Chapter 20

Will you love me?


HI GUYS! I feel bad for posting late haha! Anyway I got 4 votes :) thanks to those who voted me! I hope you enjoy this chappie. I didn't edit it so I'm sorry of the typo errors and stuff. Enjoy subscribe and comment! I shall go back to study T_T 
Key's POV 
It has been half an hour since Jonghyun fell asleep. I really want to let him sleep more  but it's getting late and the rest of SHINee and Eunji are still worried for us. 
"Hyung. Jjongie hyung... Wake up." I shook his shoulders gently. 
He slowly start to stir. "Huh..." I chuckled at the weird noises he made. "Come on. It's getting late. We haven't talk to the rest of SHINee and Eunji, they are still worried. We need talk to them." I told him gently. 
He shot up suddenly and said "We have too! They were really worried about me just now. And I need to a apologize to Eunji for pushing her when she tried to stop me from punching the wall." 
"You what?! How could you push my baby! You jerk!" I said and whacked his arm.
"OWW! That hurts! Hey.. Since you are my boyfriend now, I am officially Taemin and Eunji's Appa?! Eunji still calls me oppa sometimes.. " he pouted
"Who says I want to marry you!?" I joked and walked away to the direction of grandma's house. 
Jonghyun ran after me and said "You don't want to marry me? I feel so hurt!" Jonghyun joked and faked a sob.
"Alright Alright, you are Eunji's Appa. " I said while laughing and him.
"Yay!" Jonghyun did a cute, dorky happy dance. I chuckled and continue walking. He followed me and tugged on my school bag "Pass it to me, I'll carry it for you."
"Aww so sweet, it's okay I can manage." I said and smiled. On the walk to Grandma's house our hands kept bumping into each other because we were walking so close together, it feels great having Jonghyun by my side. 
Jonghyun held my hands suddenly, I stopped my pace and stated at him in confusion. "Since our hand keeps hitting each other, let's just hold hands." Jonghyun said grinning from ear to ear. Then he leant down and whispered into my ear "Actually, I just really want to hold your hand." I blushed as Jonghyun squeezed my hand gently and continue making out way to grandma's house. 
We knocked on Grandma's house, grandma opened the door and hugged me tightly. "I was worried! You took so long to come back!" Grandma said 
"Sorry for making you worry."  I apologized.  
"It's alright.  "Jonghyun ah, I trust that you will take care of Kibummie after watching you grow up with kibum. You were always giving him the best. Thank you for making him so happy the past few years. You are going to make a perfect boyfriend for kibum. " Grandma said 
Jonghyun and I gasped. "DID YOU SPY ON ME?! HOW DID YOU KNOW JONGHYUN AND I ARE TOGETHER NOW?" I said in shock
"I kinda predicted it! I'm super almighty grandma remember?" Grandma said and showed us a peace sign.
Jonghyun and I laughed at her cuteness. "No one can beat your awesomeness Grandma! Although my kibum is slightly more awesome than you in my eyes. " I blushed and Jonghyun's comment. 
"Aigoo you two love birds! Stop all the lovey dovey stuff. Grandma is old! She can't take it! " Grandma joked.
"Grandma, we got to go now. Here's your jar of cookies. I didn't eat much, I was to busy thinking. Hehe. But grandma's cookies are the BEST!" I said and showed her a thumbs up. 
She chuckled. "Bye! See you soon. Love you both!" 
I walked over to Grandma and kissed her cheeks again. "Thanks a lot for today grandma." 
Before grandma could reply, Jonghyun came over and hug her. "Thank you grandma, for treating me like your own grandson since I was young. I will take good care of Key, I promise. We'll come back soon! Love you too!" 
"All the girls in your school must be so jealous of me right now, I just got kissed and hugged by 2 super good looking guys!" Grandma joked. "Alright! Hurry along now. You don't want to keep SHINee and Eunji worried. We nodded and bid farewell to Grandma.
"Where is SHINee and Eunji?" I asked jonghyun. 
"At Taemin's house, Taemin sent me a text that they will be there if I was looking for them. It's so late already, I guess it will be a sleepover. 
"Yay!" I  cheered 
In the car,  Jonghyun held my hand in one hand and held in to the steering wheel. "Yah hyung, concentrate on driving! Stop staring at me like that."
I scolded him. "Heh! Sorry! You are just too beautiful." Jonghyun commented. "Stop it hyung!" I blushed 
Soon, I dozed off during the long ride the Taemin's house.
