Chapter 22

Will you love me?

UPDATE!!! Im sorry I took so long! I ws really busy cuz of exams! Anyway hope you enjoy it! Sorry for all the typo error


I cant wait for jonghyun to come back! I miss OT5!




Next morning Eunji’s pov


I woke up anticipating to see unnie by my side. I opened my eyes feeling really great but to my dismay, unnie wasn’t there. I frowned and ran around to looked around for her. Just then I saw a post it, a box and a plate of food. I picked up the post it and read it:


Hey Eunji!


Good morning! Did you sleep well? I have some things to settle in school so I went there early. I made breakfast for you! Hope its to your liking :)


Oh! See that box? Inside it is all the birthday presents I got you since your 10th birthday, I have been buying you presents every year but I didn’t give it you. I’m sorry for not celebrating your birthday with you for the past few years. So.. yeah I’m giving all your presents to you at once!  Hope you like them! LOVE YOU! <3 See ya later in school:)


Love, Unnie


I looked to the plate of breakfast, unnie cooked white rice with Kimchi and Egg roll for me. I smiled as I saw the egg rolls in the shape of heart shapes. Excitedly, I looked into the box full of presents. She really did buy me a present every year...


10th birthday: A frog Plushie. With a note: Happy 10th birthday Eunji! Remember the Frog prince fairy tale that I always read to you? You said you wanted to meet a prince and marry him one day. This froggy will be your prince until a real handsome prince. FROM: UNNIE:) DECEMBER 2007. I blushed as I saw unnie’s additional note that she added recently: Your Prince will be Taemin:) Confess to him soon! Hwaiting!


11th Birthday: A Barbie Doll that I always wanted. The note: Happy 11th Birthday Eunji, you have grown so much TALLER :) I hope you like the present, you have always wanted this doll and I finally saved enough pocket money to buy it for you! Its as pretty as you^^FROM: UNNIE DECEMBER 2008 Additional note: I should have given this to you sooner! You probably don’t like barbie now :P


12th Birthday: A Bracelet with heart shapes. Note: Happy 12th Birthday Eunji! I know i have not been spending time with you and stuff. And I’m hurting you all the time. I’m Sorry, I can’t stop myself everytime i see you smiling i get angry. I hope this bracelet with heart shapes will show you that i still love you. Please don’t hate me,,  Additional note: I should have stop abusing you then, then you wouldn’t have suffer so much! The heart shapes shows nothing, I promise you I’ll make it up to you.. Thank you for not hating me,


I started to feel bad for Eunji. She has been suffering from guilt and regret for such a long time! It must have been so uncomfortable.  I’m glad everything is over now. And she really don’t have to make it up to me, her becoming my unnie again is the greatest thing ever!


13th Birthday: A pretty school bag. Happy 13th birthday Eunji! You have been using the same school bag for ages! Hope you will like this new school bag I bought you! Study hard! Nah! You are so smart you can do really well in school without studying:) Additional Note: You can use the school bag! You have been using the same school bag for 2 years already! Since Onew bought you one when you were 14 because yours broke.


14th Birthday: A make-up set. Happy 14th birthday Eunji! You are 14 already! Time flies doesn’t it, I bought you a makeup set this year. Hope you will have fun using it:p MY EUNJI IS BECOMING A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY! Additional note: You look really pretty without makeup, i guess you don’t need this present:P


15th birthday: A star necklace. Happy 15th Birthday Eunji, I guess you will like this present a lot because you are fond of stars because you think they are really pretty, I know things are kinda gettin hard for you because of me and appa. I have really been trying to fight the inner monster of me but I really can’t win over it. So look up to the stars for hope and motivation. I’m sorry for everything, it hurts when i see you hurt but I can’t help but release all my jealousy and anger on you. Additional note : You are as perfect and as beautiful as a star, I’m sorry for taking away all the love and happiness you deserve. You deserve to be  happy and love. Go confess to Taemin, he will give you all the love and care you need to heal your broken heart. I promise I’ll be there to celebrate your 16th birthday with you. December will be coming in less than a month! I can’t wait! :)


Tears were streaming down my face, unnie was caring for me all along! I quickly changed my school bag to the one unnie bought and put on the heart shape bracelet and star necklace. My stomach grumbled and I started savouring the food unnie gave me. I felt so blessed eating the food unnie cooked for me. I headed for school happily, feeling complete. Then the thought of having the need of  having Taemin as my boyfriend for my life to complete. I scolded myself for being greedy. What was I thinking? I should feel contented having Unnie and SHINee! Plus Appa stopped a abusing me!


