Chapter 25

Will you love me?


Hi guys! You guys should really watch I hear your voice! That drama is like freaking awesome! Anyway... Sorry for the grammar errors, subscribe, comment and enjoy <3
Taemin's POV.
Things had been getting better. SHINee has been able to accept Eunjongz Although Minho still kinda thinks she is irritating and still dislikes Eunjong because of what she did to Eunji. But looking at how they bicker everyday, Minho doesn't have too much hatred towards her. Eunji is so much happier now and Eunjong and her have gotten really close. As for Jonghyun Appa and Key umma, they so madly in love. And onew hyung is a lot busier lately and we have no idea why. As for me, I am still working on the project with Eunji and the dance showcase with Eunjong. Most importantly I am trying to find the courage to confess to Eunji. 
I can't resist the feeling of wanting to hold Eunji's hand when we are walking, the urge to hug her or to kiss her anymore I don't know how long more I can control myself.... 
"Oppa! Here! Banana milk! You need the energy for dance practice later!" Eunji smiled brightly and passed me the banana milk. 
"Thanks" I ruffled her hair. Every time felt like doing something to her like hug her I will quickly change the direction of my hand to ruffle her hair. But things are getting harder. 
"Hey. We have to finish up the project the due date is coming soon! So I will go to your house after I bathe after dance practice? Like the other time." I asked her
"Sure!" Eunji replied.
Then Minho was digging thorough his bag pack. He was panicking and was desperately look for something. "Where is it?" He mumbled.
"What are you looking for?" I asked him.
"My wallet! I am sure I left it in my bag when we went to get food! But it's not there anymore!" He said.
"Did someone stole it?" Key umma asked. 
"It must be you!" Minho said and pointed at Eunjong." Only a monster like you will steal a wallet!" Minho accused Eunjong.
"Minho!" Key umma said in a warning tone 
"I'm not a monster! I didn't steal your wallet!" Eunjong protested.
"You are not?" Minho scoffed. "You beat the out of your sister everyday! She comes to school like she is about to faint all the time! You are a heartless monster to that to you own sister!" Minho raised he voice. I never knew Minho still thought of Eunjong as a monster I thought he had forgiven her. But now it seems like that's not the case.
"I know it was heartless! That's why I am changing! It's alright if you hate me for that but I didn't steal your wallet! Don't accuse me like that! What evidence to you have?!" She protested about to burst to tears. 
"Minho oppa! Unnie won't do something like that!" Eunji protested. I believe that Eunjong wont do anything like that too. Eunji did tell me that Eunjong only became mean because she was jealous of Eunji which means she isn't as mean as we thought.
"Eunji! Don't protect your unnie after what she did to you! If its not that monster who else can It be? She is the only one that said she is going to the bathroom when we were buying food! She probably did that to steal my wallet!" Minho shouted.
"Hey! How can you accuse a person like that! I really went to the bathroom! Please believe me I did go to the bathroom. It's not me! It's really not me!" Eunjong said with desperation in her voice.
"Fine! Then let's me search your bag!" Minho said. "Minho! Don't be so unreasonable. We all promised to accept her. I can't believe you broke the promise and still see her as a monster! We all can see she is changing!" Onew scolded.
"Hyung! Why are you on her side! If it's not her than it will not be in her bag! So why can I just check it?!" Minho asked. He grabbed Eunjong's bag and poured the content out. What shocked us was that Minho's wallet did come out of Eunjong's bag. Eunjong gasped in shock and stood rooted to the ground, unable to react.
"I knew it! It was you! You freaking monster! I can't believe we are actually spending time with a horrible person like you!" Minho shouted into Eunjong's face. Minho grabbed his bag and stomped away angrily.
Tears fell from Eunjong's face. "It's really not me! Please believe me! I really don't know how it ended up on my bag! It's not me." Eunjong begged. "Unnie...." Eunji was too shock from what had just happened. 
"Hey... Don't cry! We know it isn't you." Jonghyun said and tried to calm Eunjong down.
"Yeah. Me and Jjong saw you walking out of the bathroom and after that you went to queue to get your food. You didn't go back to the table! How can it me you right? Don't cry..." Key umma comforted.
"Thank you." Eunjong said softly. Eunji ran over to hug her and rubbed her back gently. "Minho is just going to hate me more... What am I going to do.." Eunjong mumbled.
"Eunjong noona, let's just go for dance practice and forget about everything okay? Just ignore Minho he is being such a jerk." I said. "Y-You called me noona?" Eunjong asked in shock.
I nodded and smiled "You are a part of us now. Noona!" I emphasized on the word Noona making Eunjong laugh.
"Thank you all so much." Eunjong show a grateful smile.
"Don't thank us.. It's you who show us that you are really changing for the better, it's that stupid Minho who can't see it. It's alright don't mind him alright?" Onew showed a warm smile. 
"And I really take back my words for calling you a or monster. You are really not one..." Key smiled and hugged Eunjong lightly.