I woke up when I felt the car stopped. I look out of Jonghyun's car and found out that we were at his house instead of Taemin's house. "Hyung.. What are we doing here?" I asked
"Oh! I woke you up? Sorry! I wanted to get the stuff we need before heading to Taemin's house." he smiled
"Things we need? What things?" 
"Aigoo, I guess you are really tired. Usually you would be the one doing all this stuff. Just wait here. Sleep if you want." he kissed my forehead and went out of the car.
"I'll be the one doing it?? What is he talking about?" I mumbled.  I smiled and my heart fluttered thinking about Jonghyun kissing me, his praises and   him holding my hand. 
Before knew it, Jonghyun can back with a haversack. "What did you take?" I asked. He smiled and opened the bag "Some of your clothes, my clothes and toohbrushes for us. Oh! I took some of my Noona's old clothes and uniform. We can't expect Eunji to wear the same uniform again.. She wore it for 2 days already!"
 It was normal for me to have all these daily necessities at Jonghyun's house, we often stay over at each other's house.  I smiled and him. He was so thoughtful. "Oh yeah! Song Dam noona was from the same school as us.Thanks for being so thoughtful." 
"Anything for my baby." he smiled and drove off to Taemin's house.
At Taemin's house Eunji's POV
We opened the door and saw Key and Jonghyun holding hands. I pounced on them and hugged them tightly.  "I was so worried for you guys! And Jonghyun Appa! You are officially my Appa now!" pointing at Key And Jonghyun's hands which was interlaced together they ruffled my hair and laughed.
"Eunji ah, I'm sorry for pushing you just now, are you alright? Were you hurt?" Jonghyun Appa looked so guilty and he examined me for new injuries.
"I'm fine, don't worry! It's not your fault!" I smile brightly.
"You are such a great girl you know? You are so caring, kind, forgiving and sweet." Jonghyun said and pat my head. 
"Because I'm an awesome umma!" Key exclaimed
"Yeah yeah, you are one awesome person." Jonghyun chuckled
Key took a look at Taemin, Minho and Onew. "What happen to you guys?! You guys look terrible!" Key exclaimed. Key ran to Taemin his face gently, "What happen to my baby? Your eyes are all puffy and red." Then he ran to Minho and Onew "You guys look dead tired!" 
I sighed "Taemin was busy crying and blaming himself that all this happen because of him. Onew and Minho was busy worrying and thinking of ideas how to help you guys. Umma, Appa you owe me  so much for taking care of them while being worried for you guys at the same time. It was so freaking tiring... I had to comfort each of them at least like hundred over times!"
"Aigoo.. You guys don't have to worry! We are fine now." Key said 
"Hyung, I'm sorry for teasing you and... I'm so sorry for causing all these." Taemin said looking on the floor.
"Yah Lee Taemin. How many times must I tell you this not your fault." I sighed "You say it one more time, I'll get irritated and ignore you." I joked.
"Yeah. Taemin ah, this was never your fault!" Jonghyun Appa said and pat Taemin's head gently. 
My breath hitched when Taemin suddenly Taemin pulled me into a hug. "Thank you, for comforting me and staying with me Eunji." 
"Alright guys! We are really having a sleep over right?" Onew asked 
"Yep! But Taemin! Why is your house so empty? I know your hyung stays in the hostel at the university but where are your parents?" Key asked 
"Ah.. Appa and Umma went to Busan to visit an old friend. They will be staying there for today."
"Oh! And Eunji ah! I brought clothes for you, my noona's old clothes and her old school uniform." Jonghyun Appa said.
"Wah! You are so thoughtful. Thank you!" I said and hugged Jonghyun Appa.
"What so thoughtful about that? I'm more thoughtful, I'm the one who always take care of Eunji." Taemin sulked an gave Jonghyun a death glare. 
"Yah.. Don't glare at your hyung like that!" Key umma scolded.
"You can't blame him for being jealous!" Onew teased.
"What?! Why would I be jealous? I'm not!" Taemin's face turned beet red.
"Aigoo look who is blushing now!" Minho teased and pinched Taemin's cheek.
"Shut up hyung!" 
"Taemin mind your language!" Onew said with a warning glare.
"Alright guys! It's late let's go get ready for bed. We all had a long day today." Jonghyun Appa said.
We washed up and laid some bed sheets on the floor to get ready for bed.
