Chapter 14

Will you love me?


hi guys! So I decide to make jongkey a couple. I know some of you probably don't like it. But I hope you will continuing reading:)  and I know I took super long to write this chapt:( I'm so sorry guys... But anyway.. Sorry for the grammar errors. Hoe you enjoy it! Subscribe and comment! 
Jonghyun's POV
I look at Key's flawless face. His skin is so flawless, he looks prettier then so many other girls. I can look at his face for hours and not get tired. I his cheeks gently and said "Kibum ah. Do you know how much I love you? But if I tell you, you won't come to me for help and you will feel disgusted right? Of course you will, I'm a guy and you are a guy. It's just so wrong. But I can't stop my heart from loving you." I lowered my head and kiss his forehead.
Taemin's POV  Next morning in school
"Taemin ah, congrats on your new found girlfriend!" Onew hyung said.
"Ya! I can't believe this little boy got a girlfriend before me!" Minho hyung said face palming himself. 
"Haha! The competitive Choi Minho lost to Taemin in getting a girlfriend!" Jonghyun hyung teased. 
"Ya Choi! You should get a girlfriend too! You are taking too long to find one" Key umma said mockingly. 
"Taemin ah! Do you want to go for breakfast with me?" Noona said running to my side.
"Err I think I wanna walk to class with Eunji today. I haven't talk to her much after we started dating."
I replied.
"What?! But I'm your girlfriend and you choose your best friend over me? That's so unfair!" Eunjong noona protested.
"I'm sorry." I replied
Eunjong noona stomped away angrily. "Wow it seems tough to get a girlfriend!" Jonghyun hyung said.
"No! It's not tough. It's only tough when you date a like your Eunjong noona." Key umma
said sarcastically.
"Yah umma! Noona is not a . Ermm Umma talking about Eunji just now.. Where is she?" I asked.
"I don't know. She didn't reply my text this morning." Umma said with a concern look.
All of started to get worriedly. Until a small figure walked towards us. "Hi guys, sorry I was late. I woke up late today." Eunji said softly with her head down. 
"Umm Eunji ah, are you alright?" Jonghyun hyung ask gently.
"Yup. I'll go to class first. Since Taemin oppa will go to class with Unnie." Eunji muttered and started to walk away.
I quickly grab her hand "Wait! I told noona I'll go to class with you.  Because I haven't talk to you much recently."
"You did?" Eunji lifted her head up to look at me and quickly looked to the ground again.
Her eyes were red and puffy with dark eyes circles underneath. She looked as if energy was being drained from her. Her face was so pale the she looked like she was really sick.
The hyungs and I threw worried glances at each other. Umma went beside Jonghyun hyung and leaned against him. Jonghyun hyung hug him tightly and whispered things to him and sighed. What was happening to Eunji? Why does Jonghyun hyung and Key umma seem to know and I don't? 
"Should we get to class now?" I asked Eunji. Eunji nodded and started walking away. Why is she do weird today? Usually she would link arms with me and say "Bye" cheerfully to the rest of the hyungs. 
"Bye hyungs!" I said hurriedly at went after Eunji. I went after her and put my arms around her shoulder like usual. But this time, she stiffened and scooted away and said. "Oppa, you have a girlfriend now. You shouldn't have to much skinship with another girl!" Then she faked a laugh.
I looked at her weirdly and continued walking. If there is something wrong with Eunji, it's definitely about me. She keeps avoiding my gaze but yesterday when key umma was walking her home, she didn't protest when umma had skinship with her and did not avoid his gaze either. Did I do something wrong? 
"Hey! I don't think noona will mind." I said as I put my arms around her again. Once again, I felt her body stiffened against mine. My heart dropped. What's wrong with her? I friendship is like to breaking off. 
When lesson start, I can't help not pay attention to class. I was busy looking at Eunji, thinking back about what I did wrong. At the same time was thinking back about the good times we had together. It has only been a week but it seemed like I didn't talk to Eunji in ages. I never knew she was such a big impact in my life.
I wrote a note to her: Do you want to go for lunch with me? You can tell me whatever in your mind, I promise I won't tell anyone. 
Eunji tucked her long fringe behind her ears and quickly scribbled back: It's alright. You should spend more time with unnie. And I'm fine, there is nothing on my mind.
I look at her note for a few seconds. Is it me of EJ's handwriting and Eunji's handwriting looks so similar? Maybe it's similar because Eunjong noona is Eunji's unnie, that's why they have similar handwriting. Eunji looked so attractive when she put her fringe behind her ear like that.
I quickly write back to Eunji: But noona will understand. We haven't had time together for a long time. I  miss you.
My heart was pounding so hard as I watch her write back. I was hoping she was say "Yes" I really want to be there for her. She passed the paper back to me and she wrote: It's alright. We will have time next time. I don't want unnie to be unhappy with you because of me.
Before I could write back to convince her, the class bell rang and she rushed out of the class.
Eunji's POV.
Class finally started, I can't believe Taemin actually decided to walk to class with me instead of unnie. My heart was pounding so hard. Why does he have to make things so hard for me. When he put his arms around me just now, it just feels so right. I could feel myself tearing up. Why must I keeping crying for him? I peek through fringe, I could see him looking at me. I quickly bring my gaze back to my notebook that I was scribbling on.
Suddenly, Taemin passed a note to me: Do you want to go for lunch with me? You can tell me whatever in your mind, I promise I won't tell anyone. 
I really want to write "yes" and spent time with him again. But if I do that. I'll just make myself fall for him even further. I picked up my pen and quickly wrote :It's alright. You should spend more time with unnie. And I'm fine, there is nothing on my mind.
I saw Taemin frown while reading my reply. I'm sorry Taemin oppa. I can't do it. Then he pass the note back to me : But noona will understand. We haven't had time together for a long time. I miss you.
I miss you do much to Taemin ah. I really want to go for lunch with you. Once again tears welled up at my eyes. I peek at Taemin through my fringe again. I could see him looking at me with full of hope. But before I could change my mind I wrote : It's alright. We will have time next time. I don't want unnie to be unhappy with you because of me.
I felt tears at the corner of my eyes as I watch the light in Taemin's eyes disappear. 
Then, the bell rang. I rushed out of the class before Taemin could stop me. I ran straight to the roof top. I didn't know I was already crying until I felt that my cheeks were wet. 
I sat down hugging my knees and all the tear spilled out. Why must I keep crying for him? I have to stop. I already gave up this battle.
I was determined to stop crying for Taemin. From today onwards, Taemin will just be a friend like before.  With that mindset, I walk down for lunch to join the rest.
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Hi guys!! I really need you guys to tell me whether you want jongkey to be a couple before I can write the next chapter! The votes seems even now!


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valeriemillenia #1
Chapter 29: Your fanfics are awesome (;
Love has no boundaries (:
shiningmint #2
darkangel715 #3
Chapter 29: Love ur story... first Taemin fic i have read to the end. I wasn't a fan until I saw him on WGM and realized that he is all grown up now but still irresistably cute... no noona can withstand his adorable smile
Chapter 16: Wrong wrong
Chapter 7: Ohh no My dear taemin it isn't XD
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhh :0
Chapter 3: I actually feel the same way about a boy in my class
Mitzi_pigginout #8
Chapter 28: AWEOME STORY!!! Please make a sequel for Minho amd Eunjong!!!