Chapter 5

Will you love me?


Taemin's POV
"Hey Taeminnie! You are early today." Minho hyung greeted me.
"Hi hyung. You are early too." I replied.
"What's wrong? You seem troubled."
"Ermm" should I tell Minho hyung?
"If you don't wanna share, it's fine. Wanna get banana milk to cheer you up?"
"Hyung, yesterday I received a confession letter. It's not like those short insincere letter we often receive. Look." I took out the letter and showed it to Minho hyung. "It's really heart warming..." I continued.
"Are you in love with the girl that wrote it?"
"I don't know hyung..."
"Who is the girl?"
"I don't know, she signed off as EJ."
"I guess it's just a slight affection Taeminnie don't worry to much. You are probably just touched."
"Hey guys! Taemin ah, what's wrong you look troubled." Eunji greeted us
"I'm fine" I replied her with a smile
"Here! Have my banana milk than if will cheer you up." She flashed a smile, she should really smile more, she look pretty. 
Eunjong (Eunji's unnie) POV
I was walking towards dance lesson when I heard...

"Hyung, yesterday I received a confession letter. It's not like the those short insincere letter we often receive. Look." Taemin then took out a pale blue colored letter and with heart shapes all over to show Minho. "Its really heart warming.."

"Are you in love with the girl that wrote it?" Minho asked.
"I don't know hyung..."
"Who is the girl?"
"I don't know, she signed of as EJ."
"I guess it's just a slight affection Taeminnie don't worry to much. You are probably just touched."
OMG Taemin is falling in love with others I should quickly make Taemin mine! He is mine no one else should have him. I'll make sure the girls that try to capture his heart suffer! 
I walked towards the dance studio and saw my dance instructor there "Mr Jung, you told me to choose a partner for the dance showcase since it will be a coupe dance right? I want Taemin to be my partner is that okay?"
"Good choice Eunjong! I wanted to choose him too he is a very talented dance. Let's tell Taemin when he arrives." Score! Mr Jung agreed! 
Taemin's POV
I walk towards the dance studio for
"Taemin ah! You finally arrived! I need to tell you something important. " Mr Jung said
"Sure, what is it? "
He pulled Eunjong sunbae over and said " For the dance showcase it will be a couple dance. And you are very talented young boy so I want the 2 of you to choreograph your own couple dance and dance it during the showcase."
"OMG! Mr Jung are you serious? Thank you! Thank you so much."
Mr Jung chuckled.  "Sure thing. Good luck!"
"Taemin ah, can you text me which days of the week you are free? "
I blushed. I can't believe this is happening.... I can't believe I'm gonna do this with Eunjong, my Ideal girl. "Sure thing. Eunjong sunbae"
"Just call me noona, Taeminnie. See ya!" I blushed again. I am so lucky! 
I sped off to tell SHINee hyungs and Eunji the good news.
" Hyungs! Eunji! Good news!" I shouted with all my might then I realize the while cafeteria was staring at me. "Opps Sorry!" I smiled cheekly.
"What is it Taeminnie?" Key hyung asked. 
"I have been chosen to be Eunjong's partner for the dance showcase!"
"Someone is super happy cause its Eunjong" Jonghyun teased
"What.. She's my ideal girl of cause I'll be happy! Who won't?"
Eunji's POV
Ideal girl.... Of course Taemin's ideal girl will be unnie.. She is so pretty, her legs are long and thin.. And she is so talented unlike the useless me...
I felt someone ruffled my hair, I look up and I saw Taemin's beautiful smile "What? You are not going to congratulate me? How mean." My heart hurts. Why can't I be a better person so it will be so much easier for me to confess to Taemin.
"Congrats Taemin!" I forced a smile.  Taemin stared to chit chat with the others when I felt my phone vibrate.
A msg from almighty Key
Hey cutie pie. Did you give Taemin the letter?
~almighty key
I'm not a cutie pie! Yep I did.
No reactions from him? He didn't even talk about it? 
~almighty key 
I guess he didn't even read it since he have so many letter every day. But no matter what it still cheers me up right letters to him. I guess I'll continue writing!
Well, it it makes you feel better then continue writing:) By the way cheer up you are a better girl than Eunjong! You will be able to capture Taemin's heart.
~almighty key
No I'm not.. She is pretty and talented. Plus she can dance!  While I'm just a troublesome Tom boy who keeps sticking to Taemin and causing him trouble.
I'm almighty key! I can see the future! Believe me, one day you will be Taemin's girlfriend. And you are pretty you just need to a slight makeover by the almighty me.
~almighty key 
Thanks key. For always being there for me. Love ya! 
You welcome:) Love you to<3
"YA! Both of you don't you guys know it's rude to keep texting while eating with your friends." Onew scolded. Onew is clumsy and silly at times but at times he really knows how to take good care of us. 
"Ya! Of course I know.. This is an emergency! If I don't help her her heart is gonna die!" There goes diva Key. They are so cute. I don't know what I'm going to do with out them.