"I'm sleeping with Key!" Jonghyun exclaimed an quickly lay beside Key umma with excitement printed  all over his face.  He went over and kissed Umma on the forehead and said sweetly "Good night Baby. I love you! Sweet dreams."
"I love you too!" Key umma said and wrapped his arm around Jonghyun Appa's neck. He kissed Appa on the cheek and Jonghyun Appa started grinning like mad. 
"Ahhhh! SO CUTE!" I squealed.
"Eww stop it stupid love birds" Minho said and threw a pillow at them. 
"Awww Minho ah.. Don't be sad, you won't be lonely forever.. You will fine someone soon..." Jonghyun teased causing Key to laugh loudly. "Whatever!" Minho sulked and threw another pillow at the laughing pair. 
"Eunji baby, come sleep beside me." Key cooed 
I chuckled "Okie umma!" I hopped over and went to sleep beside Key umma. "I shall sleep beside Eunji!" Onew said out of the blue and laid beside me.
"Yah! Hyung! You are suppose to sleep beside Minho hyung! That space is mine!" Taemin demanded. Taemin rolled onew who was in a bundle of blankets away and slept beside me. 
"Good night!" Taemin said to me and ruffled my hair.
Soon, Taemin was first to fall asleep. He must be so tired because of me. He didn't get much sleep because of my stupid nightmare. 
I looked at his handsome face, he looks so calm while he is sleeping. Once in a while, he would scrunch up his nose when he sleep making him so adorable. I just can't stop myself for staring at him.
"Will you just stop staring at him for awhile.... "Key umma rolled his eyes. 
"Hehe sorry." I blushed furiously and turned to face Key umma.
"Since the rest are asleep already, let's he an Umma and daughter talk. So.. Did anything happen yesterday night?" Key asked with a sly look.
"Ermm.. He dried my hair for me...."
"I'm sure more then that happened... Taemin seems different today. I don't know... He just seems more attached to you today." Key umma said .
"Really? I don't really see any difference. Well, he was planning to sleep on couch yesterday, but I had a nightmare. So Taemin held my hand to help me sleep better, but he fell asleep, so we were sleeping on the same bed the whole night. I woke up and Taemin was hugging me.. And it felt so warm and comfortable umma!" I blushed.
"So... My plan of asking everyone to leave is awesome isn't it? When Taemin was hugging you in the morning, was he awake? Or you woke up first?"
"Ermm Taemin was already awake when I woke up. "
"And he continued hugging you?! Omo! If I'm not wrong, I think Taemin is starting to like you...!"
"What?!" I exclaimed. "How is that possible?"
"Why not?! If you found yourself hugging your best friend of an opposite gender to sleep you would let go quickly by instinct, won't you? But Taemin didn't let do of you and let you sleep in his embrace. And don't you think Taemin is hugging you and giving you a lot of skinship today?"
"Yeah.. He kept complimenting me today, he even said I was beautiful when I sleep, like an angel fallen from the sky." I mumbled
"Exactly! Who would say that to their best friend?!" Key said getting excited. 
"But he might be just just saying that to make me feel better after my classmates mocked that I sleep like a pig."
"He got jealous when you hug Jonghyun just now. And he didn't let Onew sleep beside you. 
"Nah.. Those mean nothing, he sees me as a friend."
"Yeah whatever, I still think Taemin is starting to like you."
"Okay okay, enough about me, what about you? Did you and Jjongie Appa kiss? As in kissing mouth to mouth!?" I asked in excitement. 
Key umma blushed furiously "Yeah.. We did."
"Ahhhh! OMG you guys are so freaking cute. Tell me more! What did he do? Did he say sweet stuff to you? How was it like?" I asked.
"It's late already, got to sleep!" Umma said still blushing.
"But umma I wan to hear about you and app-"
"Go to sleep!" Key umma cut me off.
"That's so unfair!" Key umma ignored me and went to sleep. Soon, I drifted off to slumber land too.
Taemin's POV. 
"AHHHH! APPA! IM SORRY! PLEASE STOP! IT HURTS! IM SO SORRY!" I heard Eunji screaming. Immediately, I woke up and saw Eunji have a nightmare again. She was crying harder than yesterday, her whole body was trembling with fear.
"Eunji! Eunji wake up!" I tried waking Eunji up but it was to no avail. Soon, the rest of the hyungs woke up because of Eunji's screaming too.
