Chapter 13

Will you love me?

Eunji POV.

Everyone went home alr. Only key umma was with me. He said that he was worried that something will happen to me on the way home. I guess he thinks I'll do something stupid. "Eunji ah. Can you show some emotions? You are scaring me! If you want to cry just cry everything out! You freaking look like a zombie right now!" Key stood in front of me with a concern look.
"You are right. I am a zombie. I'm an ugly zombie. That's why Taemin will never fall in love with me." I feel like dying. 
"What?! Shut up Eunji! That's not what I mean!" Key raised his voice.
"Key umma. I'm so tired. Can I just give up. Let's just let unnie date Taemin. I'm tired of this battle." I was at the verge of crying.
"I know how you feel. But you deserve Taemin's love so don't give up alright?"
"You will never understand what I am feeling now! It's so damn painful!" I shouted
"Fine.I may not totally understand how you feel but I'm here to help you so don't give up!" Key said 
"I really feel like giving up right now.. I can take it anymore key! I really can't!" I mumbled and walked towards my house. "Thanks for all the effort and care Key umma. But I don't want to fight with unnie for Taemin anymore. I guess we are just not meant to be together. There is no point pushing on something that will never happen." my voice was shaky as I said that. I walked into my house and closed the door without looking back at Key umma.
Key's POV
My poor Eunji. Why is her life do miserable? She doesn't deserve this. Even if she is going to give up on this battle... I'll never give up. But what should I do now? 
No matter what, I have to do something to help Eunji. Eunji and Taemin is obviously in love with each other. I can see it from Taemin's eyes when he is concern about Eunji's well-being. That stupid boy, why cant he see that the one he love is Eunji  and that person that loves him is Eunji not that . I have to help them.
Taemin's POV 
Noona and I are holding hands waking around the park where me and Eunji met for the first time.  The atmosphere was really awkward. Non of us are talking. Even if this happens when I'm with  Eunji or the rest of the hyungs we won't feel awkward, we will just enjoy each other's company,
"Taemin ah. This is so boring. I never knew you were such a boring person." Noona said with an irritated tone. Her words made me loose confidence.
"Umm sorry...." I replied. Avoiding noona's gaze.
"Yeah whatever. Now that you know your mistake, make sure you plan the next date properly. I can't stand how boring this is. I'm going home bye." Noona left me standing there alone and walked home by herself.
Why is she acting like such a ? It's so different from all the letters she wrote me. Why does all this seem so wrong? Its not how I wanted things to be. AISH I'm so confused.
Key's POV.
"Jonghyun hyung..." I called jonghyun hyung. Whenever I'm down he is the only one that can calm me down.
"Key? Are you okay? You sound really weird!  Where are you? I will come and get you now! Wait there! Don't move!" Jonghyun hyung sounded really worried
"I'm fine just a little upset. I'm at the park near Eunji's house. But I'll go to your house myself then." I replied.
"Aniya Aniya.. I'll come get you." jonghyun said and I heard the starting of a car through the phone.
"No buts!" and he hanged up the phone. I can take control over and take care of Taemin , Eunji and sometimes Minho and Taemin. But I can never take control and care of Jonghyun. He is always taking care of me, guiding me like an older brother. I wonder what I will do without him. This is probably how Eunji thinks of Taemin that's why she doesn't eat to take the risk to confess... But I think if she does, Taemin will accept it! He obviously like her.
"Earth to Kim kibum! Hello?" Jonghyun hyung was waving at face. "Yah! Kim Kibum stop stoning away." he shouted.
I chuckled. "Yah! What's so funny!?" Jonghyun hyung asked.
"Nothing!" I said.
"Alright! Let's go to my house!" be said and pulled me into his car.
As we drove pass Eunji's house. I can't stop thinking about how miserable Eunji is feeling right now. "Kibum ah... Turn that frown into a smile! I hate to see you frown. What's bothering you? It's Eunji isn't it. She is acting really strange for quite a while. And you seem to know what's happening! Please tell me! I'll try to help you."
"I dunno.. Eunji will not like it if I told you..."
"AISH alright."
When we reach Jonghyun's house, "Go sit on the couch . I'll get you a drink." I pulled on to his arm and said "Wait. I think I should tell you. I can't do this by myself."
Jonghyun look at me confused and he sat down next to me. I took a deep breath. He saw my nervousness and pulled me close to him. My head was leaning on to his chest and he said "It's alright take your time."
"Eunji.. Eunji she has a crush . I made her write letters to her crush and sign of as Anonymous just to make her feel better. She wrote. Her crush read her letter and started to like her. But he thought another girl wrote the letter instead of Eunji and he and that other started to date. Eunji is so heartbroken right now and it's all my fault. If I didn't ask her to write that stupid letter nothing would have happen. Urgh. This is all my fault..." 
Jonghyun pulled me into an embrace and said "Its not you fault you were just trying to help her."
"B-But she say she is going to give up fighting for her crush! What am I going to do?" I asked
"I'm sure your almighty brain will be able to think of something. So smile!" and he used his fingers to push my lips upwards.
"Hope so.." I sighed.
"Alright. Go to sleep now. You look exhausted. You will fell better when you wake up."
That night I slept in Jonghyun's house in his arms against his chest. I felt so safe. I hope I can help Eunji.

hi guys! I have something to ask! SHOULD I LET JONGKEY BE A COUPLE?! Umm yeah.. So tell me about your opinions in the comments! Thanks for reading! Comment and subscribe~

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Hi guys!! I really need you guys to tell me whether you want jongkey to be a couple before I can write the next chapter! The votes seems even now!


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valeriemillenia #1
Chapter 29: Your fanfics are awesome (;
Love has no boundaries (:
shiningmint #2
darkangel715 #3
Chapter 29: Love ur story... first Taemin fic i have read to the end. I wasn't a fan until I saw him on WGM and realized that he is all grown up now but still irresistably cute... no noona can withstand his adorable smile
Chapter 16: Wrong wrong
Chapter 7: Ohh no My dear taemin it isn't XD
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhh :0
Chapter 3: I actually feel the same way about a boy in my class
Mitzi_pigginout #8
Chapter 28: AWEOME STORY!!! Please make a sequel for Minho amd Eunjong!!!