Eunjong just stood that speechless as tears spilled out of her eyes again. Jonghyun laughed "Pabo. Why are you crying again?" 
"I'm just so touched." Eunjong smiled. Apart from the Minho's wallet issue it was a heart warming lunch. I don't blame Minho hyung for taking a longer time to forgive Eunjong noona though. He is like that since young. He takes a longer time to accept and trust people. That time he to a long time to accept Eunji too, even though he didn't dislike her he just couldn't trust people that fast. That's why, although he is popular but he don't have much close friends that he really accept. Actually, it's only us.
"Aigoo... Don't cry already! You and Taemin should quickly go for dance practice, you guys don't want to be late!" Jonghyun gave a warm smile.
"Noona! Let's go! Bye Eunj! See you at your house later!" I pinched Eunji's chubby cheeks. "Oppa...." she whined while rubbing her cheeks.
We walked towards the dance studio and Eunjong noona was still looking troubled. "Noona... What's wrong?" 
"Minho... He really hates me doesn't he? And because of the incident just now he is going to hate me more...." Eunjong said softly.
"I don't think he hates you, but he just can't accept you. Don't worry about it. And you need to focus during dance practice today! If not Mr Jung might request for you to drop out and all Eunji's effort will be gone." I told her
"About Eunji, when are you going to confess?" Eunjong urged.
"I can't! What if she don't like me that way? Everything will change if I confess!" I protested.
"Trust me... Everything will change for the better if you confess." Eunjong said 
If I confess, Eunji may become my girlfriend like what I dream of. But if she don't will we still be close friends? Or will we be really awkward with each other? Or will she reject all the skinship we have now? Can I risk all this? 
Suddenly, Eunjong walked in front of me and blocked my pass. She place her hand on my shoulder and stared deeply into me. "Trust me. Everything will be fine."
I pushed her hand away, "I can't do it now noona! My head is in a mess!" and speed walk towards the dance studio without waiting for her.
Minho's POV
I sat at the grandstand watching the beautiful soccer field. No matter what I did to forget, that monster's expression in the cafeteria kept popping up in my head. Tears was streaming down her cheeks, she didn't look like she was lying. Did I really misunderstood her? 
But apart from that monster who would still my wallet? Plus, my wallet did come out of her bag. 
"Minho sunbae! Minho sunbae!" a junior ran up to me and sat beside me. "I'm so glad I found you she panted" 
"Find me?" I asked her in confusion.
She nodded "I have something important to tell you." Her hands were shaking on her lap and she bit her lips. She look down on her lapping not giving me any eye contact,
"Something important?" I asked in confusion in again. What in the world is she taking about? 
She nodded and took a deep breath. " I am Kim Do yeon, a junior a year younger than you. And because we are juniors we did something reckless that caused you some problems. My friends and I really didn't mean it!" She said in desperation.
I squint my eyes and look at her 
suspiciously. "What are you talking about?" I asked in a low voice.
"J-Just now at the cafeteria..." she started. At the cafeteria? "My friends and I were playing truth and dare. And they gave me a dare." She continued. What in world is she talking about? A dare? "The dare was to take your wallet and take a picture of your picture on your student card. So when SHINee sunbae went to get food with Eunji and Eunjong went to the toilet, I secretly went to your bag and took your wallet. I took a picture of your student card but because Eunjong sunbae was looking in my direction, I got a shock and quickly placed your wallet into you bag. But, because I was in a hurry and both Eunjong sunbae's bag and your bag are black, I placed it into her bag by accident. But when I realized it was too late because you guys were already back at your table. And that's how your misunderstanding with Eunjong sunbae started. I heard everything and I felt really bad. I'm sorry for causing everything. I hope this will help you solve your misunderstandings" She said sincerely.
Did I just hear everything correctly? I actually wrongly accused that monster? But can this girl be reliable?
"W-whatever you said was true?" I asked her.
She nodded. "I am very sorry! Please forgive me." she said and have me a 90 degrees bow. 
I pat her head. "It's okay. Thank you for telling me the truth" I smiled lightly. She smiled back and made her way towards the cafeteria again. What if that monster is the one that sent this girl? But she didn't seem like she I lying and I did see her eating in the cafeteria. She was with her friends and they were a table away from us. 
I guess I really did wrongly accused that monster.. But how am I going to apologize to her? Aish! This is so embarrassing. I really did hurt her feelings just now.
I walked to my lockers and saw Onew hyung taking his books too. "Hi Hyung..." I greeted softly. He close the locker door and looked at me. "Is there anything wrong?" he asked warmly.
"I -I wrongly accused Eunjong, some juniors had a dare to take a picture of my student pass and after they took out my wallet from my bag they put it back into Eunjong's bag thinking it was mine bag. What should I do? Apologizing to her is so embarrassing. She is totally going to mock me." I groaned.
Onew looked at me deeply and said " But you know that apologizing is the right thing to do right? Eunjong is really afraid that you hate her now. So if you apologize to her, she won't mock you she will just be really happy." Onew gave me a hug.