"OMO! Eunji ah! Wake up!" Key shook her gently. 
"EUNJI! WAKE UP!" I tried waking her up louder. It worked. Eunji woke up and curled herself like a fetus and was sobbing non stop. 
"It's alright.. It's just a nightmare..." Key said gently and stoke Eunji's back.
"I'll go get her a glass of water!" Onew hyung said and ran to the kitchen. Eunji was crying non stop. No matter how the hyungs tried comforting her, she wouldn't stop crying. 
I pulled her into a tight hug. I her back slowly and gently. "Shhhhh.. It's just a nightmare. We are all here to protect you, I'm here to protect you. Shhh don't be scared." I whispered into her ear. Soon, Eunji calmed down and Onew gave her the glass water
"How did you do that?! How come she won't calm down when we comfort her?" Jonghyun asked.
I shrugged and continued her back. With trembling  hands, she held the glass and sipped it slowly. "Eunji ah.. Are you alright? This nightmare was worst that yesterday's. Do you have frequent nightmares? Do you want to see a doctor cause it will affect your sleep badly of you have nightmares every night!" I ranted her back.
"Y-Yeah it's worst than yesterday's, but I'm fine. I usually have nightmares for a few nights after Appa abuse me." She said softly. 
"Are you better now?" Minho asked in concern.
"Yeah. Sorry for disturbing all of you." Eunji said.
"Your nightmares are so scary! How do you even survive when you are alone?" Jonghyun asked in concern.
"I don't know.. I don't really sleep after these nightmares because I take really long to fall asleep and when I do, it's time to wake up." Eunji mumbled.
"How come you never told us?!" Key asked. "I don't want you guys to worry, plus there is nothing much you guys can do about it." Eunji replied.
My heart broke looking at Eunji suffer like that. No one deserve this. No one, especially not my angel. I sighed "We should go back to sleep."
"Yeah.. Try to sleep alright?" Key umma cooed at Eunji. She nodded and lay down slowly. I watch her hold the blanket tightly, she was having a hard time falling asleep. I slowly reach out to her hand and hold it tightly. "Thanks." She whispered and I smiled as she scooted closer to me.
"You don't have to thank me, silly girl." I chuckled as ruffled her hair. 
In the morning Key's POV, 
I woke and saw Jonghgun staring at me. "Good morning baby." he greeted and kissed my cheeks.
"Good morning." I stood up and saw Eunji and Taemin holding hands and Taemin's other arm was on Eunji's waist pulling her closer. 
"OMG! Jjong! LOOK AT THIS!" I exclaimed. 
"THEY LOOK SO CUTE!" Jonghyun exclaimed 
Jonghyun took out his phone and snapped a picture of them. "A-HA! Now we can show it to them later!" Jonghyun smirked. "Thats my awesome boyfriend!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and peck his lips. Suddenly, we felt a pillow hitting our head. "URGHH stop it! You 2 love birds! Why did even support your relationship?" Minho groaned.
Soon, everyone woke up. "Taeminnie! Eunji! Come here!" I called.
"Huh?" Eunji said in confusion as they walk towards me.
"Look at this!" Jonghyun said and showed them the picture. Eunji and Taemin's face turn beet red. 
"You guys make such a cute couple." I commented, I don't know whether anyone saw it, but I  Taemin showing a small smile when I said that. I'm sure Taemin has feelings for Eunji. My sixth sense is never wrong.
"Umma...." Eunji whined. 
"Alright! Let's go to school!" Onew cheered munching on his chicken
"YAH! Which idiot eats chicken in the morning for breakfast?!" I scolded. 
At school. Taemin's POV.
Eunji was siting beside me, she was dozing off.. Her nightmares must be really bad yesterday. Suddenly, her head hit the table causing her to jerk awake. I chuckles at her silliness causing her to give me a playful whack on my arm.. 
"Ok! Students, we will be having a project on the level of stress in Korea. Write a report in 2 weeks and hand it up to me. This project will be done in pairs. You can choose your own partners. I'll give you 5 minutes to choose a partner now." Mr Kim instructed.
"Eunj-" I was cut off by a girl in the class
"Taemin oppa! Partner me for the project!" She said acting cute 
"No me! Partner me! I'm prettier than her!" another said.
"Partner me..  I'll do anything for you." Another girl seductive and winked at me. 
"Partner me! I'm the top student of the class, your score will be really high if you partner me."