At School Taemin’s pov


“AIGOO LOOK AT MY BABY SMILING LIKE THAT! DID SOMETHING GOOD HAPPEN?” Key umma  exclaimed. I looked up and I saw Eunji smiling  brightly at Key umma who was  pinching her cheeks It felt good seeing Eunji like that. Suddenly, Eunji pulled ,me into her tight warm embrace “OPPA! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING. Because of you my life has a sense of hope again because of you i don’t feel alone. Thank you for fixing everything!”


This is conincidence right? Because of you my life has a sense of hope again because of you i don’t feel alone. EJ wrote these in her letter too... and that time Eunji said Thank you so much for being in my life  too. All this is a coincident right...


“CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT’S HAPPENING? I’m the UMMA here!” my thoughts were cut off  by umma’s irritated tone.


“TAEMIN OPPA was so cool. That time i fainted in school, oppa made the nurse do a report on all my injury as evidence and yesterday he went to confront my appa and recorded the whole conversation as another evidence so my appa. He threatened my appa that he will send all the evidence to the  police if he don’t stop abusing me. SO... APPA IS GOING TO STOP ABUSING ME! AND I MADE UP WITH MY UNNIE !  SHE is like the old unnie that took care of me now!! “ My heart swelled as i saw Eunji so happy.


“THAT’S GREAT!” Jonghyun hyung cheered.


“IM SO PROUD OF MY TAEBABY.” Key umma smiled “But are you really going to reconcile with your unnie? How can you forgive someone so easily? AND WHAT IF SHE HURTS YOU AGAIN?” Key umma continued. “YEAH! She is so mean!” Minho hyung added


“Come on! Don’t be like that guys! Everyone deserve a second chance!” Eunji said brightly. She is such a sweet girl with a pretty heart. No wonder I will fall so deeply in love with you.


“Yeah right.. a monster like her?” Minho hyung said in disgust.


“OPPA... That's mean! She is nice.. We even went t-”  Ringgggggg! “Dang it! There goes the school bell! I tell you guys more later! TAEMIN OPPA LETS GO!” I chuckled at her hyped up attitude  and followed her to our class.


Lunch Taemin's POV


"Eunji ah! Let's go! I'm so hungry..." I whined and place my arms around her shoulder.


"OMO! Oppa! That sounded so cute haha! You go meet SHINee first, I need to do something!" Eunji said and ran off.


"Tsk! I'm not cute! I'm manly..." I mumbled. Where is she going? I sighed and went to find the hyungs.


Eunji's POV.


I dashed towards unnie's locker and saw her putting in her books. I ran to her back hug her. "UNNIE!" I exclaimed.


"OMO! You scared me!" Unnie complained.


"Hehe Mehrong!" I laughed and sticked out my tongue. Unnie pinched my cheeks and chuckled


"Hey! You are using the bag, wearing the bracelet and necklace!" She smiled.


"YEP! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THOSE PRESENTS I LOVE THEM. But... I'm sorry I didn't get you anything for you..." I pouted. I felt really bad. Unnie had been thinking of me but there were times when I hated her so much.


"Aniya... It's alright!" Unnie showed an reassuring smile.


"Come on! I'll introduce you to SHINee!" I smiled and pulled Unnie with me.


"Hey wait! Don't!" Unnie exclaimed an pull me back.


"They will hate me... You forgot?" She said




"Plus I'm eating with my friends today." Unnie smiled and walked away.


I sighed and walked to the cafeteria to find SHINee....


"Yah! Where did you go?" Jonghyun Appa asked


"I went to find my unnie... "


"WHAT?! ALONE?? ARE YOU HURT?! " Key umma shot up from his seat and ran over to me. He inspected me from head to bottom. "I'm not hurt umma.. " I groaned


"What? Are you getting irritated?You should appreciate I care for you missy." Key said in his diva tone.


"I'm sorry.."  I apologized


Key laughed. "I'm just joking!"


"Here!" Taemin oppa passed a plate of Kimchi fried rice and a bottle of banana milk to me.


"Thanks oppa!" I sat down and started to eat. I looked up and I saw Unnie siting alone a few tables away from us. I frowned. Didn't she say she was going to eat with her friends? I stood up and walked towards her direction.


"Where are you going again?" Taemin asked


"To unnie." I replied and dashed off before key umma nags at me.


"Unnie.... Why are you siting alone? Where are your friends?"  I asked


Unnie looked up at me in shock. "I-I.. Well in the morning I was determined to destroy my inner monster so I stopped being friends with those y people I was friends with. Then I realized I had no other friends so... Here I am, alone. I'm so pathetic right?" Unnie laughed bitterly.


"No you are not pathetic, come on introduce you to new people!" I pulled Unnie along, ignoring her protests.


"Hey guys! This is Eunjong my Unnie! And Unnie, this is SHINee! Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Taemin! " I smiled brightly and introduced Unnie to SHINee.


"Eunji ah! Why did you bring the here?!" Key umma shouted and threw Unnie a death glare.