"Thanks hyung!" I smiled 
"You're welcom- OH CRAP I AM GOING TO BE LATE!" Onew hyung exclaimed and ran off.
"Hyung! Where are you going?" I asked but he didn't answer me. Onew has been a lot busier lately, he used to be really free. But now be always seems to have something on.
Eunji's POV 
I was siting on the couch waiting for Taemin. "Eunji ah! Where's Appa?" Unnie asked. "I think he had a business trip to Daegu!" I replied.
" Taemin is coming over right? Shall I make some food?" Unnie shouted from the kitchen.
"Okay! Thanks unnie!"
'Ring Ding Dong!' it must be Taemin. I ran to the door to open the door. He was wearing skinny jeans, while shirt with a leather jacket. Oh god, how can he look 
 so good.
"Hey! Is there anything on my face? Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked while touching his face.
"N-Nothing!" I stuttered. Taemin chuckled and ruffled my hair as I died with embarrassment.
I pulled Taemin into my room as we started on the project. I felt Taemin stealing glances at me. Aish if he keeps doing that, how am I suppose to focus? 
Taemin's POV.
Eunji is radiating with beauty as usual. I can help but steal some glances at her. "Oppa, are you hungry? I think unnie made some food." Eunji asked.
"Of course! The Lee Taemin is always hungry!" I said making her laugh. 
"I'll be right back!" she smiled and skipped out of her room.
After she left the room from a few seconds, I realized the laptop was about to run out of battery. "Eunji ah! Where is your laptop charger? It's about to run out of battery!" I shouted so she could hear me in the kitchen.
"It's in the study table drawer!" she shouted back. I opened the drawer an took out the charger. But something else caught my eye. With shaky hands I reached for the familiar pale blue envelope placed in the same drawer. It was the same envelope that EJ used and the letter was addressed to me. How come I never got this letter and why is it with Eunji? My heart thumped against my ribcage do hard as I open the envelope.
Dear Taemin,
I need to tell you something very important. You may hate me forever but no matter what I need to tell you who I am. I am Eunji. EJ is me, Eunji. I'm sorry Taemin. I know I promised not to hide anything from you but I am really scared to tell you who I am. I fear that our friendship will be destroyed and I don't want to risk it because I don't know why to do without you in my life.
 I know I'm not someone up to standard to be your girlfriend. I know you will never like someone like me. I'm sorry for falling in love with you Taemin. I didn't expect this to happen too. I'm really sorry. Just If I didn't fall in love with you nothing will happen. This is all my fault. So.... I don't expect you to like me back but I just hope our friendship will be able to be continued. I really need you Taemin, you are my lover, my older brother and my best friend...
 Well, that's all. I love you.
 The person who loves you forever and always
And your best friend
Then it hit me, Eunji was EJ all along! That's why their hand writing is so damn alike. That's why they are always saying the same words! That's why she acted so weirdly when I told her Eunjong was EJ and when I started dating noona she avoided me. Everything is fitting in place now! That time when there was blood on the letter was because her Appa stabbed her wrist with a broken beer bottle!   Her second letter that as wrote to thank me all made sense now.
How could I be so oblivious? But I felt a sense of bliss in my heart. Eunji loved me too. I can't wait to confess to her. I read the letter over and over again not believing what was actually happening. That silly why did she think I would hate her because she confess? Even if I don't like her, I will still be her friend, she is just so insecure.
"Oppa! Unnie have not finish cooking the mandu (Korean fried dumpling) so I got us banana milk first. Sorry for taking so long I couldn't find it!" She said while waking into the room. She looked at me and stared at the letter in shock. 
"O-Oppa..." she stuttered. I smiled and walked towards her. I can't wait to break the news that I love her so much. That I want to kiss and hug her badly. I can't wait to see that overjoyed expression on her face.
But as I walked closer to her. She took a step back and looked at me with wide eyes b with tears. As I tried to reach out to her, she dropped the two bottle of banana milk and ran away.
"EUNJI AH!" I panicked and chased after her. Her reaction was so unexpected. Before I could react she was out of the house and no where to be seen.
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Hi guys!! I really need you guys to tell me whether you want jongkey to be a couple before I can write the next chapter! The votes seems even now!


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valeriemillenia #1
Chapter 29: Your fanfics are awesome (;
Love has no boundaries (:
shiningmint #2
darkangel715 #3
Chapter 29: Love ur story... first Taemin fic i have read to the end. I wasn't a fan until I saw him on WGM and realized that he is all grown up now but still irresistably cute... no noona can withstand his adorable smile
Chapter 16: Wrong wrong
Chapter 7: Ohh no My dear taemin it isn't XD
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhh :0
Chapter 3: I actually feel the same way about a boy in my class
Mitzi_pigginout #8
Chapter 28: AWEOME STORY!!! Please make a sequel for Minho amd Eunjong!!!