I looked at Eunji, her head was down and she was playing with her fingers. Did she really think I will choose the other girls because they were pretty or smart? Of course I will partner her, what is she thinking? 
I put my arm around Eunji shoulder "I'm partnering Eunji, the prettiest and sweetest person ever." I saw Eunji looking up at me in shock and blushing slightly. 
"What?! How is she pretty?!" A girl scoffed.  
"She is. She is prettier than all of you here." I said cooly. The girls sent death glares at Eunji and walked away. 
"W-Why did you choose me? There are so m-many other p-pretty girls and you could have partnered Min Jung, she is the top of the class, your scores will be really high" Eunji stuttered 
"You are pretty and spending time with you is more important than scores.... Why in the world will you think I'll pick them? Have more confidence in your self alright?" I said gently. "I'll try. Thank you." She said softly. I chuckled and ruffled her hair.
After school. Eunji's POV 
"Bye guys. I should go home already, I haven't been home for 2 nights." I told the rest calmly but j was really scared thinking that I'm going back to Appa and Unnie. 
I sighed and walk slowly home. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I quicken my pace and so did the footsteps. I turned around, closing my eyes tightly and started hitting the stalker hardly with my school bag. 
"Ow ow! Eunji stop! It's me!" I heard a familiar voice and the familiar warm hand holding on to my wrist. I open my eyes, to my surprise, it was Taemin.
"What are you doing here? Your house is the other direction" I asked 
"I'm following you home, I'm going to talk to your Unnie and Appa, I can't let you get abused again." Taemin said.
"Why didn't you say so?!"
"You will never agree, if I told you. Come on let's go." he picked up my bag that I dropped and placed his arms around my shoulders. He knows me too well, he was right, If  I knew I will definitely disagree. What is Appa turn violent on Taemin too? 
We reached my house, Taemin was about to open the door. I quickly grabbed on to his hand. "Let's not do this, I'll handle it but myself."
"Why? You will just get abuse again." Taemin said in concern
"What if Appa use violence on you too? It's fine if only Unnie is at home but today Appa is home early." 
"Don't worry, I have a plan that will make your Appa stop using violence." his eyes was full of confidence.
"What plan?"  he ignored me opened the door.
"Our little is finally back home. What did you do the last 2 nights? Hanging out with boys? Oh look. Who is this? So I am right , you have been hanging out with boys. Such a dirty girl" Appa said with a smirk. Taemin instinctively pulled me closer to him.
"Taemin?" Unnie said in shock.
"Eunjong sweetheart, you know that boy?" Appa asked sweetly.
"H-He is my ex boyfriend. Lee Taemin! You left me because of Eunji?" Unnie asked "How could you steal my boyfriend you !" Unnie spat.
"You piece of crap! How dare you steal your unnie's boyfriend!" i whimpered in pain as Appa yanked my arm roughly and pulled me out of Taemin's embrace. 
"Yah! You bastard let go of her! She is not the reason why I broke up with Eunjong! LET GO OF HER NOW!" Taemin growled
"Fine! I'll let go of her." Appa shoved me away. I groaned in pain again as my back landed against the corners of the coffee table. 
Taemin hurriedly ran to my side "Eunji ah! Are you alright?!" he asked in concern.
I nodded slowly. Taemin helped me stand up and stood in front of me to protect me from Appa and Unnie. "Stop abusing her! She is a human being with feelings! Oh.. Probably you won't care because you a sick and disgusting monster!" Taemin shouted at Appa.
I held Taemin's arm tightly "Oppa, don't! Just leave!" I urged.
Appa stomped towards Taemin and grabbed his collar. "What? Are you going to use violence on me too?" Taemin continued annoying Appa.
"Oppa! What the are you trying to do?! Stop it! Leave! Now!" I urged him again. 
"Oh you little punk! You think you are so great huh! You don't know how fun it is to abuse that little or what you call Eunji. It's such a pleasure seeing her screaming in pain and begging for forgiveness" Appa said with a smirk again. I cringed hearing what Appa just said.
"Please oppa, let's not do this! Just leave! right now!" I begged 
"Why don't we try some on you too?" Appa smirked. Before I could react, Appa punched Taemin in the face. The corners of Taemin's lips were bleeding and a bruise had formed on his left cheek. I quickly stood in front of Taemin. "Appa please don't beat him! Abuse me! Just me! Don't hit Taemin too!" I begged 
"Look you 2 helpless kids. You guys look so pathetic." Appa laughed 
Taemin open his bag and took out a piece of paper and his phone. "Look who is the pathetic one now ! This is a report of the injuries you have inflicted on Eunji. And this is a recording with what you have just said. I have full evidence of you abusing Eunji. If you abuse Eunji one more time I am going to give all these evidence to the police. "
I stared at Taemin in shock and he just showed me a proud smile. 
