kid when it comes to banana milk! It's really fascinating how you can be so happy just by drinking banana milk.
I love how you care about animals so much.
I love how you care about others especially your hyungs!
I love how you say " I love you" to you dogs all the time.
I love you so much Taemin, you are a great guy but I don't think I'm great enough to deserve your love. I dont expect you to be my boyfriend but I just need to express my feelings. My heart is dying bottling up my feelings for you. I will write letters to you every now and then because it helps to lessen the pain in my heart. You can dont read them if you dont want too... I just need to express my feelings. 
I love you Lee Taemin
My heart swelled. This girl is the first who wrote such a heart warming letter to me. I looked down at the end of the letter to find out who wrote it but to my disappointment...
From a persons who loves you forever and always : EJ 
I'm sorry, I can't tell you who I am cause I'm too scared of rejections. Sorry.
What?! The only letter that touched my heart didn't sign off with her full name! Wait... What's wrong with myself I'm being so emotion just because of a letter? 
"Just forget it Lee Taemin, it's just a letter" I told my myself 



yay! Chapt 4 done:) hope you enjoyed it. The drama is coming! dun dun dun! XD comment and subscibe~~


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Hi guys!! I really need you guys to tell me whether you want jongkey to be a couple before I can write the next chapter! The votes seems even now!


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valeriemillenia #1
Chapter 29: Your fanfics are awesome (;
Love has no boundaries (:
shiningmint #2
darkangel715 #3
Chapter 29: Love ur story... first Taemin fic i have read to the end. I wasn't a fan until I saw him on WGM and realized that he is all grown up now but still irresistably cute... no noona can withstand his adorable smile
Chapter 16: Wrong wrong
Chapter 7: Ohh no My dear taemin it isn't XD
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhh :0
Chapter 3: I actually feel the same way about a boy in my class
Mitzi_pigginout #8
Chapter 28: AWEOME STORY!!! Please make a sequel for Minho amd Eunjong!!!