"Umma! She isn't like that!"


"Have you forgotten how she treated you? She is such a monster!" Minho commented. I saw Unnie cringe and Minho's comment.


"Don't be like that guys!" I said


"Come on, everyone needs another chance right? " Taemin tried persuading the rest. "Thanks oppa." I smiled. He smiled back and ruffled my hair. I felt Unnie nudging me. I look over an he gave me a cheeky smiled. Knowing what she was smiling at, my cheeks heated up immediately.


"Fine we will let you sit here but if you ever hurt my baby again you are dead!" Umma warned


"I won't!" Unnie said as she placed her arms around my shoulders.


So there I am, with Unnie and SHINee eating lunch together. But Minho still gives constant glares to Unnie, I feel bad for her! And for Taemin, I seriously I can't take it anymore! He is treating me so well and taking care of me, my heart hurts knowing we will never be together.


Eunjong's POV


It feels nice to be with SHINee but they are still shooting death glares at me. I have to show them that I am trying hard to change. But at least my relationship with Eunji is back to normal.


"Eunjong sunbae, we have to go for dance practice." Taemin said, breaking my thoughts


"Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Let's go then!" I stood up and hugged Eunji goodbye.


"Bye Eunji! See ya tonight! Love ya!" I smiled. Key scoffed and mumbled "You will never hurt someone you love." Causing me to frown.


But what made me smile again was Eunji's bright smile. "Bye Unnie! Bye oppa!" Taemin ruffled her hair "Bye! Oh! About the report! I'll go to your house to work on it tonight, after dance practice? I'll go home and bathe first before heading over."


"Sure! Bye! Hwaiting to the both of you!" Eunji smiled and showed thumbs up. "Haha ok! Bye my cutie pie." Taemin said and poked Eunji's nose lightly causing Eunji to blush really hard.


At the dance studio. Eunjong's POV


We have been dancing and practicing for 3 hours straight. It was so tiring!


"Ok guys! Pack up and you guys can leave." Mr Jung said


"Hey, thank you for forgiving me and giving me another chance." I said to Taemin who was gulping down a bottle of water.


"I forgave you for Eunji, you are the one who can give her hope."He stated.


"No matter what. Thank you. Plus, I need to thank you for taking care of her when I am not there for her. You guys are so cute together!" I said. Taemin blushed hearing my comment. This meant something, Taemin must have a slight affection for Eunji since he blushed. I smiled thinking about how Eunji's life is changing so much for the better.


"Well, she was so happy today, after you reconcile with her. Just promise me something, don't ever hurt her again. She has a beautiful heart, but after all the sufferings she has been through, her heart became fragile, it can shatter anytime. So please, don't ever hurt her or break her heart." Taemin said seriously. I was so happy looking at how Taemin cared for her.


"I promise you. I'm trying my very best to change right now. I will destroy my inner monster that had hurt Eunji all these years." I reassured him.


"I trust you." Taemin replied.


"Eunjong and Taemin! I need to talk to you both." Mr Jung said breaking out conversation.


"Eunjong, I'm dropping you out of the showcase, you look so distracted! The showcase in less than a month! I'm sorry, but you are not up to standard so I will have to drop you out of the showcase. Taemin shall go solo." Mr Jung said.


"WHAT?! NO! Please Me Jung give me one more chance! Please! It's my last year in this school and the dance showcase has always be my dream! I promise you! I will do better!" I pleaded.


"I'm sorry. I have made up my mind. "Mr Jung said and walked away.


My heart dropped as tears welled up in my eyes. I ran straight to the toilet, ignoring Taemin who was calling out for me. I fell on to the floor sobbing and hugging my knees closer. After I cooled my self down. I washed my face and walked out of the bath room with a heavy heart.

I walked out and saw Taemin and Eunji talking to Mr Jung! Why is Eunji talking to Mr Jung?! IT MUST BE HER! SHE MUST BE THE ONE WHO ASKED MR JUNG TO DROP ME OUT OF THE SHOWCASE! I clenched my fist and stomped out of school.

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Hi guys!! I really need you guys to tell me whether you want jongkey to be a couple before I can write the next chapter! The votes seems even now!


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valeriemillenia #1
Chapter 29: Your fanfics are awesome (;
Love has no boundaries (:
shiningmint #2
darkangel715 #3
Chapter 29: Love ur story... first Taemin fic i have read to the end. I wasn't a fan until I saw him on WGM and realized that he is all grown up now but still irresistably cute... no noona can withstand his adorable smile
Chapter 16: Wrong wrong
Chapter 7: Ohh no My dear taemin it isn't XD
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhh :0
Chapter 3: I actually feel the same way about a boy in my class
Mitzi_pigginout #8
Chapter 28: AWEOME STORY!!! Please make a sequel for Minho amd Eunjong!!!