Appa tried to snatch his phone away, he dodged away. "Even if you destroy the evidence here, it's fine. I have copies of the report at home and I has just sent the recording to my friend, he must be making copies of is right now." Taemin smirked.
" Okay! I promise I won't hurt Eunji anymore! Please don't send the evidence to the Police!" Appa begged. It was the first time I saw Appa so vulnerable and helpless 
"I won't, but if you abuse her again I won't hesitate to turn you in. And Eunjong, it you abuse Eunji too, trust me, I'm just going to hate you more." Taemin said cooly.
"I won't! I promise! Don't hate me! And please! At least finish the dance showcase with me!" Unnie pleaded 
"I will. I won't give up the dance showcase. It is my dream and Eunji wants me to do it too." Taemin said and smiled brightly at me. 
Taemin pulled me towards my room "Come on! I want to spend sometime with you." I smiled at him and look back at Appa and Unnie. They were both looking down in shame. 
I closed my room door behind me. "Look! I told you it will work!" Taemin said in excitement and winced in pain, remembering the punch he received
"I'll go get ice for you." I opened the door and walked towards the kitchen.
Suddenly, Unnie ran to me and held my hands tightly."Eunji ah! I'm really sorry! Forgive me. Are you free tonight? I want to spend sometime with you." Unnie pleaded. 
I was having a hard time considering whether I should go out with Unnie. What if Unnie hurt me again? But her eyes was full of sincerity, maybe I should trust her for once.
"Okay... I am free."
"Yay! Thanks! What do you need I'll get it for you!" Unnie seemed like a totally different person now, like the Unnie I knew when I was younger.
"Ermm ice, for Taemin's bruise" I replied. She nodded and ran to get the ice. 
"Here you go!" She passed me some ice wrapped in a towel.
"Thanks." I said and she just smiled at me, that familiar warm smile that I missed so much.
I walked back into the room still dazed at Unnie's sudden change of personality.
I sat beside Taemin and place the ice on Taemin's cheek. "Thank you oppa. I owe you so much. Please don't do things like that just for me anymore. I was so scared when Appa punched you, I was scared he would get more violent! You don't know how violent he can get!"
"Getting hurt for you and to stop the torture is worth it. And I only have to endure it once, this fear and torture is part of your everyday life. What pain felt today, is the pain you endured for years. And you don't owe me anything, you gave me a lot just by staying beside me."
"Thank you so much for being in my life. Without you, I probably won't be here today. But oppa, how did you get that report?"
"Remember when you fainted in school? I asked the nurse to make a injury report."
"Woah... You are awesome!" I cheered. 
"Oh course I am!" he showed a wide smile and winced again.
"Yah! Don't move your cheeks so much! " I scolded 
"Okay okay I won't."
I continued holding the ice on Taemin's cheek. My mind drifted of to Unnie. Can a person's personality really change that fast? But Unnie was really nice to me when I was younger... I should just give a chance and stop doubting her. But I just can't stop my heart to feel a bit scared.
"Hey.. What's wrong? Is there something else bothering you? The ice melted already!" Taemin said gently. 
"Oh! I'm sorry! I was spacing out!" I said and stopped pressing the wet towel against his face.
"Hey.. Whats wrong?" He urged again
"Unnie asked me out, after you leave..... An I agreed." I mumbled 
"WHAT?! ARE YOU A PABO?! What if she hurts you? I'm not going to let you go !" Taemin said in shock.
"B-But oppa she looked like she really want to change, it's like the old her is back!" I protest 
"Old her?"
"She used to be really nice to me, and protects me in school, buys me sweets and she would hug me to sleep when I couldn't sleep. She would give me whatever I want. I loved her a lot. But suddenly, after umma's death Appa started abusing me. At first she would treat my wounds after the abuse and comfort me. I was happy to have her she meant the world to me. But one day, she joined Appa in abusing me and I have no idea why..." 
"Is that the reason why you don't want to report about your abuse?" Taemin asked. I nodded.
