Chapter 26

Into a New World?

While all the conflict was going on in Chanyeol's household, Sunny leaned back on her giant fluffy pink pillows and smiled widely to herself. Her plan so far was coming together nicely. All she had to do now is to ruin Jessica so that Chunji would come running straight into her delicate little arms. 


Sunny has been brain-storming over the past few days, thinking of ideas on how to banish Jessica from the surface of the earth. She inspected her own nails and cringed slightly at the sight of a small chip on her index finger's nail. Sunny sighed in annoyance and fished out her cell phone from her handbag. Before she went ahead to call her manicurist to lodge a few complaints on how the nail polish was not long lasting at all, she scrolled through her unread messages. To her surprise, there was a message from Chanyeol. She opened the message quickly and scanned through it.


"Ms. Sunny, this is  Chanyeol's parents. We want to apologize from the bottom of our hearts for our son's wrong-doings towards you. We honestly had no idea what was going on at school and thought that he was doing fine. You don't have to worry about any more harrassment from him. We've grounded him for the whole period that he's going to stay at home. We are going to discipline him and hopefully, he'll become a better man soon and apologize to you personally."


Sunny raised her eyebrows and smirked at the message she just read. This was exactly what she expected. With Chanyeol away for a few days, her devilish plans would be much easier since Chanyeol would not be there to interfere like he always does.


She typed a quick reply to Chanyeol's parents and immediately dialled Chunji's number after that. Chunji answered the call almost immediately, without even checking the caller ID. He was just so anxious that he thought that every phone call or text message he got was from Chanyeol. "Hello?" he said frantically.


"Chunji oppa!" Sunny cooed, "It's great to hear your voice again!"


Chunji's heart fell to the floor after hearing Sunny's voice through the receiver. All his hopes just went down the drain like that. He rolled his eyes at her stupid statement and replied, "What do you want this time, Sunny?"


"Oh, I just want to tell you that I know about the whole situation of Chanyeol and his parents," Sunny said.


"And...?" Chunji snapped, "I know about it too! What's your point for calling me? Just to remind me that it was you who got him into this whole situation in the first place? Well, I also know that pretty well already. So, you should just shut up and mind your own business from now on. You're full of crap."


"Excuse you!" Sunny gasped dramatically, "it was not my fault that Chanyeol got suspended! I am pretty positive that the Headmaster said Chanyeol was suspended for ually assulting a fellow female student. That is a very legitimate reason for a suspension! And also, how dare you say that I am full of crap? I certainly am not." 


"It's not a legitimate reason when the girl was just faking everything!" Chunji shouted through the phone, "You are so full of crap that I can't even stand listening to you on the phone right now. If you don't have anything more useful to say, you might as well just hang up the phone right now!"


Sunny whimpered loudly, "No, wait oppa! I know how to make Chanyeol's parents forgive him and the headmaster to drop all the suspension and punishments! Please, just hear me out now. I'm sure you would do anything to save your friend, right?"


Chunji's ears actually perked up at that statement. He didn't want to believe it but hey, anyone in his position would. "What do you mean by that? You're just gonna bribe the whole school and his parents?" Chunji scoffed.


"No, I really do know how to fix it," Sunny said in a more serious tone, for once, "I have a lot of good connections if you didn't know. We can make this work out somehow. You just have to trust me on this one."


"Trust you?" Chunji scoffed loudly, "Is trust or honesty even in your dictionary?"


"I swear on my life I do!" Sunny squeaked, "All you have to do is believe me. And just meet up with me. Just once. Once is all I need. I swear that I won't ask you to meet me for a second time."


There was a silence on the other end of the line as Chunji was contemplating what to do. He really wanted to help Chanyeol get out of this entire mess and make his parents believe him but then at the same time, he absolutely hated Sunny and did not want to deal with her in general.


"Whatever, I don't need a straight answer from you," Sunny suddenly said after a few minutes of silence, "Just be ready by 10am tomorrow. I'll be going to your apartment do all the planning and several procedurs." And after that, she hung up the phone.


Chunji was left dumbfounded as his phone buzzed. He shook his head and rubbed his temples. Jessica had been watching him speak on the phone the whole time and she felt rather worried. "Who was that?" She asked Chunji in a gentle tone.


"That was Sunny," Chunji sneered, "She said she had some magic way to get Chanyeol out of all that trouble. Honestly, I don't believe her at all. She was the one who got him into this mess. Why would she want to help him get out of it?"


Jessica frowned. She thought for a while and then spoke again. "But Chunji, you should not just judge people by what they have done previously. People can always change and you can never predict what is going to happen. I think that it would be a great idea if the two of you work together to help Chanyeol out a little bit."


Chunji closed his eyes in exhaustion and thought about what Jessica had just said. Indeed, she was right about the part where people should change and how the past is the past. But how can any sane person trust Sunny?


"You're right, Jessica..." Chunji said slowly, "If I really want to help Chanyeol out, I will have to make sacrifices."

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RatihFebrianti #1
Chapter 28: I still waiting for next chapter >\\<
Keep writing, author-nim >\\<
Chapter 28: Sunny-ah. What a brilliant plan have you done to my CHUNSICA ! Poor our Chunji~ ;P . Yahh , Sica gonna to leaves ? NOOOOO !! Please update soon , Author-nim :)
SoYou__Angel #3
Chapter 28: Aaaaarrrrrgh, want badly to kill Sunny!! Hate her so much! If she can listen to ChunJi... Poor ChunJi and Chanyeol.. Want to.know the next chapter please ^^
SoYou__Angel #4
Chapter 27: Lee Sunkyu aka Sunny!!! What the hell are you gonna doing now? you ing ... don't you just leave chunsica and Chanyeol in Peace?? haha..., She is really the type of girls that everyone hates LOL! i love your ff.., ChunJi and Jess are so sweet and look good together! Chanyeol is so kind and Sweet towards chunsica! ChunJi and Chanyeol!! total loving their friendship!! i ship them now... hope you keep writing please because i want to see what will happen when Jess will wake up? Does she will go back to her native country? what about her mother and the prince? so many question.. c:
Chapter 27: wow. i'm not amused at all-.- SUNNY CAN YOU PLEASE NOT =.=' fuar
yulkim #6
Chapter 26: finally you've update!!
ouhh sunny!! what a crazy plan do you've prepare to??
dont make jessica in any problem this time fufufu :3
i always put my careness on chanyeol poorness bwahahaha XD
keep updating!