"Hey! Eunji are you alright? You seem to be spacing out very often now a days. Did anything happen?" Jonghyun asked.
"Me? Haha no.. Just tired probably." 
"YAH LEE TAEMIN! Didn't I say it's rude to text other while eating with your friends?" Onew scolded Taemin.
"Hehe.. Sorry I was just texting Eunjong noona when I am free."
"Eunjong noona? When did it became noona instead of sunbae. And you guys are going on a date that fast?" Minho teased. My heart dropped. I guess Taemin really liked Eunjong unnie. Usually he will talk to me during lunch even though he need to text someone he will do it after lunch.
"Yah.. I was just telling when I am free to cherograph the dance and she was the one who told me to call her noona" Taemin blushed. Sigh.. He is blushing. I can't take this anymore.
"Hey! Today is Friday and no one have class in the afternoon wanna hang out?" Onew asked.
I stood up "I'm not feeling well today I'll go home first you guys can go hang out. Bye."
Key gave me an understanding look. I slung my bag over my right shoulder and walked home.
"What's wrong with her?" I heard Minho asked.
"I dont know... She seems a little off probably something did happen" Jonghyun replied.
Taemin didn't even ask me how I was when I say I wasn't feeling well. He was just texting Eunjong unnie.. He didn't even say bye.
Why did I have to fall in love with Taemin? The guys that brought me hope and happiness is bringing me so much pain now..
My phone vibrated...
Hey sweetie, don't feel so down. Taemin will realize your feelings one day. Go on and write another letter to calm your nerves:) Love ya.
~ almighty Key!
I smiled looking at the msg
Thanks Key. Love ya too.
The first thing I did when I reach home was to search for the letter pad and write another letter to Taemin.
Dear Taemin,
This is my second letter to you. Don't feel annoyed Kay? Well, I just to tell you how much you mean to me. And how grateful I am to meet you.
Because of you I have the motivation to go on with my life. 
Because of you I don't feel so alone.
Because of you I look forward to school everyday.
Because of you the pain and torture I go through everyday lessened 
Because of you I started to drink
banana milk which cheers me up.
Because of you I am able to meet one bunch of awesome people that means so much to me now.
Because of you I feel safer and protected
Because of you my life has a sense of hope again.
Because of you I finally found my Ideal type.
Because of you I am able to experience my first crush and my first love.
Thank you so much in being in my life Taemin. I don't know what to do without you. Oh! And congrats in getting Eunjong A
as your dance patent for the dance showcase I guess its really a dream come true for you.
I love you.
The person who loves you forever and always
I was satisfied with my letter when suddenly Eunjong Unnie barged in.
Eunjong POV.
Aish! What's wrong with my brat? I have been calling her so many time but she ignored me.
I bragged into her room and saw her writing something.. A letter? 
I grabbed the letter and read it. OMG! She is the girl that wrote to Taemin and touched his heart! "You ! You were the one that is writing all this confession letters to Taemin?" I pulled her hair until she was begging me to stop.
"Unnie.. It hurts arghhh. Unnie I beg you. Please don't tel Taemin it's me please don't." I smirked she looks like a helpless retard now.
"Why should I help you?" I pulled her hair tighter and she screamed.
"Please Unnie I beg you. Please!l"
"Fine, I'll won't tell him. But.. You have to listen to me and do whatever I asks you to do. DO.YOU.UNDERSTAND?" I warned her.
"I understand. Just don't tell him" I can totally control this dumb girl now.
"Another warning if you do anything to piss me off, I won't hesitate to reveal it to him.l"
I pulled her hair back and pushed her head towards the table. I heard her groan in pain. I smirked, my plan of getting Taemin is getting more and more sucssceful. This is getting better then I expected. That brat's life is just gonna get worst cause I am not letting her off
Hello:)) haven't updated for quite a while cuz was kinda busy. I have camp next week so I'll try to update again before camp. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Pls comment and subscribe~~
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Hi guys!! I really need you guys to tell me whether you want jongkey to be a couple before I can write the next chapter! The votes seems even now!


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valeriemillenia #1
Chapter 29: Your fanfics are awesome (;
Love has no boundaries (:
shiningmint #2
darkangel715 #3
Chapter 29: Love ur story... first Taemin fic i have read to the end. I wasn't a fan until I saw him on WGM and realized that he is all grown up now but still irresistably cute... no noona can withstand his adorable smile
Chapter 16: Wrong wrong
Chapter 7: Ohh no My dear taemin it isn't XD
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhh :0
Chapter 3: I actually feel the same way about a boy in my class
Mitzi_pigginout #8
Chapter 28: AWEOME STORY!!! Please make a sequel for Minho amd Eunjong!!!