"Ok, now I understand why you won't report to anyone about your Unnie. But why won't you report your Appa? And seriously, if you didn't reject, I would like turn your Appa in already!"
"Yeah.. I want to find my old Unnie back. I didn't report Appa even though you and Key umma urge me to is because... Appa means a lot to Unnie and I don't want to take him away from her." I said softly. "I really miss the old her..,."
Taemin pulled me into a hug. "I'm sure we will find the real Eunjong back. Fine, I let you go out with her. But if anything happen you have to call me." 
I pulled out of his hug, "I will." 
Eunji's Flashback. 
"UNNIE! Nam soon pushed me!" I sobbed and ran into my Unnie's embrace. 
"Shhh don't cry, where is he? I'll teach him a lesson for you! How dare he bully my favorite dongseng?!" Unnie said. 
Unnie was 10 and I was 6 at that time. She was always protecting me and she took good care of me.
"Unnie my hand hurts." I sobbed and showed her my cuts.
"OMO! Ok let's not care about Nam soon, we have to treat your wounds!" Unnie made me wash the blood away and she cleaned of the wound carefully. I watched her in fascination as she blew my wound to make it hurt lesser. 
"Does it still hurt?" she asked. I nodded. "Here is a pororo plaster for my cute little Eunji." she gently stick the plaster to my palm. "And a small kiss." She kissed my wound on the plaster and showed me the warm smile of hers. "Does it feel better?"  I nodded and smiled back.
"Why don't we go and get some ice cream?!" she asked in excitement. I nodded my head and jumped up and down causing unnie laugh.
I remember waiting for Unnie to buy the ice cream while playing at the playground. But Unnie only came back with one come of ice cream. "Here you go! Strawberry! Our favorite!" Unnie passed the ice cream to me. We used to like the same flavor and we always bought the same thing.
"Unnie why didn't you buy one for yourself?" I asked my ice cream.
"I'm not hungry." she replied simply and watched me eat. But later on I realized she only had enough money for one cone of ice cream that day and she gave the whole cone to me without complaining.
I remember how I slept with her almost every night. I tiptoed passed the hallway and made way to Unnie's room. 
"Unnie!" I woke her up. She sat up and smiled at me. "What is it?" she asked.
"Can I sleep with you? I'm scared." I pouted. 
"Of course you can!" she let me climb on the her bed and every night I will sleep in her warm embrace. Although I have to wake her up and disturb her sleep, she never complained and welcome me all the time. She was mature for children of her age, it was normal since she grew up without her mom.
 I remember the reason she started dancing was because I told her looked pretty dancing. 
I remember playing with her at home and made a mess in the house. When my umma came home she will ask "WHO DID THIS?!" 
We would smile at each other and shout, "No one did it!" together and run into her room to continue playing.  
But it all changed when I was 10 and she was 14, she started hitting me and she became really mean to me, but I never found out why.... I tried to figure out something I did wrong that angered her but I couldn't think of anything....
End of flashback
Taemjn broke my thoughts as he wiped the tears away from my cheeks. "You must have really missed her.. " he said gently. 
"Huh?" I asked in shock
"You were dazing in space and tears wear forming, you were thinking of the old times aren't you?" he asked. "Yeah I was."
"Good luck in finding back your Unnie! You can do it! Eunji HWAITING!" He said and showed a hwaiting sign.
I nodded and smiled. "I'll leave now then, see you in school tomorrow. Call me if anything happens!" 
"I will! Stop nagging like an old grandpa!" I joked he sticked out his tongue at me and left my house 
I took a deep breath and knocked on unnie's room door. "Unnie, Taemin left already..." I said with a shaky voice..... Will I really be able to fine my old Unnie back?
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Hi guys!! I really need you guys to tell me whether you want jongkey to be a couple before I can write the next chapter! The votes seems even now!


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valeriemillenia #1
Chapter 29: Your fanfics are awesome (;
Love has no boundaries (:
shiningmint #2
darkangel715 #3
Chapter 29: Love ur story... first Taemin fic i have read to the end. I wasn't a fan until I saw him on WGM and realized that he is all grown up now but still irresistably cute... no noona can withstand his adorable smile
Chapter 16: Wrong wrong
Chapter 7: Ohh no My dear taemin it isn't XD
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhh :0
Chapter 3: I actually feel the same way about a boy in my class
Mitzi_pigginout #8
Chapter 28: AWEOME STORY!!! Please make a sequel for Minho amd Eunjong!!!